Chapter 3

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A/N: Yay! New chapter :D It's a little short i know. Sorry. But no worries there is more to come. If you like it please let me know. Vote, Comment, Fan. Enjoy!

Chapter 3

It was now Friday. The day that I was being driven to the mall for some fun torturous shopping. Don had been excited for the past few days, he was now drawing dresses in the house and showing them to me. He said he needed to know what I liked so that he would know what to look for. There was a big stack on the living room table of his drawings. Paul had just come over and he was looking at the drawings, laughing at some of them. Don was arguing that they were all pretty and we should buy them all. I was sitting across from them, hoping that their argument would last a while, possibly until the mall closes.

I was staring off into space when I realized that the living room was quiet. I looked up to see them both grinning at me. I groaned. "Let's get this over with already."

"Yay! Shopping time," Don said, "Let's go, let's go." We got up and left the apartment, closing the door behind us and went to Paul's car.

"So which do you want to get first, Tory's dress or the video game?"Paul asked Don.

"Hm," Don said thinking it over, "Finding mommy's dress is going to take a long time, so let's get the game first."

"You got it," Paul responded. We got in the car and began to argue.

"No! Mommy has to wear pink!"

"She's not going to want to wear pink buddy," Paul said.

"She didn't want to go shopping either, but we make her go. So we make her wear it."

"I'm right here guys," I said trying to stop the argument. They didn't stop, they of course ignored me and kept arguing about what color I should wear. It's times like these that I see Paul's childish sides.

We got to the mall, parked the car and got out. Don grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the mall. Once inside, he stopped and looked around. I looked behind me to see Paul smiling broadly at us. Don spotted what he was looking for and started dragging me again. When he stopped, we were in front of a game store. He looked back at Paul and gestured for him to go first.

"Aw, such a gentleman," Paul said smiling at Don.

"You're not a lady," Don said laughing. I started laughing too. Paul stopped and glared at the both of us and grumbled something under his breath and entered the store. We followed him, still laughing.

When we were in the store Don kept dragging me to every shelf he found to look at the games. Paul was laughing at me as Don dragged to yet another shelf. I sent him a pleading look.

"Hey Don, how about you let go of your mom and come help me find the game?"

"No I can't, cuz then she'll run away and we won't find her until the mall closes!"

Paul laughed. "Is that right?"

"Yea. That's what she use to do before..." Don stopped. I smiled at Paul.

"It's okay. I won't run away. But I don't want him to let go either." Don looked around sadly. He was remembering the mall trips we had before we left, the ones with Jake. "So Don, how about purple for me?" I said trying to cheer him up.

He smiled at me. "We'll see mommy. It depends on what we find."

"Okay," I said laughing. I couldn't help but think of the past. We use to come to the mall at least once a week. I've always hated shopping, but Jake loved it, and so does Don. I would walk away from them and hide somewhere. At first it annoyed them, but it had turned into a game. They did their shopping and once they were done, they would spend hours looking for me.

"Earth to Tory," Paul said, waving his hand in my face.

"Sorry," I said.

"Thought the aliens took you," Paul said.

"Aliens?" Don asked giggling.

"Anyway, we got the game. Let's get your dress."

"I saw a store with pretty dresses. Let's go there," Don said. He dragged me to a dress store. I groaned as we entered.

Don looked up at me. "You won't run away if I let you go, will you?"

"No I won't Don," I sighed.

"Promise?" he asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes, I promise," I assured him.

He smiled. "Okay." He let go of me and went off to look at the first rack of dresses. Paul followed his lead and did the same at the other side of the store. In a few minutes Don called me to pull a dress down for him. He had been jumping to get it, but couldn't reach.

"This one mommy. Hold on to it. I have to keep looking." He handed me a pale pink dress. For the next half hour I followed Don around as he pointed out the dresses for me to take down and hold for him. I had a total of ten dresses in my arms now.

"Paul! Are you done?" Don called, looking around the store.

"Yup," Paul called from behind me. I turned to see him coming towards us with six dresses.

"I really don't like you guys right now," I told them.

"You love us," Don said, sticking his tongue out at me. "Come on," he said as he grabbed me hand again, taking me to the fitting room. Paul handed me the dresses he had in his arms and shoved me in.

It took about an hour to put them all on and show them how they fit. In the end they were down to two dresses that they really liked. One was a white sundress with red flowers, Don had chosen this one. The other was a plain white sundress, the one Paul chose. They kept arguing about which one was prettier.

"How about we get them both and decide which one she wears later," Paul said as he looked around the store, looking back at the people that were staring at us.

"Okay," Don said, satisfied with the outcome. We went and paid for them and left the store.

"Can we go eat now?" I asked them. Don nodded and grabbed my hand, this time letting me lead. Paul trailed behind us with the bags in his hand. I had insisted to carry it myself, but he refused.

We decided to eat at McDonald's. Don of course wanted nuggets. We sat down and ate in silence. All the shopping was now getting me nervous for the date with Ton tomorrow.

When we finished eating we were on our way home. The car ride was also silent, all of us lost in our own thoughts.

"You should wear the dress that Don picked," Paul said, breaking the silence.

"Yes! I knew I'd win. But don't worry she can wear the dress you picked another day," Don responded.

"Yes I will. Thank you guys for choosing them for me."

"Welcome," they responded together. We finally got home and Paul went his separate way.

"Mommy, it's almost time to go to bed."

"It's only eight o'clock. Why do you want to go to sleep early on a Friday?"

"Because, you need your beauty sleep for tomorrow," he said smiling at me.

"Okay," I said smiling back. Great, now the nerves are back.

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