Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 (Tory's POV)

A/N: I've been gone for quite some time. But here you go! I tried to make it a little longer this time. You cannot imagine the times I have written and not been happy with the outcome. I have started from scratch a couple of times. Thanks for being patient with me. I hope you like it.

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I awoke with a start, to find an empty bed. Yesterdays memories come rushing back to me, and I realize that I'm in Vincent's huge house, and Don was nowhere to be found. Running out of the room, I tried to remember all of the turns we took to get to the living room. I slowed down when I realize it was Don's laughing that I had followed. He was sitting in between Paul and Tom, with Vin sitting in the love seat by himself. They each have a play station 3 remote in their hands and were staring intently at the TV screen.

Standing at the entry, I took the time to look at them. They all seem to be best friends, even with Don in the middle of it all. They were laughing and making jokes, while still paying attention to the shooting game on the screen. I felt a draft coming into the room, making me shiver. They all turned around as one, "Mommy!" Don squealed and jumped over the couch to run towards me. I caught him and hugged him tightly. "They have the best games here!"

I shake my head, "Shooting games?" I glare at Paul over Don's head, "What did I tell you about that?" I asked him.

Paul shook his head, "I'm sorry. It was his choice."

Placing Don on the floor, I turn to Paul, as I see Don run back to his seat in between the two men. "You're supposed to be the adult," I say sternly. Paul lowered his head, ashamed, while Tom laughed at him. "You guys are not any better!" Tom stopped immediately and Vin snickered. I quickly turn and glare at him, and he too lowers his head in shame.

"Does that mean we can't keep playing?" Don asks. "Because I like this game."

"It's a violent game," I responded, shaking my head.

Don sighs in annoyance before turning to Tom and asking, "Can we go play outside now?"

Tom looked at me for permission. Nodding in their direction, the two of them quickly stood and ran out. I turned and looked into the beautiful blue eyes that I felt staring intently at me since I entered the room. His eyes captivate me, making me take involuntary steps towards him.

"I'll...uh...just go out and play to," I vaguely hear Paul say as he runs out after the other two.

By the time I heard the door close, I was standing in front of Vincent. "Morning beautiful," he whispers, grabbing my hand lifting it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"Hi," I whispered back.

"I missed you." He pulled me down and placed me on his lap, immediately placing his face into my neck and breathing in deeply.

I giggled. "Why are you doing that?"

"Your smell is the most intoxicating thing I ever smelled."

"Because I'm your mate?" I questioned, trying to wiggle away from his touch.

"You need to stop doing that," he growled, firmly placing his hands on my hips to stop all movement.

The wiggling must have excited him I thought, as I felt him pressed up against my backside. "What do I smell like?" I ask breathlessly.

"Vanilla and cherry blossoms." He leaned forward once more, this time after taking another deep breath; he kissed my neck, causing a small moan to escape my lips. I turned my head to give him better access to continue his journey. He kissed me where my neck joins my shoulder, sending a shiver through my entire body.

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