Not The Same (a Liam Payne fa...

By TeamElounor

173K 3K 150

I silently stared out the window. I had been here for three hours, just staring at the spot in the driveway t... More

Not The Same (a Liam Payne fan fic)
Our New York Life
The Call
A Favor From Simon
The Boys
Harry, the Cheeky One
Kiani's Return
My Father
Ice Cream Time!!!
Finding Nemo
Are you okay??
Call Me Maybe
Liam's Speech..
"I'm not the one cheating on my girlfriend"
Christmas Lights
The Immature One
Eight Year Old
The Payne Family
Famliy Drama
My Daddy Taught Me That
I Love Danielle
New Home
Getting Better
Under Contract
Hate & Love
Make Her See
Black Day
Different Dinner
Breaking Point
Crossing the Line
The End
Epilogue~Four Years Later
Go Check Out The Sequel!


3.2K 63 0
By TeamElounor

>Audrey's POV<

"I'm gonna miss Zayn." Kiani sighed from her position on the floor in front of me as I played with her hair.

"Kiani.. There's something I have to tell you." I took a breath. Liam and I had both agreed that since the boys were leaving tomorrow, we were telling everyone our plans tonight. Yes, he convinced me to go with him.. How? I have no clue.


"Well, uhh." I looked down at my lap and stopped playing with her hair. Realizing I stopped, Kiani turned to face me. "I'm going with."

"Going with where?"

"With the guys.. With Liam.." She stared at me in disbelief.

"Erika!!!" She shakily yelled. Erika came out of our room with PJs on and drippy hair form her shower.

"hmm?" She asked. Kiani looked from me to her and told her the news. Erika stared at me. I waited and waited for her to say something, but Kiani was the first one to speak.

"Audrey, what do you think you're going to do when you get there? HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND and no offense because I love you but none of his friend like you and Simon won't be okay with this. If I was their manager, there's no way I would ever let you talk to him again.."


"Have you been on twitter? Or been watching the news? Or picked up a magazine? Audrey, your name is everywhere. And I promise you not a single one of those tabloids is saying anything good. You don't have a career that I can manage, but as your friend, I suggest you don't go." Kiani ended.

"I'm going." I stated simply. She huffed and left the room but I defanietly heard a "you are not!" as she slammed her door closed.

Staring at the ground, I could still feel Erika's brown eyes staring at me. I made eye contact with her and saw tears streaming down her face.

"You're not actually going to leave me, are you?" Tears welled up in my eyes. Liam was wrong and right. I have almost nothing here, no family, no job, no future. But I do have one thing... I have two of the best friends I could ever ask for. Kiani and I went to two different schools, but she got me through the day via text message. Erika is my mother/ sister/ guidance counselor/ chef all mixed into one. There are so many days that I'm not sure I would have gotten through without them. They have been there for me more than anyone else and completely understand me. I stared at Erika and saw something in her eye that I've only seen once before, defeat. One more tear came out of her black-rimmed eye.

"I already lost one friend, I can't lose another."

~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback- Sophmore Year of High School~~~~~~~~

"Why would Andi go to that party? Is she stupid?" Erika asked me rhetorically as we pulled out of her driveway. I was in the passenger seat of her Fiat and she was driving.

"I know, I mean I love her to death, she's like my sister but obviously there's gonna be a ton of weed and a ton of alcohol.." I agreed.

"What's the address again?" I read off the address Andi had texted us to pick her up at and we pulled onto the street. Erika stopped the car.

"Excuse me, ma'am. We're trying to clear up a situation here, can I help you with something?" I detected a southern acccent in the middle-aged police officers voice. I held my breath as I looke dout at the police cars, 5 of them, and ambulance that were all over this street.

"Uh- We're picking up a friend from a party that was supposed to be happening-" Erika said shakily. I watched as a large group of people piled out of one of the houses and onto the lawn. It was dark and hard to see but from the lights of the cop cars, I could see 6 medics carrying out a stretcher with someone on it.

"Hopefully not that idiot who Oded." The officer joked. But the joke wasn't funny because there was something familiar about the mess of black hair on the persons head. I heard Erika gasp next to me and turned to see her already out of the car and running towards the medics and stretcher. Quickly, I got out and chased, leaving the officer staring after us in shock. I ran right up next to Erika and stared down at my friend on the stretcher. Me and Erika stared down in shock, crying. The medics, started to pull Andi away from us but Erika grabbed the stretcher. She looked at the closest medic and said, "I'm not leaving her!"

The medic sighed, "Get in." He motioned for us to hop into the ambulance, which we did. On the way to the hospital, they started hooking her up to a couple machines. I wasn't paying attention to anything around me. In fact it wasn't until, I felt pressure on my hand until I realized Erika was holding my hand. We stood there staring at our friend the entire ride. No one said anything, the only noise was the sound of the ambulance going over dumps and the beeping from the heart monitor they had hooked her up to. Slowly, the numbe ron the monitor started decreasing. Once it hit 50, I realized Andi's life was hanging by a thread. With every beat, a memory replayed in my head. Some of just me and Andi. Some of me, Andi, and Erika. 20... I squezzed Erika's hand every time the number went down. Within a minute the number had hit 10 and then my life froze. The world spun and I stared at Andi. Every second felt like an hour.

9... Erika grabbed one of Andi's hands.

8....I grabbed the other.

7... Once this number hit 0.. Andi's life was over.

6... She's only 15.. This can't be real.

5.... She's going to live. She has to.

4... I heard a shriek. But I wasn't sure if it was from me or from Erika.

3... "I love you." I heard Erika say.

2.. "I love you." I repeated.

1... The entire universe froze again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This can not happen.


~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback. Present day.~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in Erika's arms crying my eyes out. A few sobs escaped her mouth and I let go. I held her in front of me so that I could look her in the eyes.

"I promise, I will never leave you."

"But-" I silenced her with a finger.

"Have I ever broken a promise to you?" She shook her head. I hugged her one more time and then we went ot our room and got ready for bed. But I could hear Erika sobbing in her sleep all night.


Hey guys, I know this chapter took forever to put up! I am so sorry!!! I will post the next one as soon as I can! This chapter was actually really emotional to write... Erika, are you crying? Cause not gonna lie, I had a few tears.. On a happier note, HAPPY HALLOWEEN :D

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