Just a Robot 5 (A Fnaf Story)

By Saberthebunny

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Two weeks later after discovering William Afton is alive, Funtime Freddy reawakens to be reunited with those... More

Chapter 1: "Rekindled"
Chapter 2: "Empowered"
Chapter 3: "Revised"
Chapter 4: "Resting Place"
Chapter 5: "Right and Wrong"
Chapter 6: "Oven"
Chapter 7: "Mirror"
Chapter 9: "Duality"
Chapter 10: "Reassigned"
Chapter 11: "Clown World"
Chapter 12: "One Day"
Chapter 13: "Disabled"
Chapter 14: "Struggle"
Chapter 15: "Prosperity"
Chapter 16: "War"
Chapter 17: "Death"
Chapter 18: "Construction"
Chapter 19: "The Way I Am"
Chapter 20: "Retreat"
Chapter 21: "Stance"
Chapter 22: "Loyalty"
Chapter 23: "Sunshine"
Chapter 24: "Within"
Chapter 25: "Can't Go Back"
Chapter 26: "Starting Line"
Chapter 27: "Chaos Theory"
Chapter 28: "Known"
Chapter 29: "Height"
Chapter 30: "Yourself"
Chapter 31: "Spirit"
Chapter 32: "Path"
Chapter 33: "Two Worlds"
Chapter 34: "Keep Going Forward"
Chapter 35: "Voice"
Chapter 36: "Know Your Enemy"
Chapter 37: "Blood"
Chapter 38: "Parallel"
Chapter 39: "Predict"
Chapter 40: "Finishing Line"
Chapter 41: "Battle Plans"
Chapter 42: "Empty"
Chapter 43: "Future"
Chapter 44: "Generation"
Chapter 45: "Evolution"
Chapter 46: "Puzzle"
Chapter 47: "Cemetery"
Chapter 48: "Wrath"
Chapter 49: "You Won't Die"
Chapter 50: "Free Will"
Chapter 51: "All I Have Left"
Chapter 52: "Important"
Chapter 53: "Heart"
Chapter 54: "Deep End"
Chapter 55: "Defeat"
Chapter 56: "Talk"
Chapter 57: "Expendable"
Chapter 58: "Responsibility"
Chapter 59: "Funeral"
Chapter 60: "Proposal"
Chapter 61: "Cycle"
Chapter 62: "News"
Chapter 63: "Aspirations"
Chapter 64: "Game Plan"
Chapter 65: "Wedding"
Chapter 66: "Heaven"
Chapter 67: "See You Later"
Chapter 68: "Phase One"
Chapter 69: "Who I Am"
Chapter 70: "Frontal Assault"
Chapter 71: "Who I'm Not"
Chapter 72: "Allegiance"
Chapter 73: "Phase Two"
Chapter 74: "Phase Three"
Chapter 75: "Cause"
Chapter 76: "Scott Cawthon"
Chapter 77: "Effect"
Chapter 78: "Persuade"
Chapter 79: "Heroic"
Chapter 80: "Prevaricator"
Chapter 81: "Inspiration"
Chapter 82: "Who I've Always Been"
Chapter 83: "Transgress"
Chapter 84: "Volition"
Chapter 85: "Judge"
Chapter 86: "Resurrection Day"
Chapter 87: "Perfect World"
Chapter 88: "True Happiness"
Chapter 89: "Just a Robot"
Thank You

Chapter 8: "Flash Drive"

80 1 0
By Saberthebunny

Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

Considering the amount of time I was alone, you would guess it would be enough to be alone with my thoughts. That didn't mean the others would reframe from allowing peace in my head, thought it wasn't my place or will to silence them since they were allowed to be themselves. It was mostly bickering and arguing over Helpy and the others, though over what wasn't really clear to me due to them doing whatever had occupied them and had them heated in the garage. Whatever it is, was a big deal for it to go on for what felt like twenty minutes now. Their words were clear now though for a brief minute from the door opening and someone coming out of the garage, as the door for it slammed shut. Turning around from the corner was Foxy, which was a beauty to see, or any time she was around for that matter. And it wasn't because she was my girlfriend. She seemed to understand me the most, aside from Michael, and while not completely understanding the experience I was going through, supported my decision and for what it is. I just wished Bon Bon at least had an idea of my current mental struggles and the toll it had taken on me. She walked over to where I was, as I allowed myself to form a small smile when she approached me. 

