The Love We Share

By MelleD

33.5K 616 84

When you are running away from something, there is only so much time until it catches up to you. I just hope... More

The Love We Share
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 15

1.1K 24 2
By MelleD

A/N: I'm thankful to all of you have read my story thus far. So here you go guys! I hope you enjoy it! Comment, Vote, Fan~

Chapter 15 (Vincent POV)

I couldn't seem to be able to wipe the goofy grin off my face. She said yes! And I didn't even have to ask her this time. I walked to the woods near the diner and started running. As soon as I got enough speed, I jumped and shifted into my black wolf. The size of our wolves go according to the size we are as humans, those however, that have alpha blood have the tendency to be bigger. And since I am the alpha, my wolf is the biggest in the pack.

I ran until I reached the pack house. We all have the habit of coming home in our wolf forms, so the door is usually slightly ajar so that everyone can get in. I found the guys in the living room playing video games. They never seem to have anything to do. I shook my head disapprovingly at them but they just laugh at my expression, even as I wolf I was still grinning from ear to ear. I left them and ran to my room and shifted back and threw on a pair of shorts only to run back downstairs.

"She said yes!" I screamed. They all stayed silent for a few moments before they jumped up to congratulate me.

"So when's she moving in?"

"Finally you got a mate!"

"We got a Luna!" They were all screaming their congrats and their joy.

"She said yes to a date."

"Oh," Alex said.

"We got excited for no reason," Ralph said laughing as they all sat back down.

I growled at him causing one of them to yell, "Guys! It's a start!"

"True enough," Marcus said agreeing with him.

"Come on! I want to finish kicking your ass," Ralph said as he turned back to the TV and picked up the remote he had thrown down.

I grumbled as I walked away. I thought they would have been more excited. I ran up the stairs to Meredith's room. I knocked and waited for her reply.

"Come in," she called.

"You decent?" I asked before touching the door again.

"That's why I'm saying you can come in."

"Okay," I said chuckling and opening the door. I looked around the room, surprised to not see Blake.

"He's not here," she said reading my mind. "So I hear you have a date."

"Yea. How'd you know?"

"The guys gave me a heads up," she said pointing to her head, showing me that they used the pack mind link to communicate. "So what are you planning? Or is that why you're here?"

"You got me."

"Never thought I would be giving my older brother dating advice," she giggled.

"You said you wouldn't help me convince her, you never said anything about after she agreed."

"Yea, yea. I'll help. Got any ideas?"

"Well I've never really been on an official date before."

She looked at me shocked. "Are you serious?"

"Yea I didn't really need to," I shrugged, "I didn't need to take them out to get what I wanted."

"As a female I think I should be insulted by that," she said giving me a pointed look. "But why change your mind now?"

"Because, she's different. She's my mate. I want everything to be perfect."

She smiled. "Then you can figure it out. And make it perfect for her." I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off. "You can do it. Only you can make it special."

"So you're not going to help....again?"

"Nope. But don't worry I won't stop the others from helping. Though please use you're common sense when listening to their ideas."

I laughed. "They're not that bad."

"I wouldn't be surprised if one of them told you to use the caveman ways of hitting her over the head and taking her home," she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay okay," I said laughing even harder. I wouldn't put that one past Ralph. She got up and gave me a hug. "Is this pay back for not supporting you and Blake in the beginning?" I asked.

"Maybe," she said giving me her mischievous grin. And with that I was dismissed as she turned away from me.

I went to my room trying to see what I could come up with. I was going to have to ask Tom where he took her, I don't want to take her to the same place. It still angers me to think they went on a date. I heard a knock on the door. I sniffed the air, of course its Anya.

"What do you want?" I called.

She opened the door and came in. "You can't tell me to come in like a normal person?"

"If I told you not to, you would've anyway."

She giggled and walked towards the window sill. "What are you thinking about?"


"You only sit here to think."

I looked at her and sighed. "I'm thinking about my mate."

"I'm right here babe," she said rubbing her hand down my arm.

I shook her hand off. "You're not my mate."

