DISCONTINUED Ultra Secrets (T...

By chocolate_dimplez

291K 7K 3.9K

Kash promised Cammie that he would never leave but when the fast paced, gang life he once lived catches up wi... More

Chapter 1 - Hand Cuffs & Coffee Stains
Chapter 2 - Foolish Woman
Chapter 3 - Gender
Chapter 4 - Number 41127
Chapter 5 - Greasers
Chapter 6 - Arm Candy
Chapter 7 - Price After 6
Chapter 8 - Quick Fix
Chapter 9 - Blinded
Chapter 10 - Bad Habits
Chapter 11 - Heir to the Throne
Chapter 12 - Bond
Chapter 13 - In Charge
Chapter 14 - Stairs
Chapter 15 - Thanks to Sally
Chapter 17 - If It Counts
Chapter - 18: Making Progress
Chapter 19 - My Love
Chapter 20 - Jujitsu & Jesus
Chapter 21 - Eyes Off
Chapter 22 - The Bonfire
Chapter 23 - An Arm and a Leg
Chapter 24 - Status Quo
Chapter 25 - Flame
Chapter 26 - Threes
Chapter 27 - Ms. French
Chapter 28 - Cabin
Chapter 29 - Notes
Chapter 30 - Answers and some bad news :(
Chapter 31 - Beef, Marriage, & Money Laundering
Chapter 32: Unlimited Authority
Chapter 33 - Dating The Enemy
Hey There
IM BACK Chapter 34: Background Info to Catch Up! Chapter Next week
Chapter 35: Harris Peterson
The chaper will be up tomorrow at 12
Chapter 36: Truths and Vices Pt. 1
Chapter 37: Truths and Vices Pt. 2
Chapter 38: Transition
Chapter 39: Corona & Cocoa Mix
Chapter 40: Tigertail
Chapter tomorrow
Chapter 41: Freeze Dance
So about this book...

Chapter 16 - Wild Card

6.5K 190 74
By chocolate_dimplez

|Normal POV|

Becky and Donatello pulled up to The Venetian, one of the best hotels in Las Vegas. Becky adjusted her shades and a smile formed on her bright red coated lips, "The last time I came to this place I was hooking up with some retired business man," she remembered, "-back when I was a lost and loose girl."

"What exactly do you mean by business man? People say that all of the time," Donatello gave the driver a larger tip, more than he charged and he took off.

"Not the kind of business man you are," she told him as they walked into the hotel, blending in with everyone else who smelled like money and tobacco.

"How did you know that you'd find him here?" Becky asked as they headed over to the receptionist desk.

"Vince loves the night life, especially in Las Vegas. And because he has money he would choose the best hotel," Donatello said.

Slim called Donatello and they stopped short, "Hey, you out back?" Donatello asked.

"Yeah," Slim responded.


They were here because Cammie's brain came up with a brilliant plan and Donatello knew all of the facts. At the last meeting, Cammie realized that since Victor grew up so close to his parents- there are only two things he cares about: parents and his girlfriend. Still remembering how she actually met Kash, Cammie decided that they shouldn't pay Victor's girlfriend a visit and chose the next best thing.

"Hello sir, my wife and I have a meeting with Vince Wellington-the stock broker. He told us to go to his room but actually never gave us a number," Donatello said as he put his arm around Becky and she faked a smile.

"I cannot disclose that kind of information but you are more than welcomed to call him and wait in the lobby," the receptionist told them.

"Thank you," Donatello walked away, dragging Becky.

"That's it? You don't want to use a little force?" Becky asked.

"If I do then it will draw more attention to us-now we wait," they plopped down on the couch. Nearly half an hour passed and time started to pass until they were there for at least an hour.

Slim called again, "What's going on? We've been waiting out here forever,"

"Patience my friend-" Donatello said as he spotted Vince walked in with his wife Miranda, "-it really pays off," he hung the phone up.

"Mr. Wellington-it's me Don,' Donatello said as he approached the couple. Victor's father hadn't changed other than the more expensive clothes as his wealth increased the gray hair, the same for Miranda who aged gracefully. All of a sudden Donatello felt a wave of jealousy and then brushed it off.

"Donatello, I haven't seen you in so long. How have you been?" He gave him a hug and laughed, Vince always seems to be laughing.