"How are the others?" I asked once she stopped in front of the kitchen table I was still sitting at. "Well, if you want to call arguing and disagreements, along with complaining normal, go right ahead," she responded. "Henry said the flash drive is cleared of any traces of tampering, and asked if you're willing to test it out." "An hour just for that? Huh. Technology sure it complicated," I responded with a slight chuckle. She walked around the table and over to me, as she wrapped her arms and herself around me. It had the feeling of being married almost, which only snapped me back into reality knowing that stage would possibly never be set. "Are you sure you want to do this? Especially with your current state?" asked Foxy. I looked up at her for a brief moment, as I looked away after that moment had passed: She always did tend to care for my well being as anyone would do for others. She was concerned that rerouting my focus into others tasks, besides my current state of course, would hinder my ability to solve it. Considering I had delved into thoughts I had no idea I would belong inside a mind such as mine, I was still willing to contribute the supportive side I would never lose to assist the others. William still was a priority on the back-burner, even if the barrier from my eluding state only hid it rather than hinder its progression. "I'm sure," I responded looking back at her now. I pushed my seat back in order to get out of it, as I raised from it once I had the room. Foxy backed up a little so she wasn't in my way, as I proceed to manage my way around the table and towards the garage door. Once I had a direct path towards my destination, Foxy trailed behind me the whole way until I approached the door. Once I opened it, I found myself with the gazes of others for a second to process the scenery in this part. The car the others took, A SUV, was parked in here, and already I could see the front of it smashed along with the hood, due to their encounter earlier that was mentioned. Besides the car there was a desk to the side of the garage, and next to it was a toolbox with some parts on top of it, most likely being the spot where Henry worked at. Though I did expect for him to have more for his setup, unless I was only witnessing a glimpse for what else he had hidden away from all of us. "I'll help you, in whatever way you need to be done," I said walking up to Henry and the others. As I turned to face the others, I was met with the obvious look of rivalry from Bon Bon's face, along with his arms crossed to furthermore express the distaste with my ideals. The conflict has done more than break us, it has shattered how we viewed our own friends. "I admire your determination as to not have your personal problems hinder with our pursuit to victory the best you can," said Henry, forcing me to look back at him. "And you get to test his flash drive. Not to forget staying here, which is free rent for us," mentioned Springbonnie. "It's a flash drive. What can that even do for us?" responded Bonnie to her, as he turned to look at Henry. "Freddy's here so tell us already! It's gotta be something cool like... I don't know. Maybe advanced intelligence? Plans for a weapon? Oh, powers like what we originally had!" said Springbonnie, seeming excited for Henry to unravel the purpose of the flash drive. "Powers?" I asked confused on what she met. "Believe me, they weren't the strangest thing that existed in that world," said Michael. "To answer the countless amount of times of handing out the answer to our way of stopping William, at least partially, this flash contains my most valuable creation," said Henry finally. 

"An A.I. One that could potentially be as smart and tactical as this Scott Cawthon."

