Prison in Colors || K.TH βœ”

By NourhaneauToumanion

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*Deleted at 9.7k+ views, 3.1k+ votes & 560+ comments* He doesn't have a character of his own. "Which characte... More

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280 21 12
By NourhaneauToumanion

Edited by GivingLove10 


Rejection filled the air in the meeting hall, which was the cause of Taehyung's constant shifting in his seat. So many questions were being thrown at him from all those present in the room. Tae shut his eyes and fisted his hand on his thigh under the table. Surly, Jimin was sitting beside him and was the first to feel the discomfort Taehyung was in, so he held Taehyung's fist, but that wasn't enough for Taehyung to get released from all the questions.

"Where were you all those years?" one of the old men said, enlightening all the other people present.

"Yes, if you were really Hyun-bin's son, where were you all those years? He was stressed out in his last days which lead for him to take his own life, leaving this company to some rich Min brat, who by the way didn't do a good job of keeping the company together," another one said with a frown directed towards Taehyung.

Tae stood up from his seat, grabbing everyone's attention and said, "I was sick," he lied, which triggered Jimin, so instead he got up and narrated the truth.

"The Min's kidnapped him and hid him for 20 years. That's why Mr. Hyun-bin couldn't take it and ended his life. There are so many details to the story, but if you guys keep on pressuring him more and pushing him away, we'll be taking legal measures. Therefore, every single one of you sign the Goddamn paper in front of him. Playtime is over." Jimin placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder lightly pushing him down back in his seat.

"But this paper says that Jeon Jungkook will be the one in charge," one of the elders spoke.

Jungkook got up from his chair since it was his time to speak, saying, "I am Jeon Jungkook. Kim Taehyung entrusted me this company temporarily until he becomes capable of handling the company."

"What makes you a good candidate for this position? Mr. Taehyung can you reconsider your proposition and decide-" the not anymore person in charge spoke.

However, his words were cut short by Taehyung, who said, "Because I trust him. Yes, I appreciate that you all tried to do your best in keeping this company on its feet, but personally, I don't trust any of you yet. Therefore, Jungkook is going to be my replacement until I come back as a worthy CEO for this big company which my father entrusted me with."

Loud murmurs were filling the atmosphere, people talking to each other gave Taehyung anxiety and headache, stressing the shit out of him almost making him collapse, but Jungkook was fast enough to handle the situation.

Jungkook slammed his hand on the table multiple times, grabbing everyone's attention. He didn't talk until everyone was silent, he held the file they just got from Yoongi earlier in the day, saying, "You all see this file, right?" They took glances at each other and looked back at Jungkook, who proceeded, "This file holds the signature of Min Yoongi, giving Taehyung all the stocks back that his family stole from the Kim's. My offer is as follows, it's either for me to tear this file into pieces and make this company go downhill because I assure you Yoongi doesn't give a shit about this place. The other offer is to follow both Taehyung and my commands because that's how this company will flourish."

Jungkook looked at his watch then back at most of the men present, saying, "You have 1 minute to sign the paper in front of you. I don't think you'll need more than that to write down your name."

After 5 minutes of paper shuffling, the meeting ended with more than 50% signing the names in favor of Jungkook being the temporary CEO.

Jungkook, Soura, and the attorney stayed back to talk with some of the elders, leaving both Jimin and Taehyung behind. Therefore, they went ahead of the rest to their cars and waited there.

"Why did you say the truth back there? Weren't you the one who told me to never mention me being imprisoned?" Taehyung asked with anticipation as he looked at Jimin.

Jimin turned, faking a smile at Taehyung and replied, "Because I don't want you to lie. I don't want to be that person who taught you to lie. Also, saying the truth saved you a lot of trouble."

"I didn't want them to pity me, though."

"Who said they do?" Jimin wondered.

"It's just a feeling."

Both of them stayed silent for a moment, but Jimin broke it with a sigh, starting off, "Was it really necessary to give Jungkook that burden?"

Taehyung gave Jimin a weird look, replying, "If I didn't know you, I would've said that you are jealous, but since I know you, I want to know what's the problem in giving Jungkook this burden. I do believe that he can do a marvelous job."

Jimin hummed not saying much back, which bothered Taehyung so he stepped in front of him while holding his shoulder in the process, saying, "You are acting weird Jimin. You've been silent for the past 2 days, and it's not making me feel good in any way. Speak up please."

"Yes, Yes I feel bloody jealous, and I'm angry that he is getting so much of your attention. I don't know why I'm like that. I hate that I feel this way, but guess what! I'll always be that dark red which bothered you since the beginning!" Jimin yelled and pushed Taehyung's hands away from his shoulders then walked away.

However, Taehyung was keen on giving Jimin something important and by the looks of it, he knew what to exactly give him "Purple" Tae shouted for Jimin to hear.

Jimin halted and turned on his heels, looking at Taehyung and wondered, "What does it mean?"

Taehyung rushed to be nearer to Jimin and said, "It means trust." Tears burned Jimin's cheeks when he heard those words. Tae immediately came closer to Jimin and pulled him into a hug, patting his back. "Never ever think that I'll leave you behind for the sake of someone else. You were my first friend, and the first person I trusted."

Soura and the rest finally came back, but before they rode in the cars, Taehyung stopped Soura, saying, "Can I ask you for a walk before going home?" She nodded in agreement, letting everyone else leave before them.

Taehyung and Soura walked alongside one another for 5 minutes without a word. Soura bit her lower lip anxiously saying, "What did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to ask, what made you so worried on freeing me?" he asked but without looking at her.

"At first, I did it out of friendship obligation. Then over time, I had a slight sense of justice mixed with pity, but when I grew older and hobnobbed the Min's, I saw how inhumane they are which made my sense of justice increase and made me more keen on getting you out."

When she finished her words, Taehyung halted and said, "You would've been a great lawyer Soura noona."

She snickered, hearing his words, "It's too late now, you know!"

"It's never too late."

"Forget about me, what do you want to do now?" She eyed him, waiting for an answer.

"I think It's about time to go to college." He paused then looked at her and bit his lower lip before resuming, "Will you go to university with me?"


Thank you for reading this big baby. She was such a ride while writing her.

Hope you enjoyed your stay here.

and there goes another~

Peace out 😉

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