Rhythm of my heart ( student...

By Jojowerewolf

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Rythum of my heart ( student/teacher relationship)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chaper 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 part 1
Chapter 12 part 2
Chapter 13
Chatper 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

645 14 0
By Jojowerewolf

Chapter 6

It had been two week since Mr. Williams started teaching and moved in with us. I've gotten used to it but I'm still pretending to be mad at him. It was Saturday and I was getting ready to go the movies with Emma. Rose was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels, Jason was reading the paper looking like an old man, and Emmett ...... Wait where is Emmett?

"Hey, Rose where's Mr. Williams?" I asked still using his formal name. She looked up at me shrugged and went back the tv.

"I think his still sleeping, Jay you'd better wake him up." She said, waving me off to get him. I sat next to her grabbed the remote and flipped it to WORLDS DUMBEST.... CRIMINALS. "HEY!" She yelled as I put the remote under my leg.

"Why do I have to wake him? It's a Saturday, he can sleep in." I said as a man tried rob a store with a fake gun.

"Because he's your ride to the movies baby doll." She said, climbing over me and pulled at the remote. I frowned at her snatched the remote from my leg and put now under my butt, Rose smirked at me raised her arms in surrender and went back to watching the show.

"I thought you were taking me?" I protested.

"I was but something came up so Jason and I can't take you." She stated laughing at what was on. I groaned got up and started walking to the guest room, as Rose quickly grabbed the remote and resumed flipping through channels. I open the door with out knocking walked to the bed and pulled off the covers. (yeah I was really sweet when Rose told me stuff last minute.) But to my surprise he wasn't there, I heard a door open to my left and I again was surprised. There standing before me was Mr. Williams only dressed in a towel, he was dripping wet. My eyes wondered up and down from his strong chest to his six pack, then they rested on his face that looked very amused smirk on it. I spun around as soon as I felt me cheeks heated up.

"Was there something you wanted or....?" He said, I heard him walk closer and closer to me.

"Rose says you have to take me to the movies..." I said, I could feel his hot breathe hit my neck, my heart started racing. He was really close, something wet hit my neck and I flinched as two more drops hit. I turned slightly to see that we were less than an inch away from each other.

"I know Rose told me already. Are you still mad at me Jazz?" Emmett asked with a curious look on his face. I hit his arm backing away a bit so I could look at him properly, big mistake. I got an eyeful of him again blush was definitely came to my cheeks. Emmett smiled at my embarrassment.

"N-no, Mr. Williams I don't know what would make you think I was mad." I said composing myself as best as I could. I saw a shirt sitting on the bed with a pair of pants and boxers thrown next to it. "Now, get dressed or I'll be late for the movie."

"Then why don't you call me Emmett anymore? And what are you seeing?" He asked, as I turned around so he could put on his boxers. I kind of wanted to turn around to see him in the full sexy package. (What am I thinking his my teacher! He might be hot but I'd sooner date Eric then my teacher.)

"The perks of being a wall flower." I said, brushing the first question off and started playing with a loose sting on my green m&m shirt.

"I heard it was really good, I hope you like it." He said walking up next to me, slipping his shirt over his head. "Well lets go, Jazz."

"Sure thing Mr. Williams." I said trotting off, he looked mad at me when I said Mr. Williams again. I snickered at him as he tried to ketch up to me. I reached for the door knob only to be beaten to it. Emmett open it leaning down to my ear and whispered.

"Stop calling me Mr. Williams outside school, it's Emmett." He said, leaning back I glared back at him but I smiled hit him on the arm.

"Bye Rose. Bye Jason see you after the movies I hope." I yelled before walking past Emmett who was looking puzzled at me now. "Well aren't you coming, ....Emmett?" He smiled when I finally gave and said his name.




< I'm on my way, hooker. Y u buggin'? >

- me

< Cuz Prince Charming wants 2 see his real princess!>


< WAIT WAT! Zack wants to see me!>


< Yeah, and he's unattached... ;)>


I smiled wildly at he though, I noticed Emmett was looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"What?" I asks looking at him with a silly face.

"Who's Prince Charming." He asked smirking, I hit him in the side. He laughed acting like my hit didn't mean a thing.

"Don't read my text messages!" I said glaring at him and shoving my phone in my pocket.

"Who's Prince Charming?" He asked again pulling to the side of the road, and was now looking straight at me now,I blushed. I didn't want to tell him because he might tell Jason but something in his eyes dragged it out of me.

"It's Zack Oaks. Don't tell Jason he'll kill him." I said, Emmett didn't look happy that I told him who it was but he want to know in. ( what's his probably?) I thought. He didn't start the car back up, I wanted to say something but bit my tongue when he spoke again.

"Why don't you drive?" He asked, (random) I looked back at him puzzled. "You do have a drivers license, don't you?"

"... Yeah I have a license but I don't have a car and I hate driving." I said sheepishly, looking down at my shirt. "It's really random question."

"You hate driving? I thought that all kids wanted to drive one day."

"Hey, I'm not a kid!" I said, "yes I hate driving. It's just I'm scarred I'll mess up and kill someone."

"Well that's understandable I'm still scarred of doing that." He said, putting his hand over mine, I looked at it blushing a little at how perfectly it looked with mine. "You'll go driving with me once in a while okay. I bet Jason tried but that made you really nervous right?" I nodded, he smiled making plans to make me drive around sometime. My phone vibrated rapidly, I answered and it was Emma screaming at me to get my ass there before Zack gets tired and calls May.

"We'd better go Emma is going to kill me if I don't get there like now."

"Okay, sorry for stopping." He replied sheepishly.


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