I Am Not Nothing

By SpadeisWriting

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Raven is the daughter of Professor Snape. Being raised on the view of being the youngest, brightest, most pow... More

Prologue: Who Is Raven?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (Fourteen part 2)
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty

1.4K 38 14
By SpadeisWriting

"Move! Snape coming through! Move your arses 'fore I move 'em for you!" I snapped at the lineup of students. 

Many of the young ones moved quickly out of my way. But the older ones seemed to have gotten braver over the summer. I noticed one boy, probably a Gryffindor. He glared at me, with crossed arms and feet shoulder width apart. He stood much taller than me, as I wasn't all that tall. I stood at about mid-chest to him. I put down Ross' cage and my trunk.

"Didn't I say to move?" I asked him.

"You can't order me around, I'm not your friend."

Something inside me clicked. Was it the fact that he was a Gryffindor? Or the face that he was defying my orders? Whatever it was, my blood heated up quickly. I got a burst of adrenaline and I felt like I towered over the tall boy.

"Listen here, 'buddy'," I started, "I told you to move. Do I look like the type of person who accepts defiance against my orders?" I asked him.

"You don't scare me. What is a small girl going to do to me?" He asked with a cocky chuckle.

The fact that he thought he could humiliate me on the platform was ridiculous, especially because he didn't know who I really was and what I did for a living.

"May I remind you and everybody on this platform that I have started school a year early, I have been in advanced potions for years, I have been to Ilvermorny, which is in America, in my fifth year and proved to be the smartest and most powerful witch there. I was in my fifth year and was in the seventh year potions and charms. I am not someone you want to argue with." I explained loud and clear for everyone around us.

"Like, I said, you don't scare me." He said.

I gave a swift slap across his face before the quiet voices around us started to pipe up again. 

"I would never lay a hand on a lady, but you're pushing my buttons." He said, rubbing his cheek.

"We wouldn't be having this argument if you moved when I told you to." I said to him.

"Why don't you just learn to wait like everyone else?" He asked.

"Do I look like I have the time to just wait?" I snapped at him.

"We all have time. You're no one special. You can do what everyone else is doing and wait at the back of the line."

Without thinking, I pulled a wand from each pocket. One wand per hand. He took at quick step back from me. The voices got louder around us.

"My name is Raven Lily Snape. I am the daughter of your Headmaster. I am the daughter of a potions master. I am the daughter of a DADA professor. I am not a nobody. I am someone with higher meaning to this school than anyone else here. Now, move yourself from my path before I do it myself. And it won't be pretty." I ordered him.

He took a glimpse of my Ollivanders wand, then my Ilvermorny wand. Two very different wands, both with intimidating traits. I held my wand up to him and flicked it to the side.

"Move." I told him.

Reluctantly, he slowly stepped out of my way. I put my wands back into my pockets and picked up my trunk and bird cage.

"Raven's back! Raven's back!" Ross squawked loudly. 

"I am back." I whispered proudly as I walked to the front of the crowd of people and handed the train staff my trunk.

"The bird, miss?" The man asked.

"Oh, Ross stays with me." I told him, "but you can take his cage!" 

I opened the cage door and Ross flew out. I didn't have to watch the bird as he flew around the platform. The man took the cage and I turned away from him. I held my arm out for Ross.

"Ross!" I yelled.

I watched as the black bird flew back to me and landed on my arm. I knew that I was being very heavy on the showing off, but this is who I was. This was Raven and if people didn't like it, then they could duel me. Everyone knows who would win. I flaunted my way back down the path people left for me. I walked to the closest train door and walked onto the train. I travelled down the corridors to get to the Slytherin car. There were already a few sixth years there, but from what I saw, I was the first seventh year.

"Snape! We saw what you did out there! I aspire to be like you!" One of the girls said.

"If you really wanted to be like me, I'd actually know who you are because you would need my help if you were to be like me. Get a new person to look up to. You'll never be like me." I told her and sat in a booth. 

"Sucks to be you." Ross squawked.

I laughed at the bird and watched the girls glare at me and turn away. 

"Thanks for the backup." I laughed. 

"You don't need it." He said.

"I know, but it was funny." I told him. 

