Stick up

By honeyndmilk

148K 3.9K 570

"I-I need a favor from you." He spoke, slow and cautious. "Sergio, spit it out." "I need you to help with a... More

PART ONE| Stick up
One| watch your mouth
Two| wanted
Four| you wish
Five| oh shit
Six| Dalí!
Seven| love hurts
Eight| trigger
Nine| mistakes
Ten| choices
Eleven| one life or three
Twelve| love hurts
Thirteen| a lack of trust
Fourteen| big girls cry
Fifteen| ain't no sunshine
Sixteen| i warned myself
Seventeen| always, i'll care
Eighteen| set fire to the rain
Nineteen| go to hell
Twenty| came close
Twenty one| playing games
Twenty Two| missing each other
Twenty three| let it go
Twenty four| this is on you
Twenty five| please dont go
PART TWO| stick up
One| life after you
Two| ready or not, here we come
Three| how did it come to this
Four| my own souls warning
Five| never really over
Six| stick to the plan
Seven| ready or not
Eight| here i come
Nine| run, run, run

Three| Fine wine

7.4K 231 32
By honeyndmilk

The group sat outside in the beautiful weather. Sergio- The professor- sat at the head of the table, tapping his glass continuously. The short haired girl watching his nervous antics, wondering what the hell was up with him. While she studied him, the younger boy next to her slipped his hand up her thigh, sly and quietly.

"Rio!" She hissed and slapped his hand. This is not the place, to many eyes.

"Well," all eyes fell to Berlin. "What did she say, professor?"

Tokio looked at the professor. Who was she?

"Professor." Berlin spoke with more authority to bring him back.

"Y-yes?" Sergio cleared his throat, wiping his hands on his pant legs.

"What did she say?"

Denver sat across from the professor confused, along with the rest. "Who's are you talking about?" Tokio asked, since no one else would.

"A friend." Berlin spoke with ease.

"You? Friends? I don't think so." Nairobi scoffed, although her tone was joking, she was serious. He was an ass.

Berlin ignored her, something he was good at. "Well?"

Sergio sat straight and cleared his throat. Looking at all of the wondering eyes. "She said, yes, well she said no, actually-"

"Well which one was it? Yes or no?" Rio laughed at the older man as he tripped over his words.

"She said possibly- she needs time to think."

"That's a no." Nairobi spoke. "If a girl needs time- the answers no."

Sergio was a bit deflated- she didn't sound like she wanted to do it, maybe Nairobi was right?

They all heard a car engine as it sped up the dirt road. Arcelias shiny blue car pulling next to Sergio's old red one.

Out stepped a beautiful woman. Her brown hair flowing delicately just past her shoulders, eyebrows thick and full, her soft brown eyes turning to a honey shade as the sunlight hit her eyes, pupils dilating. Her full lips pulled back into a bright smile, showing off her dimples, smile lines, and seemingly perfect teeth. She was wearing a light brown two piece outfit, the shirt tucked away into her skirt as the collar of her shirt a went just a few centimeters under her chin, covering most of her tan skin. The heels of her knee high tan boots pushing the dirt farther to the ground as she walked to Sergio, who was already halfway to her.

"Sergio, how nice it is to see you again." She spoke lightly so no one heard his name. She pulled back and kept her hands on his shoulders. "I see you're still dorky as ever." She laughed, tapping the frame of his glasses.

"A bit." He chuckled looked at her. "You look wonderful, lona. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you." she smiled and took a look at all the people in the yard, their eyes trained on her every move- all enticed by the way she moved and the way her smile was bright.

"Ah, Mí Amor!" Berlin stood tall making his way to her with a glass of wine in his hand. "Six years too long, Bella, but my, have you aged like the finest of wine." He winked and gave her a small smirk, before breaking out in a smile, true laughter escaping his lips at her reply.

"If only I could say the same for you, but it seems like you age like cheese." She smirked.

The group behind them snickered. "I like her." Tokio smiled and pointed to her, Denver's distinctive laugh heard by all, Nairobi nodding her head in agreement.

"Holy shit have I missed you!" Berlin grabbed her face and brought it closer to him, kissing each of her cheeks. "Come along."

The trio made their way to the table, Berlin pulling out the empty seat on the other side of Sergio, waiting for Arcelia to sit before going to his own.

