More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 31

2.3K 17 3
By snowfluke

Quick Author's Note: Hey guys!! You know I just changed the title because it just seemed right! So yeah this is still YouTube Sensation! Sorry if I changed it. Peace to everyone. And sorry if my note is really annoying. Haha yeah so here I go! After days of can't update! Haha.

Louis' P.O.V.

Looking for a hotel is so not fun. Wait, let me rephrase that, it's actually hard work. Oh well, I wouldn't want to stay in the streets, would I. But there's no hotel here that we even know about. Keep looking for one.

I checked my Twitter just to pass some time. Then I noticed a very weird line of tweets.

@MorganeRay: Oh my gosh! @DaniCRayson is dating @Harry_Styles !! Omfg! #HaniIsCute

@DaniansUpdate: Attention @DaniCRayson is now dating @Harry_Styles :) Cute couple! #HaniIsCute

What the- There is just no way. But it could be... maybe not. Or it is true, or just a lie. For publicity maybe? Or maybe it is true love... Argh! Harry, why did you have to fall for Dani?! And Dani, why did you have to break Niall?!! I'm mad at them both! But I can't change anything.

"Hey Lou! What are looking at?" Eleanor asked and gave me a hug.

"Well... all of you should see this..." I sighed and passed them my phone. Once they started to read it their face turned to shock. Niall was even about to cry. Another pain, caused by the dynamic duo. But they all have the rite to know.

"Are they kidding me?!" Liam panicked.

"Li, calm down." Danielle enveloped him in a hug.

"This is so unfair of them." Perrie complained.

"But we change anything at all." Zayn added.

"Or maybe we can." Justin said sneakily. He had a smirk on his so he must have a plan.

"What do you mean?"

"You know a while ago, Harry tweeted something. Wait, let me look for it..." He said and grabbed his phone. Started to search for that particular tweet.

"Oh here we go!" He said and passed us his phone.

@Harry_Styles: Heading to Hilton Hotel with @DaniCRayson and @KasieNJones


"Yep! I guess we should stay there." Justin chuckled. Good for him.

"Alright, but only because we need too." Liam muttered.

"Yey!" Me and Justin squealed.

"And why are you so happy?" Zayn asked me. Giving that look.

"Nothing, I just wanna rest." I lied.

"Right..." He said sarcastically.

"Whatever you guys, let's just go already." Eleanor bud in and we all nodded. 

I think everyone is not pleased with what Justin and me said. Oh well, we'll have to take chances. And maybe they'll have a change of attitude later.

As we walked towards Hilton Hotel, we all exchanged looks before we entered the lobby. I guess this will be a very awkward moment if we ever see them. But actually that was our main reason to come here. Let's see if we can pull this off.

"May I help you?" The lady from the counter asked. And she was also flirting with Niall's hand. Ugh... such a flirt. 

"Excuse me!!" I said interupting her flirting moment with Niall. Good.

She rolled her eyes at me. And grunted. "What can I do for you all?" She put on a fake barbie smile. Wow, such a polite person.

"We're here for a room so, can we get one?" Niall said slyly and moved behind me. I'll save you my Nialler!

"Of course." She said sweetly and never Niall's gaze. She's weird.

"Is it me or is that girl flirting with Niall?" Perrie asked. Looking confused.

"Uhm... she was..." Niall sighed. He looked really embarrassed.

"I guess it's-" Danielle said, but was cut off by the flirt.

"Here are you keys, enjoy your stay." She said and handed us our keys and a little strip of paper.

We walked to the elevator and we stayed at the 8th floor room 458. It was beside a penthouse. I guess who ever is staying there must be rich. Oh well, I just want to rest.

"I'm knackered!" I shouted and jumped on the bed.

"Well, you're not the only one!" Niall jumped on me.


"Me too!" Eleanor joined in.

"Me three!" Liam jumped.

"Me fourth!" Danielle joined too.

"Me fifth!" Perrie cheered. And jumped on everyone.

"Me, never!" Zayn chuckled.

"You're no fun Zaynie." Perrie pouted.

"Well, Louis looks like he's gonna die, so I won't take that chance." Zayn sighed. Watching me being squeazed.

"Hey! Wait! You guys jumped on the bed without me? Aw! Well I'll join too!" Justin chuckled and joined. 

"Ow! You guys too heavy!" I whined.

"Says you Lou!" Eleanor laughed.

"That rhymes!" Niall cheered.

"Yeah! So get off!" I pushed everyone off of me. They all tumbled onto the floor.

"Ow! That's so mean!" Liam pouted. Rubbing his head.

"Sorry Li, but you guys are heavier than Zayn."

"I heard that!" Zayn shouted from the kitchen.

"Sorry! But it's the truth!"

"I'm hungry!' Niall whined.

"When won't that surprise us." Liam smirked.

"Hey! What can I say? I'm a dude who is hugry." Niall chuckled.

