SOPE | Touch

By naniVkookie

1.3M 123K 153K

"I wish I could kiss you," he confessed, looking over at the ice elemental in front of him after the words ar... More

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1🔥Whisp and Vines
2 ❆ Chancellor and Pain
3🔥Listening and Connections
4 ❆ Crushes and Creatures
5🔥Like calls to Like
6 ❆ Fear and MalChin
7🔥Radio Silence and Announcement
8 ❆ Fire Elementals and Eye Contact
9🔥Friends and Freak Outs
10 ❆ Arguments and Butterflies
11🔥 Victories and Hugs
12 ❆ Truth and Feelings
13🔥 New people and Confessions
14 ❆ Longing and Flames
15🔥 Hate and You're too late
16 ❆ Findings and Stabbing
17🔥 Risks and Incredulous
18 ❆ Kisses and Mysterious
19🔥 White hair and relations
20 ❆ "I wish I could kiss you"
21🔥 "We can't be together, Yoongi."
22 ❆ "Don't wanna talk about it"
23🔥"Yeah, i'm definitely fucked."
24 ❆ "I don't think I like you"
25🔥"You knew me"
26 ❆ "It's just some history, is it not?"
27🔥 "Look at her neck"
28 ❆ "What the hell-"
29🔥"...keep it to ourselves"
30 ❆ "... I understand."
31🔥 "'s just a feeling"
32 ❆ "and I'm done resisting."
33🔥 "alone."
34 ❆ "Who the hell-"
35🔥 "Have you ever heard of shadow soulmates?"
36 ❆ "Did I fall asleep?"
37🔥"Honestly, I don't know."
38 ❆ "You're going to kill the kid?"
39🔥"Such a shame"
40 ❆ The Kiss
41🔥Sun Souls
42 ❆ Intimacy
43🔥 Romantic Like
44 ❆ Fury
45🔥Wind line
46 ❆ Skirmish
47🔥 Distracting Hyung
48 ❆ Bestfriends
49🔥Clear as glass
50 ❆ Understand
51🔥 Going to Try
52 ❆ Plan
53🔥I love you
54 ❆ Preparations
55🔥Risk it all
*56 ❆ He showed me all the stars
*57🔥 He took me to the sky
58 ❆ Listen
59🔥The Memories
59.5⚡Akane's Memories
60 ❆ Answers and suspicious
Teaser for the Future...
61🔥 Thoughts and Sobs
62 ❆ Jimin and his shadow
63🔥 Reluctancy and Comfort
64 ❆ Meeting and Worry
66 ❆ Quick and The Shriek
67🔥Power and Off Guard
68 ❆ Questions and Commands
69🔥 Cries and Awake
70 ❆ Without thinking
71🔥 Curiosity and Confusion
72 ❆ Not the only one
73🔥Confrontation and Annoyance
*74 ❆ Right there~
76 ❆ What ifs and only way
77🔥Burn it
77.5⚡Malchin and Akane
78 ❆ Danger and Calling
79🔥 Helpful
80 ❆ ooo and Freezing
81🔥 Not a warning
82 ❆ Mothers and We
83🔥 Apologies and Talks
84 ❆ Impulse and Tails
85🔥Communication and Separation
86 ❆ She knows
87🔥Goodbyes and Trapped
88 ❆ Passed out
89🔥 Prophecy
90 ❆ The Nightmares
91🔥The heart to keep them away
92 ❆ Worth it
94 ❆ It's settled
96 ❆ So close
97 🔥Thank the heavens
98 ❆ Could've gotten yourself killed
99🔥Fasten the process
100 ❆ "... Seok, kiss m-me."
101🔥 "Everyday of my miserable life."
102 ❆ "...revenge."
103 🔥May the evil spirit lay in vain
104 ❆ "This is far from over."🔥
105 ☾ "I'll be Chancellor."
106 ❆ "Hey, Taehyungie, are you okay?"
107🔥 "Let's meet the families."
108 ☾ "Naive boys..."
109 ❆ "W-witch!"
110🔥 "Necklace, it's burning."
111 ☾ ".. burn it out of him.."
112 ❆ "Why didn't you guys stop them?"
113🔥"You guys should come with us."
114 ☾ "'s hidden."
115 ❆ "welcome to Caroban."
116🔥 "w-what did you do?"
117 ☾ "Sit down, elementals"
118 ❆ "The OneeOnia and Phoenix Prophecy."
119🔥 "Dion?"... "Fera."
120 ☾ First loves
121 ❆ Time to sleep
122 🔥 Making the Coven
123 ☾ Moira and the fight of the sisters
124 ❆ The blood of a father
125🔥 It's okay to fall apart
126 ☾ What you know
127 ❆ Jeon Adora
128🔥 Songhee + Hayoon = SongYoon
129 ☾ Duplicity
130 ❆ Dangerous glory
131🔥 2/3 Complete
*132 ☾ Love me love me now
*133 ❆ Love me love me good
*134 🔥Don't need nobody else when it feels this good
135 ☾ The Phoenix and OneeOnia
136 ❆ Elaine the white eyed witch
137🔥 Fire Momma and Warlock Dada
138 ☾ The Sacrifice
139 ❆ Affliction
140🔥 The List and The Problem
141☾ Rather Die and How she thinks
142 ❆ You are not her and Lure
143🔥 The waiting game and A severed arm
144 ☾ The Atatakai Tree and Burden of past mistakes
145 ❆ Surprise Attack and Elemental Soldiers
146🔥"For Fera" and the Fall of five
147 ☾ Spirits of the Loved and the fall of more
148 ❆ ut malum aliquid ponere in vanum
149🔥The WaterColors of the Sunset on the Rooftop
☾ ❆ FINAL🔥✯
☾ ending note ☾

