bts x jungkook oneshots <3

بواسطة kookphil

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jungkook oneshot book UNDER CONSTRUCTION (rewriting old chapters) the newer chapters are better i promise vo... المزيد

introduction :)
one stitch two stitch - jungkook x hyungs
going bump in the night - namjinkook
hold me - namkook
⚠️i'll deal with it, baby - yoonkook
3am - hopejinkook
⚠️lightheaded - yoonjinkook / taekook
307 - bts x jk
buzzkill - jikook
halloween - hopekook
⚠️knee socks - taekook
running late - jinkook
smile kookie! - btsxjjk
good boy - namkook
⚠️save me/i'm fine - yoonkook
boys - btsxjjk
⚠️stranger danger - namjinkook
⚠️by your side - jinkook
merry christmas, jungkook hyung - taekook
⚠️support - yoonkook
three in one - btsxjjk
⚠️he's my boy - 10k special
different kind of army - jikook
⚠️a different side - namkook
⚠️bad things happen to good people - jinkook
by your side - part two
𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪✨
⚠️please stop - btsxjjk
and the grammy goes to... - hopekook
⚠️we're 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙙 - btsxjjk
ice cold - jinkook
first fight - yoonkook
⚠️wings - taekook
⚠️kick off - taekook
author's note - 9/3/20
"abnormal" - btsxjjk
⚠️safeword - btsxjjk
try new things - namkook
⚠️i still dream of him - jinkook
⚠️so far away - sopekook
sad news - namgikook
⚠️wake up! - yoonkook
b.i.g - jinkook
crying on the bathroom floor - jikook
i'm just a kid - hopekook
speed up, slow down, pass out - btsxjjk
⚠️turn around, please - taekook
⚠️shoot out - yoonjinkook
black lives matter.
will things get better? - ot7
⚠️still with you -btsxjjk
ouch! - yoonkook
⚠️take me home - btsxjjk
a day in the life - btsxjjk
hey, i got this - jikook
⚠️take me away - btsxjjk
⚠️so far away - part two
birthday blues - jinkook
⚠️bored - jungkook solo
one year on ... 🏃🏼‍♀️
⚠️in the sky - yoonjinkook
my first kiss - jinkook
⚠️h-ha! hyung! h-help! - btsxjjk
⚠️m.i.a - btsxjjk
⚠️you could be happy - taekook (xmas special)
rabbit flu - btsxjjk
⚠️write off - jikook
⚠️4 o'clock - taekook
⚠️homosexuality is a disorderd behaviour that must be condemned - namkook
11/1/22 - 1:35am
don't let it all fall down.
so f*cking lonley - jinkook
⚠️mr blue - yoonkook
⚠️the aftermath - jikook
watching him fade away - taekook
⚠️now playing - vminkook (10k words)
⚠️what once was - jungkook solo
figment. - jungkook x bts
forever - namkook
the closing shift - taekook (16+)
⚠️untitled - jungkook solo
the opening shift - taekook (part two) 16+
⚠️swallow - jungkook solo
hold me tight - jikook
⚠️nothing works - jungkook solo

⚠️friday night dinner - btsxjjk

8.1K 199 81
بواسطة kookphil

back to my angsty bullshit, thanks for all the patience :)
my gorgeous dog only has a few days left, so this may be my last update for a while 🥺



groupchat : jimin's nipple ring

hobi.hobi : it's past seven
hobi.hobi : where the hell are you all ?

min_yg : cute, do you miss us that much hmm?

hobi.hobi : shut up
hobi.hobi : just hurry :(

vantae : hyung, me and jimin are on
vantae : where are you ?

seok.jinnie : joonie and i will be 5 mins 💅🏻

p.jiminie : hey who made that the groupchat name ?

kooks97 : heheh
kooks97 : btw i'll be on soon

hobi.hobi : yall suck ;( i'm so bored !

namjoonkim : quit whining, we'll all be there soon.

