
By aliciamontejano

67.4K 1.5K 58

I originally posted this on fanfiction.net but I wanted it to be in more than one place so that everyone has... More

It Was All a Dream
If Only You Knew
Missed Connections
Tonight Is The Night
I Wish I Could Stay
Time's Ticking
They Know It's Not You
It's Over
Big -A
My Mind Is Spinning
Good Morning Part One
Good Morning Part Two
Really Han?
The Final Take Down
The Funeral
Sessions Paid Off
First Day Back
Samara & Sydney
The Question
I'm Happy
Everything Will Be Okay
No Fear, Hanna's Here
June 6th
Off To Florida
Vacation Part One
Vacation Part Two
The Unspoken Secret
I Know How You Feel
Life Moves Pretty Fast
Is This A Bad Time?
I Miss You Already
Righting My Wrongs
Germaking Me Crazy
Let The Games Begin
What's Wrong With Me?
This Can't Be Good
What Happened
Let's Go Home
But What Did I Do?
Just Married
She's Beautiful
Shay Ashley Fields
This Is Nice

I Couldn't Take It

737 17 1
By aliciamontejano

Alison's POV
I saw Emily collapse, she wasn't moving, it was too much for me to handle. So I had a panic attack, I was so scared that she was gonna die or something in a hospital filled with people that don't understand much English. I know that sounds like I'm afraid of people from other countries but you can never be too careful, I was reckless and it has gotten me or my friends nearly killed, so I have decent reason to not have a lot of trust in strangers.

I just wish I was there. Emily has had some horrible things happen to her. She was almost burned to death, poisoned by carbon monoxide produced by the exhaust pipes in a locked barn, and sawed in half. I was there to save her life every time. To watch her collapse in front of the entire world, me not being able to do anything to help, was the worst feeling I've ever had.

I managed to keep my distance when I was hiding but if there was a crisis I still managed to find my friends and Emily in a time of crisis and save them and I feared the worst for Emily.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let Emily go to the Olympics

Selfish much, Alison?

Can I really blame myself for being selfish? I mean, I'm marrying Emily FIelds, she's practically a celebrity now...and for a positive thing, unlike me...being known for faking my own death in an attempt to shake off a deranged murderer.

I still mentally cringe when I think of the way I treated Emily before I had to 'disappear' and it occurred to me how important I was to her when I checked on her. Watching her have the worst nightmares for months, the way she'd quietly come home from swim practice, barely eat her dinner, and go to her room and sob. How could I be so stubborn? How could I be so stupid? To just stomp on her feelings like that, tease her, but no matter what I did, she stood by me.

When the whole world, it seems like, including my family, would give up on me, someone I always knew would be by my side, was Emily. She's the strongest, courageous, and kindest person I ever met and I'd be a complete idiot to let the love of my life slip through my fingers.

"So, Miss DiLaurentis, care to tell me what triggered your panic attack?"

I snapped out of my daze to look at a woman, probably in her forties, with a clipboard and a pen at the ready. "Well, I was watching the Olympics and my fiance collapsed in front of the world, last night."

"Wait, you're marrying Emily FIelds, right?" She slid her glasses off and looked at me.

"Yeah, did you see it happen?" I asked nervously, my voice cracking a little.

"Of course! She's from Rosewood and she goes to Danby University right?" She smiled. "She's on the same team with my daughter."

"Oh really? What's her name?"

"Laura O'Day."

"Ohh Emily has told me so much about your daughter, she seems like a really nice girl."

She nodded her head in approval. "I think the same would have happened to me if that were Laura, if you don't mind me asking, what do you think made your panic attack so severe?"

I thought about it for a second. "Well, I wasn't the greatest person growing up. I made a lot of enemies, but Emily always stood by me. Whether it was for better or worse, she was the most caring and loyal friend. She would protect me from everyone else, even though I may have instigated the drama." I took a deep breath, trying to prevent me from crying in front of this woman, but I failed.

"Are you panicking again?" She asked cautiously.

"No, it's just...the first time I wasn't there for her" I sobbed. "She's on the other side of the world and I feel so guilty and helpless."

"Ohh, you're so lucky to have each other. I don't think the world would be right if you two weren't together."

I wiped my tears with my sleeve. "Thank you Doctor-"

"You can call me Shelly, you and Emily are welcome to visit us anytime." She smiled.

"How bad was Emily hurt, do you know or?"

"I'm not going to worry you any further, your friends out there let us know you're pregnant and had a nasty spill. They suggested an ultrasound, is that alright with you?"