"I agree!"

"Nandos?" Danielle asked.

"Yup!" Niall nodded.

We stood up and fixed ourselves before going outside. Then we got out of our room and went to the lobby. Stood there was the freaky flirt. She disgusts me. I noticed her name tag which says "Maria" wow, a name which fits her attitude.

"Where's the nearest Nandos from here?" Niall asked looking around.

"I don't-" I try to say then Maria the flirt came by.

"What's the matter here?" She asked and still giving flirty eyes to Niall.

"Are you stalking us?"

"Uhm... no, I just want to know." She tried saying innocently.

"Oh really.."

"Yes, so what can I help you with, Niall?" She winked at Niall, flirtatiously. Gross. That's even worse than Harry.

"Uhm... I'm looking for the nearest Nandos from here." Niall moved away from Maria. Good.

"We have one in the hotel, follow me then." She said and led us to Nandos. I know what she's doing. Trying to flirt with Niall and get him to like her. Well, she's got it so wrong.

"Thanks!" Niall cheered and hugged Maria. And she hugged back, giving me an evil look. She's so totally doing this on purpose.

"Okay, okay Niall let's eat already." I broke the two from their hug. And Maria still gave me a smug look.

"Yey! Bye girl that I never ever met before!" Niall cheered and dragged us to a booth. We sat their and looked at the menu. 

While I was looking for something to order, I saw her again. 

Niall's P.O.V.

Everyone was looking at the menu and finding something to order. Then I noticed Louis was completely frozen and looking at something. What was he looking at. He sat across me so I turned to see what caught his attention.

As I turned around, I saw her. My girl. The girl who I wanted to be with, since I met her. The only girl who made me who I am. The only girl I would ever want to be with. The girl who gave me chances, that I soiled.


My Dani.

She was here. Justin was right. Harry even gave out their location. The worst part is, she's with my best mate. Looking all lovey dovey together. It was true.... I can't change anything. Nothing left for me. I rather give up then to lose all my life.

"Hey guys!" Kasie cheered and walked towards us. Harry and Dani didn't even care. Ugh... I'm so never gonna get her.

"Vas Happenin?!" Zayn smiled.

"Hey Kasie!" Louis gave her a hug.

"What's up?" Liam chuckled.

"Hey girl!" Perrie smiled.

"How are you?" Eleanor asked. Giving her a smile.

"Hey!" Danielle cheered.

"Nothing much, and I'm good thank you." She laughed.

"Sit here with us." Perrie patted a spot beside her.

"No! sit beside me!" Louis argued.

"Uhm... I'll sit between you guys then." She sat down.

"Who are with?" Liam asked. Being over protective.

"Are you sure you wanna ask?" Kasie sighed. Poting tothe new couple.

"Oh..." Liam sighed.

"What will be your order?" A waiter approached us.

"Everything please." Danielle chuckled.

"Okay... is that all?" He asked?

"Yup!" Eleanor cheered. A the waiter nodded and went back to the kitchen.

"So, are you guys staying here?" Kasie asked.

"Yep!" Louis nodded.

"Cool!" She squealed.

"Yeah, I guess." Zayn muttered.

"Why so silent Nialler?" Kasie looked at me.

I just ignored and remained silent. I don't feel like talking at all. Or even eating... WAIT!! I'm Niall Horan! I love food! But I don't feel like me anymore. 

"Is he alright?" Kasie murmured to everyone, but I could fully hear what she said.

"He was fine before we arrived here." Liam sighed.

"Maybe he just needs some food." Perrie suggested.

"Or maybe it's because of you know who." Louis waggled his eyebrows.

"Oh Lou, don't make him remember." Eleanor playfully slapped Louis' arm.

"I could hear you guys..." I sighed to myself.

"Did he just say something?" Danielle looked at everyone.

"I think he did." Liam nodded.

"Yeah, I did, so what?"

"Nothing just worried." Eleanor sighed in relief.

"Your order is here." The waiter settled everything on the table and left.

"Munch in now!" Louis cheered and started to eat.

"I'm not hungry..."

"Huh? What??" Zayn panicked.

"Are you sick or something?" Liam asked, looking concerned.


"Something is bothering you ain't it?" Justin asked.

"No... and first time you've talked since an hour go."

"No lies Nialler." Danielle added.

"I'm fine, just not hungry."

"Wow, that's irregular." Kasie said.


"Alright Ni." Perrie smiled a bit.

I just sat there not caring. Maybe going online will change my mood.

@NiallOfficial: At Nandos and I'm not hungry....

@HoranMyMan: Cheer up! @NiallOfficial and have you heard about #HaniIsCute ?

That reply didn't help at all. I was trying to forget about that... Maybe it's just... never mind.

@DaniCRayson: Gonna do a very weird Twitcam with @Harry_Styles :D

@Harry_Styles: @DaniCRayson Can't wait! Flash mob!

