The Business Man's Family (Wa...

By angel48183

215K 13.6K 2.4K

Valeria Powers is the youngest child of Lacey and Vincent Powers. She decides to follow her father into the b... More

The businessman's family
Grocery shopping
The surgery
Hair loss
Heart to heart conversation
Hide and seek
Taking a leap
Take this heart
A day out
Angel's lullaby
All the ways
Ringing the bell
Preparing for a wedding
Landon and Quinn's wedding
The next day
A Christmas of hope
Returning to work
A year later
Happily ever after
A meeting of two different, similar worlds

Growing closer

4.9K 327 37
By angel48183


After the day with the picnic, I wanted to show Valeria how to live life. Since she had less than two weeks free from treatments, it would give me an opportunity. I knew what I had planned for the next day.

While Valeria slept, I got out of bed, dressed, then went to set up her surprise. I made my way to the docks and climbed up into the boat her dad owned. I checked it out and made a call.

I waited as I saw Dad walk down the dock and climbed a ladder to the deck. He handed me the key, and I took it.

"Why do you have the key to Vincent's boat?" I asked.

"Because Vincent didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time he left the key," Dad told me.

"I doubt some psycho killer would hunt us down since he's dead," I reasoned.

"You have a lot to learn about Vincent. You make a lot of enemies in business," Dad reasoned. "So, why did you want the key?"

"I want to surprise Valeria today and take her out on her dad's boat. The doctor gave her two weeks before she resumes treatment. I want her to enjoy herself before it's back to business as usual," I explained.

"Be careful," Dad warned me. I nodded as he left the boat. I set everything up, making sure there were food and enough gas in the tank. I didn't need us stranded out in the lake.

After I finished, I climbed down and walked on the dock towards the house. Today we would spend the day on the boat together.


I slept contented, then I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Cameron looking at me.

"Morning," Cameron said.

"Morning," I yawned, stretching. Then I lowered my arms and looked at Cameron.

"I have a surprise for you," Cameron told me.

I looked at Cameron. "Can't we stay in bed all day?" I asked.

"No, lazy. Plus, you spend enough time in bed. We have a small window to enjoy ourselves before you resume treatments," Cameron answered with a look.

I sighed. "Okay," I said, sitting up. Cameron got out of bed, held out his hands, and I took them as he helped me out of bed. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I waited until the water warmed enough to get in, then undressed. I stepped inside and let the water hit my skin.

I heard the shower curtain open, then closed. I felt hands on my body as Cameron moved his hands over my body.

"You know that I'm capable of washing my body," I mentioned.

"I'm aware, but I enjoy washing your body," Cameron replied as I turned my head and gave Cameron a look. He reached up and touched my head gently. "I like taking care of you."

A smile curled upon my lips.

"Now, let me finished so that you can enjoy your surprise," Cameron said.

I let Cameron finish washing me; then, I returned the favor. I turned off the shower, grabbing a towel, and wrapped it around me. I got out of the tub and walked over to the mirror. I used a hand towel to wipe the mirror and looked in the mirror.

Then I felt arms wrap around my waist as I looked back at Cameron in the mirror. He rested his head on top of my head.

"You make me feel beautiful," I said, looking in the mirror.

"Because you are beautiful. It doesn't matter if you don't have hair or breasts. What matters is that your beauty radiates from within you," Cameron said.

I turned around to face Cameron. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. He kissed me back, then lifted me off the floor, carrying me out of the bathroom. He walked us over to the bed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Cameron laid me down on the bed and continued to kiss me as we removed our towels. I felt him slide into me as he starts moving as he went slow. Our lips never left each other as Cameron moved inside of me. I put my hands on his back as he held me close. I felt him thrust into me repeatedly as he took his time.

Cameron moved from my lips to my neck as his hand moved to my thigh, gripping it as we rocked together. I lost myself in him at that moment-all I wanted being him completely.


I finished making love to Valeria as we laid in bed with the blankets over us. She put on my chest as I had my arms wrapped around her. Valeria looked at me, supporting her chin with the back of her hands.

"We were to get dress and leave the beach house, not stay in bed," I mentioned to Valeria with a look.

"But the bed is much better, don't you think?" Valeria asked with a cheeky smile.

I chuckled. "I guess one day in bed won't hurt, but tomorrow we are leaving the beach house," I told Valeria.

"If we must," Valeria grumbled.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Do you have any regrets about this?" Valeria asked, referring to us having sex.

"No, do you?" I asked curiously.

"No," Valeria answered.

"Good, because I could get used to this with you," I flirted, making Valeria smile. She laid her head on my chest and fell asleep. I laid there, running my fingertips softly over her head. I drifted off to sleep with Valeria in my arms.


I awoke to an empty bed. I looked around the room and grabbed a nightshirt, pulling it on. I got out of bed and left the bedroom, making my way downstairs. I heard whistling and smelled food.

