Murderous romance

By becca-lulu

41K 1.7K 1.1K

Being the daughter of the biggest cartel doesn't always have its perks. Like yeah you're one bad bitch, but o... More

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899 54 102
By becca-lulu

Junipers pov

I'm now nine months pregnant, and I feel like I'm gonna die. A fucking bullet is more tolerable. I could just pop at any moment, I've had very strong urges to strangle Joey, but sadly I need him to help with the child. Though I am a strong independent woman, no a child needs it's father.

"I brought food"Okay he can stay.

"What is it if I may ask"I put a smile.

"It's mash potatoes, everyone else makes you throw up"he's not wrong, even just the thought of certain foods is enough to make my empty out my stomach.

"I'll take it"he places the tray on my lap, I give him a really look.

"Okay I'll feed the big baby"he grabs a spoon full and puts it up to my lips, I open my mouth glaring at him.

This man is truly carved by the gods themselves, I don't think I've ever seen a pimple on his face. I'm jealous of him, maybe I should strangle him.

"Why are you looking at me like that"he asks.

"Like What"I ask innocently.

"Like you want to kill me"shit I'm caught.

"Because I do"he gasps dramatically.

"Why, all I've done I'd love your marshmallow self"I gasp, I'll teach you.

"You think I'm fat"tears form in my eyes, my bottoms lip quivers. His eyes soften, he sets the plate down on the nightstand and sits beside me.

"No I don't think your fat, your beautiful with and without your belly"he rubs my belly, we don't know the gender we want it to be a surprise.

"You're still sleeping on the couch, now off I need to pee"I hate getting up every two seconds to take a piss.

"Let me help"he helps me off the bed.

I bend over, feeling an overwhelming pain. I feel liquid trickledown my leg, fuck my water broke.

"Joey it's coming"I tell him, he looks like he just saw a ghost.

"JOEY DO SOMETHING"I yell, as another pain hits me, fucking contractions.

"Right"he pulls my pants down and puts on dry ones, he grabs the backpack that's by the door and picks me up bridal style. He left me shock, the speed he was going at would have made flash jealous.

He starts going down the stairs fast, but still careful. We past almost everyone on the way down. Joey just walked, not even explaining.

"Hi dad I'm in labor"I say as we get to the bottom, he drops his donuts and helps Joey.

"I'll drive, you stay in the back with her"my father grabs the bmw keys as we hurry out the door.

Another fucking contraction happens as Joey puts me in the car.

"Fuck you Joey, I'm going celibate"I breath in and out.

"I'm glad to here that"my dad says from the front.

"You can't be serious"Joey says holding my hand.

"Oh but I am, and if you want sex you bare the child next time, fuck I rather take a bullet"I start to hyperventilate.

"Breath farfalla" Joey does breathing motion crap.

I'm now in a hospital bed, only eight centimeters dilated. Doctors keeping coming in and out checking up on me. Everyone is now in the room, they can only be in here until I start to push. Joey in the other hand gets to stay and if he does I'm afraid that instead of gripping his hand it'll be his neck.

"How do you feel"Alex asks me, I turn and glare at him.

"Like I'm getting ripped apart"I grit.

"It can't be that bad"Cora says with an eight month belly on her.

"Yeah you won't be saying that when the roles are reversed"I take a deep breath in and out as another contraction happens.

"You've take bullets, and this is your down fall"Sophia says with her two month belly.

"Stop talking before I start killing"I start doing breathing exercises, that aren't even fucking helping.

"Okay I'm gonna need everyone out except for daddy and momma"the doctor comes in, she seems nice.

Everyone leaves the room.

"Okay so your ten centimeters dilated now mom"a few nurses in with some equipment.


"Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy"the doctor says, tears streaming down my face.

"Joey look"I say as she places him on my chest. I look over and see two nurses trying to wake Joey up, he passed out when I cut his airway, many nurses had to help him get out of my grip.

"I didn't mean to"I turn to the doctor.

"You'd be surprise at how much it happens"she says so casually.

"Really"I ask, not taking my eyes off my baby boy.

His skin tone is as pale as joeys, but he's got my midnight black hair. I already know he's gonna be a heartbreaker, but I will beat his ass if he does. My precious baby boy.

"Well momma I need to take him, to check if everything is working perfectly"she says, I only nod but don't hand him off, I don't wanna.

"You'll get him back"she chuckles, I sigh placing a kiss on his forehead and handing him back.


It's been a couple of hours and Joey still hasn't woken up, my family is in the waiting room as I'm not letting them in. Joey has to be the second to see him.

"I'm up"I suddenly hear from besides me, it's Joey on the other bed, they placed another so that he could stay here.

"Wanna met him"I ask him softly.

"He, I have a boy, gimme"he gets up and takes him from my arms.

"Hi my baby boy, you're gonna be a daddies boy aren't yo"just as he's says that he starts crying.

"Guess not"he deadpans.

"No he just doesn't like getting woken up"Joey laughs.

"Just like your momma"he laughs, tears coming down his face, but not from laughing.

"Come here"I scoot over for him to sit, he does so, cradling our baby.

"We made that"he wraps one arm around me.

"And I know not perfect time, but timings has never been my thing but fuck and no sappy speech because I know you don't care about those all you care is that I love you and that I won't leave you so let's make it permanent, please marry me, box is in my pocket"only he could make this romantic, I dig into his pocket taking out the ring.

"So what do you say"he asks.

"Yes"I kiss him, our baby boy starts crying.

"Definitely a mommas boy"Joey chuckles.

Everything is finally in its place.

One more chapter

If we hit fifty comments I'll post the last part today.

Bye babies💛💛💛

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