Vettel One Shots

By Vettel_Babe

73.8K 1.2K 434

Sebastian Vettel One shots, unused/abandoned chapters of Just Him ❤️, Love Always Wins & mini series from the... More

It should've been me.
The Ex.
Just Him. Meet the parents. Unused chapter.
Just Him. Pt 83A
Just Him. Norway. Unused version.
K.V. [II]
K.V. [III]
Just Him. A date in Azerbaijan. Pt 2.
Just Him. Monaco Baby. 10 weeks.
Heartbroken 1
Heartbroken 2
Heartbroken 3
Heartbroken 4
Heartbroken 5
Heartbroken 6
Could he make you feel as good as I do?
I know you're mad at me but...
Your eyes are beautiful....
The girl (1)
The hunt (2)
The Find (3)
Just Him 97. Abandoned Chapter
Just Him. Chapter 118. Unused version.
L.A.W. 21 Unused version.
Danny Ric - I...uhm...can I hold your hand?
Between ice cream and...
LAW Update. The new woman
LAW update. The scan
LAW Update. The shock
LAW Update. Launch day
LAW Update. Déjà vu?
LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown
LAW update. Bahrain breakdown 2
LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown 3
Coming soon....
LAW Update. An early arrival?
LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony
LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony 2
LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 3
LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 4
LAW Update. Rekindling
LAW Update. I love you loads
Not an update but.....
In the still of the night
LAW Update. A birthday homecoming
LAW Update. Christmas shopping
LAW update. Kitchen encounter
LAW Update. It's hard to share
Not an update! I must be....
LAW Update. It's happened.....
LAW Update. Risky business
LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 1
LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 2
LAW Update. Canada - Pt 3 (2022 version)
LAW Update. "Dressing up."

L.A.W Unused 16

634 4 3
By Vettel_Babe

Monday January 13th. Velaa Private Island, The Maldives.

Having survived two flights with a six hour layover in Dubai, only three bouts of morning sickness yesterday and so far none this morning that had enabled her to get plenty of sleep on their second flight, Chloe and Seb arrived at Velaa Private Island early Monday morning where a boat took them and their luggage on a short trip over crystal clear waters to the luxury villa that would be their home for next five nights. Stepping into a large reception area, Seb smiled and pressed his palm under his wife's chin to close her mouth. She'd been literally agape since they'd landed at sunrise. As a member of staff took their luggage into the bedroom he watched as she slowly turned around, her mouth falling open once again. He was keen for them to be left alone, one of his requests was that they were left completely alone apart from having a chef and waiting staff come over to prepare evening meals. He'd declined the butler, only agreeing to let someone come in every morning to make the bed and change the towels and he'd requested that the kitchen be stocked with enough food to last them their stay so that they could look after themselves during the day. He wanted total privacy and no interruptions because he was secretly hoping that five nights of pure relaxation for his wife would maybe help her memory and rekindle their marriage. As the male member of staff, who'd brought them here in the boat, reappeared from the bedroom Seb gave him a generous tip and sent him on his way. At long last they were alone.
"I think I might have to go and try out the bed." Chloe broke out into a yawn, the four hour time difference to Switzerland meant that her body thought it was time for her afternoon sleep. "Will you come with me?"

"You don't even have to ask." He smiled. "Just one thing though...."

"What's that?"

"I'm not entirely sure where it is."

"Didn't you see where that man came back from?"

"I was too busy looking at you. You're glowing today, you look amazing."

"Shouldn't he have given us a tour?" She asked, ignoring his gushing compliment.

"I declined to have a tour, it's a one bedroom villa, it can't be that difficult to find our way around the place. Besides, I wanted him gone so that I could be alone with my beautiful wife."

"God you're so smooth at times." She grinned as she looked at an open door where she could see a living room. Deciding that they were never going to find the bedroom if Seb stayed there openly ogling her and paying her compliments, she entered the living room. As she'd seen online, it was decorated and furnished using natural materials wherever possible and with a neutral colour scheme. A set of large sliding doors led out onto a terraced area that gave way to an infinity pool and beyond that an outdoor dining gazebo that meant that they could dine over the water. There was no tv, not that she cared, but there was a media player and surprisingly a jacuzzi set down into floor, but over looking the pool. Beyond that she spotted another open doorway and she carried on through, with Seb behind her. Now she'd found the dining room, she doubted very much that herself and Seb would eat a lot in here, she could already see the outdoor gazebo being her favourite place to eat. She walked on, seeing another open door, she'd found the bedroom and she felt a touch apprehensive, she'd got five nights coming up of sharing a bed with him. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, it just felt a bit odd and for her, it highlighted the strange situation that their marriage was currently locked in. The large bed looked comfy and inviting, as did the black, hanging wicker chair. Again, open, sliding doors led out onto the terrace, the pool and the stunning view of the ocean. She was already in love with this place and she'd only seen three rooms. Beside her, Seb kicked off his trainers and then went over to the bed where he unceremoniously belly flopped on to it, letting out a groan as he relaxed, spread out like a starfish. "Make way for the fat one!" She called as she took her own trainers off before heading over to join him.