"finally!" hoseok exclaimed as the last of the seven boys joined their group facetime. there was a warm, upbeat atmosphere oozing out the screen - instantly calming jungkook down.

the seven boys laughed and chatted - informing each other about how their week went and eating food, just what regular friends do.

however, this group was a little different. they were internet friends - added to a groupchat four years ago by seokjin, the oldest.

he said that he was sick of having no friends that liked the things he did, so he set out to find people with similar interests.

once he rounded up six boys from all around korea, he created a groupchat in hopes that they would hit it off and all become one big group.

now, four years later they are totally inseparable - they care for each other and talk every single day. they've even managed to meet up a few times!

jin and namjoon started internet dating three years ago, and now live together in seoul.

their bond was stronger than ever, nothing could ever tear them apart - their distance was forgotten because of how much they all loved each other.

friday's were jungkook's favourite day. on friday nights all seven boys facetimed and ate dinner together.

they used to do it a lot more, but unfortunately with all of them being at work, school or college - it was becoming difficult to find time.

however no one would miss their friday night dinner's for the world. they started at seven sharp and could go on until passed five am.

it was the only time that jungkook felt safe, however he couldn't help but wish that he had his hyungs with him in real life.

outside of his computer - jungkook had no comfort.

when he was down all he could think about is running into one of his hyungs arms and staying there. the first time they all met he roomed with yoongi. online, the older didn't come across as a cuddly type of person - but once the two were laying together in bed it felt so natural for yoongi to snake his hand around jungkook's waist and hold him close all night long.

the second time he roomed with with hoseok. this time he didn't even need to ask to cuddle - the second they lay down he was pulled into a warm embrace and his hyung whispered gently into his ear until they both fell asleep. it was the calmest jungkook had ever felt.

the last time they all met he got his own bedroom. the older boys had wanted him to have some privacy - and now that they had saved a little more money - jungkook having a separate room was an option.

jungkook was secretly heartbroken at the news. being alone made him anxious at the best of times - but it was even worse when he was made to sleep alone in a place he wasn't familiar with.

he somehow managed one night - but by the second he just couldn't take it. he stumbled out of his bed at almost four am and went to the room next to his.

he repeatedly knocked on the door before it swung open - revealing a sleepy looking jin and namjoon.

jungkook broke out into sobs before he could even think. jin gasped and pulled the youngest into the room, holding him tightly. "what's wrong darling?" jin asked shushing him gently.

jungkook took a deep breath, how was jungkook supposed to answer that?

'i don't like sleeping alone because i am scared of my grandad doing something so me in my sleep' - jungkook no.

jungkook panicked and tried to come up with a lie, no one knew just how upsetting and dark the maknae's life actually was, and he wasn't going to come clean then.

"uhh i just - just had a nightmare." he spluttered, jin hummed in understanding and pulled him closer.

jin and namjoon comforted him all night. he missed their hugs so much - he needed one now more than ever.

"kookie? kookie?"


"kook, you zoned out." taehyung informed, jungkook smiled and said "i was just thinking about us meeting up again! it's so soon! how long now hyungs?"

"three weeks today koo, i can't wait!" jimin said - excitement oozing though his words.

the rest of the boys smiled fondly and began talking about what they would do when they meet up.

jungkook listened intently to the pleasant conversation. he laughed along and spoke without a care in the world, until his door slammed open.

jungkook gasped and muted his mic at the speed of light. he jumped up and approached his grandad, (who he lived with) and bowed.

"what are you up to brat? talking to the fairy group again?" he scoffed. jungkook nodded shyly and then lowered his head.

"face the wall." his grandad commanded. jungkook moved over to the wall and clenched his fists, awaiting an oncoming yell...

but it never came. instead his head was slammed into the hard plaster and jungkook could have sworn he momentarily blacked out.

"that's for taking food this morning. you know full well that you have to ask first."

jungkook was suddenly overwhelmed with pain and he out a sharp cry.

"stay in your bedroom until i come and get you. don't leave for anything. not even the bathroom. wet yourself for all i care - disgusting little pig."
he spat, he then slammed the door shut and left jungkook sobbing on the floor.

"fuck, the hyungs!"

jungkook wiped his tears and dashed back to his computer, before unmuting his mic and putting his headphones back on.

"hi hyungs, sorry my grandad wanted help in the kitchen." he lied quickly. there was confused murmurs before hoseok piped up. "kook, your nose is bleeding."

jungkook panicked and dabbed his nose, feeling the fresh blood.