65🔥Betrayal and Holding

9K 858 1.8K
By naniVkookie

Trigger warning;
You're all going to kill me :)

It started off subtly.

Students, making sure to stick to their groups of four or eight, reported to the guards that they kept seeing shadows moving across the walls and on the floor underneath their feet; skidding about like snakes. All of these said shadows showing eyes but no other feature, cocking their head to the side before disappearing from their view.

That wasn't what told them the fight was starting, though, the thing that explained that for them was when creatures materialized inside of the academy, bigger than what they were before and even more horrifying.

The first scream was heard on the first floor in the west wing, fighting breaking out soon after as more and more kept appearing.

This time, all of these creatures had that inky black on them, it didn't matter what element it was, and they were more ferocious, going after with the intention to kill and not stopping until they've done it. Until they saw a corpse on the ground.

It was clear that they moved like shadows, as they moved in and out of vision, appearing and disappearing easily. Though, they could see now these things could turn into the shadows, going in the ground, and appear out of nowhere to attack.

NamJoon was the one who realized the sun, at the moment, was at it's highest and strongest, which made it a hundred times easier for the shadows to move. Which meant who ever was controlling these things knew that too.

They all ran outside, desperate for the room to run and fight, allowing their abilities to go into their full potential.

"Destroy parts of the academy if you need to, but goddamn it protect yourselves!" Akida had announced, the message moving across the academy and reaching every elementals ears.

Jungkook smirked as he eyed one of the creatures, "Don't mind if I do," he had muttered, using his whisp to wrap around the earth soldiers makeshift throat, his eyes showed their oceanic blue as he avoided the sword it was thrashing around.

Hoseok finished the job by clapping his hands together and causing a line of fire to go through the creature, and the floor of the academy, which caused it to break apart. Siliya separated the pieces and Taehyung crushed them while reverting them back into the earth they came from.

They smiled at each other, proud of themselves at the fact they actually did that. Though those smiles evaporated from their faces as they heard screams coming from different parts of the academy and outside, this pushing their feet to move before their minds could truly process the fact they were running outside.

And boy were they surprised by what they saw.

Riko was hovering above a hoard of wind soldiers, a sick smirk on his face. These wind creatures were like storm clouds, black ink dripping off of them as they whirred in place, and if there was an expression on their morphed faces it wouldn't be a pretty one.

At this point, almost everyone was outside, including the marshalles, Malchin, and Akida. All of their eyes wide and all of them stuck in place.

Though that wasn't the part that shocked them, it was the fact all the frost soldiers stopped attacking others as they walked over to someone and stopped in front of them, they didn't attack, just stayed unmoving. The closest ones to this person going down in a bowing position.

Everything was still, silent, frozen in place.

