Snowbird/Fairgame Oneshots (B...

By AlphaWolf0215

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This started off as a Snowbird (Qrow x Winter) book...but I fell IN LOVE with Fairgame (Qrow x Clover), so th... More

Undercover Mission
Snow White Queen
Author's Note
An Idea
And The Winner Is....
It's a.....a bruise.
RWBY cereal!!!!
Snowbird on RWBY Chibi.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day!
Winter's Secret
Sick Birdie
Two Ships
Fair Game: Qrow Done F'd Up
Lucky Snowbird: Starry Night
Lucky Snowbird: Cute Stuff
Fair Game: Date Night and A Street Fight
Fair Game: Caretaker Qrow
Lucky Snowbird: Cozy Night In
Snowbird Baby
Fair Game: AAAAAAAHHHHH!๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Fair Game: Lung Infection
Extra: Art
Fair Game: Sparring Match
Fair Game: Wedding
Lucky Snowbird: Birdnapped
Fair Game: You Need A Break
Fair Game: I'm So Cold
Fair Game: Meet The Parents
Fair Game: Team CPPR
Fair Game: A Kiss From A Rose
Snow Day
Extra: New Story
Fair Game: Fragile Little Rose
Fair Game: We Are Family
Fair Game: Anniversary
Lucky Snowbird: Recovery
Fair Game: Nightmares
Fair Game: Lunch Date
Fair Game: Calling In Sick
Fair Game: Ace Op Betting Pool
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing
Fair Game: Good Luck Isn't Always A Good Thing pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.2
Fair Game: Bird's Nest pt.3
Fair Game: Bitten pt.2
Fair Game: Sick Child
Fair Game: Waking Up Next To You
Soulmate AU
Lucky Snowbird: Destress The Ice Queen
Fair Game: Faint
Fair Game: James Is NOT Okay
Fair Game: Not A Normal Stomach Ache
Fair Game: Don't Mess With Joanna's Boys
Fair Game: Birdflu
Fair Game: Some Dads Are Good, Some Aren't, But You're The Best
Fair Game: Tonsillitis
Fair Game: Give Him Back!
Fair Game: It's Just A Sprained Ankle
Fair Game: Heat Exhaustion
Fair Game: A Near Drowning Experience
Fair Game: Hoodie Thief
Fair Game: Coma
Fair Game: Coma pt.2
Fair Game: Lepidopterophobia
Fair Game: Headcanons
Fair Game: Clover's Parents
Fair Game: Father/Son/Son-In-Law Camping Trip
Fair Game: I'm Sorry
Fair Game: I Can't Breathe
Fair Game: Please Hold Me
Fair Game: Framed
Fair Game: Framed pt.2
Fair Game: Framed pt.3
Fair Game: Taking Care Of Daddy
Fair Game: Prank War
Fair Game: A Familiar Kind of Tenderness
Fair Game: Avalanche
Fair Game: Sweet As Roses
Extra: Face Reveal
Fair Game: Back From The Dead
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding (Characters)
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.1
Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.2
Fair Game: The Bird At My Window
Fair Game: Warm Baths and Foot Massages
Fair Game: Family Time
Fair Game: Sickness and Helplessness
Fair Game: Here For You
Fair Game: Clover Doesn't Like Horror Movies
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness!
Fair Game: Sick and Stubborn
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.1
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.2
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.3
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.4
Fair Game: Sundrop pt.5
Fair Game: Attention
Fair Game: This Isn't A Joke
Fair Game: Raspberry Cheesecake
Fair Game: Lover's Quarrel
Fair Game: Nightmares Are The Worst
Fair Game: A Much Needed Vacation
Fair Game: Don't Sneak Up On An Ace Op
Fair Game: Baby's Bad Dreams
Fair Game: Soulmate AU
Fair Game: Fever Dreams
Fair Game: Fever Dreams pt.2
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie
Fair Game: Unconscious Birdie(Alternative Ending)
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped!
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.2
Fair Game: Help! My Boyfriend's Been Kidnapped! pt.3
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow
Fair Game: Qrow Is A Crow pt.2
Fair Game: Deadly Shrimp
Fair Game: Missing Child
Fair Game: Wisdom Teeth
Fair Game: Qrow Can't Swim
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise"
Fair Game: It's A "Bruise" pt.2
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks
Fair Game: The Flu Sucks pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.2
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.3
Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.1
Fair Game: Happy Father's Day
Fair Game: Roommates pt.2
Fair Game: Roommates pt.3
Fair Game: Roommates pt.4
Fair Game: Roommates pt.5
Fair Game: Roommates pt.6
Fair Game: Late Night Cuddles
Fair Game: OTP Cuteness 2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.1
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.2
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.3
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.4
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.5
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.6
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.7
Fair Game: A Familiar Magic Between Us pt.8
Fair Game: Poison Ivy
Fair Game: Poison Ivy pt.2
Fair Game: Tortured Bird
Fair Game: Tortured Bird pt.2
Fair Game: Save The Crow
Fair Game: Caught In The Act
Fair Game: Rainy Days
Fair Game: Otp Cuteness 3
Fair Game: "F**k You!" "...okay."
Fair Game: You Look Good In A Cape
Fair Game: Fighting The Flames For You
Fair Game: Sticky Situation
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.1
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.2
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.3
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.4
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.5
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.6
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.7
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.8
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.9
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.10
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.11
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.12
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.13
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.14
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.15
Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.16
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.1
Fair Game: Qrow's Past pt.2
Fair Game: Fem!Clover
Fair Game: Birds of a Feather Don't Always Stick Together
Fair Game: Getting Caught๐Ÿ™„
Fair Game: A Blessing In Disguise
Fair Game: Random Stuff
Fair Game: Spending Time in Argus
Fair Game: Strep Throat
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.1
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.2
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.3
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.4
Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.5