"Oh..okay." I lifted my shirt up a little bit, wincing as the cold sticky jelly gets squeezed onto my bump.

"Emily is always talking about you."

"Good things I hope." I grimaced thinking about my childish behavior.

"She's never said one bad thing about you, dear."

I just smiled and looked at the screen.

"So you're having a girl." She smiled. "Does anyone know? Perhaps your friends outside?"

I giggled. "Well, only one of them knows, and she knows by accident. It's supposed to be a surprise, but yes, we're having a girl."

"Have you two decided on a name yet?"

"Yes. Her name is going to be Shay." I smiled.

"What a beautiful name! Well, your baby seems to be doing just fine, look, she's waving." She smiled.

I squinted my eyes and it actually appeared like Shay was making a waving motion with her hand, at least how a baby usually waves.

"Is it weird that it makes me emotional every time I see her?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Not at all, it's a mother thing. I promise." She stood up. "Would you like to see your friends?"

"Sure, send them in." I smiled.

She walked outside and no more than two minutes later, she rushes back into my room clearly flustered.

"Does Emily know you're here?" She asked.

"Ummm, I don't think so. Why?"

She stood aside and my eyes were met with an unforgettable facial expression that could only belong to one person, eyes wide, dripping wet, in USA sweats.

My eyes went as wide as hers were right now. "Em..Emily?" I asked in disbelief.

Emily's POV

As soon as our flight landed, I woke up, my heart pounding in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Spencer is calmly reading a book next to me.


She smiled and closed her book. "Hey, sleepy head. The flight attendant has walked by us at least six times trying to get a decent look at you."

"Can you do me one last favor? Please?"

She furrowed her brows. "Anything, Em."

"Okay, did you take your car here?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you get my luggage? I need to get to the hospital immediately."

"How are you gonna get there?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"I have some cash on me, I'll take a taxi." I bit my lip hoping I could cover it, I didn't bring that much money with me since everything for me was paid for and Ali drove me to the airport.

"But Em, it's raining outside! Your stitches.."

"I'll be okay, if they get wet, at least I'd be in the same place as Alison."

"If you say so Em, I'll meet you there okay?" She looked directly into my eyes, a hint of concern in them.

"Thank you so much, Spence." I smiled.

When they let us off the plane, I won't lie, I was the first person off. I ran as fast as I could outside in the pouring rain, as I was, no umbrella, the most dramatic downpour in the history of Pennsylvania.

I hailed a cab. "TAXI!" to my surprise a cab immediately stopped for me and I got in as fast as I could.

"Where...to..? Wait...are you Emily Fields?" The cab driver asked me.

"The hospital, yes, I am Emily Fields." I rushed out.

"Oh, uh, what are you doing here?" His face contorted in confusion as he started to drive off.

"I was needed more here, than I was in Rio." I stated casually. "My fiance collapsed after I passed out on international television."

"Geez you've got stitches in your head! It's pouring rain outside that's gonna dissolve them!" He exclaimed.

"A least I'll be in the same place." I repeated looking into my wallet.


"Hey I don't have enough money to cover the entire fare to the hospital, I know my way there, it's only two miles, thank you for the ride." I quickly rushed out and handed him a handful of money to cover the fare.

He was so shocked. But I started to run like I never ran before. Heads turned, jaws dropped under umbrellas, the thunderous rain was white noise, eventually I approached the familiar white building, I bursted through the doors, completely soaked, into the lobby.

Needless to say, people were mortified, I saw Hanna, Aria and CeCe piled onto each other, their eyelids purple from the lack of sleep they've had. I made a mental note to thank them when they woke up. I spotted the woman at the front desk that's supposed to check people in.

"Hi, I'm-" I started.

"I know who you are, dear." She smiled.

"Okay, uh, I'm here to see my fiance, Alison DiLaurentis?"

I saw Laura's mother, I knew she worked here, but when she saw me she had the deer in headlights look and rushed back into her assigned room.

The woman gave me my visitors pass and I ran in the direction of the room she told me Ali would be in, and Laura's mother was actually assigned to her room.

I ran down the hallway and I overheard the last bit of their conversation.

"Does Emily know you're here?" She asked.

"Ummm, I don't think so. Why?"

She stepped aside and I saw her, just as beautiful, actually, even more beautiful she was when I left.

"Em..Emily?" She questioned.

I had no words, I rushed to her bedside, cupped her cheeks and kissed her until I needed to breathe again.

Her cheeks were back to the shade of pink when I pulled away, she gingerly touched my head, some stitches were dissolved, but I didn't even care. I said the first two words that came to my mind to comfort her.

I smiled. "I'm home."

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