"I didn't know I was tired, until now." Seb replied as he rolled over onto his back and made space for her. "And you're not fat, you're a hot pregnant mumma."

"A milf!" Chloe giggled as she got onto the bed next to him.

"Most definitely." He looked at her as she settled down beside him. "And I can't wait to do that." His smile faded for a moment. "That's not why I brought you here, I just want to point that out."

"I know, it's fine, stop worrying." She smiled and then let out a breath as she relaxed. "This is bliss already."

"It is." Seb closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the sea as gently lapped around and underneath their villa.

"Have you been here before?" It was a question she'd been dying to ask him.

"No, I've not been to the Maldives at all, I thought it'd be too touristy. I asked Britta to find us somewhere as private as possible with zero chance of being papped and she came up with this place."

"She's done well." Chloe mused as she moved onto her side, closer to Seb.

"Yeah, she's done real good. I know that when it comes to the car launch and winter testing the media will be all over us and that's partly my fault for guarding our privacy so fiercely now, but it's important to me that we have this time now before it all gets out there."

"You mean when the bump breaks cover? I'll be fifteen, nearly sixteen weeks gone when we get to the launch date."

"Yeah." He lifted his arm in an invitation for her to cuddle up, and she took it, shuffling closer and laying her head on his chest. "When they see you're recovered and pregnant it will probably go a little crazy."

"Let's cross those bridges when we get to them hey?" She closed her eyes.

"Mmm." Seb replied, quickly feeling dozy and trying to ignore the sudden bout of anxiety he felt at the thought of the media being all over his wife.


Opening her eyes sometime later, she found that Seb had disappeared and she rolled onto her back, looking up at the wood panelled ceiling while she got her bearings. She could hear the sea underneath the building, then she could hear someone swimming in the pool outside. She sat up just in time to see Seb reach the end and turn effortlessly in the water to begin another length. Her brows raised, Sebastian Vettel in nothing but a pair of swim shorts was a sight not to be missed so she got up and padded out of the open doors onto the terrace, coming to a stop at the pool's edge to watch as he reached the other end, turned under the water and started to swim back to her. When he reached her, he stopped and swam to the edge, he looked up at her.
"Get a bikini on and get yourself in here." He said, leaning on the edge. "I don't want to train on my own."

"You're training?" She looked surprised.

"Just a few lengths, that's all. I had to promise Heikki I'd do it. Come and join me." She looked a little uncertain and he knew she'd be thinking about her scar.

"I might chill on a lounger." She said pointing to nearby sun bed.

"Get changed and get in here, it's great." He pushed away from the edge and went back to swimming.

"Jeez." She muttered, it wasn't just her scar that worried her, she'd be stripped off in front of Sebastian Vettel and that felt kind of weird, in an 'I can't believe this is actually happening' kind of way. She walked back into the bedroom, at first she had no idea where their luggage was, but then she noticed how the wall at the back of the bed was a floating wall, not joined on to anything. She ventured behind it and found herself in a walk in closet, with her suitcase next to Seb's on the floor. Unscrambling the numbers on the padlock, she soon got into her case and pulled out a khaki coloured bikini. Feeling self conscious already, she began to get changed. By the time she'd got the two piece on, her fragile self confidence was on the floor. Although the bottoms still fit, just, the bikini top was a little too small. Being pregnant meant that it wasn't just her belly that was getting bigger, it seemed that her breasts were swelling at an alarming rate. She groaned as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she'd also put a little weight on around her waist and definitely on her behind and her scar still looked red and ugly, she didn't know what to do. She was tempted to get dressed again, she couldn't let Seb see her like this, not in this state.

"Are you coming out today or tomorrow?" Seb chuckled as he walked in to the bedroom and made his way to the walk in closet. He stopped as soon as he saw Chloe standing there, this was the first time he'd seen her in so little clothing and it spoke to every part of his body as his eyes trailed up her legs, taking in her slightly rounded tummy, her scar, her full breasts that made his hands itch to touch them and then her pretty, but very unsure looking face. She tried to cover herself with her hands.