"oh? t-that's probably because i'm stressed. i should get some rest. b-bye hyungs i love you!" he stuttered before hanging up quickly.

he took a deep breath and lay down in his bed. he gripped his pillow tightly and sobbed.

he was pushing away the only people that kept him going. he sobbed so hard his entire body shook.

he was about to turn the light off and just sleep away his problems when he felt his phone buzz.

joonie hyung 💚:

you can tell us everything kookie, remember that.

jimin hyung 💅🏻:

we love you honey.

jungkook smiled sadly, before closing his eyes.


over the next few weeks the boys became even more worried about jungkook. while the others were all eagerly planning their trip together - jungkook just seemed down.

it was a tuesday night and jungkook was laying in the bathroom - sore and starved.

he had been ignoring the frequent buzzing of his phone for almost an hour before he finally decided to pick up one the calls.

he pressed the phone to his ear without looking at the contact, making him unaware of who was calling.


ahh, it was namjoon.

"yes hyung?" he slurred - not even hiding his tears anymore.

"what's wrong? we've been messaging you non stop." he spoke sadly.

jungkook whimpered upon hearing his soothing voice. he broke down and cried to namjoon - alarming the older.

"jungkook, take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong baby."

jungkook calmed down a little and thought harder - there would be no use telling namjoon about his grandfather now. what would namjoon do about it? he would just worry the other hyungs for no reason, which isn't fair.

he sat up and leaned against the wall and exhaled. "'m sick hyung." he slurred, holding his sore head.

there was murmuring from down the phone and soon jungkook could make out jin's voice. "you're sick? what kind of sick?" jin asked, kindly - but with force.

"i have a headache, and i've thrown up." he spoke, at least this wasn't all lies..

"you poor thing. drink lots of water and try to sleep for me bunny. is your grandad home?" jungkook shivered upon hearing his name and and replied with a quick "no."

jin hummed and smiled sadly "take some medicine too, then head to bed - a-also text me when you wake up tomorrow alright?"

jungkook fought back his tears, he would be spending another night alone and cold..."yes hyung, goodnight."

"goodnight kookie, see you soon."

later that night, jin and namjoon lay together in bed. "i'm worried about him joon." jin spoke quietly.

"who, kook?"

"yeah. everything just seems so suspicious. you don't think something is wrong with him right?" he asked apprehensively.

namjoon sighed softly "i don't know jinnie. i don't know."


groupchat : hoseok and the massive sausage

p.jiminie : today is the day!
p.jininie : i'm so excited!

vantae : me too! my train leaves in two hours btw.

hobi.hobi : mines leaves in about forty minutes - i'm meeting yoongs halfway.

seok.jinnie : namjoon and i will meet you all at the station at one :)

min_yg : hoseok what kind of drink do you want me to bring for you?

namjoonkim : yoongi you're such a dad.

min_yg : 😒

hobi.hobi : just water please hyung 💜

min_yg : k

p.jiminie : has anyone heard from kook?

vantae : nope

hobi.hobi : nope 👎

seok.jinnie : i'm sure it will be fine, kookie's train is the last one to leave - he has hours.


meanwhile, jungkook was not fine. he lay on the kitchen floor with his shirt off, screaming each time the belt was cracked over him. "quiet!" his grandfather bellowed. jungkook tried to whimper quieter but he continued to sob.

he was pulled up to his feet and then slammed back into the wall, he felt blood trickle down his face and his whole mouth filled with blood.

his body went limp and he collapsed onto the cold floor.

his grandad left him with one final crack of the belt before shutting and locking the front door, taking off and leaving jungkook alone on the floor, drowning in his own blood...

"hyungs. h-help me."

he blacked out.


"that's the last of the people. jungkook wasn't on the train." jimin swallowed uneasily - the boys stood anxiously and awaited one of the other boys to speak up.

"tae, track his phone." yoongi said, taehyung nodded and pulled out his phone and opened their friend tracker.

"he was last active at seven thirty this morning. at his house." taehyung informed, the others sighed softly.

"so, he woke up on time?" hoseok asked - the others nodded. "what does this mean then?"

"i'm not sure, but i don't feel good about it." yoongi said, concern evident in his voice.

"me neither...joonie that phone call - you don't think that-"

"what phone call?" jimin asked, namjoon shook his head "that doesn't matter just now, let's just focus on kookie. tae, you said he was at his house right?"

tae nods, still facing the floor.

"well then, boys - we're going to busan."


"and you're sure he" hoseok questioned, eyeing the battered and run down house. jimin nodded grimly and glanced back to his mobile. "his phone is inside, and there's no other houses for miles.."

