Chapter 7

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A/N: It's a little short, I apologize. I am trying to upload at least once a week. Here it is: New Chapter! Vote, Comment, Fan. Enjoy! :D

Chapter 7 (Tory POV)

                Those blue eyes captivated me. I felt a pull towards him. What the hell is going on? “Hello,” he said. He had the most beautiful voice. Snap out of it Tory!

                “Hi,” I said a little breathlessly. I felt myself falling into those beautiful eyes. I cleared my throat, trying to get a hold of myself. “Welcome to Burgers and Fries. I’m Tory and I’ll be your waitress today. Here’s the menu. I’ll be back in a little bit to take your order.” I turned around and ran, trying to hide. The only place I could think of was Tom’s office. I walked in and slammed the door behind me.

                Tom looked up startled. “Tory…? You okay?”

                “Uh yea,” I said trying to catch my breath.

                “Then why are you blushing?”

                “What?” I went to the mirror he has in the office to look at my face. I was indeed blushing. I looked at Tom and he gave me a knowing smile.

                “Did you find someone you like?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

                “Yea, of course,” I said, “you.” I smiled at him. A look of pain crossed his face, but as quickly as it was there, it was gone. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

                “Nothing pretty lady,” he said smiling once again. “So who’s the lucky guy?”

                I knew something was wrong, but he didn’t want to talk about it I guess. I looked at him for a few minutes before saying, “Some new guy with blue eyes,” I whispered.

                He grinned. “He’s a great guy you know.”

                “You know him?” I asked a little shocked.

                “Yea. You should go talk to him.”

                I glared at him. “Whatever.” I got up and went back to the gorgeous man’s table. Ralph, one of my regulars, was sitting with him. I guess Tom isn’t the only one that knows him.

                “Hey Ralph. The usual?”

                “Hell yea!” he said, “by the way, have you met my friend Vincent?”

                “Just did a few minutes ago,” I said, still not looking at this Vincent guy. He seemed to notice because he cleared his throat to get my attention. I finally turned to him and made the mistake of looking into his eyes. And once again those eyes held me where I stood. He stared right back at me. “What can I get you?” I asked forcing myself to speak to him.

                “A cheeseburger and fries please,” he responded.

                “So the usual for you too?” I said a little rudely.

                “Um yea.” I didn’t respond. I turned away from him and smiled at Ralph and left the table not looking at him again. I could feel his eyes on me as he walked away. It gave the urge to sway my hips more than necessary, I resisted it. How could a man make me feel this way just by a look? I must be going crazy.

                I went and placed their order at the kitchen and went back into Tom’s office, once again trying to hide. “Trying to hide?” Tom asked. He knows me too well.

                “No, just trying to calm down.”

                “What do you need to calm down from?” he asked giving me a mischievous smile.

                “Nothing!” I snapped. He laughed only making me angrier.

                “Calm down. I’m only having a laugh.”   

                “Yea, but at my dispense,” I whined.

                He laughed even harder. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop now,” he said a grin still n his face.

                I rolled my eyes and got ready to get out of the office. I was not going to let an unknown man make me feel like this. “I’m going back to work now…again.”

                “Have fun,” he said winking at me. I chuckled and made my way to the kitchen. Their food was done, great, now I have to go back to his table.

                “Paul!” I called.

                “Yea,” he responded behind me, making me jump. He threw his arms in the air and grinned in accomplishment.

                “Carry this for me.”

                “Sure.” He picked up a tray and placed the food on it and followed me to the table where Vincent and Ralph sat talking in hushed voices.

                They quieted down once we approached. “You get hotter everyday Tory,” Ralph said catching me by surprise. I giggled at his compliment and thanked him. Paul placed their food in front of them and made a speedy get away.  I turned to walk away too follow when I heard Ralph whine, “Toryyyyy.”

                “Yes?” I asked amused by his tone.

                “You never asked what we wanted to drink.”

                “Oh. I’m sorry. What can I get you to drink?” I said giving them both an apologetic smile.

                “Coke please,” he said, the whine still in his voice.

                “What about you?” I asked Vincent without looking at him.

                “Sprite, I guess,” he responded. I turned and got their drinks and returned to them once again. Once they were set with everything I turned to leave. “Tory.” His angelic voice was calling me. I had the urge to turn around and jump in his lap. I settled for just turning towards him. “Um, can I take you out sometime?”

                Did he just ask me out? Why would a guy like him ask me out? Oh, wait. He’s trying to win the bet. I started laughing. I said it before, only one guy would win it if it was up to me, and that was Tom. We had decided to not tell anyone about us going on a date, since it wasn’t going to go anywhere. A look of complete shock came across his face and only made me laugh even harder. Ralph started laughing, but tried to cover it with a cough. Vincent turned and glared at him.

                “Sorry,” I said, “Not interested.” He was shocked before, but the look on his face now was priceless. He wasn’t use to getting rejected. I can see why. This man looked like a Greek god. He had a head full of black hair that hung just above his eyebrows, making me want to run my hand threw it. Those clear blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. I didn’t even want to look lower than his face, because I knew that I would regret denying him even more than I already did.  

                It took all my will to turn and walk away from him. I couldn’t go back to his table, if I did I knew I would take a seat on him like a queen returning to her throne. I couldn’t take the risk that. I had agreed to go out with Tom because, although he didn’t know about my past, he at least knew I had a son. This man would run in the other direction once he found out. My son is the most important person in my life, that won’t change for any one. I told Paul to finish up with their table and I went into Tom’s office once again. This time he didn’t say anything, just gave me a weak smile and let me stay in there until Paul came in and told me they had left. With him gone, everything went back to normal.

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