Snowbird/Fairgame Oneshots (B...

By AlphaWolf0215

68.2K 1.2K 1.6K

This started off as a Snowbird (Qrow x Winter) book...but I fell IN LOVE with Fairgame (Qrow x Clover), so th... More

Undercover Mission
Snow White Queen
Author's Note
An Idea
And The Winner Is....
It's a.....a bruise.
RWBY cereal!!!!
Snowbird on RWBY Chibi.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day!
Winter's Secret
Sick Birdie
Two Ships
Fair Game: Qrow Done F'd Up
Lucky Snowbird: Starry Night
Lucky Snowbird: Cute Stuff
Fair Game: Date Night and A Street Fight
Fair Game: Caretaker Qrow
Lucky Snowbird: Cozy Night In
Snowbird Baby
Fair Game: AAAAAAAHHHHH!๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Fair Game: Lung Infection
Extra: Art
Fair Game: Sparring Match
Fair Game: Wedding
Lucky Snowbird: Birdnapped
Fair Game: You Need A Break
Fair Game: I'm So Cold
Fair Game: Meet The Parents
Fair Game: Team CPPR
Fair Game: A Kiss From A Rose
Snow Day
Extra: New Story
Fair Game: Fragile Little Rose
Fair Game: We Are Family
Fair Game: Anniversary
Lucky Snowbird: Recovery
Fair Game: Nightmares
Fair Game: Lunch Date
Fair Game: Calling In Sick
Fair Game: Ace Op Betting Pool
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.3
Fair Game: Bitten
Fair Game: Bitten pt.2
Fair Game: Sick Child
Fair Game: Waking Up Next To You
Soulmate AU
Lucky Snowbird: Destress The Ice Queen
Fair Game: Faint
Fair Game: James Is NOT Okay
Fair Game: Not A Normal Stomach Ache
Fair Game: Don't Mess With Joanna's Boys
Fair Game: Birdflu
Fair Game: Some Dads Are Good, Some Aren't, But You're The Best
Fair Game: Tonsillitis
Fair Game: It's Just A Sprained Ankle
Fair Game: Heat Exhaustion
Fair Game: A Near Drowning Experience
Fair Game: Hoodie Thief
Fair Game: Coma
Fair Game: Coma pt.2
Fair Game: Lepidopterophobia
Fair Game: Headcanons
Fair Game: Clover's Parents
Fair Game: Father/Son/Son-In-Law Camping Trip
Fair Game: I'm Sorry
Fair Game: I Can't Breathe
Fair Game: Please Hold Me
Fair Game: Framed
Fair Game: Framed pt.2
Fair Game: Framed pt.3
Fair Game: Taking Care Of Daddy
Fair Game: Prank War
Fair Game: A Familiar Kind of Tenderness
Fair Game: Avalanche
Fair Game: Sweet As Roses
Extra: Face Reveal
Fair Game: Back From The Dead
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding (Characters)
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.1
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.2
Fair Game: The Bird At My Window
Fair Game: Warm Baths and Foot Massages
Fair Game: Family Time
Fair Game: Sickness and Helplessness
Fair Game: Here For You
Fair Game: Clover Doesn't Like Horror Movies
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness!
Fair Game: Sick and Stubborn
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.1
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.2
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.3
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.4
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.5
Fair Game: Attention
Fair Game: This Isn't A Joke
Fair Game: Raspberry Cheesecake
Fair Game: Lover's Quarrel
Fair Game: Nightmares Are The Worst
Fair Game: A Much Needed Vacation
Fair Game: Don't Sneak Up On An Ace Op
Fair Game: Baby's Bad Dreams
Fair Game: Soulmate AU
Fair Game: Fever Dreams
Fair Game: Fever Dreams pt.2
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie(Alternative Ending)
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped!
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.2
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.3
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow pt.2
Fair Game: Deadly Shrimp
Fair Game: Missing Child
Fair Game: Wisdom Teeth
Fair Game: Qrow Can't Swim
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise"
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise" pt.2
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.3
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.1
Fair Game: Happy Father's Day
Fair Game: Roommates pt.2
Fair Game: Roommates pt.3
Fair Game: Roommates pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.5
Fair Game: Roommates pt.6
Fair Game: Late Night Cuddles
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness 2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.1
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.3
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.4
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.5
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.6
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.7
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.8
Fair Game: Poison Ivy
Fair Game: Poison Ivy pt.2
Fair Game: Tortured Bird
Fair Game: Tortured Bird pt.2
Fair Game: Save The Crow
Fair Game: Caught In The Act
Fair Game: Rainy Days
Fair Game: Otp Cuteness 3
Fair Game: "F**k You!" "...okay."
Fair Game: You Look Good In A Cape
Fair Game: Fighting The Flames For You
Fair Game: Sticky Situation
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.1
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.2
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.3
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.4
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.5
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.6
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.7
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.8
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.9
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.10
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.11
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.12
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.13
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.14
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.15
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.16
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.1
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.2
Fair Game: Fem!Clover
Fair Game: Birds of a Feather Don't Always Stick Together
Fair Game: Getting Caught๐Ÿ™„
Fair Game: A Blessing In Disguise
Fair Game: Random Stuff
Fair Game: Spending Time in Argus
Fair Game: Strep Throat
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.1
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.2
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.3
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.4
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.5

