The Female Alpha | ✗

By reneefuzzybunny

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Armelle Addison Donovan is one heck of female who would stop at nothing to make sure her pack was safe, even... More



5.3K 285 48
By reneefuzzybunny

a.n i'm back in america and i'm about to start uni this week ahh. thank you so much for sticking by and continuing to put up with my schedule!

pls vote and comment, i tried making this chapter extra long 💕💕

previously on the female alpha - "I guess we're both trapped for different reasons. But, I'm determined to become Alpha, and you have to learn to sacrifice these small things," I said softly. My wolf was nodding in agreement and waited ever so impatiently for his response.

"I mean you put your own mate in a jail cell because you want to protect the pack, so surely they think you're capable of running a pack," he pointed out, emphasizing the word 'mate' and I felt my stomach twist. My wolf nodded in agreement as my faced flushed.


"More of our warriors have spotted rogues along the east border, surely they are looking for something. I suggest we place more warriors here," my father pointed his finger on the east side of the map before he leant back in his chair.

"It's probably the rogue locked up in the cells, maybe they are trying to find a way to free him," my uncle commented, eyeing me carefully.

"They have 300 warriors of their own, what makes this one so special?" another wolf intervened, a warrior of high-class. A round of agreement sounded off in the meeting room.

"Maybe the rogue has very valuable information?"

"No, if it were so valuable then they would have launched a full attack."

"Oh please, if they managed to get in our borders once, they are fools to think we'd allow them to let them in again."

"And yet here they are, what if it is not the rogue? They are looking for our weak points! They know our east border has been less protected previously or they are distracting us from our north and south entrances!"

"May I suggest-"

"We should launch an attack on them instead!"

"If we attack now we have the element of surprise!"


Gruff voices spoke in harsh tones as they argued over our current circumstances, the room reeked of big egos as male voices piled on top of each other. Testosterone filled the air and as the only female in the room, my wolf and I suffocated in its stench. In the corner of my eye, I watched the creases in my father's forehead deepen, the grey in his hair shining brightly in the light as he sank further into his chair.

I looked away from him and towards my brother who seemed deep in thought. Soon enough his eyes flicked over to mine, I motioned to the commotion surrounding us and all he could do is lift one eyebrow as he signalled me to speak as we both knew the information I held was of great importance.

"If you could all just be silent for one moment," I cleared my throat, my voice became deeper and I felt a wave of confidence over me. Using this Alpha-like tone the bickering had halted and all eyes were on me, even my fathers.

"I'd like to add that this rogue knows their leader, I suppose that means he is of high importance, therefore, a reason to the additional rogues spotted along our borders," I began. "Although this rogue is probably second-ranked in their forces, I agree with some of you that the extra rogues surrounding our borders are in fact to gain knowledge of our patrol. Who takes what shift, where do they go, etcetera. But adding more of our wolves to the borders means less protection within, we only have so many and although we outnumber by only a little, we must remember that rogue wolves are dangerous and unpredictable.

Most of them may have come from reputable backgrounds, thieves, ex-warriors and we must be careful of what other types of rogues we are dealing with. This bickering back and forth is not going to help. What we must do is learn from our opponents and I suggest that in order to do so we must continue to lay defensive rather than offensive. I will continue to the interrogation with the detained rogue and extract more information, but if we attack now, then there is a higher chance we will lose the war and that is something we cannot do." I ended with a sense of finality in my tone. All eyes faced me, I sensed the presence of their wolves within them as if conversing with their host. No one spoke, not yet.

I felt my wolf stir inside me, she sensed a lack of confidence in some of my fellow wolves and almost growled at their hesitation. Being the only female in a room full of male wolves had many disadvantages, their lack of trust was one thing, but their egos were another.

"How exactly will you extract this information? More or less, how did you get the information that you've obtained? Many have tried, the best and yet to no avail, but you, you have retrieved some valuable information. Please enlighten us on your methods," one brave council member spoke, a slight challenge in his voice.

"How dare you question my methods and with such challenge in your voice at that," I defended and I watched the man turn a dark crimson before he slunk into his seat.

"How I chose to interrogate this rogue is not much of your concern, by questioning it I sense a lack of confidence in your future Alpha. If you must know, torturing those locked up isn't always the best way. It's by gaining trust can one truly get the information," I asserted and looked into all the male eyes who surrounded me, each with a warning glint in my eye. My wolf puffed out her fur as did I, my back straightened against my chair and waited for any arguments.