"there's no car in the drive, so he's home alone?" namjoon asked slowly. " i guess so?" replied jin.

it was yoongi who eventually approached the large oak door. he brought his fist up and knocked loudly.

after receiving no reply, he called out for jungkook. once again they were met with painful silence. "someone check round the back"

tae and jimin jumped the red fence and peered in the back window, nothing could have ever prepared them for what they saw. their faces paled and taehyung stumbled backwards and screamed.

jimin took action and sprinted back round the front. "yoongi! kick the door down!" he commanded, the other boys looked visibly confused but also extremely concerned. before they could question jimin further, tae ran over and threw himself into hoseok's arms - crying loudly. "tae? honey what's wrong?"

"it's kookie! h-he-"

the door slammed open with a great bang, startling the other five members. they filed into the hallway and followed jimin into the kitchen, where they saw jungkook - laying still in a pool of blood.

after the shock settled, namjoon sprung into action, assessing the situation and giving orders. soon he has yoongi on the phone to the paramedics and the others dotted around the room helping. "joon, does he have a pulse?" yoongi aksed - his voice shaking as he spoke.

"yeah..but it's weak."

they followed the steps given my the first responders carefully and miraculously, jungkook slowly came to.

jin stroked his hair gently, his salty tears slipping down and falling onto their maknae's injured face. "baby..what happened to you?"

jungkook gasped and closed his eyes, wishing that it was all just a dream. praying that his hyungs hadn't really seen him in such a vulnerable state. "kookie, speak to me love." jin cried.

jungkook reached up and gripped jin's hand loosely, the other members held their breaths. "i..i fell."


the room was so tense it was unbearable - finally after what felt like hours, yoongi spoke up. "jungkook, stop lying to us.

everyone in this room knows that is bullshit. all of us care about you so much and all we want to do is help you, please kookie i'm begging you - tell us the truth and let us help you. we can fix this." his voice trailed off towards the end and tears slipped down his pale cheeks.

jungkook whined and choked on his tears, crying out loudly. the other members looked shocked to see their youngest in such a state - they rarely ever saw jungkook cry and never this dramatic.

after a few more minutes of sobbing and being coddled by the older hyungs, they heard sirens in the distance.

jungkook took a deep breath and looked jin in his eyes. "it's my grandad. he hurts me hyungs."

"paramedics! is anyone in here?"


"he's stable now, the blood that was donated by hoseok was really helpful, thank you sir."

"worth fainting?" yoongi teased, hoseok laughed lowly and nibbled his cookie.

"so, we have filed a police report and they will be here shortly to question jungkook, he's just waking up now so you guys can head in."

the other six boys walked into the room, hoseok being supported by taehyung and jimin.

jungkook's eyes fluttered open gently and the older boys cooed. jimin lovingly rubbed his cheek, sparking some life back into his pale face.

"how you feeling honey?" jin asked sweetly, jungkook whined but smiled.

"better." he replied shortly, not feeling up to full sentences just yet.

while all the others got to cheering jungkook up, jin pulled yoongi aside.

"what are we going to do about him?" jin asked, biting his nails.

"i'm not quite sure, but i know that i'll be moving to seoul in a few months so he is welcome to live with me there." he suggested, jin nodded.

"wherever he goes - it's not going to be back home, i never want him to see that sick bastard again." he said through gritted teeth, clenching his fists slightly.

jin placed his hands on yoongi's shoulders and rubbed them a little, calming the second eldest down. "we'll figure something out, we have all the evidence - that fucker is going to die in jail."

"what are you doing out here?" namjoon asked, they informed the youngest of the three what they had been discussing and namjoon nodded in understanding.

"well, visiting is closed now so we need to say goodnight to kook, we can come back tomorrow at ten."

they joined the other four in jungkook's bedroom and said their goodbyes, all taking a moment to hug or kiss jungkook - anything to make him feel safe and loved.

just as the maknae was drifting off to sleep, he felt the familiar buzz of his phone.

groupchat : soppy hours 💜

seok.jinnie : goodnight boys, i love you.

namjoonkim : love you too hyung :)

hobi.hobi : love you guys 🥺

vantae : ily guys :)

p.jiminie : love you all !

min_yg : i love you i guess

kooks97 : i love you guys too. night night hyungs.

goodnight, kookie.


thank you so much for reading ! i hope you enjoy this one. pushing back my project a little bit it's still in the works so stay tuned for that !

thank you so much for 90k! road to 100k? heheheh

love you guys as always 🥺

-2844 words :)

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