Chapter 12

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A/N: Here you go! Another one! Hope you enjoy it! Comment, Fan, Vote~

Chapter 12 (Vincent's POV)

I hadn't gone back to the diner in about a month. After that stunt I had pulled I knew she needed her space and I just needed time to think. Tory's my mate, the fates destined it to be as such, so she would say yes. But what miracle is it that's going to happen for her to finally agree to going on a date with me? Just one simple date.

All the guys kept giving me some ideas, but each time they tried to help Meredith would tell them off. She wanted me to figure this out on my own. And I was going to figure it out no matter what it took.

It had been raining for the most part of today, and I had been sitting by a window staring at the rain. Today will be the day, I can feel it. Looking at the clock I noticed that the diner was going to close soon. I might as well go now and see her, even if it's from a distance. I have to see her, it's been too long since I laid my eyes on that beautiful woman, my beautiful woman. I smiled at the thought as I walked out of the house and into my car.

(Tory's POV)

It had been a month since I had last seen him. Since that incident in the bathroom, I'm just grateful that Meredith came when she did and saved me, from what I don't know. Tom swears he would've never hurt me, but if that was the case, why would he have locked me into a confined space where no one would be able to enter?

I shook my head trying to get thoughts out of my mind. It had been raining for a few days. And because of the rain, Don is home sick, so is Paul. Paul volunteered to watch Don so I could come to work even though he was sick as well. Why I agreed to it is beyond me, he convinced me by saying that the sick stay home and the healthy go to work. Don was more than happy to stay with Paul all day and play video games. I left them together but have been checking in on them every hour or so.

I had taken Paul's car as usual. He refuses to let me buy my own saying it would be a waste since we're neighbors and coworkers. Work was the same as usual, though I felt like I was missing something. I guess it was not having Don near me. The only word that could describe the day was "average," nothing more and nothing less.

Towards the end of my shift I began to feel anxious, at first I thought I felt someone watching me, but that was just my imagination going wild. I just really needed to go home to my baby. As I finally walked out of the diner, leaving Tom inside to close and finish up, I walked to the car and got inside ready to go. I put the key into the ignition, but of course it doesn't turn on. Just my luck. I sighed as I stepped out into the pouring rain and popped the hood of the car and just stared at the engine. I'm a city girl, I don't even know how to change a tire, but this is what people do in the movies when the car doesn't work, so I guess I'm doing something right.

"Need some help?" a voice asked behind me, causing me to jump and scream. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I turned to look at my intruder and found myself staring into clear blue eyes.

"Vincent, are you trying to kill me?!?"

"No. I did apologize. Not my fault you scare easily," he grumbled looking uncertainly to the left.

"What do you want?" I said slamming the hood of the car close. Today was not the day for this. We were in the rain and he wants to have a conversation?

"I saw you were having trouble with your car so I came to offer you my help." He kept looking at me like if his eyes could see right through me. Yet for the first time he had doubt in his eyes.

"Are you stalking me now?"

"No!" he said, a blush slowly creeping to his cheeks, "Why would you think that?"

"Well since you already tried the locking me in the bathroom move, so stalking would be the next option," I said rolling my eyes at him.

A flame seemed to grow in his eyes as if my words angered him. His stance grew more confident as well. "My friend owns the diner. You're not that important."

"Oh really?" I asked. His words hurting me more than I would care to admit. How can his words make me feel this way? I wanted him out of my life, but him saying that just made me want to draw him closer to me just to prove him wrong. "Then you can leave! Go see your friend or something and leave me alone." I turned away from him and continued staring at the car. I might just end up walking home and leaving it here.

"That's not what I meant!" he said.

"That's what it sounded like to me. Just leave."

"I can't."

"Why not?" I was outraged at this point.

He mumbled something under his breath. It sounded like 'because you mean everything to me.' That couldn't be right. "Because you need help," he said out loud as he attempted to smile.

I stayed quiet and just looked at him. He somehow managed to look regretful. "Do you know how to fix it?"


"Then how are you going to help me?"

"By giving you a ride." This time he gave me a full smile. He has an amazing smile, I couldn't help but smile back.

My smile was cut short as I realized what he was offering. "I'd rather walk."

His face fell immediately. "You're going to get sick."

"And I'll get better soon after."

"Please, just accept the ride. Just a ride," he pleaded. His eyes held a sadness that I wanted to soothe. He was here standing in the rain trying to help me get me home. Should I trust him?

He just stood there with eyes that begged for a chance, his hair completely soaked, as well as most of his clothes. He was standing in the rain trying his best for me to accept a ride from him. I guess Don was right he is a really nice guy. "Fine. But we're going to mess up your car," I said as I looked at his black Mercedes parked at the far end.

"It's just a car. Let's go," he gave me the brightest smile I have ever seen on his face.

"Okay," I mumbled and followed him to the car. He kept looking back as if to check if I had ran away, or disappeared. When we got to his car, he opened my door like a gentleman and closed it behind me once I was inside. "Thanks," I said, once he was in the driver's seat, "I live on-"

"I know where you live," he stated.

"Coming from someone who said he wasn't stalking me," I said turning towards the window as we left the parking lot.

"I'm not."

"Then how do you know where I live?" I demanded.

"You're Paul's neighbor."


"Yea. I've known Paul for many years."

"Okay," I said not being able to think of anything else.

We rode in silence after that. I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt the car pull over. I looked up and realized that I was home. "Thank you," I said as I got out of the car and walked to my door without looking back.

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