The atmosphere in the room change drastically, the air was thick with tension as the pack council shot glances at each other others tucked their tails obediently behind them and nodded in support. In the corner of my eye, River shot me a smirk and glanced at my father.

"My daughter and your future Alpha is correct. By understanding our opponents will we succeed, she exemplifies that in her interrogation techniques. I agree, waiting until the time is right to strike is the best course of action. Gaining more information is crucial in our victory and I suggest you abide by it, and if you disagree you can speak with Armelle and she will sort it out accordingly. Council is dismissed." and with that, they all began to slowly exit out of the meeting room. I heard their hush tones once they exited and shut the door closed behind them and left my brother, father and I to discuss.

"The council members continue to lack faith in me," I sighed and placed my head in my hands.

"I agree, although they have trust in you, the extent of it is uncertain," my father agreed as he rubbed his chin with his thumb.

"Your suggestion was great, it was logical and will be effective in winning the war. Those idiots should have more confidence, you are their next Alpha," River defended and leant back in his chair.

"It's because I'm a girl. Those sexist wolves just don't believe a she-wolf could become Alpha," I fumed, biting my lip hard as I tried to maintain composure.

"Well, they better believe it because you are the next Alpha and you will be great at it. Some of the best Alphas were female, but the council members forget that." my brother grunted and I watched my father nod.

"These will be your future council members, remember that. They may be stubborn to accept change, but they do their best and are wise beyond your years. I have complete faith in you Armelle, they just need a little bit more of a push." my father insisted before he stood up from his chair, my brother and I followed.

"Getting the information we need is crucial, that is my job and I will do it as best I can. Hopefully, once this war is over the council will have more faith in me. Their faith and trust are critical once I become Alpha, without it, then I fail as one." I declared and I left the room with confidence in my stride with my brother and father in tow.


"Something has riled you up, you seemed tense when you arrived," Arsen spoke softly as we sat on a small red rug that I had brought with me in his cell. Shortly after the meeting I had gathered my thoughts and decided to pay a visit to my rogue issue. With a rug and a picnic basket in my hands, I had walked up to his cell and we had a small picnic. Although the menu wasn't the best, consisting of home-made beef sandwiches, brownies and iced-tea, I realised I had felt more relaxed being around him, his scent relaxed me. The more and more I spent time with him, his scent continued to become even more intoxicating. My wolf was always restless and craved even more attention.

"It's nothing really," I shrugged as I chewed on my sandwich. Arsen didn't seem convinced and leant a littl closer to me. After spending more time with me, our comfort levels between with other increased and, I admit, it felt nice to unwind, even though it was in a cold cell.

"You're lying. Come on you can tell me, I won't be able to tell anyone anyway," he managed to joke lightly. I felt the corners of my mouth curved ever so slightly and felt myself nod.

"My council doesn't trust me enough to lead. I had a meeting about the war and questioned my authority or rather my methods in interrogating you. It's frustrating to be next in line and yet your council members have little faith in your capabilities," I confided, moving my arms so I could use them as support. I felt Arsen become silent next to me, he seemed deep in thought as I glanced in his direction.

"Then those council members are stupid to not believe in you. You've probably done more than they have about the war. While they live their lives, you're here talking to me, probably trying to gain more information, but you're here talking to me. Those idiots probably wouldn't bother coming here. But you do. You work harder than them, you don't usually take breaks and are doing a lot for your pack. As I said, those council members don't know what they're missing," Arsen declared, quite confidently might I add.

I felt something tug at my chest, it was warm and tingly and as I bit my lip, I could feel his eyes wander across my face. One look at my cheeks gave a dead giveaway.

"Uh, thank you, I guess," I managed to say, suddenly feeling hot as the air around me felt, almost suffocating, but in a good way. I theorised it was the close proximity or his smell that managed to sink into my pores which made my wolf yelp in happiness.

"You're welcome, don't worry, I'm sure they'll come around. They have to," he ended as he too leant back against his arms and a small smirk tugged against the corner of his cheek. I noticed he looked smug as he inspected my cheeks, his eyes silently golden as he continued to look at me.