As the time got closer to eleven o'clock, More Slytherins flowed into our part of the train. Technically, this was the part of the train reserved for Slytherins in the sixth and seventh years, but we allowed two girls in their second year. As soon as I saw the girls enter the car, I stood up and gave Gwen her place by the window and poppy took her place across from us.

"How was your summer?" Gwen asked as she took her spot. 

"Do you know how frustrating it is to order around adults? They just see me as a child! Like 'I am your master's daughter! Just listen!'" I said quietly.

"You got promoted? I'm proud of you!" She exclaimed in a whisper.

"Well, you try telling adults what to do and you'll be exhausted by the end of your forty-eight hour day." I told her.

"You didn't sleep for forty-eight hours?" She asked me.

"There's almost no time for sleep. I have a duty to be these people's master when the real one is away! I have mission after mission to prepare for and it isn't easy!" I told her.

"Poppy! There you are! What have I told you about walking away from me! Did you say goodbye to father?" Pansy's voice asked as she entered the car.

"Father and mum." Poppy said to her sister.

"Ugh, don't mention that wretched woman again." Pansy said, rolling her eyes and sitting next to her sister.

"That happens to be my mother you're talking about. It isn't my fault Father had an affair. How would you feel if I spoke ill of your mother?" Poppy spat at her. 

"You wouldn't dare." Pansy said through gritted teeth.

"Then watch your tongue, before I slice it out in your sleep." 

"Poppy!" I exclaimed, getting the girl's frightened attention, "I'm proud of you! You're finally sticking up for yourself! Good girl!" 

Poppy smiled and sat up straight and proud. I turned back to Gwen.

"So have you done your summer homework?" I asked her.

"I spent the whole summer studying my books from last year and this year." She told me.

"All of them?" I asked her.

"Yes, even herbology." She said.

"Good girl. Now what are you missing?" I asked her.

"Can I borrow your books for studying if you're not using them?" She asked me.

"What did you get wrong?" I asked her.

She looked over at Poppy for a second before looking at me and clearing her throat.

"I'm going to need to borrow all of your study books. Preferably as soon as we get to the common room." She said.

"And if I say no?"

"That's too bad. It's your grade not mine. Go borrow someone else's books."

"Perfect! Someone's been practicing!" I exclaimed.

Gwen shrugged proudly at herself. I looked around the car at the other seats to see if I knew other people. 

"Stop looking for Draco. You know he's always here when the train leaves." Pansy told me.

"I'm not looking for Draco." I scoffed, " I'm looking for Davis."

"You don't like Davis that much." Pansy said, rolling her eyes.

I shook my head at her and looked at the bird that stared at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You're beautiful." The bird whispered.

"Not in front of my group." I said to him.

"I miss my human form." He squawked.

"Don't blow your cover, bird." I told him.

He gave a loud caw and hopped closer to me. I stroked the soft, black wings on his back.

"You're lucky. You have a bird, who is also your best friend." Gwen sighed.

"And boyfriend." The bird said to her.

"Right, sorry." Gwen said to the bird.

"Don't apologize. Say what you mean and never apologize." I told the red-head. 

Gwen nodded as the train whistle blew. That was everyone's final warning to get on the train. I heard a car door behind me slide open and a laugh enter the room. I turned around and saw Draco walk in with Crabbe, Goyle, Davis and the Greengrass girls. Astoria held on to Draco's arm and sat next to him in a booth with Crabbe and Goyle. Davis and Daphne sat right behind Pansy and Poppy and turned to look at us. I noticed something very different about Davis and I wasn't the only person to notice it.

"How was your summer, Ladies?" Daphne asked us.

"Davis! You look hot!" Gwen exclaimed.

Daphne and Davis laughed.

"Daphne wanted to practice some spells over the break, now that she's of legal age to use magic outside of Hogwarts." Davis said.

"I grew her hair out! No more bob for Davis!" Daphne exclaimed.

"And where are your glasses?" I asked.

"Oh, I just went to an optometrist and got contacts! I don't need to worry about glasses anymore!" She exclaimed.

"An optometrist?" I asked.

"Not everyone is blessed to be you, Snape. Some of us actually have to go to an eye specialist. You were just given all the best genes from your parents. I wasn't so lucky." She told me.

