I'll Fight For You - R5 FANFIC

By MaegannR5

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Prequels: -Fallin' For You -Crazy For You *READ THEM* Jamie and Riker have had an amazing journey, but it tak... More



98 4 4
By MaegannR5

Riker's POV

"Good morning, California. We have a very tragic story this morning. If you're traveling down the busiest street in LA today, you may need to change your route. A car crash around 6:30 this morning took place. Out of five, only one survived. He is in critical condition. The road will be closed until everything is cleared off the road. We will keep you updated for when the road will be open again," the lady on he news spoke. "Back to you, Ryan."

"Thank you, Samantha. The crash involved an older woman, two little boys, a teenage girl, and a younger male. The names of the victims have not yet been released, but the families have been contacted." I turned off the TV. The news was full of bad news. I heard a yawn and turned my attention towards Jamie.

"Good morning," I said to her. She looked tired, and didn't move from her position.

"Morning," she said without much movement. I got up and walked over to the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. She shrugged. "You know how I was supposed to go see the kids?" She nodded. "There was a wreck, and there is going to be so much traffic. I'm just going to stay here."

"Will you turn the TV on?" she asked.

"Sure," I answered. I walked over to the remote and turned on the TV. I handed her the remote to change the channel. "I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and eat something. I'll be back. You okay with being alone?"

"I'll just watch TV," Jamie replied. The nurse was going to bring her food to her in a little bit, po ably the time I would get back. I opened the door to leave, and Jamie's parents were there about to knock.

"Where are you off to?" her dad asked.

"I'm just going to get something to eat," I answered.

"I told you we needed to stop and get him something," her mom snapped at her dad.

"It's fine," I said. I exchanged places with her parents and went to the cafeteria. It was packed. I hoped it was only a temporarily thing because I couldn't wait in a long line everyday. I don't know how fans do it. I finally got through and got my food. It was just a bagel and some orange juice. (It wasn't worth the wait.) I found only one seat, so I took it. It was a table for two, but I didn't have a use for the other seat.

I didn't really sleep good last night, so I fought staying awake to finish eating. I forced myself up one time and saw a woman looking for a place to sit. I waved her over.

"Need a seat?" I asked. She nodded. "Please." I motioned towards my extra seat.

"Thank you so much," she said. She looked around like she was looking for someone.

"Expecting someone?" I asked.

"Uh--?" She seemed off guard. "Yeah, a doctor. My husband was in a car wreck this morning, and I'm waiting for an update."

"I heard about that. I'm sorry." I was trying to make conversation. "My wife was in a car wreck about two years ago. I thought it was the scariest thing ever until just recently."

"What happened?" she asked.

I sighed. "My wife was diagnosed with cancer. She's starting treatment."

"I'm so sorry," she said. She stuck her hand over the table. "Megan."

I shook her hand. "Riker."

"Well, I hope everything goes good for your wife." She seemed to gain more of a focus on the conversation as it went on. "How long has she been having treatment?"

"Just started yesterday," I exclaimed.

"We might be seeing much around here; I assume." She fixed her position in her chair. "My husband will be here for a while." She started to hold back some tears. "That's if he makes it."

I didn't know his condition. I couldn't tell her it would be alright. Both of ours eyes had been opened that anything could happen, even bad things.

"I was supposed to be in the car this morning. I woke up and got dressed, and I was running late. He was rushing me because I was making him late. We carpool. I told him to go without me after we got into an argument," Megan spoke like the words were fighting her. "So he left, and my mom called me. She said she wanted to hear my voice. I asked her why, and she said that a car like mine was on the news. She wanted to make sure I was okay. I panicked when Ashton, my husband, didn't answer his phone. Next thing I know, here I am."

"You can always talk to me when you need it. I'll be down here every morning, and you can come talk to me," I told her. She smiled up at me, but she looked across the room.

"His doctor is over there. I'll probably see you tomorrow," she said. I smiled. She stood and walked over to the doctor. I threw my trash away and went back up to Jamie.

"How was your breakfast?" she asked as I walked in.

"The bagel wasn't the best, but I met someone while I was down there," I told her.

"Who?" she asked as I sat with on the bed.

"Someone named Megan. Her husband was in the wreck, and she needed someone to talk to." Jamie smiled.

"You can make anyone's day better," she said to me.

"So can you," I said to her. Her parents were watching TV, but turned their attention to us.

"Where are the babies? I just realized they're not here," Jamie's dad said.

"The car wreck shut down the main road, and it would be too much traffic to get them or for my mom to bring them," I explained. "They'll probably be here tomorrow."

"Jacey is the sweetest thing. I'm so excited for her first Christmas," Jamie's mom said. Jamie's jaw dropped.

"I totally forgot this was her first Christmas! I won't be with her on her first Christmas. I won't be with Jackson either!" Jamie got stressed out. She had a tear fall. "Why me?" Her mom walked over to her, and I saw this as a moment that her mom would best fit in than I would.

I don't know exactly what was said, but it helped Jamie out after about thirty minutes. I only know that her mom explained how we could work out a Christmas in the hospital.

I sat back down with Jamie. "You feeling better?" She nodded.

"But I could use a foot rub," she said and smiled up at me.

"You're lucky I love you," I said and moved down by her feet.

"You're lucky I love you," she corrected.

She was right; I'm the lucky one.

(A/N- I'm pretty sure this is another short chapter, like always. I guess it's normal by now. I really don't even keep track of how much I write, I just finish whenever.
My name is Maegan, but I used Megan. Not many people recognize Maegan, so I used Megan. It was the first name that came to mind.
Next update will be around Christmas!!)

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