The Wolf Queen (The Queen's S...

By herlittlenightmare

617K 34K 8.6K

Betrayed, lost, broken. This is Azalea's reality now. Once a slave, now a warrior. A future queen tasked w... More

One: Crucifixion
Two: Havoc
Three: Misery
Four: Decay
Five: Agony
Six: Murder
Seven: Revenge
Eight: Branded
Nine: Exile
Ten: Unsteady
Eleven: Depthless
Twelve: Bleed
Thirteen: Lamentation
Fourteen: Remorse
Fifteen: Sinister
Seventeen: Hell
Eighteen: Burn
Nineteen: Surrender
Twenty: Rot
Twenty One: Infinite
Twenty Two: The Crown
Twenty Three: The Challenge
Twenty Four: Possession
Twenty Five: The Prophecy
Twenty Six: Unity
Twenty Seven: Silence
✨ A N N O U N C E M E N T ✨
Twenty Eight: To Die For
Twenty Nine: The Mountain
Thirty: The Ritual
Thirty One: Cursed
Thirty Two: The Alpha
Thirty Three: Devil's Demise
Thirty Four: Rabids
Thirty Five: The Sound of Silence
Thirty Six: Resurrected
Thirty Seven: Reborn
Thirty Eight: Ruthless
Thirty Nine: Poison
Forty: Ambush
Forty One: The Bargainer
Forty Two: Hard For Me
Forty Three: Submission
Forty Four: In Too Deep
Forty Five: Persecution
Forty Six: Blood Tipped Lies
Forty-Seven: A Debt Owed
Forty Eight: Consumed
Forty-Nine: Check, Mate.
Fifty: Queen's Gambit
Fifty One: Frenzy
Fifty Two: Raw
Fifty Three: A Debt Paid
Fifty Four: Ravaged
Fifty Five: Remade
Fifty Six: Truth
Fifty Six: Dare
Fifty-Seven: Remembrance
Fifty-Eight: The Circle
Fifty-Nine: Ashes
Sixty: In Depth
Sixty One: Rising Flame
Sixty Two: Evolution
Sixty Three: Unity
Sixty Four: Restitution
Sixty Five: Exquisite Pain
Sixty Six: Winter Has Come
Sixty Seven: New Order
Sixty-Eight: Wriath
Sixty-Nine: The Reaper
Seventy: Into The Woods
Seventy One: The Wedding

Sixteen: Conduit

9.3K 542 119
By herlittlenightmare

Monsters By: Timeflies (feat. Katie Sky)

My mother's voice rippled with pain and rage as she spoke through her fangs, her body taunt with tension as she surveyed our body language with calculated awareness. The joy I felt at seeing her was snuffed out as Camille appeared in front of me, her lips pulled back to reveal elongated canines. Though it was unnecessary because I knew without a doubt that my mother would never harm me, it was somewhat odd to have her protection. But then I understood why this was a very real threat, as my aunt stepped out from behind my mother.

"Come now sister, whatever happened to "cradle to grave?" She grinned, her milky gaze running over the spot I was in. My wolf roared in fury, slamming against the bars of its cage, demanding vengeance. My mother growled when Camille reached back in an attempt to calm me, the low sound oddly wolf-like as it vibrated through the air. Her eyes flashing with animalistic possessiveness and a keen sense of warning should the witch move to touch me again. My wolf howled at the threatening sound, vibrating my bones with the force of her longing. Gritting my teeth, I fought against the urge to fall to the ground and give in to the urge coursing through me.


At my pained tone, she immediately strode over to me. Wordlessly Camille stepped aside, her watchful gaze pinned on my aunt. I sighed into her hair and breathed in her scent as my mother wrapped me in her arms, pulling back when I winced. Her narrowed gaze made me sweat as she looked me up and down, her nostrils flaring. "You smell like her." She growled, unreadable emotion flashing across her eyes. I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck and studying the ground as my face blanched.

"Did she hurt you?" Her voice was deadly as she bit out the question, her eyes flooding with redness. My head jerked up so fast I swayed, blinking back stars. I needed to fix this situation before my mother attempted to tear through the woods on a murderous rampage, hellbent on tracking down my mate.