Fair Game: Give Him Back!

386 9 6
By AlphaWolf0215

A/N: alannalh wrote an awesome story where Raven kidnaps Clover. So, I thought I'd write my own version for the fun of it.

Clover was on a solo mission in the forests of Anima. The only reason Qrow didn't come was because he had been running himself ragged and was exhausted. So, Clover insisted that he should rest...much to Qrow's disappointment. Walking through the woods, Clover keeps his eyes peeled for any signs of Grimm. Suddenly, he felt something small and sharp pierce his neck. He pulls it out and sees that it was a dart. Then his vision blurs and doubles, and he starts to sway.

"Ah, sh*t." Clover slurred.

He tries to get a hold of his scroll to call for help, but his fingers couldn't grasp the device and he drops it. Next, his legs give out and he goes down with a hard thud. Clover's fighting to stay conscious as a blurry figure approaches him.

"Who...are you? D-did me?" Clover asked the figure.

The figure leans closer, and all Clover could really focus on was dark black hair and red eyes. Then everything goes dark. When he wakes, he's in a cage with his wrists tied behind his back, his ankles tied together, and a bandana tied over his mouth.

"Well, well, look who's awake." said a female voice.

He turns towards the voice and sees Raven, his boyfriend's evil twin sister, and leader of the Branwen tribe.

"You're a long way from Atlas, aren't you, handsome? I looked at your scroll, I know you're a high ranking Atlas official. I wonder how much Ironwood values you. How much would he pay to get his little soldier back?" Raven said.

She reaches through the bars of the cage and rips off Clover's pin.

"Oh, by the way...I saw the photos of you and my brother in your scroll. You can do far better than that pathetic coward. He's not worth your time or your energy." Raven said looking at the pin.

The woman snaps her fingers and three bandits walk up.

"Keep an eye on him. I'm going to Atlas to send a little message to the general. Beat him, torture him, I don't care, just don't let him out of your sight." Raven tells them.

The bandits nod, saying, "yes ma'am.". Then she turns into a bird and flies away. When she gets to Atlas, she flies straight into the open window of general Ironwood's office. He points his gun at her the second she changes from a bird to a human in front of his desk.

"Ah~ah~ah, I wouldn't do that. If I does he." Raven said, slamming Clover's pin onto the desk.

"What do you want?" James asked, putting his gun away.

"Let's see...I want weapons, supplies, and a whole lot of lien." Raven replied sitting on top of Ironwood's desk.

"And if you tell anyone about this, especially Qrow...the next thing of Clover's I put on this desk will be his severed head." she threatened.

The bandit leader grabs the general's tie and pulls him closer to her face.

"You don't want that to happen, do you?" Raven asked grinning sinisterly.

She shoves him back into his chair and heads towards the window.

"I like the beard, James. It suits you." Raven said before turning back into a bird and flying away.

James growls in anger and frustration, slamming both fists on his desk. Raven returns to her camp and goes to Clover's cage. While she was gone, the bandits had done whatever they pleased and beat the crap out of Clover. He was covered in bruises, one of his kneecaps had been busted with a crowbar, his right eye was swollen shut, and he had a large cut above his left eyebrow. As she came up to them, the bandits were kicking Clover in the ribs repeatedly.

"Alright, that's enough. Don't kill him." Raven ordered them.

The bandits stop their assault on the Ace Op, leaving him grunting and breathing heavily through his nose. Raven kneels next to Clover and picks his head up by his hair.

"Seems I was right, Ironwood was willing to cooperate with my demands. Looks like he does value his toy soldiers." Raven said to him.

She slams his face onto the floor of the cage, giving him a bruised and bloody nose, and knocking him unconscious. Raven walks out of the cage and locks the door. Then she goes into her tent and waits for the ransom payment to arrive. Hours later, a black crow swoops in and Raven's brother, Qrow, appears in front of her...enraged.

"You...b**ch!" Qrow growled at his sister.

Using her maiden powers, she creates a powerful gust of wind and blows Qrow several feet out of the tent.

"I told Ironwood not to tell you! Looks like I'm gonna have to kill your little boyfriend now!" Raven shouted.

"YOU TOUCH HIM, AND I'LL F**KING KILL YOU!!" Qrow yelled angrily.

"I'm the Spring Maiden, you d*mn idiot, you can't kill me!" replied Raven, annoyed.

Qrow takes out Harbinger, and puts it in its scythe form.

"Then I guess, I'll just have to die trying. Cause there's no way in h*ll I'm gonna let you take the man I love away from me." Qrow said standing in a fighting position.

Raven pulls out Omen from its sheath and grips it tightly.

"Dying for love? Ha! You're a bigger fool than I thought you were." Raven smirked.

The Branwen twins run at each other, ready to fight. But at the last second, Qrow turns into his bird form and flies over Raven's head. She watches in confusion as her brother flies out of the camp, then she turns her head at the sound of metal being ripped apart. A giant white knight had taken the top of Clover's cage off then carefully picked him up and carried him out of the camp in the direction of Qrow.

"Hehe, well played, brother, well played." Raven chuckled.

She didn't even bother going after she said, her brother wasn't worth anyone's time, nor least in her opinion he isn't. Qrow lands in his human form in front of Jaune who stood next to an airship, ready to take off at a moment's notice.

"Did you guys get him?" Jaune asked.

"Yeah, Weiss is right behind me, she should be here with him in a minute." Qrow answered.

Then Weiss's white knight summon, her riding on it's shoulders, comes up and lays Clover gently onto the ground. The summon disappears, and Weiss lands gracefully onto the ground. Qrow, Jaune, and Weiss kneel next to Clover and untie his wrists and ankles, and takes off the gag.

"Let's get him to the airship, before your sister decides to follow after us." Weiss said.

"Raven won't follow us. According to her, I'm not really worth anyone's time, let alone hers." Qrow replied.

Qrow and Jaune pick up Clover and carry him to the airship. The airship takes off once Weiss hops on board. During the flight to Atlas, Jaune uses his aura amplification semblance to amplify Clover's so that his wounds and injuries will start to heal, while Qrow holds tightly to his boyfriend's hand.

"Qrow?....where...w-what's going on?" Clover said weakly.

"It's okay, Clover, you're safe now." Qrow said stroking Clover's head.

"Your sister's a real b**ch." Clover mumbled, leaning into Qrow's touch.

"Yeah, she is." Qrow chuckled kissing Clover's forehead.

When they arrive at Atlas, Jaune had healed Clover enough to where he didn't need to go to the infirmary. So, Qrow just takes him to their room and lays him in bed.

"Do you need anything, babe?" Qrow asked.

"Cuddles, I want cuddles." Clover replied.

Qrow lays on the bed next to his boyfriend, with a huge smile on his face, and snuggles up into his side.

"I'm sorry." Qrow said, his face pressed against Clover's chest.

"It wasn't your fault. And thanks for saving me." Clover said rubbing Qrow's back.

"I was just the distraction. It was Weiss and Jaune who actually saved you; she got you out, and he made sure you didn't die from your injuries." Qrow muttered.

"Yeah, but I bet it was your plan. And also your part in it was just as important as anyone else's." Clover told his boyfriend.

"I love you. I'm glad you're okay." Qrow said kissing Clover's cheek and then his lips.

"I love you too." Clover said kissing back.

Qrow looks after Clover as the remainder of his injuries heal. Every once in a while, Jaune and Weiss would stop by to see how Clover was doing. From now on, Clover will think twice before accepting a solo mission deep in bandit territory. And Raven will never underestimate the lengths her brother is willing to go to protect his boyfriend.

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