I shrugged in agreeance. Though, I wouldn't give my mother much credit. All she really gave me was curly hair. Everything else I get from my father. We heard the train give one last whistle as I felt the train lurch into motion. 

"Off we go! Back to school!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Back to torture, more like." I scoffed.


It was dark when we reached the Hogwarts platform. With Ross perched on my arm, I grabbed Gwen's wrist and I began pushing through the crowds.

"Move! Move!" I yelled beginning to jab my elbows into random people.

Ross took off and flew ahead of us. Gwen and I continued our way through the crowded corridors, elbowing our peers and squeezing between people. By our pushing and shoving to get through to the front of the crowds and off the train, it only took us about two minutes, where as other people could be waiting for ten. We continued to make our way to the carriages. I noticed that there were animals pulling the carriages this year. I searched my own knowledge to remember the name of these creatures. Scrawny, black creatures. They were a breed of winged horses. Then it came to me.

"Thestrals." I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Gwen asked me, climbing into the carriage.

"It's a test, what are thestrals?" I asked her, climbing in behind her.

"Uhm, they're a breed of winged horse. They are a skeletal breed, black as night. They are only seen by people who have witnessed death." She told me. 

"Good, I'm guessing you have never seen death before?" I asked her. 

"Never, no."

"I have," I said, "And I can see them pulling these carriages." I told her.

She nodded as a black bird flew into the carriage and landed at our feet. I watched as the bird turned into a boy, who stayed crouched and out of sight from other people. Ross' hair was long now. It fell to above his shoulders.

"Hello, stranger." I said, smiling at the boy.

The carriage lurched into motion. Ross moved himself to sit next to me. He planted a small kiss on my cheek. I smiled up at him.

"Your hair has grown. How much have you been a human since the last time I saw you?" I asked him.

"Last time? How long has he been gone?" Gwen asked.

"Well, I let him come and go as he pleases during the summer, now. I don't want him getting caught up in all the Dark Lord business." I told her.

"It's been a couple weeks since she last saw me. I actually went to see Daphne because I head what she did with Davis' hair and I wanted my hair to be longer. I think it just suits me better." He said.

I was caught off guard for a moment.

"You visited Davis and Greengrass?" I asked him.

"Well, yes. Their owls are good friends of mine and your friends are also my friends." He said, putting his arm around my waist.

I quickly moved away from him. I felt angry, but I didn't know why.

"So you have been hanging out with other girls more than you have been hanging out with me?" I asked him. 

"You are busy-"

"No, do not say that I was busy because I was home for three weeks before school started and you only saw me twice in those three weeks!" I yelled.


"Gwen, shut up, this has nothing to do with you!" I warned the girl across from me.

"Raven, I have a life outside of your house. I'm your bird, yes, but I also provide myself with food and entertainment. I also had a job! You're not the only person who was busy!"

"Don't lie to me, Ross! If you prefer them over me, then go be with them. I'm obviously not good enough. But let me tell you now, there is no one else out there who is like me. I am one of a kind. I am loyal to my loved ones. But if you break my trust, you will regret it." I snapped at him.

"Raven, you're the only person I want to be with. I am yours. I don't look at them the same way I look at you. You are the only one for me. You are the person I am most loyal to." He said, almost desperately. 

"Fly, bird. We will talk about this tomorrow." I told him.

He looked behind the carriage to see if any one was watching before he turned into a raven and flew towards the owlery. 


"I'm fine."

"Don't inter-"

"I said I'm fine! Okay? Just leave me be." I snapped at Gwen.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride to the castle. When we got there, I didn't wait for Gwen and I didn't care if she kept up with me or not. I just marched my way to the Great Hall and sat at the all too familiar Slytherin table. Only about five minutes after me, students from all houses walked into the Hall and filled the large room with great chatter. It slowly filled with students and the professors walked in and took their seats at the end of the hall. 

"Raven." A slow voice said from behind me.

I turned to look at the owner of the voice, which was obviously my father. I stood up to greet, not only my father, but the headmaster.

"Come." He simply said.

