You'll be in my heart (Ace x...

By Roses52

117K 4.2K 1.5K

Rosetta D (Y/n) is the daughter of Red-hair Shanks. One day she met Luffy on Foosha Village and immediately b... More

Rosetta D (Y/n)
Meeting Mihawk
Monkey D Luffy
Gum-Gum Fruit
Goodbye Shanks
Mountain Bandits and Ace
Where's Luffy
Gray Terminal
Meeting Sabo
Saving Luffy from Porchemy
Pledge of Sister/Brotherhood
Fight together
Who is Ace's father?
Author's note
Luffy becomes an apprentice
Beating the tiger
Sabo's freedome gone
Fire in Gray Terminal
Escaping the Fire
Letter from Sabo
Just us three
Growing up
Can you feel the love tonight?
Her Grandmother?
Who was her mother?
Wanting to be together
Mountain Wedding
Ace and (Y/n) set out to sea

Running away and finding a hideout!

3.8K 148 60
By Roses52

"Sabo! You know damn well that this is our turf and you have no right to be here!" A thief exclaims. "Your turf? You losers are so delusional, but let's skip the chit chat and right to the ass kicking!" Sabo smirked. 

The thieves were prepared to attack him, but they were cut off guard when Luffy stretched out his leg to swing Ace towards them. Ace attacks one of the men. 

"It's Ace!" One man exclaims. 

Luffy stretched out his arm as (Y/n) swing to attack the men. She slammed her water pipe at two member of the group. 

"(Y/n)'s here!" Another yells.

Sabo joins them as they begin to attack the group. Luffy tries to use his stretchy abilities, but it backfires for a moment. He was able to land and punched one of the members. They blocked and attack he gang that tried to defeat them, but they were strong enough to beat the four children. With a big gang that is easily being beaten up by four kids is pretty embarrassing. One guy punched Luffy in the face and it had no effect. The four kids heard whistling from the police. They quickly escape over a wall and ran back into the forest. 

They made it back to the forest. Sabo suggested that they catch a deer for dinner and the rest of them quickly agreed. They caught their dinner and brought it back to Dadan. They slammed it to her face saying that's tonights dinner. The meat was finished cooking and everyone began to fight for the piece. They wouldn't let anyone try to steal their own piece. Meat was flying everywhere as everyone tried to claim them. Some slammed on Dadan's face. She yelled at them to stop throwing their dinner around. Luffy suddenly bit on Dadan's head as she was panic and screaming. (Y/n), Ace, and Sabo did nothing as they continued to eat. 

When she finally had enough, she took the three boys and threw them into the bathhouse. She ordered (Y/n) to help clean up after the whole food fiasco. It took everyone in the house awhile to clean up the house, but everything was spotless again. Dadan's moment of peace was interrupted when the three boys came in and made a mess after their bath. (Y/n) laughed at she watch them make a more mess. Dadan looked like she wanted to snap, but the broom was the only thing that was snapped. 

Ace, Sabo, (Y/n), and Luffy were back in their rooms as they did some more training before going to bed. They were throw and tackled each other to the ground. (Y/n) would slam Luffy to the floor, Ace would tackle (Y/n), Sabo would kick Ace, and Luffy would try to punch Sabo. They all tried to beat each other. Their training had to stop when (Y/n) accidentally punched Luffy away from her and he crashed through the floor. His fall was broken when he fell on Dadan causing her to wake up from the impact.

"Oops! Sorry, Luffy!" (Y/n) apologized. "Hey, Luffy, are you still alive?" Ace asked. "Your floor sure is crumby." Sabo commits. "You're a couple of cheaters!" Luffy yells. Dadan finally had enough of them and began to chase Luffy around as he scream to try to get away from her. Ace, Sabo, and (Y/n) continued to stare at them through the hole. "Bedtime?" Ace turned to Sabo and (Y/n). "We think so." Sabo and (Y/n) agreed. 

The next day Ace, (Y/n), Sabo, and Luffy were still asleep in their room as Dadan, Magra, and Dogra were talking about them. Dadan had finally had enough them and she will remind them that they must learn their place. Dadan ranted out how Garp isn't the boss of her, but she froze in fear when she heard a voice behind her. She quickly apologized to the person, but heard another voice. She looks up and saw it was Makino and the mayor. (Y/n) and Luffy woke up and saw them as they smiled gleefully. 

"Makino!" Luffy and (Y/n) ran up to her. "Luffy! (Y/n)!" Makino hugged them. "Its been so long so we thought we stopped by and see how you two are doing." The mayor smiled. "Hey, mister mayor." Luffy and (Y/n) greeted. "Just don't tell Garp." Makino winked at them. 

"So, he's really got you both sacked up here with the mountain bandits?" The mayor questioned. 