I walked into the kitchen to see Cameron at the stove, shirtless. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He turned his head slightly. "Hungry?" He asked me.

"Famished," I answered.

"Good, because the food is almost ready," Cameron replied.

I removed my arms and walked over to the table, sitting down in a chair. Cameron brought over two plates, setting one down in front of me. I picked up my fork and started eating.

"So, you mentioned how you enjoyed going on your dad's boat, and I thought we could spend the day on it tomorrow," Cameron mentioned in between bites.

I looked at Cameron with surprise. He looked at me as he chewed his food.

"Was that your surprise today?" I questioned.

Cameron swallowed his food. "Yeah, but someone distracted me," Cameron said, smirking.

"I didn't hear you were complaining," I reminded him.

Cameron grinned as I chuckled softly.

"You make it difficult to surprise you," Cameron mentioned.

"My parents said the same thing," I replied in between bites.

"You must have been fun on Christmas," Cameron said as he ate his breakfast.

"It wasn't about the presents. Our parents didn't spend an obscene amount of money on us. We spent time together, decorating the house, making cookies, listening to music, and visiting homeless shelters," I explained.

Cameron looked at me with surprise.

"My mom lived in a homeless shelter and felt it's vital to help because no one helped her. My dad wanted us to appreciate our lives," I finished. "I wish he wasn't so strict with us."

"Do you think maybe the reason your dad was strict was that he wanted to protect you?" Cameron asked me.

I looked at Cameron.

"Valeria, our parents do things without our knowledge because of situations they experienced. Uncle Joe told me that he watched innocent people suffer from his job. My dad saw the way people mishandled others. While our parents keep us safe, other people don't do that with their children," Cameron explained.

I never looked at it that way," I said as I finished my meal.

"Because we never see the bigger picture," Cameron reasoned. Cameron finished his meal and got up from the table. He took our plates and put them in the sink. I sat there, thinking about what Cameron said, and decided to do something I felt needed doing.

I got up from the table and went upstairs. I went into the bedroom and searched the drawers until I found paper and a pen. I grabbed an item to use as a table, then started writing. It took ten minutes, but I finished what I wrote, then placed the letter into an envelope. I sealed it as Cameron came into the bedroom.

"Could you do something for me?" I asked. Cameron gave me a look, and I handed him the envelope. He took it and looked at the front, then looked at me. I gave Cameron a look with him nodding. He left the bedroom as I sat there. I picked up a frame that had a picture of my dad and me.


I sat through another endless meeting. When it ended, I went to my office. My focus wasn't there, and I didn't want to decide on acquisition without my full attention.

I walked into my office to see Cruz waiting for me.

"How was the meeting?" Cruz asked.

"Useless, I'm canceling my meetings the rest of the day," I answered, pressing a button on the intercom. "Clear my schedule," I informed Sylvia.

"Yes, Mr. Powers," Sylvia answered.

I picked up my suit coat and pulled it on, then left my office. Cruz walked with me to the elevators. We stepped on, and I pressed a button to the parking garage. I stood there, feeling irritated.

"Here," Cruz said, holding out an envelope.

"What's this?" I questioned, taking the envelope from Cruz.

"Something you need to read," Cruz answered, giving me a look. I gave Cruz a look as the elevator doors opened and we exited, walking to the car. I got into the backseat and closed the door. Cruz climbed into the front driver's seat. He pulled out as I opened the envelope and pulled the folded contents from it, then started reading.


I know it's been a while since you heard from me. I know you have a lot of questions, but I assure you that I'm okay.

Life has a way of throwing you a curveball, and you do your best, but it doesn't work. Sometimes the ball hits you and knocks you down. I learned this lesson firsthand.

I know it doesn't explain much, but remember that I needed to take care of important business. You once told me that sometimes situations happen beyond our control. It takes one particular person to show us how significant they are to us.

Well, I found two. I found two men who showed me different aspects of life. One man showed me to shoot for the stars. The other man taught me that sometimes we need to stop or we'll miss the moon.

I think both ideas are fitting at the moment. These two men are significant in my life than they realize. Without both, I wouldn't have the courage and strength to fight. Thank you for loving me when I didn't see it.

I'm not angry that you missed my graduation because I realize that you were there for the other important moments. Sometimes it takes one moment in your life to put things into perspective.

Please know that no matter what, I'm safe and happy. When the time is right, we'll see each other again. I love you, Dad.


I lowered the letter and sat there with furrowed brows. Cruz looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Give Valeria time," Cruz mentioned.

"What if I don't get the time?" I questioned.

"I think when a daughter needs her father, he'll drop everything for her," Cruz advised as I nodded.

I would drop everything to hug my daughter again. All I want to do is keep her safe like I would with Lexie and Landon. Now, I wait.

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