Chapter 16

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A/N: I'm sorry x 1000 for taking so long to upload! It's been more than a month. On a better note, I uploaded!! They are finally going on their date! Yay! I tried to make it a little longer for you guys as my own version of an apology. I hope you like it! Enjoy! Vote, Comment, Fan ~

Chapter 16 (Vincent's POV)

The day had finally arrived. Today was my date with Tory. I felt like a giddy child, the stupid grin was permanently stuck on my face. I wanted to do something perfect for her, but I still barely know her. But even not knowing her didn't change the fact that I was falling in love with her. I've been watching her for so long, I've been able to see how she interacts with other people, the fact that she is genuinely such a nice person. And I know that no one is perfect, but she was damn near close to it, if not already there.

I went to the kitchen to prepare everything. Since I barely knew her, I was taking her on a picnic, to my favorite place. I've run around the woods so much, as a wolf and as a man, that I've gotten to know the land I rule very well. After my parents passed away, I had found that the easiest way to control my anger and grief was to let my wolf take over. After one of those many runs, I woke up at a creek, I decided to follow the creek to see where it led. It led me to a small lake, if you could even call it that. It was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. I had eventually found my way there myself.

I had decided to take the most beautiful woman to the most beautiful place. The pack have been very supportive, they had decided to let me be for the day, Ralph said he would take care of everything, but if any emergencies arose, I would be notified. They also kept Anya at bay so that she wouldn't get in the way.

I wasn't a very good cook, so I prepared sandwiches and a fruit salad with some wine. Meredith had offered to prepare some food, but after our talk, I was determined to do this on my own. I got the blanket and wine glasses and everything else we would need and packed it all.

I had told Meredith my plan and she loved it. This was my way of trying to get to know her. In a restaurant, there would be too many people, no privacy at all. And after a while the waiter or waitress would get impatient and want us to leave. This way we would get privacy and as much time as we wanted. I just hoped she didn't see me as a creep and thought I was taking her away from civilization to do anything to her.

After everything was packed I went back to my room and sat at my window sill. I recently realized what Anya said was true, I always sit here to think.

"Paul," I called.

"Yes Alpha?" he responded, slightly confused.

"Are you with her?"

"Yes," you could hear the smile in his voice.

"How is she?" I asked. The uncertainty in my voice was clear. I was hoping he wasn't about to tell me she changed her mind and was going to stand me up.

"She's fine. Kind of freaking out about what to wear."

"She could wear sweats and still look beautiful."

"Of course. But she wants to look nice for you, though she's been trying not to show it. She does feel the bond, don't worry."

"Thank you," I said. His words meant more to me than I would ever admit.

Paul was a great guy, with a bad past. He came to my land a few years back as a Rouge. My first intention was to kill him on site, but he had looked so broken that I decided otherwise. I then learned his pack had been completely destroyed after an attack by Rouges. Losing his pack completely made him a Rouge as well, since he belonged to no pack, it wasn't by his choosing. I pitied him, knowing he lost everyone, his family and friends. After getting to know him better, I invited him to join the pack. He agreed immediately, but living in the pack house with everyone was too painful for him, it brought back too many memories. He later explained that this was why he choose to get his own apartment. The only thing that kept him happy was that he would one day find his mate. I really needed to sit down with him and have a talk about his son and who his mother was.

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