"You got a problem with that?" Dadan crossed her arms. 

"Of course I do! Especially the bandit part you ruffian!" 

"Wait, ruffian!? Is everyone from Windmill Village is annoying as you!?" 

"I've brought presents for you two!" Makino clapped her hand together gleefully. She goes through her basket. "Knowing Garp, he probably didn't leave you two with a darn thing, did he?"  She pulls out a shirt with a star on in and a (f/c) dress. "Ta-da! Bet you both could use some new clothes." 

"That shirt's awesome!" Luffy smiled. "What a pretty dress!" (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes sparkled. 

"I've brought some for your friends, but I might have to adjust the length." Makino looked at Ace and Sabo. "Could you boys come here for a second? Please." She smiled at them. Sabo grins as he walked towards Makino, leaving a very confused Ace. Makino encouraged Ace to come over, but he won't move. (Y/n), who is already wearing her new dress skipped up to Ace and held out her hand. "Come on, Ace. Makino brought us some nice clothes." Ace said nothing as he allows (Y/n) to grab his hand and lead him to Makino. 

Makino bends down to Ace's level and began to measure up the shirt for him. "I heard that Ace is a troublemaker, but you seem like a good boy." Makino smiled. 

"Who the hell told you that?" Ace questioned. He looked down and saw that (Y/n) was still holding his hand. "Um, (Y/n). You're still holding my hand." (Y/n) looks down. She quickly lets go of his hand. "Oops. Sorry." She smiled. This caused Ace to blush. 

A few feet away from them, Sabo and Luffy, now wearing their new shirts, were snickering at them. Well, mostly at Ace. 

"That little dork." Sabo comments. "Ace, you're blushing." Luffy points. "Hey! Shut up!" Ace yells. "Come on now. Hold still." Makino instructed as adjusted his shirt more. "You're both going to get it later." Ace grunts. Sabo and Luffy bursted out laughing at Ace's flustered face. (Y/n) couldn't help, but giggle a little.

Night on that day, Makino made dinner for everyone. They cheered for her cooking as everyone digs in. Everyone was enjoying the meal they were having. 

"I want to eat good food like this! As soon as I get my pirate crew together the first thing I'll do is find the best cook in the world." Sabo said as he ate. "Too bad I'll find the best cook before you." Ace brags. "No way! I'll be able to find the best cook before you two." (Y/n) ate her food. Luffy joined in. "You wish! I'm going to be a pirate before any of you dopes!" 

The mountains bandits suddenly spit out their foods as their eyes were coming out of their sockets. Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy, were confused on what made them so scared. They got their answer when a familiar voice clears his throat. Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy's faces turned blue from fear as they slowly turned around and saw who it was. To their fear, it was their grandfather, Garp. 

"You little bastards are still spouting that pirate crap!?" Garp barked. Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy's eyes popped out. "You three are going to be marines some day even if I've got to beat some dignity into you!" Garp pound their heads. They collapsed to the floor with huge bumps growing from their head. "Dadan!" Garp calls. "Yes, Garp, sir-" Dadan was punched by Garp. "Why did you have to hit me too?" She asked as she collapsed on the floor. 

"Because you're doing a crappy job of teaching my kids! Clearly!" He answered. 

"Wait, that guy is Garp? Didn't know that Ace, (Y/n), and Luffy's grandpa was so cranky." Sabo sweated. Garp glares at Sabo. "Hey squirt. I heard you spouting that pirate nonsense too." Luffy runs in front of Sabo and defends him. "He's not a squirt! He's Sabo! We've already made a promise over a cup of sake! So we're going to be pirates someday whether you like it or not!" 

'Doesn't he ever shut up?' Ace thought. "Luffy, please. Shut up, shut up, shut up." (Y/n) begs as she rubbed her swollen head. 

Garp gave them an evil smirk as he crackled his knuckles. "Really? Well, I'm a marine. If you kids want to act like a bunch a criminals, then I'll tend your hides like a bunch of criminals." 

Ace, Sabo, (Y/n), and Luffy stared at Garp with fear as sweated could be seen on their faces. They screamed in fear as they ran out of the house. "Better start running!" Garp warns. 

Makino and the mayor are seen walking back to the village. 

"(Y/n), Luffy, hang in there." The mayor said as he continues to walk away. Makino smiles as she looks back. "I think they'll do just fine, now that they have two brothers to run around with." 

Makino wasn't wrong about the running part. The four of the were running for their lives as Garp was chasing them. As Garp continued to chase them, he would punch around them. First, he punched the floor where Luffy was. Next, he punched a tree that Ace was near. Then, he punched a cliff wall where he missed (Y/n). Finally he grabbed Sabo and tossed him around. 

'I think Grandpa might be a monster' Sabo thought in fear. 

