Vettel One Shots

By Vettel_Babe

73.9K 1.2K 434

Sebastian Vettel One shots, unused/abandoned chapters of Just Him ❤️, Love Always Wins & mini series from the... More

It should've been me.
The Ex.
Just Him. Meet the parents. Unused chapter.
Just Him. Pt 83A
Just Him. Norway. Unused version.
K.V. [II]
K.V. [III]
Just Him. A date in Azerbaijan. Pt 2.
Just Him. Monaco Baby. 10 weeks.
Heartbroken 1
Heartbroken 2
Heartbroken 3
Heartbroken 4
Heartbroken 5
Heartbroken 6
Could he make you feel as good as I do?
I know you're mad at me but...
Your eyes are beautiful....
The girl (1)
The hunt (2)
The Find (3)
Just Him 97. Abandoned Chapter
Just Him. Chapter 118. Unused version.
L.A.W Unused 16
Danny Ric - I...uhm...can I hold your hand?
Between ice cream and...
LAW Update. The new woman
LAW update. The scan
LAW Update. The shock
LAW Update. Launch day
LAW Update. Déjà vu?
LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown
LAW update. Bahrain breakdown 2
LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown 3
Coming soon....
LAW Update. An early arrival?
LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony
LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony 2
LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 3
LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 4
LAW Update. Rekindling
LAW Update. I love you loads
Not an update but.....
In the still of the night
LAW Update. A birthday homecoming
LAW Update. Christmas shopping
LAW update. Kitchen encounter
LAW Update. It's hard to share
Not an update! I must be....
LAW Update. It's happened.....
LAW Update. Risky business
LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 1
LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 2
LAW Update. Canada - Pt 3 (2022 version)
LAW Update. "Dressing up."

L.A.W. 21 Unused version.

466 6 3
By Vettel_Babe

Saturday January 25th. Kitzbühel, Austria.

It's too bright, too windy, too bloody cold and I'm bored. Maybe I should have stayed at home, I'd have been one hell of a lot warmer. Sat in the front seat of small grandstand with a load of rich people that she didn't know and thought were elitist and way too far up their own backsides, Chloe was freezing cold in spite of the numerous layers she had on that she felt made her look like the Michelin Man (google it if you don't know!). With gloves on, a scarf around her neck and even a bobble hat on her head and after downing three hot chocolates, she was still shivering and now she needed yet another pee, it soured her mood further. With the World Cup event over and the charity races yet to start, she hadn't seen Seb for over an hour; in fact she'd not seen much of him at all today since they'd arrived here and checked into their hotel. He'd spent most of the afternoon with Bernie Ecclestone, a former boss of Formula One and a good friend of his, and she'd only spent time with him when he'd sat next to her in the stand to watch of the World Cup event. She tried not to feel too peed off; after all, she'd been the one who had pleaded her case and argued to come here when he'd wanted her to stay at home and he had been very reluctant to leave her side especially as there'd been a lot of media interest when they'd arrived. As Seb had expected his wife's presence had created quite a stir and although she'd received a lot of well wishes and people were saying how good it was to see her recovered and looking so well, it had been clear to see from his facial expression that he'd found the amount of questions being thrown at them and the amount of tv cameras, press photographers and general public thrusting mobile phones in their faces uncomfortable and intrusive. Luckily, with all the layers and the thick padded coat she was wearing, no one guessed that she was pregnant and they were both happy to keep it that way. But as a result it seemed to have made him even more wary for the first couple of hours that they were there and had not put him in the best of moods. However; seeing him now on the course with Bernie, having driven some kind of snow mobil to arrive in from the top, he looked in far better spirits and actually quite relaxed as he chatted and laughed with people, not even seeming to mind a photographer snapping away at him. He's got no ass in those jeans which is odd because when he's naked he's got a really sexy ass. As boredom set in even more, Chloe found her mind wandering to places it probably shouldn't while she was surrounded by such well heeled guests. Fuck, I really need to pee now. She looked to her left at the empty seat vacated by her husband and then to her right at the long line of people she was about annoy. Behind her she could hear a woman trying to talk quietly but failing miserably, she couldn't help but listen in, especially when she heard the name 'Michael' mentioned.
".....did you not see it in the papers? She's the one who slept with him years ago, then his wife found out and went totally crazy. Honestly, you couldn't write this stuff! I'm surprised that Sebastian is still with her and hasn't divorced her, you should have seen the images that got leaked, they were almost pornographic. I'm sure it's not done his profile any favours whatsoever and I'm certain that's why he had such a bad season last year."

