Chapter 18

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A/N: I always start by apologizing. Sorry lol. I got the best x-mas gift ever! I got the complete series of Smallville (one of my favorite shows of all time) so I’ve been on a crazy marathon spree. [notice the actors I choose for some of my characters ;)]So again I apologize but here ya go! New chapter! Comment, Vote, Fan!!! (I don’t like “follow”)

Chapter 18 (Tory’s POV)

Vincent ate the rest of his food and left. But not before finding me to give me a kiss goodbye. When he finally did leave, it seemed like the world stopped for a moment. It hurt to see his back and watch him turn away. I stood there and watched him go.

I turned around to find the whole diner staring at me.

"So he won?" One of the customers asked.

"Uh... yea I guess you can say that," I replied.

"But I thought Tom had won..?"

"I wasn’t that lucky," Tom said making his appearance known, “though I wish I was,” he said winking at me.

“Don’t we all!” someone called, making everyone laugh.

As always I can count on Tom to come save the day and relieve the tension.

“So…,” Tom whispered.

“Yea?” I replied.

“Seems like you guys hit it off,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“Surprisingly enough.”

He chuckled and walked away. I continued the day as usual, when it was time to pick up Don, Paul went and got him. When they returned, I almost got tackled to the floor by an extremely hyper child. I picked him up and groaned. “Who gave you candy?” I asked, already knowing the cause for the energy.

“Paul!” he exclaimed.

“Don! Didn’t we agree we wouldn’t tell your mom anything?”

“Oops, I forgot. Sorry,” Don whispered, hiding his face in my neck.

“It’s okay buddy. She’s just mad at me,” he said looking at me sheepishly.

“Can I go help Uncle Tommy now?” he asked once excited.

“Sure,” I put him down and he ran to the office, dodging one of the guys in the process. “Careful!” I called. I heard his laughter until the office door closed. I turned and glared at Paul.

“I didn’t think he would get that bad, I swear,” he said raising his hands in surrender.

I growled and went back to work, leaving him speechless. Wait, growled? Well that’s different. I sighed and turned to go to the office. I thought I should give Tom a warning. When I walked in I couldn’t help but giggle.

Tom was on his chair as usual, but on his lap was Don sleeping soundlessly. “He came in like a tornado,” Tom whispered, “ran around a bit before giving me a hug and fell asleep. He seriously fell asleep in an instant,” he said astonished.

“Yea that’s what sugar does to him,” I giggled.

He chuckled. “You can leave him here, I wasn’t planning on moving anywhere anyways.”

“Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. I have been told I make great pillows.” I laughed in response but was cut short by Tom shh-ing me. “You’ll wake him up. Now go back to work!” he said with authority, but winked at me, making me hold my laughter until I got outside.

The Love We ShareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora