My Spy 6: Private Eye

By edenae22

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Sawyer is back in Hollis after a whirlwind trip to New York and her mama is not too happy. Newly married and... More

Help Me Cast My Hallmark Movie
Past and Present
House Hunting
Keel Over
Moving On
Puff Piece
Black & White
Flesh Wound
Playing with Fire
Good Times
Private Eye
Founder's Day
Dirty Little Secrets


146 21 0
By edenae22

The flood of texts and phone calls came shortly after I stepped out of the shower. Ryan stood next to me as our phones blew up while we got dressed, but it was the doorbell ringing that caused us to go back downstairs. 

My mother waited in the foyer for us to come down the stairs and she looks up as she asks, "I don't know who that could be so I figured Ryan could answer it." 

Ryan nods, "Tell Celia not to answer the door to anyone today. I can do that." My mother agrees and Ryan goes to look out the peephole. He looks back at me and says, "It's Gus." I give him the go-ahead to open the door and Gus doesn't even wait for the door to be fully opened before barging inside. I can tell he slightly dressed up for the courthouse because he's in a decent cotton button-up and jeans.

"Austin said I could find you here," Gus tells us as he crosses the space and pulls me into him. After rocking me back and forth he suddenly pushes me backward while gripping my shoulders, "Shit. Did I just hurt you? How fragile are you at the moment?"

"I haven't determined that yet," I tell him. Ryan is still lingering behind him but Gus's focus is on me. 

"Austin told me...well, I was real worried when you didn't show up this mornin'..." Gus starts but I don't know what Austin all told him. "You see he thought I knew that you were...Sawyer darlin' I am so sorry." He pulls me back into him but I still don't know what he is sorry for. I feel my phone still buzzing like crazy in my pocket and I don't know what happened at the arraignment yet. While being squeezed against Gus's broad chest I squeak out, "Thanks, Gus." He then releases me as he says, "I understand if you don't want to come to Kingsley's baptism next weekend if it's ya know...way too much for you right now." I then become confused because I wasn't even aware that his baptism was scheduled already. He catches it immediately because he adds, "A.B did send you the information right? You are his godmother."

I shake my head, "No, must have slipped her mind." I watch Gus bite back something nasty and I quickly add, "But this shit with Rory isn't going to stop me from being there. I'll be fine."

I then catch Gus's confusion and he says, "Rory? No, I was afraid you weren't ready to like, hold a baby yet." He watches as I realize what he's getting at. "Sorry, Austin said not too many people knew you were even pregnant but...he thought I knew so he told me what happened yesterday, because like I said, I was worried when you didn't show up."

I nod, "Oh, yeah...we were kinda waiting to tell people until it was like..." I shake my head and the tears come back. I can't finish the sentence and Gus braces himself. Ryan comes over to grab my hand but I manage to swallow the outburst down. Only a few tears escape and Gus uses the sleeve of his button-down to wipe them away. 

"Shit Sawyer, you're going to have me blubberin' if you do that again," Gus says softly and I shake away my sadness. 

"What happened with Rory?" I ask him, eager to get away from any miscarriage talk. 

"Do you want coffee?" Ryan then offers Gus. He nods and we all go back into the kitchen. Celia greets Gus and then insists on making us a fresh pot. She then shoo's us onto the patio and we all take a seat at the wicker picnic table. Celia comes and drops a basket of fresh muffins onto the table and Gus reaches for one as he says, "Everyone was there this mornin'. It was standin' room only but I got there early and Austin got me a spot with him and Margot."

"How was Molly?" I ask and in between stuffing his face with an apple cinnamon muffin replies, "Scared shitless. She didn't know why you weren't there and was panicking."

"Austin didn't tell her?" Ryan asks and Gus shrugs, "I don't know what all Molly knows. She stayed close to her mom and Margot while I talked to Austin and Jackson."

"Oh yeah, my mother said Scarlett was going with Jackson," I tell him and he nods. 

"Half of Hollis was there and I can tell you nobody was prepared for the rape and battery charges. They were there simply because they were nosey about the biggest spectacle Hollis has been a part of," Gus says and he reaches for another muffin. 

"So everyone now knows," I ask and Gus nods. 

"And Rory plead not guilty to all of the charges thrown at him," Gus says. Ryan and I look to each other, but I don't know if either of us is shocked. "Then the scary lawyer told the judge that he's a flight risk and that his family was already intimidating witnesses. That's when I noticed the Irish twins weren't there and the Judge denied bail."

"Dot and Kit weren't there?" I ask and Gus shakes his head. 

"So this is going to trial then?" Ryan asks and I suddenly want to throw up again. Having everyone know I charged Rory with attempted rape is one thing. Having them hear the details and dissect every word for gossip is another. 

"Austin says he'll get deported. He's convinced the Cunninghams will make sure a trial doesn't happen," Gus tells us and he's probably right. I won't be surprised if he somehow manages to slip out of this. 

"I don't know enough of the law to say one way or another," I confess as I reach for a muffin. I wasn't sure what outcome I wanted. Ryan reluctantly looks at his phone and I watch as he scrolls through new notifications. He looks to me and says, "Austin is coming by."

Gus then reaches for his phone but I am too scared to look at mine. Gus looks surprised at something and then says, "Someone got to A.B. She already knows what happened and I haven't even told her yet."

"Who does she talk to that was at the courthouse today?" I ask in surprise. I realize we haven't been stuck at the hip in a couple months now, so I don't know who else she's hanging with these days. 

"No idea," Gus replies. "She's been real shady with her phone lately. She's talking to someone she shouldn't be."

"Another guy?" I ask but he shrugs, "Would I be an asshat if I said I wouldn't care if she was talkin' to some guy?" Hmm...something else I am not sure how to feel about. 

"Austin did see her at Wade's the other day, picking up cupcakes I think he said. I guess she tried to dodge him," I tell him, hoping I am not instigating. 

"The other day? I didn't even know that woman has been leaving the house," he tells me in surprise. He doesn't seem angry, just genuinely surprised. 

"You can't possibly suggest that she's cheating right? You guys just had a baby like what...a month ago?" Ryan asks, probably wondering who else would possibly take on Annabeth Matthews. 

"Maybe I should hire your services Ry guy. Get a P.I on the case. Tail her, let me know if she's up to no good," Gus replies but I don't know if he's joking. Ryan can't either so he says, "Yeah, my last job as a P.I was supposed to be a piece of cake and it ended up being a flaming hot turd."

Gus and I laugh, but I know Ryan won't confide in Gus. He'll have to find out about Garrett if LulaBelle decides to spread the news- which I doubt will happen. 

"I might have to think about this though. If she's having an affair I can just wait this out. She'll be the bad guy if she leaves me and I won't have to pay her a dime," he says, the disgust still clearly there. 

"Well, child support Gus," I tell him but he waves me away, "My son will always be provided for." He then looks to Ryan and says, "What would you say if I asked to hire you?

Ryan then looks to me with a mixture of hesitancy and confusion, "This is Annabeth."

"Even more reason to keep the secrets in the family," Gus tells him. 

"Are you being serious? You'd really want me to dig into her?" Ryan asks, still not convinced that it's ethical. 

"Maybe get me her phone records. Is it too C.I.A to get me her messages?" Gus asks and Ryan shrugs. 

"What kind of phone does she have?"

"An iPhone," Gus replies and Ryan thinks it over again. 

"This is going to get me into the middle of something. If she finds out I hacked her phone..." Ryan starts but Gus stops him. 

"If there is nothing to find, there will never be a need to bring it up to her," Gus tells us. 

"And if Ryan does find something," I ask him. Gus looks between us as he thinks about what he's asking Ryan to do. 

"Fine, what if you just tell me how to hack into her shit? I can do the Nancy Drew work if you want to stay out of it," Gus offers but Ryan still doesn't seem convinced. "Or I can just go ask your brother. You know he'll help me dig up dirt." At that, he's got a point. Austin would definitely help Gus take out Annabeth. 

"If you can get me cloud details, or anything else connected to her phone I can help you, Gus. But if we do find anything, my name will be kept out of this," Ryan sternly tells Gus. He then looks to me, "You're staying out of this too. It's none of your business unless Gus confides in you himself." I put my hands up in surrender and Gus looks pleased. As Celia comes out to drop the French press in front of him he replies, "I knew it was going to come in handy to have a James Bond in the family."

"I think he's more of a Poirot. Using his little gray cells to put puzzles together," I reply as I reach for the sugar. 

"My little gray cells are going to give me an aneurysm," Ryan mumbles as he fills up his cup. 

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