Chapter 11

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A/N: I am so very sorry for the break that I took. But I am going to try to upload weekly, if not bi-weekly once more. I hope you enjoy it! Fan, Comment, Vote~

Chapter 11 (Tory's POV)

He stopped going to the diner all together, which gave me a peace of mind. Things finally went back to normal. I had just signed Don up for the soccer team. He has always liked to run around so that seemed like the perfect sport for him. But it was late in the year so the season had already begun. The school had one of the best teams around, they were actually in the championship today. Don loved to play, especially now that their actual coach had returned. He had been on some sort of vacation but he was finally back, and now the team is better than ever.

I actually have never seen him play. I haven't been able to because of work. It has actually been Paul that goes to all the games and practices. He has officially become Don's babysitter, not that Don minded at all. He says that they needed their boy time. Don has begged for me to go to his games. But I just can't stop going to work to go see his game, we need the money. Paul seems to never mind taking the day off for him, yet he always has money. I'm starting to think he's got some family money stashed somewhere.

Since today was the championship game I made Paul promise to take tons of pictures for me and to record most of the game. That way I can actually see Don in action. For the first time ever, the day at work seemed to go too slow. I wanted to go home and see if they won or not. After I knew the game was done, I had called to find out the outcome, but Don refused to tell me, saying I had to be home to find out.

I kept staring at the clock while working. For the first time I couldn't wait for my shift to end so I could finally learn the outcome of the game. When it was time to go I ran out of the door without saying goodbye to anyone. As I got outside, I saw Paul and Don next to the car. Don was holding up a trophy. Once he saw me, he ran towards me screaming, "We won!"

I caught him and spun him around, "Congratulations baby!" I was so proud of him. He started laughing and it became contagious, soon we were all laughing in the parking lot. Paul pulled me into a half hug.

"He was great," he whispered in my ear. He smiled at me, "And don't worry, I recorded it all." He flashed me his phone.

I looked at Paul and mouthed the words "Thank you."

He got serious for a second and nodded. He was back to his normal self in a matter of seconds. I was about to ask what was wrong, when Don interrupted, "Look mommy," he said showing me his small trophy. "The team got an even bigger one, but we all got the little one. Coach says its cuz we all winners."

"Your coach sounds like a smart guy."

"He is! I was great mommy! Even the coach said so. He let me play a lot. It was so much fun," Don boasted, staring at his trophy with pride.

"Of course you were great." I still had him in a bear hug as we walked to the car. We all got in and got ready to go. Paul handed me his phone for me to look at, as Don narrated the whole game to me.

I grabbed the phone eagerly. He had taken more pictures than I could've imagined. I examined every single one. Don looked like he was having fun with the other kids. The last picture was a group picture of the team and the big championship trophy.

"That's the whole team," Don said over my shoulder. "Even the coach is in that one."

"Who's the coach?" I asked.

"The guy with the blue eyes."

"Blue..." I stopped speaking immediately. I zoomed into the picture and found those amazing blue eyes staring at me. Even in a picture it still looks like he can see into my soul. I stared at him speechless.

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