They seemed so happy together. I can't compare to that. Harry can make Dani smile, while I make her cry her eyes out. I guess I'm her only problem in life.

Dani's P.O.V.

At Nandos with my supposedly 'boyfriend' a.k.a. Harry. We're gonna do a very creepy TwitCam tonight! And no one is expecting it. I'm so excited! I wanna do it! 

"Ready?" Harry whispered to me. I nodded in agreement.

"Let's do this..." I whispered.

"1...2...3...let's go." Harry chuckled. Holding my laptop.

"Hey! Hey! Everyone! Dani here!"

"Harry here!"

"And we're Hani!" We cheered.

People were staring at us. No fans were there cause I told them to go to the mall and find my bow tie. It's a contest actually.

"So today, I'm here at Nandos, with Harry and some people I do not know. Say hello everyone!"

"Hello" Everyone shouted into the camera.

"And now I'm gonna roam around and check out every table! Cause I haven't eaten yet. So let my roaming begin!"

I walked aroud checking everyone's table and food. I'm so hugry! Maybe someone can give me a chip or a drink.

"Hello!" I greeted a table.

"Hey!" A little girl chuckled.

"What's your name hun?"

"I'm Rosy." She cheered and hugged me.

"Nice to meet you! Can I have on chip please!"

"Here! And can I have an autograph?" She handed me the chip and a piece of paper.

"Okay!" I signed the paper and waved good bye to her.

"Wow! A chip for an autograph, she's smart." Harry smirked.

"Way way smarter than you Haz."

"Maybe, maybe not Dani!" He stuck his tongue out at me and I returned the favor.

"Next table!" I walked to the next table. What, they're here too?! Ugh... keep calm Dani, just chill.

"Are you sure about this?" Harry whispered.

"No but I can't do this in public."

"Fine!" Harry shouted.

"So yeah hey Kasie!"

"Yo!" Kasie greeted.

"I guess you're with them right?"

"Yep!" She nodded.


"You know it!" Louis yelled.

"DANI SMILE FOR THE PAPPARAZZI!!" The papparazzi shouted and snapped photos every second. Oh god no!

"Well, everyone gonna wrap this up, so bye!"

I ended the TwitCam and ran out of Nandos. Then was followed by Liam, Louis, Zayn, Danielle, Eleanor, Perrie, Kasie, and ugh... Niall. We all ran to the elevator to avoid the cameras. I hate does damn flashes.

Now the moment is awkward. Me and Harry, with all of them, in a single elevator. I hate being stuck in a tight space.

"So..." Louis hummed.

"Yeah." Harry sighed.

"What suite are you guys staying in?" Eleanor asked.

"Well, it's a penthouse suite." Kasie added.

"Really? We stay next door then." Zayn chuckled.

"You two have been silent for a while." Danielle pointed to me and Niall. REALLY? I don't care.


"She finally said something. You owe me Liam!" Louis cheered in triumpht.

"Fine." Liam handed 20 pounds to him.

"Boo Yeah!" Louis cheered.

"Shut up Lou..." Niall sighed.

"Aw! They both talked! Yey!" Eleanor squealed.

"I.DO.NOT.CARE" I said boldly.

"Wow, you're a cranky child aren't you." Zayn patted me on the head. And I slapped it.

"Never touch the hair ever again."

"You sound like Zayn." Perrie chuckled.

"But he's more vain than me." Finally the elevator dinged and I ran quickly to our suite.

I was alone, cause Kasie and Harry were with the others. Lonely forever. Ugh... I'm just gonna go to bed and forget about everything. Closed my eyes and just forgetting everything.

Harry's P.O.V.

She rushed to our suite and went inside. Meanwhile, Liam held me captive in their room. And Kasie helped them with it. Not another speech.

"Harry, tell us." Liam said.

"Tell you what?"

"About you and Dani. So spill." Liam added.

"It's nothing."

"Harry.... please tell me.." Niall sighed deeply.

"Alright, well it was just a joke. We aren't dating, I was just joking about that. I never meant everyone to think that we were together."

"Really?" Niall sniffed.

"Yes, and I understand if you would hate me."

"I don't, cause you're my mate." Niall hugged me so I hugged back.

"But, Dani is still mad at us. Am I correct?" Zayn smirked.

"Yes, and rub that smirked off."

"It' called swag, so never." Zayn stuck his tongue out.


"But what did she say about earlier?" Niall asked.


Cliffhanger! Sorry, I have school and my mom will kill me! So yeah, what did you think Dani said? No one knows! The mystery for the day : What did Dani say? Hmm... guess! So yeah!

Sorry for changing the title but I made a new cover! So comment below what you think of the new cover. And that's Chachi Gonzales by the way. My friends love her so she's Dani. Yeah! Please comment, vote, or vomment! 6 votes and 10 comments! for the update! Love you all!

Rissa Xxx

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