"Seb, I'll be out in a minute." She muttered, looking to the floor.

"Don't." He stepped closer to her and took hold of her hands. "Please don't hide yourself away from me."

"This bikini....." She mumbled, squirming uncomfortably under his gaze.

"You're beautiful." Seb gushed quietly. "So very beautiful." She shook her head and it hurt him to see her not having any confidence. She should be loving herself and her body, she had a tiny human growing inside her and her scar was a sign of her victory over an incident that threatened to take her life. In his eyes she had no reason to criticise herself or lack confidence at all. "You're amazing." He stepped closer to her. She shook her head again. "You don't see it?"


"Then tell me what you see." He said softly, turning her around to face the mirror.

"Seb, don't." She turned around again.

"You have a fantastic body." He tried again. "You're growing our baby in there." He placed his palm on her abdomen. "And you've survived being shot, that makes you pretty damn amazing in my book."

"You need a new book then."

"No I don't." He stepped closer again. "I have a beautiful, sexy wife that I constantly lust after and ache to make love to night after night." Her eyes shot up to meet his, clearly affected by his words. "You're having my baby, my son, the greatest gift that you could ever give me." He continued, her lips twitched at the mention of their baby's, still unknown, sex. "There's no words that can accurately describe just how much I love you, there's no words that would ever be enough."

"Seb." She placed her hands, hesitantly, on his, damp, bare chest. His words had touched every part of her and resonated deep within her, she suddenly found herself feeling things for him, falling for him. If he kissed her now, she wouldn't stop him, she wanted him to kiss her.

"I know it'll take time, but you'll get it back, you'll see how amazing you are and how beautiful you look and I'll always be around to tell you that too." He leant in and kissed her forehead. "Come on, let's take a dip in that pool, it's fantastic." He stepped back from her and took her hand to lead her out to the pool. He dived in with no hesitation, while she used the steps, aware that she still had a few more weeks before she could do anything too strenuous in terms of exercise. She couldn't stop herself from feeling disappointed that he hadn't kissed her, but then she'd spent so long keeping him at bay and freaked out the one time they'd nearly kissed, that she couldn't blame him for not trying. She loitered in the water while he swam some more lengths and when he was done she decided to do a couple of gentle lengths herself. She took it slow, while she was healed on the outside, she knew she wasn't quite there yet on the inside. She was aware of Seb standing against the edge, watching her and as she stopped in the shallow end and tried to subtly adjust herself in her bikini top she could feel his eyes on her. She glanced his way, he was nibbling on his bottom lip until he pushed away from the edge and swam over to her. As he emerged into the shallower water, his gorgeous strong shoulders were revealed to her and his skin glistened in the sun, he looked like a god. "How did that feel?" He asked, stopping in front of her, close to her.

"Good. Would be even better if I could get my tits to stay in this bikini."

"I won't complain if they escape." He grinned. "It's so private here, you could always go topless and I'd definitely not mind if you did. In fact I'd encourage it."

"Steady on Vettel." She blushed.

"This is probably one of the only times we'll be away from home and somewhere you can get away with it without being photographed."

"I'm not doing it."

"It was worth a try." He moved away from her and got out of the water, she stared unashamedly at him, raking her eyes over every visible inch of him, especially his beautiful sculpted back and strong neck. Then she took in his pert behind as his wet shorts clung to him as he bent over to pick up a towel. He knew she was watching him, he could feel it and as he dried himself off he turned around to see her standing there, half submerged, her bottom lip between her teeth. He grinned again as he dropped the towel down and picked up a bottle of sun cream. "You'll burn if you stay in there much longer." He said as he dispensed some cream into his hand and started to leisurely apply it to his body.

"Oh....yeah." Chloe snapped herself out of her trance, aware that she'd probably been staring for longer than she should have been. As she took the steps out of the water, it was Seb's turn to stare and he watched as she walked towards him, taking in every curve and her breasts that were barely contained by the bikini she was wearing. He felt his cock twitch and he sat down on the lounger, sitting upright to try and disguise what he knew was his body yearning for hers. She dried herself off while he finished applying sun cream to the rest of his body, aware that they were now ogling each other. She picked the bottle up and dropped her towel and he watched as she started to apply some sun cream too. Feeling that he had his body's urges under control, he laid back on the lounger and grabbed his sunglasses from the small table next to him. He tried not to think about what it would feel like to smooth that sun cream on to her skin and how it would give him the perfect opportunity to touch nearly every inch of her. He put his sunglasses on and continued to observe her from behind them, he wondered if they had kissed on Christmas Day whether they'd actually be together now or not. He still wanted to know what was holding her back, was it her self confidence?

