My dad's Boss Ugly Billionair...

By ChloeCheford

542K 12K 1.2K

Cover picture: fashion nova. Demetri Ivanov: ugly, ruthless, controlling, rich and most importantly, single... More

Meeting Mr. Ivanov (1) 🌶🌶🌶
The mission part 1. (2)
the mission part.2 (3)🌶
The mission part 3.(4) 🌶🌶🌶
Pool Talk(5)
house tour! (6)
One month anniversary(7)🌶🌶
Anniversary dinner!(8) 🌶
Anniversary suprises!(9)🌶🌶🌶
Pure feelings(10)
Rules(11)🌶 🌶🌶⬛
The Ivanov's (12)
Practically family(14)
The jet(15)
City of fight(16)🌶
Forgiveness in the yacht(17)🌶🌶🌶
Who's Victoria? (18)
First day of college(19)
David's therapy session(20)
Wrong Number(22)🌶🌶
Mistakes and more(23)
Never trust the devil part 1.(24)
Never trust the devil part 2. (25)
Never trust the devil part 3.(26)
Demetri's secret(27)
wait for me(28)
Mental hospital(29)
David's not a saint(31)
David's secret(32)
Giving Birth(34)
Coming Home(35)🌶🌶🌶
College application(38)
David's calling(42)🌶🌶
The case(43)
childhood friend(48)
Good night(53)
Demetri's looks(56)
The big day(59)
I do(61)
Please Read!
Weeding night(63)
special chapter!
No more secrets(70)🌶🌶🌶
Final Chapter(71)
New Book!

Doctor's Appointment(30)

5.5K 137 2
By ChloeCheford

Alexa's p.o.v:

I woke up and brushed then I went to the shower. I realized that I should have gotten my period today but I still didn't.

I then went to the kitchen and saw Jolene making breakfast, but it smelled disgusting! Jolene is a great cook so it seemed weird that she would cook something that smells this disgusting.

"What are you making?"
I asked.

"Your favorite, French toast with avocado."
She answered.

"No your not"
I said.

"Yes I am, Alexa are you okay?"
She asked as I ran to the bathroom.
I ent to the bathroom and ran to the toilet, and I vomited for at least 2 minutes.

"Alexa! Are you okay? Alexa?"
She asked.

"Yes I'm fi-"
But before I finish the sentence I vomite again.

"We are going to a hospital"
Jolene said.

-45 minutes later-

"Alexa Smith?"
The secretary asked.


"Dr. Austin will see you now"
She said.

-doctor's office-

"So Alexa, when did you start feeling weird?"
Dr. Austin asked.

"Umm, well I started to vomit only today but I felt a little weird also yesterday"
I explained .

"Did you have any sexual  relationship that you didn't use protection"
He asked.

"Last month"

"Okay, well from my understanding you might be pregnant but we still need to do some tests. I'll call you when the results arrive"
He said.

-3 days later-

-phone call-

Dr. Austin: hello? Mrs. Smith?

Me: yes, is this Dr. Austin?

Dr. Austin: yes, I called to tell you the tests results.

Me: okay.

Dr. Austin: Congratulations Mrs. Smith you are pregnant.

Me- I- I, y-you sure? 

Dr. Austin: yes, if you have any further questions feel free to ask.

Me: N-no thank you.

-end of phone call-

I'm pregnant? I always wanted to be a mother but now just seems like not the best timing. How will I tell Demetri about it? I should tell him, right? But what if he doesn't want it! Maybe he'll leave me?!

All of those thoughts are making me cry even more, what there's one thought that makes me cry the most, did I want to have Demetri's child?

Like I love him.. but with everything that happened I realized that I don't really know who's the real Demetri.

I feel like there's two different versions of Demetri, one version is when he's with me the other one is with other people. He always acts kind and nice towards me but to other people he's awful.

Why life is so complicated? Can it just be simple?

I couldn't take it anymore, I cried and cried and cried...  I had to get rid of all of the sadness, fear and confusion that was hunting my mind. But it doesn't matter how much I cry, I still feel those emotions.

"Alexa? Why are you crying?"
I heard a familiar voice say.
I turned around and saw Jolene standing next to my bedroom door.

"I got the results"
I said.

"You're pregnant aren't you"
She said and I just simply nod.

She then walked towards my bed and sat next to me.

"I don't know what do"
I said between tears.

"Alexa, don't cry you have me and your parents who will help you go through this! I always wanted to be the weird auntie, well you don't really have any options because you're an only child.."
She said.

"I tried to call Demetri but he doesn't answer, do you think that he forgot about me?"
I asked as I cried even more.

"Alexa, how can you say a such of thing? Demetri is obsessed with you he adores you I'm pretty sure he thinks you're God. He would never forget about you, the reason he's in this position now is because he was so obsessed with you"
She said kind of comforting.

"Thank you Jolene"
I said as I hugged her.

"No problem, but I get to decide the name right?!"
She said making me laugh.

I laughed.

"I have so many ideas! What about: Sun light? Or maybe, rose gold?"
She suggested.

"I'm not calling my child: 'rose gold'"
I said.

"It's okay, eventually mommy will give up"
She said talking to my stomach.

"Jolene, this is between you and me do not involve Jordan  into this!"
I warned.

"Who the fuck is Jordan?"
She asked.

"My baby duh!"
I answered.

"You're serious? That's a terrible name! Don't blame me if your kid will be bullied at school"
She said.

After that we talked for hours and Jolene made me laugh my heart out. That's what I like about Jolene she can always make me laugh.

"Alexa, I need to answer this it's my mom"
Jolene said as she answered the phone that was ringing.

After a couple of minutes Jolene came back.

"My mom said that she would need my help tomorrow to volunteer in hospital."
She explained.

"For the whole day?"
I asked.

"You'll be okay?"
She asked.

I answered.

To be continued....

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!❤💖💝❤💝❤❤💗💕 
Don't forget to vote and comment!💗❤💕💝💖💕💝💖💝


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