Partners In The End (Shidge...

By VoltronMoon

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Book 1. Its a Zombie apocalypse Au More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.

Chapter 21.

73 7 17
By VoltronMoon



"Are you sure" Pidge asked with worry as she looked to Shay.

"I'm very sure, just look" Shay sighed as she passed a tissue over with two things hidden inside.

"Oh my, Have you told the others or Hunk" Pidge mumbled in shock.

"Nope, I just told you since well you know" Shay replied and did grabby hands over Pidge chest area but not actually turning her.

"A girl, well I may be a girl but I'm not sure how to handle this" Pidge mutter as she rubbed her neck.

"What should I do, I mean what If I'm wrong" Shay spoke slightly panic. 

"Shay I'm not a doctor but two positive pregnancy tests tell me your not wrong. Your pregant Shay and you need to tell Hunk, then talk with the others" Pidge smiled slightly as she placed her hand over Shay hand to calm her.

"Your right, I'll talk to him now while I'm feeling brave. Thanks Pidge" Shay smiled sweetly.

"No worries, I'll send him up and make sure to keep the others away while you talked. I know it must be scary but I'm sure your going to be just fine. We a family here and we all going to help you threw this all. We might not be trained but we not gonna let you down" Pidge smiled softly as she leaned forward hugging Shay who gladly hugged back.

"Thanks, I'm glad you were the person to free us from that kitchen. Your a great friend and an even better family member" Shay smiled brightly and Pidge broke the hug fanning her eyes.

"Ok, No need to make me feel emotional I'm not the pregant one" Pidge sniffled as she held back her tears. 

"Who knew it would just take me getting pregant to get our pidge emotional over being calling family" Shay teased making Pidge stick her tongue out.

"Oh shut it" Pidge grinned and climbed off the double bed in Hunk and Shay shared room.

"Hey Pidge, thanks for this and for calming me instead of freaking out with me" Shay smiled and Pidge nodded as she reached for the door handle.

"Oh and Shay, Congrats" Pidge smiled softly before stepping out to go find Hunk. 

Pidge walked downstairs finding Thace and Hunk in the kitchen to reading a book each and she guessed Shiro and Keith was out jogging or training. Lance most likely sunbathing outside again. 

"Hey Hunk, Can you pop to your room please. Shay needs your helping with looking for something" Pidge smiled and Hunk closed his book.

"Got it, thanks for telling me" Hunk smiled kindly and left his book on the kitchen table before leaving.

"You seem rather happy" Thace spoke up as he looked over his book.

"I feel emotional and it sucks, do you know where the others are" Pidge replied with a slight smile.

"Lance is laying outside under the sun, Keith is cleaning his blade on the step outside and Shiro went for a run while patrolling the farm fence. 

"Thanks, I think I might just chill outside a little. Just don't go upstairs, Shay needed to talk with Hunk over something and she doesn't want others hearing since you know Lance would mess with them" Pidge smiled as she walked out the room.

"Understood" Thace mutter before he heard the front door close.

Pidge gave a slight nod to Keith as he cleaned his katana ready to keep it sharp and ready to slice anything to death. Keith gave a small nod as she passed not looking up since he was rather focus on his katana. Pidge knew it was best to leave the twenty year old knife boy alone as he sharpen his blades. Pidge came to a stop by the jeep looking around for a man running around and smirked when she saw him before jogging over. 

"Shiro" Pidge called out to the twenty one year old man making him come to a stop and turn to her as she ran the last big over.

"Everything ok" Shiro asked with worry and she nodded.

"I was just thinking and maybe we should check out that safe camp, stay for a couple months or something" Pidge smiled as she placed her hands behind her back.

"You willingly want to go to the same camp that holds Allura inside" Shiro asked unsure like its a prank.

"I won't be going to see her but maybe a break without worrying over zombies might be nice. Less danger and Coran spoke something of a doctor and nurses inside. We be well looked after" Pidge replied as she looked to Shiro tilting her head to the side a little.

"Why do you suddenly want to go, did something happen" Shiro frowned as he crossed his arms looking at her.

"Maybe but its not for me to say, Just think about going to the camp" Pidge grinned and looked up to Shiro who chuckled.

"I'll think about it and see what the others think, we can talk more later" Shiro smiled and Pidge nodded.

"Well I'll let you get back to getting all hot and sweaty" Pidge teased and stepped back letting her arms fall to her side.

"I think I'll stop for now, I've already ran a lot and was just wasting time. I miss tv" Shiro replied and Pidge giggled.

"Your not alone" Pidge smirked as they started walking towards the farm house. 

The two gave Lance a bit of a kick as they came across where he was laying in the dirt fast asleep making them guess the sun was warm for him. Lance may have been nineteen but he was still stupid enough to fall asleep in a warm spot without care. He walked back to the farm house with as a chilly wind picked up and they notice Keith was in the kitchen as  they entered. Thace seemed slightly scared as he watched Hunk happily singing as he cooked them all a meatless curry with pasta.

"Did we miss something" Lance asked with a bright smile at seeing how jolly Hunk was.

"Well not all of you, Aren't I right Pidge" Shay smiled sweetly as she hugged Pidge from behind who laughed.

"So, your gonna tell them" Pidge asked with a cheeky smile.

"Well as you can see my boyfriend isn't very good at hiding how happy he may be" Shay replied and Hunk gave a laugh.

"How can I know show how happy I am, I just got told the best news ever" Hunk argue back with a huge smile and Shay walked over kissing his cheek.

"Are we going to be told the news" Thace asked as he looked to the happy couple.

"We going to be parents" Shay and Hunk cheered together.

"Pregant" Keith mutter surprised and Shay nodded.

"Yep, I'm guessing around four months since well Its been four months since my last women thing" Shay mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"We happy for you" Thace smiled as he looked to the twenty years old couple who was gonna be parents. 

"Thanks" Hunk smiled brightly and held Shay hand.

"Congratulation" Shiro smiled gently as he looked to the two.

"Thank you" Shay smiled sweetly. 

"Aww, we gonna have a mini Shay or Hunk crawling around, I'm gonna be the best uncle ever" Lance grinned and jumped on the spot a little like a child.

"If your so excited to be the best uncle then you can be on nappies duty" Keith smirked making the others laugh.

"So, was this why you suddenly liked the idea of the camp" Shiro whispered as he stood beside Pidge by the kitchen doorway.

"Maybe but it doesn't sound like a bad idea now. I mean just until the baby safely born and shay at no risk" Pidge smiled as she turned her head to look at shiro.

"It might be a good Idea but are you sure, I know you wont like being stuck with Allura and I'm sure she wouldnt give us much space if she knowns we around" Shiro replied with worry and Pidge took his hand, lacing their fingers together.

"I think we gonna be just fight, I mean I think something way more important is happening with our strange family and I want them to be safe" Pidge smiled sweetly as she stayed looking at Shiro while their hands stayed joint together. 

"Yeah something important" Shiro smiled as he looked to her and leaned her head on his arm as they looked to the couple being cheer by the others. 

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