Love was a story that couldn'...

By MrsTomlinson612

228 10 6

Ariel has always struggled with school and bullying but now a new guy has shown up at school she may not be s... More

He live down the road
The start of something new
What am I gonna do.
Saterday nights alright for talking
Music is my spirit animal
Spring break.
Wake me up.
This is a song about a girl.
Sun sand and self harm.
I'm so sorry.
Im never letting you out my sight
Gig night
Let's fucking go have some fun.
Do we have to say goodbye
Love was a story that couldn't compare
Met the parents
Welcome back
Prom shopping
Prom shopping part two
New start
Bedroom walls and silent calls
Where did I go wrong
Stay alive.
Goodbye my love
Gone to long
Your beds now full
Lets run away
Packing bags and glam rags
Fly away
Learn to fly.

A new year a new me

22 2 0
By MrsTomlinson612

Ariel's p.o.v.

I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of Brendon Urie's voice. I rolled over and I groaned at the fact that I needed to get up for school. I got out of bed and went over to my rather messy wardrobe. I pulled out my black skinny jeans and a red and black checked flannel. I picked up the black tank top from the floor that I had worn yesterday and put that on under the flannel. I spent an hour on my hair and makeup. My hair takes forever it doesn't just look this poofy and big when I wake up. I put on my perfume grabbed my headphones and phone and ran out of my room. I slid down the bannister due to me now being awake and that I really wanted to piss off my dads. (Yes I have two dads get over it) I ran into the kitchen and sat on top of the counter.
"Are you going to eat something or are you just going to sit there and look at that phone of yours?" Dan asked me rather cheerily
"Morning Dan nice to see you too. How are you? I hope you are ready to start a wonderful new day!" I said sarcastically
" Good Morning Ariel now are you Going to eat or not?" "I ain't hungry I'll just have a coffee thanks Dan." I answered
"Okay then love. By the way Phil is out just now seeing someone about something and I don't think he will be back until late so I will just order something for when you get back."
"Okay thanks Dan."

I just drank my morning coffee and left the house. I hummed along to my music as happy as ever not caring what I looked or sounded like. The music made the journey more enjoyable. I slowly walked through the crowd at the gate with their cigarets in their mouths I held my breath and just walked round them into the gate.I  sat on the step outside A block and waited for the shit to start.

Let's just say that ever since I had started school I was like the punch bag of my year everyone wanted to make fun of me for how I looked and how I have no friends. I was never invited to party's and the one time when I was I had my phone thrown out of a window and it smashed. Now I just sit alone and wait for people too come over to me and say stuff about me . My school life is not really that good.

I sat on that step until the bell went. I got up to go over to C block. I had double history with  Mr Morrison he is an okay teacher but I don't really care about who is teaching the subject because I really love history.

I took my seat at the back left hand corner where the light doesn't work so no one can really see me. We started with registration. I noticed that a lot of the sort of "cool" people where not in. (Probably skipping school) we where told that we were going to be studying the Victorians this term. I know a lot about history so I don't think I have much to learn about the Victorians.
The lesson was just really a revision lesson on what we knew already. We had a class discussion that I did not even say one word in since I don't speak out in class at all. The bell went and I went to exit the class but I was stopped by Mr Morrison.
" Yes sir, is there an issue?" I asked
"Not at all I just wanted to say that I am looking forward to another year teaching you."
" Thanks sir. I best be going I have something I need to do." I stated
" Well you better go then." He answered

I left the class and went back to the step but surprise surprise there they where jai and his gang ready to pick on me again. We are 17 why can't he just grow up and move on with his life?
I sat there with my head down and I just let him insult me. He screamed things at me about how I look and how I was always alone. If it was up to me I would just smack him one but since I am quite skinny I didn't see the point due to the fact that he would not feel pain.
I was eventually saved by the bell I ran off to my maths lesson. I only had to go into A block and run up two flights of stairs. I hated maths because I was really shit at it. My teacher can't really teach us. God knows how she got a degree. we all just sit there not knowing what In hell to do.I just keep my head Down in maths and try my best not to draw attention to myself. I just stare at the book for a 55 minuets and hope that I will pass my exams by teaching myself what to do.

Once the bell went I ran as fast as I could down to Drama. I like drama, it really helps me express how I feel. In class we are looking at different quotes and what they mean to us. I entered the class and took a chair and a table of the stacks at the side of the room. I sat at the front left hand corner of the room. I just took out my workbook and went to page ten. I have always liked the number ten it is so different from the numbers before it but yet so similar to the numbers after. Reaching into my bag I pulled out my silver pen that has a skull on the top. there where two questions staring at me from the page
1. write four quotes that mean something to you.
2. what do the quotes mean to you.
I knew the quotes and the answers no problem. I wrote the following four quotes and meanings down.
1. "today you are you that is truer than true there is no one alive that is youre than you." This quote to me means that you need it live every day like it is your last and that you need to be proud of who you are.
2. "Normalness leads to sadness" this is something my dad said.He told me that being normal isn't interesting and is not fun and when things are not fun you get sad so be strange and then you will be happy.
3. "the only person you should try to be better than is the person you where yesterday."To me this means that you need to be the best you can be and that if you try to beat others you are more focused on them than you are on you.
4. "you don't get a say on if you get hurt in this world but you do get a say on who hurts you." This means to me that getting hurt is just a part of life and that you should accept that.

The bell went  I went to lunch. I bring a bottle of water with my to school that I drink  on my step every day in life whilst Jai and his friends throw stuff at me. it's usually food they throw at me but I just keep my head down and stare at the floor. Today they decided however to come closer to me again and get a better shot. They hit me in the face multiple times.

Jai's friend James was about come and spit on me when I saw a dark figure standing in front of me. He just came out of nowhere and stood there shielding me.
"Hay dickhead why don't you fuck off and pick on someone your own size. I have been watching you all day and can I just say that no girl should ever be treated that way and anyone who thinks they can go around doing that to anyone is a compleat and utter dick. Just leave her alone okay !" He started shouting at James and all I could do was sit there like an idiot doing nothing. The boys backed off and my shield sat down next to me.
" Thanks dude." I mumbled still not looking up.
" Not a problem. I'm Patty, Patty Walters and you are?"
"Well Patty, I am Ariel Howell- lester."
"Wow long name. I'm like actually Patrick but Patty sounds way better to me."
"Agreed. Now I have to get to an English class." I rolled my eyes at him to show that I hated English with a passion.
"Well funny enough I have English as well. do you mind if I walk with you?" He asked
"No prob I'm in miss smith's class for english"
"Me too!" He said far to cheerily.

We set off for english together. I sat at the back of the class and patty for some strange reason joined me at the back. We all where given the task of making an all about me poster. Patty and I got a sheet of paper each and some pens. I started by putting my name in all caps at the top. I put down about my dads, my fave bands,  my obsession with black, my love for hair dye and a list of my piercings. Patty could not stop looking at me. I think he likes me a bit.

the rest of the day was spent looking at patty and getting myself covered in pen. The bell went for the end of the day and Patty and I left the school. I said see you later to patty and set off on my way home.

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