Chapter 17

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A/N: Here you go guys! It was my birthday yesturday so i thought i'd give you guys a present :) Hope you like it! Comment, Vote, Fan ~

Chapter 17 (Toy's POV)

I walked through the door and grinned. Wow what a kiss. It was just a soft kiss, but it completely blew my mind and scared me shitless at the same time. That little bit of contact was all it took for me to be overjoyed and completely forget about everything. I heard a tiny giggle and looked up to see Paul and Don staring at me smiling from ear to ear.

"I take it, it went well?" Paul laughed.

"Yes," I whispered trying to keep the happiness in my voice to a minimum.

"Yeah okay," he scoffed, apparently I wasn't convincing enough. He winked at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"It was amazing!"

"Tell us all about it," Don chirped.

"You little man should have been in bed about," I looked down at my watch, "an hour ago."

"But mommy! This is good news. I want to know about your date," he pleaded.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

"You promise?" he asked giving me the puppy eyes.

"Don't give me that look young man! Go get ready for bed," I told him giving him a stern look.

"But... do you promise?" he asked once more, still giving me those big puppy eyes.

I sighed in defeat, "yes I promise. Now go to bed."

"Yay!" he screamed as he ran to his room.

Paul finally let out the laughter he was holding in. "Don't mock me," I growled at him.

"You guys are so cute!" he said still laughing.

"Whatever," I replied unable to hold the smile that was slowly appearing.

"So do tell. How was it? Where did he take you?"

"Well I can't tell you where he took me."

"What? Why?" he asked appalled.

"It's a secret," I said grinning at him, enjoying the look on his face.

"Fine," he grumbled, "But you did have fun?"

"Can't you tell?" I laughed.

"Yes I can. I never thought I would say this, but you being all happy and cheery and stuff is pretty weird."

I playfully slapped his arm and kept on laughing. "It was amazing. I honestly don't remember the last time I had such a good time."

"So what did you guys do?"

"We went on a picnic."

"Really?" he asked doubtfully.

"Yea," I said sighing dreamily as I remembered the day.

"Okay. And what else?" he asked still looking confused.

"And we talked."

"You talked?"

"Yes we talked and it was great. I don't think I have ever felt as comfortable with someone as I was with him."

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