"Chloe, what's holding you back?"

"Back from what?" She paused, midway through applying cream to an arm.

"You said you're attracted to me and you know how I feel about you, we nearly kissed on Christmas Day, is there something stopping you from giving us a chance, as things are now?" He sat up again, she looked uncomfortable with his question.

"Can we not do this now." She said breezily, trying to brush it aside as she continued with the sun cream. Despite her wanting him to kiss her earlier and her newly developing feelings for him, she didn't want to talk, she just wanted to enjoy her time here without any heavy conversations.

"Ok." He nodded, he didn't want to push her.

"Can you do my back?" She sat down on the lounger next to him, lifting her hair up, exposing her neck to him and all the little places he loved to kiss and nuzzle. Of course, right now she'd have no idea that those little places existed. Lifting his sunglasses on to his head he shuffled forward and took the bottle from her. After squeezing the bottle and getting the cream on his hand, he hesitated before gently starting to stroke and massage the sun cream onto her skin. He relished the feel of her soft skin, warmed by the sun, beneath his fingers as he started at her shoulders and worked his way down. She'd gone very quiet and very still and he tried not to read too much into it but he hoped that she was enjoying his touch. Once he got to the small of her back he stopped and then pressed a soft kiss to her skin, right where he knew she had a sensitive spot on her neck. He felt her jolt a little, but she didn't recoil away from him. He licked his lips wishing that he could taste her, wanting to be able to give her far more than just one kiss. He couldn't wait for the chance to kiss her like that again.

"All done." He murmured into her ear.

"Thank you." She lay back on the sun bed and closed her eyes.

"Can you do mine now?" He asked, her eyes snapped open and she held her hand just above her eyes to shield them from the sun as she looked at him.

"Sure." She replied, trying to sound confident. She sat up again, took the bottle from him and waited until he'd turned around before starting to apply it. The second he felt her hand gliding over his skin, he had to stifle a groan. It felt good, really good, he'd missed her touch on his body immensely and within a minute he felt his body beginning to stir and react to her again. He wanted her so badly that she barely had to do a thing to get him aroused. He smiled to himself, she'd always had this effect on him. As she was nearly done he quickly began thinking of less pleasant thoughts in a bid to calm himself down, he wasn't sure how she'd react if he laid back down on the lounger in such an obviously excited state and he didn't want to scare her off.

"All finished." She said, a little too quickly for his liking. He heard her put the bottle down and settle back on the lounger next to him. She had to admit that she'd enjoyed the chance to touch him like that, especially as it involved getting her hands on his beautiful back. "Seb, I'm done, you can lay back down now." She noticed him still sitting up, hadn't he heard her?

"Yeah, I will in a minute." He glanced down at his semi erect state.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I......" He paused, what could he tell her? Saying that he couldn't lay down because she'd got him hard didn't seem quite right at the moment.

"Are you feeling unwell?" She asked, genuinely worried.

"No, no, I'm fine." He looked down again, thankfully he'd calmed enough to lay down without an obvious bulge.

"Sure?" She asked as he lay down.

"Honestly, I'm fine." He put his sunglasses back on and settled down to catch some rays. Chloe suddenly twigged, she had an idea as to why he couldn't lay down, she grinned mischievously.

"Was the combination of the hot sun and my hands making you horny Seb?" She kept her eyes closed and heard him snort in response, without even trying he'd made her feel better about herself, knowing that she'd made him hard just by applying sun cream had lifted her self confidence a little. "It's ok, I won't tell anyone. It's a good job you don't wear budgie smugglers!"

"That can be arranged." He grinned.

"You wouldn't dare wear those."

"Try me." He shot back, turning his head to look at the huge smile on her face.

"Ok, then. Why don't we make it more interesting?"

"I'm what way?"

"Make it thong instead."

"And what do I get in return if I wear it?" He raised a brow.

"I'll go topless."

"You're on, this will be easy." He scoffed.

"Yeah, good luck trying to find somewhere that sells men's thongs in a place like this!" She giggled.

"I'll get one if it's the last thing I do."

"You could always wear one of mine."

"You're on Mrs Vettel." He smiled smugly, he could do this and he'd worship at her feet if she went topless, he'd do anything if it meant making her feel better about herself.

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