Chapter 19

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A/N: Hey there! New chapter ready! And it didn't take me more than a month xD I know it's short but hope you like it! Enjoy! Comment, Vote, Fan! (I still refuse to say Follow)

Chapter 19 (Vincent's POV).

I spent the day with a goofy grin on my face. Things between us were finally improving. I can already picture my whole life with Tory by my side, with our pups surrounding her. I already know she's going to be a great mother.

I went about taking care of pack business in the best mood I think I've ever been. The pack has been buzzing about visiting and getting to know their Luna. Most of them wanted to know the woman who could surprisingly keep me happy without being near me.

We have been having some problems with some rouges around the area lately. They seem to have been eager to enter my territory. I would always try to give them the benefit of the doubt and let them pass through as long as they caused no trouble or harm to the people and wolves that I protect.

A few months back I had permitted a lone male rouge the same leniency I gave the others, but regretted it immediately when I heard he had fought and killed a human that has crossed his path. We had him captured him and put him to trial. His defense was that humans should not be allowed to live and should all be exterminated. He was killed shortly after at my command.

Since that day we have had more rouges try to enter my land. I no longer let unknown wolves enter, and since I made this decision, they have tried to enter by force. I've had my men patrol more often to try to contain the situation. They have become nothing more than a nuisance.

I sighed looking at my desk and at the paperwork that I had to do. I looked around my office, my sanctuary, the only place I could ever manage to get some peace and quiet, yet at the same time, be one of the places where the most commotion tends to happen.

I leaned back and closed my eyes. I just need a few minutes to rest my eyes. I distantly heard something click. Wait, click? Probably the door. Before I could open my eyes I felt something fall on my lap, or better said, someone.

"Morning babe," I heard her say. But it wasn't my angel's voice that spoke. I felt her lips against mine as I felt a growl rumble in my chest.

I moved my face away from hers. "Get off me Anya, before I throw you off."

She gracefully got off my lap to just hop on my desk, on all my paperwork, right in front of me. She then proceeded to open her legs and place her feet next to each one of my thighs. Sitting on my desk to piss me off was apparently not enough, she was wearing and extremely short skirt with nothing under, giving me the perfect view of her womanhood.

"Like the view?" she asked seductively.

"Get out of my office. You are no longer welcome here," I growled at her.

"Does it bring back memories of all the times you use to fuck me to your heart's content right on this desk?" It did bring back memories. At the time it seemed like a great idea, but now just thinking back makes me feel guilty, as if I'm cheating on my mate. I glare at her, but say nothing and she continues. "You loved using your tongue," she said as she touched herself, "almost as much as I loved it," she said as she licked her lips.

"Get out!" I said using my full Alpha tone. I could see she felt it as she shivered and slowly started getting off the desk while looking at the floor. When she finally met my eyes she saw the anger in my eyes now that my eyes had turned black and my wolf was trying to take over. She ran out of the office without a word. Finally some peace and quiet.

"Was that Anya I just saw running down the hall?" Meredith asked as she entered my office.

"Yes," I sighed. There goes the notion of silence.

"I got quite a view when the wind blew. Having fun in here at such a late hour?" she asked with her arms crossed in front of her.

I glared at her. "Of course not."

"Then why was she going commando to come visit you?" she demanded.

I growled at her, "You are in no position to be interrogating me."

"Actually I think I am. I just came from your mate's house, Tory, do you remember her? I do! I had an interesting conversation with her. I went to ask how your date went. I hope you remember that, because if you enjoyed it as much as she did, you should be able to recall it perfectly. Or that's what I would've thought. But no! Of course not! Here you are back to your man whoring ways that even finding your mate doesn't change!" she said furiously.

Out of her whole little rant, there were only a few words that I heard perfectly. "She enjoyed our date?" I asked feeling the smile creep up on my face.

"Is that all you heard?" she shrieked.

I winced. I forgot the set of lungs she has. "I heard everything you said. But do you think that little of me that I would cheat on my mate? After waiting for her for so many years?"

"I..." she sighed. "Of course not! But what the hell was she doing here?"

"I ended things with her right after I got home. She just doesn't believe me and has some fantasy going on and actually believes she's my mate."

"You have got to be kidding me," she said looking at me in shock.

"No I'm not," I sighed, "this isn't her first attempt to woo me since I got back." I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"You better make things clear to her."

"You don't think I've tried?"

"Try harder!"

"What am I suppose to do? I've already told her to stay away from me. That I no longer want her or have the need for her."

Her eyes grew wide at my statement. "You seriously told her that? Just like that?"

"Yea. Why wouldn't I?" I looked at her curiously.

"You are so insensitive!"

"Who's side are you on?" I asked exasperated at this point.

"Yours," she said giving me a pointed look.

"Then why am I insensitive?" I really need some peace and quiet.

"Because that's just a mean way to say that. You couldn't find another way?"

"I got my point across didn't I?"

"She apparently didn't get the memo."

"Are you done Sis?"

"Yes. Just remember, hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Be careful." She turned around and left my office.

That's exactly what I needed right now, an angry woman watching my every move. "Oh by the way," Meredith said poking her head back in, "she really did enjoy your date. Good job!"

"Thanks," I said giving her a small smile. She laughed and finally left. Finally some silence. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off, my thoughts still on my angel.

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