"It's just hard to be a female in a male-dominated society," I admitted before taking a sip of my ice tea, I watched him do the same.

"But that just makes a woman stronger I think, having to fight for her place instead of tucking their tail between their legs whilst for men it just comes easy for them," he agreed. I felt a sudden wave of appreciat- no respect for him, having him listen to my problems was one thing, but him understanding it was another. My gut twisted at the thought.

"I'm glad you understand," I told him sincerely with a full smile painted on my lips. I watched as the corners of his mouth tilted into a small, but shy smile.

"I'm glad you opened up to me," he returned. "And thank you for the food, these sandwiches are really good." he expressed as he took a huge bite of his meal.

"It's not a problem, I've had fun making food every time I come to visit. You're actually a decent company," I confessed with a slight tease in my tone.

"Of course I'm good company, I'm great," he scoffed with a small laugh and I felt myself laugh at his comment as well.

"I guess, it's probably the air that's making me enjoy the company," I continued to joke.

"I thought it would be my good looks or my jokes," he laughed, quite adorably may I add.

"Nope, definitely the air," I snickered, my nose crinkling as I leant my head back.

"You're no fun," he teased and poked out his tongue, my heart warmed at the sight.

"Pfft, I'm great fun,"

"Nope, that's not it. If it were, you would be the one taking me out to the waterfall instead of me," he pointed out.

"That's true, but without me, we would have never made it there," I reminded him.


A comfortable silence washed over us, we ate and we drank without another word. Sitting in our own thoughts I consulted with my wolf. She was more than adamant to be closer to Arsen, it was in our nature to be closer with our mate, but I restrained the urge. I was already surrounded by his scent which I knew my family would pick it up, it seeped easily in my pores and every time I was near him my stomach, or rather my gut twisted and turned. Arsen had grown on me, and it worried me. If the council figured out I had a mate I knew they would either frown upon him as he was a rogue or welcome him with open arms to be the new Alpha.

They would be more in favour of him as Alpha than me and even though I was the rightful Alpha, he would gain the confidence of the council. I would be looked at as the Luna, and although the position was still good, the Alpha status was mine. I just hoped I would be wrong about them.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I heard Arsen question, his curious eyes watched me and a welcoming smile embraced his lips.

"If the council found out about the mate bond between you and I, do you think they would favour you as Alpha than me?" I forced myself to say, revealing him my biggest insecurity. Arsen seemed taken aback by my question, his mouth agape and his smile disappeared.

"You know what, it's stupid. Don't answer it." I sighed and looked away from him.

"It's not stupid. Look, they'd probably have my head since I'm affiliated with the war, but I don't think they'd favour me as the next Alpha. I wouldn't accept it if they did. You are the rightful Alpha, that title is yours. I admit our first few meetings were rough, but you're doing everything you need to do to stay in power. It is not easy being a she-wolf with authority.

But your feelings aren't stupid. It's reasonable, and I was wrong to say what you're doing is selfish at the start. You're doing everything you can to protect your pack, and rejecting the bond is part of it. But to reiterate, they would want you as Alpha over me, trust me on that. I wouldn't want that title anyway, not with my history with it." he admitted earnestly and that warm feeling grew stronger in my chest, almost like adoration.

These feelings are becoming quite annoying if I do say so myself

Once it seemed as if his reply had ended, I couldn't help myself, against all my strength and will, to rest my hand on top of his and smile. Again, the newfound respect probably making me do this. Or the air. Or the bond. But whatever it was, it went against all my rules and everything I stood up for, but feeling his hand against mine was something I could not describe. It was warm, fuzzy and tingly was the only thing that managed to scrape what I had felt. But it felt too hot for my liking and I retracted my hand and looked away.

"I-I didn't mean to do that, but thank you for your comment," I replied meekly as I distanced myself from him, lost in my thoughts. I was stupid to do that, it went against all my plans and everything I tried to hide. Stay strong, stay strong. I chanted in my mind. I felt my wolf scold me. I was succumbing to this bond after the number of times I told myself not to.

A moment of silence passed and I continuously scolded myself for staying strong, but a strong, large hand rested itself on my knee and more of that warm feeling came back and that was when I realised we were both in deep trouble.

"It's fine Armelle, don't ever be sorry for these types of things," I heard him say softly and his hand squeezed my knee in reassurance.

Yep, deep trouble.

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