Having heard enough, Chloe got to her feet, threw the woman a disgusted look and, muttering apologies to everyone, hastily made her way along the line of people and then down some steps. She felt mortified and ashamed and close to tears. She should have stayed at home, maybe this is what Seb had really meant when he'd said he wanted to protect her - from vile gossips like that woman. As she got into a small cafe/bar and went into the ladies toilets she was debating whether she should just go back to the hotel and stay there for the remainder of the afternoon. At least she'd be able to defrost because right now she could barely feel her fingers or her toes. She removed her gloves, undressed her bottom half and sat down and then grabbed her bag to rummage for her phone, deciding that she could text Seb to let him know where she was going to be. Going back to the hotel seemed like her best option, she couldn't face going back to sit near that woman again and the thought of a nice warm bath and then a nice warm bed suddenly swung it for her. Seb wouldn't miss her if he was busy with Bernie. While she peed she quickly composed a text.

Me: Hey superstar, just wanted to let you know that I'm heading back to the hotel. I'm freezing my tits off, I'm feeling a little tired and I'm going to defrost in a warm bath then maybe have a kip so I'm ok for tonight. Me and little bump love you loads xxxx

She hit send and then dropped her phone back into her bag so that she could finish up and redress. Then after flushing the toilet, she exited the cubicle and went to wash her hands at the sink. She smiled to herself as she thought of getting into the warm water of her bath, that was going to be much better than sitting in that grandstand listening to herself being talked about while freezing half to death and she hoped that Seb wouldn't mind her going back to the hotel.


Getting back into their rather luxurious hotel room, she sighed happily as the warmth of it surrounded her. She dropped her bag onto the bed and went straight into the bathroom to start running herself a bath, then she came back out to start undressing, leaving her gloves, scarf, hat and coat on the bed and then removing her boots before starting on the layers of clothing she had on. Once she was down to her underwear, she went back into the bathroom and added some bubble bath. As the bubbles began to form and a heavenly rose scent filled the air she wondered if Seb had replied yet, she hadn't heard her phone go off but with it being in her bag she didn't always hear it. She went back out and straight over to her bag where she found her phone and checked the screen, there were no notifications, rather oddly he hadn't replied. She rolled her eyes, surely he wasn't annoyed that she'd gone back to the hotel and was giving her the silent treatment, was he? She stood for a moment, maybe she should text him again? Maybe she should wait a bit longer and then text just to make sure he'd got it? She took her phone into the bathroom with her and placed it on the side of the bath. She inhaled, filling her nose with the scent of rose and then looked at the inviting bubble covered water. There was only one thing missing now and that was Seb, since their trip to the Maldives he loved to share a bath with her and there was nothing better than laying back against his firm body and feeling his arms wrap around her front and his hands rest on her belly. Maybe that's why he hadn't replied, maybe he was peeved that she was having a bath without him. Well, he knew where she was if he wanted to come and join her. Turning the taps off she bent to check the temperature of the water, it was spot on. She smiled as she dried her hand and then found a hair tie in her makeup bag. She was just about to tie her hair up in to a messy bun when her phone went off.
"Finally!" She said out loud. "What took you so bloody long?" She swiftly tied her hair up and then picked up her phone, her smile faded as she looked at the screen and her heart leapt up into her mouth as she unlocked it to read the reply.

M.S: I don't think you meant to send that to me, did you? x

"Oh shit."


"Take a photo liebe, it'll last longer." Seb smirked as he added a final spritz of his fragrance.

"I might just do that." Chloe slowly trailed her eyes back up to his face. Jesus christ, he looks hot in that suit. How is it even possible for a man to be so damn sexy? I seriously want him. Now. She walked towards him as he sat down on the bed and put his watch on, his gold wedding band caught the light above him, a physical reminder to everyone else that he belonged to her.

"Oh I know that look." He grinned as she sat down on his lap.

"And what look is that?" She asked as she unbuttoned his suit jacket and then his waistcoat.

"You tell me." He gasped as her hand went down to his crotch and she began to stroke him through the material. Before he could say another word her lips were on his and her tongue was hungrily tasting him. He didn't want to stop her but he knew he had to, he gently parted his lips from hers and took hold of her wrist to stop her from unzipping his trousers. "Liebe, we haven't got time."

"Trust me when I say I'll be quick." She murmured, going in for another kiss. "I can't help it, it's not my fault you're so damn sexy."

"As much as I want to......"

"I know, I can tell by how hard I've got you." She smiled, moving her hand back to the hot bulge in between his legs. "And you should feel what you're doing to me."

"We can't, not right now. We've got to leave now, the car will be waiting for us and we've got to meet Bernie in the foyer, remember? He doesn't like to be kept waiting." He caught her hand again, she pouted and he immediately felt a little bit guilty. "I know your hormones are making you frisky and I promise that when we get back tonight I'll more than make it up to you, ok?"

"It's not my hormones, this is all you Herr Vettel." She stole another kiss from him before reluctantly getting up. "You in a suit just does things to me, you know?"