I stepped out of the bench and followed him down the center aisle of the hall. I could hear people say my name as I walked past them. I saw them whisper to each other whilst staring at me. It didn't phase me. I liked the attention. I liked the gossip about me. I liked when people struck fear of me into the younger ones. We reached the end of the hall and I stopped at the bottom of the three stairs, as a sign of respect for my professors and my father, most of all.

"Don't be foolish, child. Follow me." My father told me. 

I walked up the three stairs and followed my father to a back room. The one we used to escape after I killed Dumbledore. 

"As my daughter, I want you to introduce the first years. I have relieved McGonagall from the duty. I want you to lead the sorting ceremony. I hope you remember how they go. Hagrid will be bringing the first years to the front of the school now." He explained to me.

I knew that that mentioning the children coming now was my sign to go. As much as I wanted to tel my father that I wouldn't let him down, I knew that I didn't have time. I turned and walked out of the room. I marched my way down the center of the great hall and walked fast to the front of the school. I slowed down when I reached the bottom of the stairs and crossed the grand foyer to the doors. I approached the group of children who stood at the bottom of another small flight of stairs. I saw Hagrid look at me and approach me.

"Where's McGonagall?" He asked, "I told 'em Professor McGonagall would be escorting 'em to the ceremony."

"McGonagall has been relieved of escort and sorting duty. It has been passed down to me by Headmaster. Now you may go join the professors." I told the giant.

He nervously looked back at the children, then back at me. 

"I won't kill them! They're children! Now go!" I ordered him.

He nodded and walked into the school. I looked at the group of children, there'd have for be about forty of them. Of course, no number of people scared me.

"Good evening, first years! My name is Raven Snape. I am a Seventh year Slytherin. No time for questions and even if there was, I probably would not answer them! Now follow me and don't doddle! I walk fast and you dont want to get lost!" I told the group.

"I thought Professor McGonagall was going to take us!" A boy called.

"I said no questions, now follow me!" I told him.

I turned and began to walk back into the school. I walked up the main staircase that lead straight to the Great Hall. I noticed the doors of the hall were closed. What was about to be said behind those doors what going to come from me, but I've heard five versions of the same speech so many times, I knew exactly what I was going to say. But first I had to tell the students what was going to happen.

"Behind these doors is the Great Hall." I told them, "In this hall, every students attending school this year are sitting at their respected tables. Each table is assigned to a house. There are four houses. There is Slytherin, my house, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. When you get called, you are going to sit on the stool at the end of the hall and have an old, talking hat get placed on your head. It is going to look into your head and assign you your house. Your house will be your family for the next seven years of your life. Make friends, gain trust in others, be loyal, and be yourself. It isn't like you can change schools unless you move out of the country. I've done that. I've been to another wizarding school. And you can't do any better than Hogwarts. So if you don't do well here, good luck at other schools. Now, listen- While you're here, you will be rewarded in house points for your successes and good deeds. You break the rules, you get points taken away from our house. At the end of they year, the house with the most points will win the house cup. Everyone takes the house cup seriously and will not be happy if you are the reason for having points deducted from your house. Now, I must go talk to your peers. Stay here and I will come get you in a moment."

I turned around and opened one of the big doors of the Great Hall and closed it behind me. I began walking down the aisle towards the sorting hat that was at the end of the hall. Whispers erupted through the Great Hall, only making myself smile proudly. When I reached the hat, I could see the eyes of the hat move and look like it looked at me.

"Good afternoon, Hat."

"Snape." It said, bending as if it was nodding to me, "The most cunning and ruthless Slytherin since-"

"I'm not the one you're sorting. Just stop while you're ahead." I told it.  

I turned to look out at the hall full of students. My heart jumped in my chest. Not in nervousness, but in excitement. I was someone who meant something to this school now. I pulled out my Hogwarts wand and held it up to the side of my neck. I whispered "sonorous" and cleared my throat to see if it worked. The sound drowned out all other voices in the Hall.

"In a moment, the sorting will begin and we will meet the new members of our school, and our houses." My voice boomed, even at my regular speaking tone, "We cheer for all students, I don't know why, but we do. Happy, or not! In a few moments, lives are going to change for a handful of first years. We encourage helping the lost, no matter their house. We encourage you to help the young ones gain trust in their peers. Though some of us may not be of the helping personalities, unlike the Hufflepuffs, we still encourage you to be nice. At least for the first few weeks."