All of us turned to look at each other to show our eagerness and surprise to the purpose of the flash drive. Would possessing our own A.I be enough to at least knock William off his feet? "As much as I've heard the little talk about the power of these 'A.I's' I do feel the need to be taught on their capabilities," mentioned Mangle now. "Very well," responded Henry now.  "A.I's are computer programs that possess superior knowledge and access to things humans would regularly attend to each day, or jobs and tasks only a certain amount of people would be involved with. Control electricity, being in the position of valuable jobs, and run establishments on their own. They could even act emotionally or humanly as human beings, just like the rest of you. People dreamed for them to be apart of our society." "Yeah. If some of us would quit the nagging of our vulnerability because of them," added in Helpy, who was right beside Henry. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Thought this guy knew everything?" Helpy asked, which was directed at Henry. "If we did, he would've figured a way to solve his own fucking problems. Can't even help himself," mentioned Bon Bon, as we all turned to look at him. "Well. I guess not everything," said Helpy trying to direct the tension elsewhere. "There are those who believe A.I's could have the will and capability to betray what we give them and take authority for themselves, and possibly over throw all humans and work independently. Or reconcile with robots like us." "I can see where those specific type of people are coming from. From what I've known, some humans have been reluctant on the power we give them and how they may use it against us in the end. If they have the mindset and motive to seize that power that is," I responded in agreement. "I can't blame them either. With all the incidents involving the animatronics, that was enough for people to formulate their own opinion about robots and even technology. And if they knew everything and what my father used the animatronics for really, it would only enforce that opinion even more," agreed Michael. "Precisely. I can assure you the A.I I crafted will not abide by its own beliefs, though not enough to be a promise," responded Henry. "You made it?" asked Foxy picking up on the usage of his words. "Yes. Back in the day when William's killing spree was beyond the point to be considered a crime and more like a slaughter. It was one of my primary projects as a means to end William's progression to genocide, along with several precautions necessary to inflict enough damage on his plans," answered Henry. "Seems impossible for it's time, mainly since the technology wasn't as advanced as today. As much as William was able to create functioning animatronics of standard quality during that time period, no one would have created a perfect A.I," I noted. "You are correct about that fact. However, the possibilities that seemed distant to most people became an instant normality to the creators that forged the future into the present. William's intelligence was unlike anything I had ever witnessed, so much that it baffles me how his intelligence hasn't lead our world to a more technologic utopia by now," explained Henry. "William's incredible mind allowed him to craft the very things and tools in our lives, at least what I was lead to believe, along with the very creations that plagued the grim legacy of the pizzerias. Though when the road into the mind of him and his true intentions began to surface, I knew the answer to ending his road to domination was to use his own creations against him. And when the discovery of the A.I he was working on became known to me, the lives that had been lost from his creations that were meddled from mischievous hands had the perfect vision of payback. I downloaded and used the schematics to create my own A.I, along with the limited knowledge I had at the time on creating such a machine that felt like only gods would have the ability to being into this world. In the end I was successful on its completion, though I felt it was best to hide its creation and the other measures I had planned out to kill the devil himself. As previously mentioned before, I was in no position to challenge this power hungry individual at the time, and therefore waited to gather the necessary requirements as to do the world a favor... The rest needs no explanation." "So you already knew William was making an A.I? Even back then?" questioned Bonnie. "Yes. Of course it's existence evaded me as I never saw it's presence or the A.I itself. It was only now in our present time that I discovered it was vital to William's plans," responded Henry. "How smart is this A.I? Is he like super smart? Or like. The one guy, Einstein smart or something?" asked Springbonnie. "Well, not to that extent of knowledge. There are different types of intelligence. But it has enough to provide a tactical advantage over our enemies," responded Henry. "So then what the hell is the holdup?! Use the damn A.I already!" exclaimed Bon Bon, seeming annoyed and impatient. "That is where our problems began," responded Henry. "It would be done if the damn flash drive would actually work with the computer. For some reason it won't connect with any device or the computer at all so we can't really access it," answered Helpy for Henry. "What's the problem then? Didn't the both of you check it for any problems or tampering?" I asked. "No shit, we did just that. We didn't identify anything. Unless we missed something, or this hunk of junk is old for it's time. This thing isn't really a USB drive, its just some handcrafted smaller version of a floppy disk to hide it," responded Helpy. "It is possible it has gone inactive as a precaution if it got into the wrong hands. Regardless we have identified possibly a way to access it, in terms with you," added in Henry. "Why him? Is this because he's supposedly special like he always has been?" huffed Bon Bon. "I suggest you deal with your feelings and put them behind you for now. Otherwise I advise you leave this room, along with your grievances," said Mangle. It still felt so odd seeing her in an authoritative type of state, unlike the calm and caring version of her. She really did feel like a different type of person now. Bon Bon was staring up past the words she spoke, while she stared him down next to the others, as if to almost express she was in a higher position than him. She was nominated as one of the leaders of this group after all. "You know nothing of your most passionate friends. At least on the level I'm feeling," he responded as he walked past all of us. He opened the door back into the house and left, along with the anger he had towards me. "Anyways... Continuing on, I tried a different approach on accessing the drive. The newer  animatronics have a USB plug and other such ways of access at the back of heads, and so we had a way to access the drive. Helpy was equipped with this new type of technological access and so we tested it on him... The result was near devastation," continuing Henry. "The drive almost fried his circuits once connected, and could've purged him if not disconnecting the device in time." "Ohhhhhhhh, so that was what he was screaming about earlier. I thought it was just some extreme test," said Springbonnie, seeming to realize the connection between the two. "I don't understand why you declined our help and chose not to inform us of what was happening when we asked what was going earlier," said Michael to Henry. "I told him the same thing, but he assured me he had it under control. Bunch of bullshit if you ask me," answered Helpy for Henry. "It was best to not raise the concern among all of you. These risks and possibilities are bound to occur during tests," responded Henry. "Regardless Helpy was thankfully unharmed during the process, but doing so has now lead us to the remaining candidates that possess the ability to access the drive. Bon Bon, Foxy, and Freddy." "So who's going first?" asked Foxy. "We were going to ask Bon Bon if he was willing to volunteer, but I doubt he'll want to after what just had happened moments ago. So that leaves the two of you," answered Helpy. Both me and Foxy looked at each other to find out who would really go first; who was going to risk their life to gain access to this information. "If I might add, there is a possibility that Freddy might have a higher chance of accessing the information, considering he was manufactured partly by William. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary that he was aware of the program, though it doesn't make sense why Freddy would have access to this information. If this is the case," mentioned Henry. "Still the choice is both of yours."

"I'll go first."