"Oh Frau Vettel." He stood up and took hold of her hands. "What do you think the lack of a bra and your breasts in that dress is doing to me, huh?" He lowered his eyes to the daring amount of cleavage she was exposing in the plum, Grecian style dress she had on. He was aching to run his tongue down the deep, plunging neckline over her flesh and right now he'd give anything to bury himself inside her, to the hilt, all night.

"You approve of the dress then?" She smiled, watching as he licked his lips. She hadn't chosen this dress because of the amount of cleavage it showed, she'd chosen it because of it's high, glittering waistband and long flowing skirt that did an excellent job of hiding her tiny bump. The deep neckline just detracted even more from her hidden tummy.

"I love it." He leant in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. "You look stunning."

"Thank you." She felt her cheeks glowing at his compliment and as he picked his phone up and put it in his pocket, it reminded her that she had a small confession to make.

"Right, we really must go." He headed for the door. "Got the room card?"

"Yeah, in my bag."

"Come on then." He opened the door and held it for her, watching as she picked up her shawl from the bed and then her bag. She stepped out into the corridor and he closed the door, stopping to button up his waistcoat and his suit jacket once more while she draped her shawl around her shoulders. "Ich kann es kaum erwarten, später meine schöne Frau zu ficken. Ich werde dich so hart kommen lassen liebling." He muttered while grinning as he took her hand and they started to walk.

"And in English that was?" She asked, looking at him.

"Google it." He said as they got to the lift and he pressed the call button.

"Seb, I've got a little confession to make." She hoped she wasn't making a mistake by telling him this now.

"Can't it wait until later?" He hit the call button again, getting impatient for the lift, aware that Bernie would be waiting for them downstairs.

"I text Michael by mistake." She blurted the words out. Seb felt himself go tense at the mention of Michael, how the hell do you text someone by mistake? And him of all people. "Look." She got her phone out of her small evening bag, unlocked it and got the message up on the screen. She handed it to him as the lift doors opened and he took it as they stepped inside, she didn't want him thinking the worst so she was keen that he saw what she'd sent him. Although he could tell that the text was clearly was meant for himself, he couldn't understand how she'd managed to send it to Michael. He noticed the reply that she'd got and how she'd sent him nothing else back and he went into her contacts while she pressed the button for the ground floor, making the doors close and the lift start to move. He was in her contacts as 'Hubby' while Michael was just 'M.S'. They were miles apart in the list so how the hell had she managed to make such an error? He would have understood it more if she'd text her ex, Harry. He could feel her eyes on him, waiting for a response and while he knew it shouldn't bother him; with the court case in Norway looming ever closer and the possibility of Chloe and Michael seeing each other there, it bothered him immensely. Without looking at her, he handed her phone back to her. "I can explain." She said as she took it, feeling the atmosphere rapidly turning tense between them and wanting to avoid an argument.

"Your timing is unbelievable." He muttered, shaking his head.

"There was this woman sitting behind me in the grandstand......" She started to explain as the lift came to a stop.

"Later Chloe." He said gruffly as the doors slid open, he stepped out without taking her hand, leaving her standing there for a second with a sinking feeling inside while she briefly wondered if she should fake some pregnancy related sickness and go back up to their room.

"Are you going up?" A woman's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. No." She exited the lift and joined her husband who was already in conversation with Bernie.

"Ah, good evening Mrs Vettel." Bernie leant across in front of Seb to take her hand and place a light kiss to both of Chloe's cheeks. "You look ravishing, it's wonderful to see you looking so well."

"Hello Bernie, it's good to see you too and please, call me Chloe. I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all." He stood back, being considerably shorter than Seb it really showed when the two men stood next to each other but for what Bernie lacked in height, he made up for with his eccentric personality. She remembered how he'd always got on so well with Michael and she'd always liked him too and over the years he'd developed quite a strong friendship with Seb. "I hope you're ready for a fantastic night Chloe, raising lots of money for charity."

"I am indeed." She smiled as they started to walk out to the waiting car and she tried to catch Seb's eye but he refused to look her way. She was in for a long night if he was going to be like this all night.