I heard a professor clear their throat behind me, which was unmistakably McGonagall's. I turned and glared at her before turning back to the students. 

"Without further ado, let us welcome our first years." I told the school.

I put my wand away and walked back down to the doors. I pulled them open and looked at the kids.

"Let's get you guys sorted." I told them. 

I lead them down the center of the hall, all the way to the end of the room. McGonagall walked around the professor's table and handed me a scroll.

"Surprisingly well for someone like you." She told me.

"What's that supposed to mean, professor?" I asked her.

She just turned around and walked back to her seat. I turned to the children, unrolled the scroll of names, and then the sorting began.

   Once the sorting was over, I handed the scroll back to McGonagall and stood before my peers once again.

"Another announcement must be made before the feast arrives. After the tragedy of our beloved Headmaster died, my father, Professor Snape, has been appointed as our new Headmaster. Let us be respectful for our new headmaster and give a warm welcome to Professor Snape." I told the school.

The Slytherins burst into cheers, as well as a couple Hufflepuffs, but the majority of the hall stayed silent. My father walked up to the pedestal that Dumbledore once stood at. I walked over to him and stood by his side.

"Let us begin with the rules we all know. Curfew is at ten o'clock at night. Should we see you after said hour, there will be consequences. No one gets away with rule breaking. Broken rules should be reported. Those students who report these broken rules shall be rewarded. The Forbidden Forest is clearly forbidden at all times of day. I hope none of you are actually stupid enough to enter the forest. Consequences will be provided by the forest itself, should someone enter. This year, we have two new professors joining us this year. Professor Alecto Carrow is our new Muggle Studies professor. Along side her is Professor Amycus Carrow, our new Dark Arts teacher." My father announced in his slow, cold voice.

I turned to see the Death Eater siblings stand from the professor's table and clapping come from the students before us. 

"It must also be announced that the Carrows will take the title of deputy headmaster and deputy headmistress. Another person that has high power is my daughter, Raven. Should I not be available, you report to the Carrows or Raven. They will report back to me." 

My father stepped away from the pedestal and walked back to his spot at the table. I was stunned that he did not talk to me about being involved in his work. I was like a "deputy, deputy headmistress". This was my beginning. The beginning of my future. This was where I wanted to be. I wanted to have a meaning within the school. Before, I was just the Slytherin that everyone was afraid of. Now, I could have an impact on shaping this school.
   I stood at the pedestal and looked out onto the crowd.

"Let the feast begin!" I yelled and in an instant, food lined the tables and excited voices filled the room. 

I began walking to the Slytherin table before being called.

"Miss Snape!"

I turned around and saw that the voice came from Amycus Carrow.

"Join us." His sister said.

In that moment, I noticed there was one empty seat between Alecto and my father. I looked at my father's expressionless face. I looked back at the empty chair and smiled. Excitedly, I walked behind the professor's table and sat between Aleco and my father.

"Congratulations on the promotion, Miss Snape." Alecto whispered to me.

"You heard about my promotion?" I asked her.

"All of the Death Eaters heard about it. Being the Dark Lord's daughter is an honour."

"An honour and a privilege." I nodded.

We ended the conversation and began to eat our dinner. After a couple minutes, I turned to my father.

"Why am I sitting up here, father? I'm no professor." I asked.

He looked down at me, his face still expressionless.

"Despite the disapproval of the other professors, I require you to be by my side if you are not in class." He told me.

"Why would that be necessary?"

"Since the death of the Headmaster, I have noticed you get your temper back. But unlike your childish tantrums when you were younger, having you lose your temper could become lethal for other students. I can not risk injury to the students in this school." He explained.

"I'm guessing you saw the incident on the platform this morning?" I asked him, knowing full well that he could look into my memory.

He gave a simple nod and I nodded back to him.

"At this moment, your anger is too unstable to be left alone. You're too powerful with magic and anger." He said.

"It sounds like you care for my reputation. Like you want me to tone down on trying to achieve my goal!" I exclaimed to him.

"I am concerned. As a follower, I am well pleased in your achievements. But as a part of  this school, I must give consequences for those who break the rules. I must treat you like any other student, should you break the rules." 