She scoffed. "Please don't tell me you're thinking about that human." I growled in warning, but she continued, "Just fuck her and get her out of your system."

I shot up from the window and grabbed her by her throat. "If you ever speak of her like that again, I will kill you," I said. I could feel my eyes turning black as my wolf felt the need to protect his mate. "Understood?"

She made an attempt to respond, but my hold on her throat was too strong, and only a noise came out. "That had better been a yes." I let go of her throat, as she tried to catch her breath I said, "Now get out!" My voice was laced with my alpha authority.

She scrambled to get out as soon as possible. I turned to sit back down.

"Have you gone to the diner yet?" I asked Raphael through the mind link.

"No. I knew you were going earlier so I didn't bother", he responded.

"Go check on her".

"She's with the second strongest in the pack, and all his young trainees, I think she's fine".

I sighed. "Alright," I said shutting off the mind link to him.

"Tom," I called to him.

"Yea?" He asked.

"Everything okay?"

"Of course it is," he grunted.

"Just checking in."

"Vincent, everything is fine, as always. She's still here working."

"Her car broke down."

"It's Paul's actually," he said.

"It is?"

"You never noticed?"

"No not really," I chuckled.

"Only have eyes for her huh?" I could hear the humor in his voice.

"You know it. Are you going to give her a ride?"

"Of course. Unless you want to?" He asked uncertainly.

"She agreed yesterday only because I was a last resort. I really don't feel like being denied after she agreed to go on a date."

"I heard about that. Congrats man. Wish you the best. But remember what I told you before," he said, no humor left in his voice.

"I know. Oh, I have to talk to you when you get back."

"Why not now?"

"Better in person," I replied.

"Let me guess, about your date."

I growled, "Yea that."

"Okay." With that he cut off the connection.

He said everything was fine. So I should sit here and patiently wait. I did all my paperwork and I'm up to date with everything. I accused the guys of having nothing to do, but apparently neither do I. I can't just sit here doing nothing. I jumped out of my second floor window and shifted into my wolf mid air, landing on all fours. A normal human would've hurt themselves .

"Where you going boss?" I heard Alex ask.


"No backup?"

"None needed."

"Okay." I cut off the connection before they started asking more questions. I ran to the diner as fast as my feet could take me. I needed to see her. Once I reached it, I stayed low in the woods so that no one could see me as I watched her work.

"Really?" I heard Tom ask in my head.

"Couldn't help it. You can see me?"

"No, but I can smell you a mile away Alpha."

I scoffed and stayed silent in my spot. She always had a huge smile on her face whenever she worked. I think she's the only person who enjoys being there. All the other works are young wolves that Tom is training. He gave them jobs to watch them and to test their patience and to teach them to control their anger. No one thought it would work, but there has been a big change in their ability to control their wolves. It was a surprise to everyone when he hired Tory, but it turned out for the better as well. Tom is one hell of a wise wolf.

I watched her carry a tray of food to one of the tables. She usually doesn't carry them, one of the pups tends to follow her with the food, which I appreciate, I don't want her to hurt herself carrying heavy things.

My wolf was more than content to just stay here and watch her all night. And that's exactly what we did. I crouched even lower to the ground as I saw Tom and Tory leaving together and getting in his car.

"I trust you to get her home safe. Report to me once you're done," I told Tom.

"Yes," was his reply. He was always a man for little words.

I ran home and waited for him in my room. He took a little longer to return, since he never actually drives his car, he always said he preferred running. He knocked on the door and entered the room. "You called?"

"Where did you go on your date?" I asked going straight to the point.

"Adventure Land and Michelangelo's," he replied holding his head high, but not exactly looking into my eyes. It was never a good idea to stare an alpha in the eyes when he wasn't in the best of moods.

"You took her to an amusement park?" I asked surprised.

"Yea, she actually had fun," he said smiling to himself. I growled in response. "You're going to have to get over it you know. I didn't know she was your mate, she was free game. Now it's a different story. Besides she told me we wouldn't be more than friends. She's all yours."

"Okay," I said a little satisfied by the fact that she rejected him the next day.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, you still have to figure what you're going to do," he said as he walked out.

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