"No! I mean I thought she would........and we fought. But then we were talking and our fighting turned into......" I paused to clear my throat, glaring Camille as she snorted back her laughter.

"Something else." I murmured sheepishly.

"I see." I winced at her flat tone, aware that I just publicly admitted to having had sex with Elizabeth. Many times. Having thought to have lost my mother at a young age, my father did the best he could at raising me. But attempting to pull a damaged kingdom together while raising two boys and a daughter was hard enough with two parents, let alone one. Not to mention that once I grew older, it became obvious which gender I preferred. I had no one to explain these things to me, and it was a harsh understanding for the both of us. I wanted to cower beneath her sharp gaze yet I forced myself to remain tall. I was an adult wolf, mated and the heir to the throne. Even as a vampire my mother was still considered Queen until I begin my rein, but I would not cower before her.

"Why are you here?" I asked softly, gripping her forearms in my hands.

She searched my face before jerking her head towards her sister, her jaw flexing. "Vienna had a vision leading us to believe your life was in danger. Once I learned that Elizabeth had snatched you up, I left at once. Since she is not here to threaten my life, I assume she is back at the palace?" She directed the question at Camille who nodded stonily from her seemingly "relaxed" position against the oak, her gaze still pinned on my aunt.

"Take a picture love, it'll last longer." Vienna cackled in that mad way of hers. Camille's eyes narrowed as she clenched her fists.

"You are a disgrace to witch kind." She snarled, stepping away from the tree.

"A bit hypocritical don't you think? Since we are the same?" She arched a pale brow, a cocky smile spreading across her face. I scowled. My aunt grew up wolf, like mom, but chose to forsake that part of herself when she allowed herself to be turned. Now she was a vampire, like my mother, only she retained use of her magic. But as I watched Camille, I was beginning to suspect that it was a very different kind of magic, a darker kind.

"Taci, Vee." Mom warned, shooting her sister a dark look to which the other woman simply waved off. "Oh please I'm just having a bit of fun. It's been so long since I've been in a good duel. The runaway sister to the throne is no exception." She mocked, hissing at Camille through her elongated fangs.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed at the headache I could feel coming on. We were wasting time. The sky was almost fully dark now. If wasn't back soon, there would be hell to pay. Their bickering was annoying me. Closing my eyes, I could feel my anger and frustration begin to build as my wolf paced, eager to return to the pack. I called to it, pulling it towards me, willing the familiar power to envelope me in its embrace. However, the closer it became the quicker I realized something was wrong, but it was too late to force it back down. Instead of the soothing warmth of my wolf's essence before the shift, a freezing sort of numbness attached itself to me, shooting liquid darkness into my veins. It was like a shot of pure power, waking me up immediately. My aches and pains faded. The stars were bright against my sensitive eyes, and the sounds of Camille and my aunt's voices were grating against my ears. My upper jaw ached as sharp fangs punctured through my gums and slid down to rest just over my bottom lip.

"Enough." I snarled, the sound reverberating off of the chill in the air. Lifting my gaze, Camille's lips parted in shock, raking her gaze over me from head to toe. My stomach ached with hunger, my humanity seemed so far away now. Dark veins spread up from my fingers into my arms as the power called to me, urging me to give in.

"Impossible." She breathed.

"Azalea." My head snapped around at the interruption, a low growl rumbling in the back of my throat as I met her red eyes. "Calm yourself." She warned. I hissed at the threat, the monster in my head wished to make this white haired lesser demon submit. I could see every detail, every fleck of red in her cerulean eyes.

"Sssssoooo mmmaaannyyyy vvviiccctttimmmssss." The monster hissed at the back of my mind, taunting a prowling wolf that paced inside her cage. The world funneled until I narrowed my gaze onto the throbbing pulse at my mother's neck.