"So why must I sit up here and not with my friends?" I asked.

"Because I can not control your reactions if someone makes you angry and I am over here. This is only to regulate your temper."

"I can control my temper!" I exclaimed.

"May I interrupt?" I heard Amycus ask.

I turned my head sharply to glare at him.

"Do not eavesdrop on a conversation that does not involve you! Do you understand me?" I snapped.

I felt my hand on my shoulder. My father's way of ordering me to calm down. I took a quick look at him before looking back at Amycus. I nodded at him to go ahead with what he intended to say. He leaned in a little and spoke at a whisper.

"I was there the night you lost your temper at the Malfoy's. I was actually involved. You are capable of wandless, non-verbal magic when you are at your temper's end and you've reached your most angry. You calmed yourself down fast, but once your body knew what it was like, it wanted to show off again. I have never seen it happen with witches or wizards your age. In fact, only a small amount of witches and wizards in history have been able to have that much power." Amycus told me.

"You mean Merlin, Hecate, Cassandra, Abramelin the Mage, Madea, the Dark Lord  and Dumbledore." I listed, "Do not confuse yourself, Carrow. I am not just a school girl with a poor temper. I will soon fall into the list of the greatest witches, wizards and sorcerers to ever live. I will be in every book. I will create potions and spells! I will discover a new magical animal! I will be in books. My portrait will hang on the wall with all the other past headmasters. Just you wait, Carrow."

With that, I turned back to my dinner and continued to eat and sit in silence until the night came to an end. Once the clock struck ten o'clock, I stood up and walked to the pedestal and held my wand up to my neck. I casted the spell at cleared my throat.

"Prefects, can you please guide your first years to your common rooms! Timetables will be handed out at breakfast tomorrow morning. Have a good night and do not doddle!" I announced. 

I watched the hall slowly empty. I turned to the table of professors and noticed many eyes on me.

"If you have a problem, give me detention or take house points away. I don't care. I'm not changing for anyone." I shrugged and turned away from them.

I strutted my way down the center of the hall towards the crowd.

"Move! Snape coming through! Out of my way!" I yelled.

Students quickly jumped aside to let me through without any defiance this time around. I made my way down to the familiar dungeons and walked to my father's office. I opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me. I noticed things were missing from places that were once full, and now empty. Shelves were empty. My father's desk was cleared. It seemed like the entire room was empty. Instead of my father's things, I noticed my own. My entire library of books lined the bookshelves. Not a single book of my fathers was left behind. Photographs of my favorite Death Eaters were in picture frames and sat on the desk. It's drawers were empty. As I looked through the changes of the office, I heard the door opened and saw my father walk in.

"Where is all your stuff?" I asked him.

"My office is in the Headmaster's office. This office is now yours. When you become a professor here, this will be your office. This office will be waiting for you when you leave Hogwarts at the end of this year. When you come back, Everything will be the same. Everything will be waiting for you." He explained to me. 

It felt like I had run into a brick wall of confusion.

"So at dinner, you say that I must not leave your side if I am not in class. And then you leave me an entire office to myself and say you're just going to be upstairs?" I asked him.

He nodded, "I assume you're not going to go anywhere at this time of night." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I won't leave." I told him.

"I will be back at eight o'clock sharp and we will get breakfast before classes begin." He said and made his way to the door.

"Goodnight." I said in a bored tone.

He looked back at me and nodded before leaving me. I sighed and made my way to my room, which hasn't changed at all. I got changed into my night gown and quickly went to bed. As my head hit the pillow, a wave of exhaustion crashed over me and I fell into the dark hole of nothingness.

Word count: 5440 words

Lets take a moment to realize that it is 3:00 in the morning and I have welcomed myself back into the world of late night writing... I used to write until almost 5:00 in the morning last summer and that's when I beat writers block. So now I have found the cure to my writers block... My brain becomes creative when it's tired!! How did I happen to forget that? Now that I'm back to writing, I hate to stop! I'm addicted again!

Question! Do you think Severus is being too cautious with Raven? And how do you think Raven is going to eventually react to her father never giving her space? Will she lash out on her father? Or will she remember to respect the man that raised her?

Don't be a stranger!

Luvz, Spade

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