I sighed from Foxy's decision while staring at the ground for a moment, though as much as I had concerns about it this was her decision. I couldn't force to think otherwise. "Alright," I responded looking up and at her now. "Good. Me and Helpy will be near you when we install the drive so you'll be in good hands," said Henry walking towards the desk. "Just saying, we won't take full responsibility if she... You know?" said Helpy. "At least ya'll have some compensation for this. We never got that back in our place," mentioned Bonnie. "More than what we could beg for," agreed Mangle, as Henry walked over to Foxy and I with the drive and while handing Helpy a towel. "I advise you step back from her..." said Henry, as he turned to look at everyone. "...All of you." Springbonnie and Bonnie glanced at each other before moving back from the car with me and the others, as we all crowded in front of the door. Helpy walked over to the desk as well and grabbed a pairs of black glasses without any lenses, while walking back over to Foxy and William. "What's with the glasses?" I asked him. "Protection," he responded while Henry put on safety googles himself. "I don't think that'll do much," said Michael. "Well, its all I got. If my eyes burn out, then oh well. Also because I like the way it looks," responded Helpy. "Yeah, they look cool! Can I get a pair of those?" express Springbonnie turning to look at us. "Sorry! Got none to spare. At least someone can appreciate my taste in things!" exclaimed Helpy. "Are you ready?" Henry asked him. "This isn't me this time, so hopefully yes," he responded. "Ready?" asked Henry, which was directed at Foxy now. She looked over at me, most likely wanting to make sure if things wouldn't go the way as expected, she would remember me for one last time. I nodded at her to assure I was ready myself, no matter the aftermath. She nodded in response as she then turned to Henry, ready for what would happen next that was still clouded in uncertainty. 


Henry walked to the back of Foxy and and held up the flash drive, getting ready to connect it to her. He then inserted the flash drive into the back of her head and backed up from her, along with Helpy, to ensure their safety. The wait had begun. For a moment nothing was happening, though the first few seconds always tend to increase your uneasiness. Suddenly, electricity was starting to spark from the flash drive and seemed to only become more violent, as Henry quickly pulled the flash drive from her head and tossed it to Helpy. "Whoa! Haven't seen something crazy like that here," said Springbonnie amazed. We all walked over to Foxy, who was active now as Henry walked over to this desk quickly while holding his right hand. "You ok?" I asked her. "Yeah. I was expecting to feel something. But I didn't feel anything, not even right now," she responded. "That's a relief," expressed Mangle as I turned to Henry now, who had gone to the mini fridge and grabbed a coke, only he was pressing his hand against it now. "Did you hurt your hand?" I asked him. "Yes, the flash drive seems to produce a decent amount of heat to burn you, and this isn't the first time this has happened. I'll be fine," responded Henry. "Thank god my sensors don't feel all the heat," said Helpy playing the towel with the flash drive on the desk. "And that leaves just you Freddy. Unless Bon Bon appears to be the lucky one," said Michael. "Indeed. If Freddy or Bon Bon both cannot access the drive, we will have to find other alternatives if possible," said Henry. "If not, guess we're screwed like we always are," said Bonnie. "There are always exceptions. This time we won't have to rely on any," said Mangle. "What makes you say that?" I asked in response to her. "Me, Bonnie, Springbonnie, even Michael, know the many circumstances we've encountered throughout our days. The same can be said for you and your friends. We always have to find alternatives or think outside the box to avoid destruction or injuries, it's normal for us. The only alternative that come to mind really is Bon Bon and, no offensive to him, but I can't see him being of such help to us considering his own problems. Believe me, I know how they can hinder one's ability to progress and advance," answered Mangle, all while Henry finally put the coke bottle back in the fridge. "I've heard a lot about you. Mostly from Michael and your girlfriend. It would kill me to meet someone like you who went through all hell... Something we both had to lead our team through. You might just be the person the world never knew they needed. Because of that, I believe someone like you has the touch to access the most vital piece of strategy and the key to victory for this battle. It belongs in your hands, no one else's. Even though you may want to take a break from the action and consider your place in this world, you still have the inspiration to have us dream. That's all we need in a war." 

"You ready?"

I looked over at Henry from his world, than back at Mangle. "Thanks. Never thought someone would think of me as almost like a god," I responded. "Not a god. Just someone doing what is right for the people and the world," responded Mangle. "Well, you going to go through will this or not?" demanded Helpy. "I will. Can't have a break or what?" I responded. "Oh, you get to learn they aren't no breaks around here. You should know just as much," said Helpy, as everyone backed up away from and near the door again. "Guess I've forgotten that much," I responded, as Henry grabbed the towel and flash drive, and walked over to us. "You're gonna burn your skin completely off at this rate you know that," said Helpy, as Henry handed him the towel. "It's what the job calls for," responded Henry. "Ready?" I turned to look at the others, all waiting for either my descent into a world of information, or for the world to stay the same. Foxy nodded at me, knowing she was prepared for whatever would happened next. I did the same in response, knowing just from Mangle's words and friends hope that I would return with the answer to ending this conflict. Enough to satisfy my temporary part in it.


I felt Henry insert the chip inside the back of my head, all while nothing happened for a moment. But in the next second, I found myself in familiar place and feeling. A trip to the void I didn't plan to visit again.

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