"No." Camille stepped forward, her face stony. "Do not engage her, it will only lead to bloodshed. I have not heard of this power....never in half a millennium." Flicking my fingers, I hissed, growing bored with their talk. Hunger gnashed at my throat and I shrieked, the sound surging forth from deep inside me. Taking a step forward proved difficult as I whacked into an invisible barrier. Roaring, I slammed my fists against the invisible glass, snarling when in didn't give. The burning in my throat grew to a raging wildfire, driving out all reason and relying only on instinct.

"We need to calm her down before she draws attention to our location. Or worse, my sister. We may have to physically restrain her as I fear she is too strong and driven by hunger for my magic to take effect."

"A little rusty are you? No matter. I was inside her head once, I can do it again." I snarled as the blind demon spoke and pounded on the glass, cocking my head when a small crack appeared. A sinister grin worked its way across my mouth as I struck it once more, spiderwebbing the glass. Excitement spurred my hunger, the need for violence coursed through my veins. My eyes met the milky white ones once more, the hiss of my demon and snarl of the wolf became one.

That one, they both wished dead. "Yesss shee medddleeedd withhh yourrrr minndddd." The wolf howled in agreement.

The redhead winced in pain, her eyes widening as the glass cracked rapidly, a thin sheen of sweat appearing on her forehead. "Whatever we do, we must hurry. I cannot hold the barrier for much longer."

"Release her." The blue eyed vampire spoke, her gaze steadily meeting mine. "She will not harm me."

"You cannot be too sure. She is not herself and she is nearly mad with hunger. She will attack anything that moves." Camille warned. "Elizabeth may be the only one who can bring her back."

"I know the risks and if I die by her hand then so be it. But I am confident that she will not attack me. Despite this strange power, she is still a wolf, and as her alpha....all I have to do is draw it out of her. Drop the barrier." She ordered, stepping in front of me. I snarled as she stared into my eyes, a bold challenge. "Azalea, I know you're in there. Look past the hunger, it is not yours." I growled and smacked the glass once more with my fists.

"Drop the barrier." She snarled at Camille. I cocked my head as the air began to hum and the barrier around me turned liquid before falling to my feet. Flicking my gaze up, I hissed a challenge back at her, stepping over the remains of the barrier. "It's okay my love, come to me." My mother's arms opened wide, the blood roaring through her veins calling to me. I shrieked once more and leapt at her, the entirety of my being was focused on the throbbing pulse at her neck.

"It's okay." She whispered, turning her head away.

A savage hunger gripped my throat as I shoved her back and lifted my head, preparing to strike when a sharp and violent pain tore through my upper back. Squealing in pain and rage, I fell back, grasping at the shaft of the arrow and shrieking as I was unable to reach it. A second arrow lodged itself into my lower back and I ripped it free with a roar, snapping the shaft easily. As pain began to override the hunger, a dim sense of awareness floated before me. My waning consciousness latched onto it and suddenly that pain was all I could feel. I screamed into the dark soil even as my mind returned to me, blood filling my mouth when my canines receded and spots danced behind my eyes as my veins cleared. As my body succumbed to its injuries, I lay curled on the ground, gasping, inhaling dirt as the chaos continued to rage around me, desperate to cling to consciousness.

"What the hell were you thinking! Get her below ground! Now!" A male voice roared, my failing vision recognized his battered face.

I wanted to fight as he strode up to me, his knuckles white where they gripped my forgotten bow. Before he could reach me, a separate pair of arms lifted my aching body, cradling me to her chest. Camille's alien gaze traveled over my face, softening in concern. I turned my head away as she spoke to the side of us and groaned, feeling sick. "Get out of here, I will stay and make sure she gets back to her family." A soft touch on my forehead and the sweet scent of vanilla she left behind made my heart ache, a sob building in my chest.

"Shh. Sleep now little one." She ordered, brushing my sweaty hair back. "I am with you." My eyelids lowered as a wave of exhaustion suddenly came over me and powerless to resist the weight of her magic, I gave in and allowed the darkness to sweep me away.

Hmm. It seems as though there may be more to the origin of Azalea's power than anyone ever knew! Not to mention Camille seems to have gone soft towards her future sister-in-law 😉

I can't wait to hear what you guys think of this chapter! The last one was a bit of a filler, and I decided I couldn't leave you guys hanging! 😘


-K 💕

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