With dinner over and Seb having seemingly abandoned her to go off with Bernie and make their way around the room talking to the great and the good of the skiing world, Chloe found herself alone sat at a table, enviously eyeing everyone else's alcoholic drinks and cocktails while thinking that she could really do with one herself. But of course, she couldn't indulge. While she might want a drink, she wasn't going to do anything that could put her baby at risk and so she looked back at her own glass of orange juice thinking how she was having Sebastian Vettel's baby and that was far better than any alcoholic drink, any day. If only she could get him to utter more than one to word to her then she'd feel even better, but she couldn't. He'd refused her hand in the car, he'd barely spoken to her all night, barely even looked at her and for what? She'd text Michael by mistake, she'd owned up to it, she'd shown Seb her phone and she'd been ready to explain. His reaction was nothing short of harsh, over the top and hurtful. Looking across the room, he was now having people joining his side for selfies and he was happily smiling away, shaking their hands and chatting to them, it was as if he'd forgotten she was even here. She'd seen enough and had enough. She got up from her seat and walked across the room to the exit, deciding to nip into the ladies toilets first before going to the reception desk and asking for the car to take her back to the hotel. Feeling more and more unhappy by the second, she pushed the door open to find the washroom busy with women preening themselves in front of the mirrors, brushing their hair, powdering their noses and applying lip glosses and perfumes. Thankfully there were cubicles free so she entered one and locked the door. While she sat there, she wondered if Seb would even realise that she'd gone? Would he come after her? Would he be sorry for acting like such a dick? Or would he still be angry with her?  She sighed, she'd have it out with him later, she hated them being like this. As she pulled her knickers back up and made sure her dress wasn't tucked in to back of them by accident (her worst nightmare) she was suddenly aware of how quiet the washroom had gone. She shrugged and smoothed the skirt of her dress down, with everyone gone at least she could actually get to a mirror now. She picked up her bag and then flushed the toilet before unlocking and opening the cubicle door.
"Shit!" She gasped in fright as she stepped out to see Seb standing there, leaning casually against the long sink unit. She quickly recovered herself and walked to stand next to him and wash her hands. "The gents is next door." She muttered while helping herself to the hand wash.

"I know." He replied, turning his head to look at her.

"Then you should be in there and not in here." She rinsed her hands and then stepped away to dry them under the hand dryer. With her back to him, she could feel him watching her while she rubbed her hands together under the warm air. Suddenly she was aware of him behind her, his arms wrapped around her front and he nuzzled her neck through her hair. She said nothing as she broke free from his hold and went back to the sinks to pick up her bag. Again, he came up behind her and wrapped himself around her, momentarily using one hand to sweep her hair to one side before placing it back on her stomach and starting to place sensuous, open mouthed kisses to her neck.

"I'm sorry." He said against her skin. "I acted like an idiot, I love you."

She looked at their reflection in the mirror, watching him kiss her over and over, brushing his nose over her skin, one hand staying on her stomach while his other found it's way up to her cleavage, his eyes flickering up to meet hers when his fingers started to trace over the full roundness of them and down in between them. "Yeah you did." She turned around to face him and pushed him back. "And it hurt Seb. I was honest enough to tell you because I don't want us having secrets from each other and this is how you repay me."

"I couldn't understand how you could send it to him by mistake, we're not even next to each in your contacts list."

"If you'd let me explain then maybe you would have understood."

"Please, I hate this distance between us." He stepped forward again, placing a hand on the sink unit either side of her, closing the gap and leaning his forehead against hers.

She wanted to be angry with him, because of him she'd had a pretty shit evening so far and she wanted nothing more than to go back to the hotel and to bed. But she felt herself weakening, because that was the effect he always had on her. She was always weak when it came to him. "You were the one who created it." She murmured, placing a hand on his cheek because she simply couldn't not touch him and feeling him instinctively leaning into it.

"Please say you forgive me." He breathed, letting his lips brush over hers. "I couldn't bare it if I've pushed you towards him."

"What?!" She cried, shoving him backwards with a harsh shove. "Have you lost your fucking mind?! Are you still worried that I'd choose Michael over you?!"

"I can't help it." He replied weakly.

"Seb......Jesus!" She growled and looked at him for a moment, wearing that grey, three piece suit he looked extremely fuckable right now. He was looking back at her, waiting to hear whatever she was going to say next, desperate to hear that she forgave him, which she did because she loved him just as crazily as he loved her. She gave a quick glance to the empty cubicle behind him, he was quick to catch on and glanced behind himself at it too, knowing what she was thinking. Their eyes met and dirty smiles spread across both of their faces. He watched with widening eyes as she lifted her dress at the back and started to pull her knickers down; able to see what she was doing in the mirror behind her he started to undo his suit jacket, then his waistcoat and then his trousers. Her knickers dropped to the floor and she carefully stepped out of them, then they stood simply looking at each other, both reading each other's thoughts, both wanting each other, both waiting to see who was going to blink first. She went for him. Jumping into his arms, she wrapped her legs around him, kissing him hard and angrily as he carried her into the toilet cubicle where she dropped to her feet, slammed the door shut and pushed him up against the wall with a bang, making it shake as they started kissing again; messy, sloppy, frantic, hungry kisses while her hands worked on freeing him from his trousers and his hands worked on bunching up the skirt of her dress. As he lifted her from the floor once more and her legs went back around him, it was her back that hit the wall this time and then the wall started to shake and rattle repeatedly......

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