The children's scream could be heard in the forest as trees were falling down due to Garp trying to give them the fist of love. The four of them tried to escape from their grandpa, but they couldn't. Garp was able to catch them and taught them a lesson. Garp cleaned of his hands and walks away, but before he told them to rest up because he plans to give them another lesson in the morning. He walks away leaving four beaten up children groaning in pain from his fist of love. 

Later at night, the four children watched as Garp and all the bandits were passed out on the floor. 

"If don't get the heck out of here, the old man is probably gonna kill us." Ace said. "Even if we do survive tomorrow he won't stop pounding us until we've given up on our dreams." Sabo adds. "With every punch he gives I think I saw my life flashed before my eyes." (Y/n) rubs her head. "But I don't want to die!" Luffy said fearfully. "Then we have one choice. It's time for us to grow up." Ace smirked as everyone else agreed. 

The early morning came as the four kids quickly escape to the forest away from Garp's fist of love. They ran as far as they can. They stopped for a moment and viewed the road to see if they were followed. They were all relived that they saw no one chasing after them. Before they could continue, rain suddenly appear and the four children took shelter under a large tree. There, they fell asleep and waited for the rain to stop. 

The next morning, Sabo drew some blueprints to have a hideout for them on the tree they were at. Everyone agreed to build the hideout and went to Gray Terminal to gather supplies needed. As they were building their hideout, they didn't know that the bandits were out looking for them. The four children worked and worked until the hideout was finished. It has taken them two weeks to finish their hideout and as a finishing touch, they put a flag with their initials on it. 

They were on the ground as they admired their hideout. 

"Nice! It's our own secret hideout!" Luffy smiles. "All that hard work really paid off." (Y/n) clap her hands. 

"It looks good if I do say so myself." Sabo said with pride. He was Ace thinking. "Yo, Ace, what's wrong?"

"If theses a real hideout, then it's going to need some booby traps." Ace smirked. "Now that sounds cool." (Y/n) chuckles."I'll get to work on them." Sabo said. 

They climbed back to their hideout and began to admire the view. They could see everything from their hideout. As they continued to admire the view, they began to imagine what it would be like to be pirates. Their imagination ran wild as they imagined their hideout as a pirate ship. 

"We got an enemy! It's Bluejam's ship!" Ace shouts. "Prepare for battle!" 

They imagined Bluejam's ship firing cannons as them as they prepared for their battle with the pirates. 

"Luffy, hard a port and making snappy!" Sabo orders. "Roger! Hard a port!" Luffy yells. they passed their game for a moment. "No, Luffy. You forgot to say stead when you steer the ship." (Y/n). told. "Okay, (Y/n)." They resumed their game and Luffy the right thing this time. Ace told everyone to be ready since Bluejam and his men are coming. They battled the Bluejam pirates and they were not losing. Ace pretend a pumpkin was Bluejam and struck him down. 

"Bluejam is defeated." Ace raised his 'sword' 

"Alright!" Luffy cheered!

"That'll teach them!" Sabo smirked. 

"We are victorious!" (Y/n) smiles. 

The four of them collapsed on the floor as huge smiles appeared on their faces. They lied their new hideout and dreamed of being the strongest when their older. 

Night finally came as the four of them were sleeping. Luffy was on the left edge, Sabo was next to him, (Y/n) was sleeping between Sabo and Ace as Ace took the right edge. They were sleeping peacefully. Ace grabbed (Y/n)'s hand in his sleep and gives it a squeeze. (Y/n)'s pulls her blanket and Ace's hand closer to her. Sabo was snoring on his back. Last, Luffy was sleep talking asking (Y/n), Ace, and Sabo to wait for him. What they didn't know that Dadan finally found them water them for a bit. She silently admits that they looked adorable while they're sleeping. She Luffy's blanket falls off of him and went over to try to tuck him in. She didn't expect that she set off one of the traps they made. A huge mallet appears out of nowhere and strikes her on the stomach as she flies off the hideout.

Sabo quickly woke. "Hey! A trap went off!" Ace woke up and went over to Sabo. "We got intruders already?" (Y/n) got up and joined them, but they couldn't see anything. "I don't see anyone." 

"I guess it was a fluke. I made it in a hurry, so I must have goofed up somewhere. I'll check it tomorrow." Sabo walked back to bed. "We all need some rest." (Y/n) yawned. Luffy rubbed his eyes when he saw everyone up. "Who is it?" (Y/n) pats his head. "It's no one, Luffy. Let's go back to bed." Luffy nods and he falls back asleep. 

They didn't know that it was Dadan who set off their tap, she grumpily walks away and she grumbles about the four of them drown at sea when they become pirates. Ace stared for a moment, before joining everyone else for some shut eyes. Like before, Ace took (Y/n)'s hand in his sleep and (Y/n) pulls it closer to her. 

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