surprise daughter // greys an...

By Darkdanniel

251K 3.3K 452

BEFORE YOU READ !! I made this book when I was 15-16, the writing is mid and sometimes it might not make any... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Authors note!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 22

2.8K 47 9
By Darkdanniel

"Meredith keep her head steady while I call an ambulance" I said grabbing my phone

I quickly dialed 911 "991 whats your emergency" the lady said

"My daughter collapsed and started seizing we need an ambulance right away" I yelled into the phone

"Sir calm down an ambulance is on its way to your phone location stay calm" she told me

"I can't calm down. We were just eating dinner and she had a fricking seizure hell im a Neurosurgeon and I have no idea what the hell is going on with my own daughter" I told her

"It's going to be okay" the lady then said, I hung up because the paramedics were banging on the door

I opened it up "what happened" a paramedic asked

"We were eating dinner in her room and she dropped her fork then just collapsed then started seizing" I told them as we walked upstairs I lead them into her room seeing Meredith holding on to her and to see Sarah's eyes open that lasted two minutes when her eyes rolled back and her seizing started up again

"We need to get her to the hospital immediately" a paramedic said, we got her on the gurney and rushed into the ambulance. Meredith and I got into the ambulance with her we quickly got to Seattle grace the paramedic opened the door

"Shepherd, Grey? What the hell" bailey said then saw Sarah in the gurney

"She had a seizure we need a head ct and a shotgun work up" Meredith stuttered

"You can't make that decision Meredith, page peds and neuro" Bailey yelled

We watch as they take Sarah into a trauma room, I take a crying Meredith in my arms shushing her quietly moving her out of the ER "hey what are you two doing here?" Cristina asked

"Sarah started seizing out of nowhere" Meredith sobbed

"Oh my god where is she" she asked

"In one of the trauma rooms" I then told her

Cristina quickly walked into the ER, I kiss Merediths forehead and lead her into the waiting room I sit us down in some chairs rubbing her back "it's going to be fine, lay your head on my shoulder take a breather" I told her trying to have her calm down

"How are you so calm derek" she asked looking up

"Because I'm being calm for the both of us, now doctors orders take a breather okay?" I nodded at her, she nodded back and we just both sat there in silence looking at other families crying and waiting to see their family.

A couple hours later Sarah gets admitted to the hospital, she just came back from surgery and is currently asleep. Dr Nelson comes in to give the news "unfortunately Sarah's labs came back and she has a pediatric brain tumor, Ependymoma is the type of tumor she has. I know you've seen this a lot Dr. Shepherd but I need to asked you two a few questions" he asked us, we nodded

"was this Sarah's first seizure?" He asked

"yes" we answered at the same time

"Have you notice any changes in Sarah's behavior?" He then asked us

"I mean today she acted out at us because Meredith called her sarbear but that's it" I told him

"And that other time when her teacher called me because she yelled at her in the middle of class a couple of time" Meredith added

"When was that call" Nelson asked us

"Two days ago" she told Nelson

"Last question have you notice her rubbing her head a lot" he asked

"yes, a lot I've asked her multiple times why and she just ignores us" I then said

"So she has brain cancer? Our 7 year old baby girl has brain cancer and we didn't know. Derek you see this almost everyday how did you not catch it?" Meredith said getting mad

"Maybe because I didn't want to think my daughter had a tumor or brain cancer for that matter Meredith. You can't get mad at me" I told her

"Anyways as you know there are multiple treatments for this, as you know surgery is the main reason in the surgery we just did we could only get half of the tumor out because of how big it was, the next treatment is radiation and radiation therapy, chemo will not work for most cases of Ependymoma tumors. Surgery will always be an option of radiation doesn't work" Nelson told us

"Thank you" Meredith said, I looked at her she had puffy red eyes but yet she still looked so beautiful

"I will leave you three alone if you need me please please page" he said then left the room

I looked at my sleeping daughter then back at Meredith "she's going to be okay" I told her, then gave her a kiss.

Everything will be okay.

Okay hi! This book is getting reads and I'm really excited about that ! I really hope you are all enjoying this book if you have any suggestions please comment ❤️

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