Fair Game: Bitten

421 3 12
By AlphaWolf0215

Clover was in Mantle in search of a suspicious character he was assigned to arrest. He tracked him to a rough neighborhood, and followed him into a dark alleyway.

"Anthony Leblanc, you're under arrest. Come quietly, or else I'll have to use force to take you in." Clover said in his authoritative voice, hand on his weapon.

"Hmmm...nahh, I don't think I will." replied Anthony.

He attacks the Ace Op and they engage in a one on one battle. Clover manages to pin Antony down and cuff him.

"Wow, you sure can put up a fight. Now, sit still while I call for a ride. And if you cooperate maybe I can get you a really nice cell." Clover said pulling out his scroll.

"Hehehe, you really think you won just now. Ha! Unlike you I didn't come alone." replied Anthony, getting to his knees.

Suddenly, a pair of...fangs...sink into the crook of his neck, and he lets out a yell of pain. Then he feels something enter his veins, making him dizzy and weak. He falls to the ground the second the fangs are pulled out. Laying on his side he reaches out for his scroll that he dropped, but a leather boot stomps on his wrist.

"Gahh!" Clover grunted.

The boot holds down his wrist as a slender hand picks up his scroll. Clover looks up and sees a thin blonde woman walk over to Anthony and uncuff him. When he gets to his feet, she hands him Clover's scroll. Then she turns around, giving Clover the chance to look at her face. She had reptilian scales around her eyes, on her forehead, and on her cheekbones. She also had snake-like eyes, fangs, and a forked tongue. The woman was a snake faunus.

"Commander Ebi, I would like you to meet my fiancee, Viper." Anthony said.

Shakily, Clover gets himself to his hands and knees. His limbs felt heavy and his head spun.

"Don't even bother trying, my venom will zap away all your ssstrength, ssso you might asss well lay down." Viper told him.

Anthony walks over to Clover and kicks him in the stomach, knocking him back down.

"What...are you...planning?" Clover asked.

"I'm gonna use your scroll to gain access to everything labeled confidential. I mean, you are one of the highest ranking Atlas officials, so it shouldn't be too hard." Anthony told him.

"Oh, and by the way...that venom that's in your veins, is going to give you a slow and painful death. Tell him dear." he added draping his arm around his fiancee's shoulders.

"Well, firssst comesss the weaknessss and dizzinessss. Then comesss the raging fever that leavesss you deliriousss and disssoriented. Next comesss the full body pain, that feelsss like razor bladesss are running through your veinsss. And my favorite part...are the random ssseizuresss. Oooh, I jussst love watching my victimsss convulssse like insssectsss under a magnifying glassss. Lassstly, your organsss will fail one by one, until your heart ssstopsss. die." Viper explained.

Already, Clover can feel the fever stage begin.

"So, while all that stuff happens, I'm gonna go to Atlas. Viper, dear, I know you enjoy watching your victims die, so you just stay right here; and I'll come get you when I'm done." Anthony said to his fiancee.

"Thanksss, baby." giggled Viper.

The villains kiss, then Anthony heads towards Atlas. Clover's fever was now so high that he couldn't even think straight, could hardly think at all. He had absolutely no strength, he couldn't move. Viper just stood next to him and watched as his health slowly deteriorated. Soon, Clover's vision became swirly and clouded. Then...the pain came. The pain was so terrible, so intense, that Clover didn't even try to hold back his screams. He screamed like he's never screamed before. And Viper loved hearing those screams. The pain dragged on for did the screaming.

"What the h*ll are you doing to him!?" Viper heard someone shout from behind her.

The snake faunus turns around and is faced with Robyn Hill and a few of her Happy Huntresses.

"Oh, well thisss jussst got interesssting." Viper snickered.

"I'm gonna ask you this again. What have you done to soldier boy over there?" Robyn asked pointing her crossbow at Viper.

"Poisoned him, of course." Viper laughed gesturing to her fangs.

"Fiona, get to Clover. The rest of you, help me take this b**ch down." Robyn commanded.