"Everybody-" Sergio called for their attention even though it was all on the gem next to him. "This is a very dear friend of ours, she's going to be a major component in this heist, the missing piece we need per say." He took a moment to look around, noticing all their curious glances. "This is Barcelona, some call her Lona for short. She-"

"Wait- Wait." Helsinki pointed around the small girl, his eyes squinted. "You're Barcelona?"

"Is that a problem?" She questioned, leaning forward as she squinted her eyes back at him.

"Barcelona? Why have I heard of that?" Moscú spoke softly tapping his chin. "It's a city papa! Not far from here." Denver's laugh made Arcelia smile. Oh he's a cutie.

"No you idiot!" Nairobi yelled and tossed a piece of bread at him. "Barcelona is the best con artist to exist- ever! She's wanted all over the world, but nobody can touch her." Nairobi spoke proudly- as if it were her accomplishments. "I love your work, man! Like I made money for your boys before, uh, what were their names?" She tapped her fingers before her eyes went wide. "Ibiza! Ibiza and Saúl!"

Barcelona smiled and nodded her head, remembering the untraceable money she got before. "Flawless work, honestly. The best I've ever seen."

"I thought Barcelona was a dude?" Rio spoke up, confusion on his face.

"These are real, sweetie." She shimmied her chest as sat back, laughing at his flushed face. "Yes, they are." Berlin smirked behind his wine glass.

"Yes- yes." Sergio spoke with his hands up. "Barcelona's a woman, a real woman, and she's amazing at what she does, every one of her moves flawless."

The rest of the afternoon was spent catching Barcelona up on everything she's missed.

Two months later

"And where do you think your going?" Berlin spoke from across the hall, smirking at her, his red robe open showing off his chest.

"Shit, Berlin!" She hissed, closing her door lightly and walking across the hall. "You scared me! And keep your voice down!" She hit his chest, hearing the smack! it made when her hand met his chest.

"Amor, you could never sneak past me, not even when you were younger." He teased pushing her hair behind her ear.

It was true. When she was seventeen she always snuck out of their house; and someone was always there to catch her. Andrés.

"Yeah, well if you didn't wait up for me then you never would've caught me." She crossed her arms over her chest, Berlin's eyes followed the movement and saw the opening of her shirt, displaying her breast and stoping right under, her mid section open.

"Someone has to keep you safe." He flicks her breast. "Where's the rest of your shirt? Becoming a hooker?"

"Depends." She smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "How much are you willing to pay?" She winked.

"Name a price, Mí Amor. Name a price." He locked eyes with her, both seeing who would look away first.

When she realized he wouldn't budge, she leaned forward, lips pressed to his ear. "You couldn't afford me, Mí Amor."

She turned and made her way to Tokio's room; hearing the soft chuckles of Andrés. "I hope you saved some for me!" She spoke loudly, walking in and going straight to Tokio, who was holding a bottle of rum. "Thanks, baby."

"I thought I was the only one you called baby!" Denver's drunk voice boomed in the room. The two girls and young boy laughing at her slightly flushed cheeks- she wasn't embarrassed of him- not at all. She just didn't want Sergio to be upset with her, she respected him but she doesn't follow rules, she makes them.

"Yeah, keep dreaming, cutie." She winked walking over to him and sitting in his lap, his hands immediately going to her waist.

"Oh come on!" Tokio spoke while laughing. "We all know you guys are fucking."

Rio nodded. "It's true."

"Yeah, are you guys dating or what?" Nairobi asked, smiling at the girl she now considered her best friend.

"Oh yeah, she's mine!" Denver yelled, bottle of alcohol in the air, saying cheers.

The rest of the young adults raised their glass giving them their cheers. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Barcelona shook her head. 'Children.' "You want a kiss?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yes! Make it hot and steamy!" Tokio yelled, shaking Rios hand.

Barcelona stood up and turned to face Denver, straddling his waist, tugging his shirt towards her. Denver was captivated. The bottle that was once in his hands was now pouring into the floor. He took his hands and placed them on her hips giving her a squeeze. Her hair fell a bit over her face making a curtain to the group.

Denver naturally pushed the hair back and grabbed the back of her neck, tried of waiting. He brought her face towards him, capturing her lips with his own. The kiss was magical, neither of them feeling this before. She decided to tease Denver and the group, slightly grinding her hips against his. Barcelona giggles at his grunt, while the others gasp and burst into laughter. "Hey! This isn't a porno!"

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