Hayoon closed her eyes as she inhaled a deep breath, they had all stopped in front of her, bowed in front of her.

Taehyung had to resist the urge to scream 'I KNEW IT!' as he watched near his other friends.

"You've gotten soft, Hayoon, you know she doesn't like that." Riko stated with a smirk and crossed arms, staring into the female who was now glaring at him with tears pricking her slowly morphing eyes as she clenched her fists.

Everyone was silent, unaware of what to say, everything was just still, too still. None of the other creatures were attacking, no one was speaking.

Songhee walked slowly to Hayoon, away from her friends, "H-hayoon?" she didn't want to be right, she hated the fact her suspicions were for good reason and weren't just her mind clouding her with doubts.

Hayoon was one of the bad guys.

Hayoon looked over at Songhee, a pitiful expression painted on her face as he eyes watered, "I'm sorry, Songhee." her voice was soft, sad, though right after she said them she ran off into the woods, Riko following behind her, and as they ran their soldiers attacked, everything going back into the chaos they've become acquainted with.

Songhee ran after her, despite the others telling her to let her go, she couldn't. She wanted answers! Was their love a lie? Was everything they did just to manipulate Songhee into letting her in? Into trusting her?

But, when she ran into the woods, she saw no sign of Hayoon, no sign of Riko, no sign of the girl she opened her heart too.

The girl she trusted to hold her heart and not break it.

Though, Hayoon was gone, and so was the happiness Songhee felt when she was with her.


Fighting for their lives was something the students were all becoming extremely familiar with, to the point, most of them weren't even surprised anymore as they used their abilities to the fullest.

Though their lack of surprise to the situation didn't mean they weren't afraid.

Fighting these things didn't get any easier, despite the encounters they've had with them. Despite how much they've seen them.

And seeing the ones you love die in front of you, even the thought of that happening, caused fear within anybody.

Yoongi's muscles ached as his eyes went back to brown, the frost creature he and SeokJin had just destroyed melting into the ground at Yoongi's command, the fighting had broke out and it wasn't any easier than the other times.

A scream a bit farther away from Yoongi caught his attention, his gaze turning to the source.

Never in a million years did he expect to have come from Hoseok, two swords going through his lovers body, one a fire soldiers, and the other an earth soldiers coated in that inky poison, both going straight through him as Hoseok stared at the sky and fell to the ground as they were pulled out.

"HOSEOK!" Yoongi's scream was powerful enough to break both soldiers without trouble, his legs moving for him as he ran to his shadow soulmate, who was on the ground shaking as he tried to hold his bleeding wounds; others around him paralyzed in their places.

Yoongi took Hoseok in his arms, holding his lover as tears ran down his cheeks, "Hoseok, Seok, baby, talk to me," Yoongi pleaded, running his hand through Hoseok's hair as he tried to apply more pressure to the wounds. He didn't care about the fire and frost rumor, didn't care for the fact everyone could see him, a frost elemental who wielded pure ice, holding Hoseok, a fire elemental who wielded normal fire.

Hoseok's breath was labored, blood already pooling in his mouth, his eyes making contact with Yoongi's, "Y-yoongi-" he tried, only to wince from the pain.

Yoongi quickly shook his head, tears running down his face at a rapid pace as he tried to blink them away, "N-no don't talk, don't talk, you're going to be okay, I-"

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hand with his own bloody ones, using the energy he had left to hold his lovers hands, to interlock their fingers, for what he knew would probably be the last time, "'ll be o-okay...I-i love" Yoongi sobbed out from Hoseok's words, holding Hoseok's hands tightly as Hoseok tried to smile for him, even in the state he was in.

"Stop! Stop it! P-please!" he screamed over and over, crying even harder when he felt Hoseok's hands go limp in his own and felt his soulmate take his last breath in his arms.

Yoongi screamed out in pain as he held Hoseok's dead body in his arms, begging and begging for something, anyone, to bring him back; for this all to be one awful nightmare. For Hoseok to wake up and look at him, to hug him and see him smile.

Spikes of ice were forming around Yoongi as he held his dead lover, preventing any of those soldiers from going near him, the temperature dropping around the entire academy, and field everyone else was fighting on, all from Yoongi's pain of losing Hoseok.

All from the pain of holding his dead shadow soulmate.


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