I Love You | Septiplier✔️

By Bloodyb0nes

1.3K 103 110

Jacks girlfriend (Gab) broke up with him, Jack was hart broken and needed his friends to help him through the... More

Welcome to I Love You!
1.Hang out?
2.What did you say?
4.Friends again?
5.Love is all a lie...
6.Still friends.
7.Hang out time!
9.Movie time bitch!
10.Can't let go...
11.A little vist gone wrong...(p.1)
12.A little visit gone wrong...(p.2)
13.Get out of my head!
14.The note.
17.It's fine to be not fine.
18.Friends again!!!
20.Date night!
21.Moving in!
22.Make you mine.🌶
23.True friends and those type of 'friends'.
24. Yes, it's real!
25.My dream daddy~🌶
26.Oh No Anti...
27.Why now?
28.All over again.
30.Better days.
31.Baths, kisses and pain
32.No more sane
33.Fight it
34.You got this baby
36.Why? (Final Chapter)

15.Drowning in my tears.

29 2 0
By Bloodyb0nes

A/N: HA! I told you that I will get 14-17 done! Just 2 more to edited and 1 to finish! Enjoy, Stars! 

Jacks P.O.V

I have just lost all hope in this shit world. If I cant get it all together anytime soon, then I think I'm just gonna give up on life. Life is just so pointless now that I'm thinking about it. I mean fuck, I have been so down and I cant find it in my self to get back up and enjoy life again.

I then got up off my bed carelessly. I need some fucking coffee in my sad, lonely, shitty, worthless, dead inside and all that sad shit in my life I had  to live. I walked to my bedroom door and opened it while the dark oak door making a small creek sound. 

Walking deadly to my kitchen to get some coffee, was just like everyday now. I walked in my kitchen, feeling the cold floor white tile on my right bare foot, then my left. I slowly walked to the coffee maker and got it all set up before I got a coffee mug.  

The coffee mug was a nice and shiny white, and the holder was shaped like a C, and in all black on the coffee mug was the word 'UNT' so that it spelled out cunt. I softly giggled to myself and began to make my black coffee as I thought to myself.

Why was I this sad? Why am I not happy? Will I ever get over it? Should I take a brake from YouTube? Why did she do this to me? Out of all the people in the world...Why me? 

(A/N: Okay, they are YouTubers, but I just left out the part when they make videos! Just thought I should say that!) 

While I was drowning in my own thoughts, I was stopped by a beeping sound from the silver coffee maker. I then went back into real life and not my pity, baby thoughts. I looked at the coffee mug for a moment then grabbed it. I looked inside the cup to see just plan black coffee and then I set it down carefully beside the shiny coffee maker. 

Right next to the toaster was a little jar filled to the rim with sugar for my daily coffee. I grabbed tow small sugar packs and put it in my coffee, then took the cunt mug in my hands and swirled it around a bit, making the black coffee go to the rim of the mug and back down over and over again. 

"Oh, coffee gods...Show me life again." I say softly in a whisper to myself before taking a sip. I closed my eyes for a moment while I brought my coffee down a little, then taking another sip. I then smiled to myself and then I thought. 'I need to fucking check the mail.'

I put my mug down and walked out of the kitchen and to the front door of my house. I had a plan black t-shirt on and some gray sweet pants. I slipped on my white shoes and walked out the door, shutting it on my way out.

I walked over to my mail box right next to my driveway and opened it up. I looked inside and saw one single small envelope and grabbed it. I looked at the tag that was on it too see who it was from. 'To: Sean, From: Markimoo' it said, I walked back into my home and sat at the dinning table before opening the box up.

In the envelope was a letter so I picked it up and read it carefully.

(I got lazy so here's just a pic of the letter xD)






A/N: I LOVE THE DETAIL I ADDED!!! YOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye-bye, Stars!



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