The Happy Huntresses nod in agreement, then the fight starts. Fiona slips past Viper and stays at Clover's side, while Robyn and the others fight the villainess. During the fight, May breaks Viper's aura, leaving her vulnerable. Then, Robyn grabs Viper by the hair and slams her face into the wall, breaking her teeth and knocking her out. Robyn lets go of Viper's hair, letting her drop to the ground.

"Huh, easier than I thought it would be. Guess she's not much of a fighter." Robyn said.

"Ahhh! Robyn!! Come quick!" Fiona yelped, terrified.

The huntress looks towards her girlfriend's direction and sees the atleasian soldier convulsing.

"Fiona, what's happening?!?" Robyn asked running up to them.

"I-I don't know...h-he just started seizing all of the sudden. I think it might be the venom." replied Fiona.

"We gotta get him to Atlas." said May.

"No, in this state, he won't make it to Atlas. We have to take him to the hospital in Mantle, it's the only chance he's got." Robyn told her team.

Robyn and the Happy Huntresses take Clover to Mantle's closest hospital. It's not as great or advanced as the one in Atlas, but it'll keep him alive long enough for additional help to arrive. The doctors take him to be worked on while Robyn and Fiona wait in the waiting room for someone from Atlas to come.

"Who do you think they'll send?" Fiona asked Robyn.

"Well, obviously Qrow, he's Clover's boy-toy. And maybe the other Ace Ops." replied Robyn.

And at that moment a certain huntsman bursts in looking frantic as h*ll, followed by a blonde and a girl in a red hood.

"Qrow! Over here!" Robyn said waving him over.

"What happened!? Is Clover okay!?" Qrow asked worried beyond comprehension.

"We don't know all the details...all we know is that he was bitten by a snake faunus." answered Fiona.

"The doctors are still working on him, so we don't know how he's doing. But he was in pretty bad shape when we got him here." added Robyn.

"So were supposed to just...wait?" Qrow said getting more upset.

"Uncle Qrow, everything's going to be okay. Uncle Clover will be okay." Ruby said holding her uncle's hand.

About two hours later, the doctor comes out. Qrow doesn't waste a second to ask her about Clover.

"He's stable for now. But he's still extremely ill. It would be wise to transfer him to Atlas, so he can get the best treatment." the doctor told him.

"Can I go see him?" Qrow asked.

"Well, he's really in no condition to receive visitors." answered the doctor.

"Please, let me see him." Qrow begged.

"Are you his spouse?" asked the doctor.

"No, not exactly. But I'm his boyfriend." replied Qrow.

"That's close enough, I suppose." shrugged the doctor.

The doctor leads Qrow to Clover's hospital room. His heart broke at the sight of his boyfriend hooked up to all sorts of machines and iv's. He's immediately at his side and holds his hand gently.

"Hey, babe, it's me; I'm here now, so everything's going to be okay. I'm right here and I'm not leaving your side, I promise." Qrow said before kissing the back of Clover's hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't come with you to arrest that guy. You asked me to come, and I said no, and I'm sorry." he cried.

Qrow stays at Clover's side during the transfer to Atlas. And there he continues to remain as Clover goes through additional treatments. Now, all the venom was out of Clover's system. The only problem now is his fever...and the nightmares that come with it. He wakes up for the first time since coming to Mantle's hospital, screaming.

"Clover! Clover, calm down, babe. It's okay, you're safe, you're alright." Qrow said comforting him.

Clover's rapid breathing slows down and he flops back onto the bed.

"Qrow..." Clover sobbed weakly.

"Shhh, it's okay, Cloves. It was just a dream." Qrow soothed, rubbing Clover's head.

His hand then rests at Clover's forehead, checking his temperature.

"Clover, babe, you're burning up. Gods, that fever just won't quit, will it?" sighed Qrow.

"In the by Tyrian....w-with...with Kingfisher....sorry...couldn't save you." Clover cried feverishly.

"Like I said earlier, it was just a dream. I'm here, and I ain't going anywhere." Qrow said running his fingers through Clover's hair.

Then he moves his hand down to caress Clover's cheek, who leans into the gentle touch with a whimper.

"Wait...Leblanc..." Clover said furrowing his eyebrows.

"He's in custody. Penny and Winter got him before he could get into the building. Guess he didn't think his plan all the way through. Oh, and his b**ch of a fiancee that poisoned you is in custody too. Robyn and the Happy Huntresses did quite the number on her, they're the reason you're alive. They saved you." Qrow told his boyfriend.

Clover relaxes with a relieved sigh.

"Now, let's get that fever of yours down." Qrow said standing up.

He goes to leave, but weak fingers clasp around his wrist.

"Just call a nurse, Qrow. Don't leave me, please stay." Clover said looking up at his boyfriend with pleading eyes.

Smiling, Qrow sits back down and takes Clover's hand in both of his.

"Okay, babe." Qrow said kissing Clover's forehead.

"Remind me later to thank Robyn for the save." Clover said getting drowsy.

"I will." replied Qrow.

Clover's recovery took a week and a half. And there wasn't a second that Qrow wasn't at his side, taking care of him.

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