"I've been well. I just came by to see how you were doing,"

Vince invited them upstairs to their suite and on the way up, Miranda wanted to know who Becky was, "My girlfriend-for 2 years,"

Miranda raised an eyebrow, "You never struck me as the settling down type. She must be special," Miranda complimented and judged at the same time.

"She is," Donatello held Becky's hand giving it a squeeze and the holding it loosely to make it seem like they were committed to each other.

When they got to the suite, Miranda offered them both drinks and they refused, "I've seen what happened to Victor and-" Don tried to explain and he knew that Vince would not want to hear about the mistakes he son has made.

"I know-we paid that lawyer all of that money and it turned out bad," Vince was in deep thought, trying to figure out where he got wrong.

"He was just influenced by the wrong people," Miranda was trying hard to keep her feelings under wrap but she couldn't fake it, a part of her hated Donatello.

"I don't think it's anyone's fault but his own that he took the road that he took. I just thought that because we were in his life-things would have turned out better," Vince said, Donatello's pride taking blows from them both.

"People say it's poor parenting and it's true-but not on our end," Miranda said.

Donatello bumped Becky's arm and slowly Becky opened her purse, pretending to search for something. Donatello blinked long and sighed, pulling the pistol from his holster, "Hands up and this will be all over soon," he told them.

Miranda and Vince immediately put their hands up and Miranda hissed, "I expected this. The money is in the safe,"

"I don't want your money-just cooperation. Now I know you have a smart mouth Mrs. Wellington and I don't want to hurt you but you're tempting me," Donatello approached them. Becky took the duct tape out and cut it with her teeth.

Slim, Carol Anne and Cammie were still waiting in the car, "Are you guys really playing a children's game at this time?" Carol Anne asked.

"You're mad because you lost," Slim said, "Am I a robot?" Slim asked Cammie.

"You asked that already. You're guesses are up. You were the tin man," she told him and Slim's phone rang.

"You ready?" Slim asked.

"Yeah, Becky had to knock Miranda out though. She was being too loud," Donatello said as he was holding Miranda and Becky led Vince down the stairs. When they were all in the van, Slim drove off, trying not to make a speedy exit.


"Thanks man," Slim said as he thanked a longtime friend in his old hood who let them borrow his garage.

"No problem but-" he put his hand out and Slim gave him the money he promised.

"Tie them up to these chairs," Becky ordered and Donatello began to do so but put them back to back.

"No I want them facing each other-" Becky looked at them both and smirked, "-so big mouth can see how helpless her husband is,"

"You guys want us to stay in here?" Slim asked as he came inside.

'No, we're fine," Becky touched Vince's shoulders.

Slim and Donatello were going outside, heading to the van when Slim stopped him, "How do you know they won't call the cops?"

"Carol Anne has something on him," Donatello said as Carol Anne took a camera and tripod out of the back seat and headed to the garage, closing the door.

Once they were all inside, Carol Anne took the folder out of her bag and they started recording.

"Do you guys have anywhere to be?" Becky asked and pulled off Miranda's duct tape. Miranda immediately spit in Becky's face and Becky wiped it off with her forearm, not hesitating to back hand her, smirking afterwards.

"We're not going to torture them right?" Carol Anne asked.

"Of course not-Victor just has to think that is what is going on,' Cammie said.

"I'm going to ask again. Do you guys have anywhere to be?" Becky repeated herself.

"The Wild Card Casino at 7 with friends," Vince answered after Becky took his duct tape off.

"This won't take long," Becky said.

Cammie looked at Vince and started her questioning, "Do you maintain a good relationship with your son?" she asked him.

"I try to-even though it's very difficult because he is behind bars. But I-I could never disown him and hate him for what he did," Vince said, sweating already.

"You aren't telling the truth all the way. You hate the fact that Victor is wrapped up in this business. It's an embarrassment you and the entire family. You hate the fact that you paid for him to go to school and become something useful and he took the easy way out," Cammie told him, "-you can't stand that your only son cheated to get money quickly,"

Vince sighed and rolled his lips together, taking a long pause, "I-I do,"

"Vince you are an honest and trustworthy man, no?" Cammie asked him.

"Yes, everything I have is from hard work and if you think I used any of your son's money you are mistaken," he became defensive.

"Oh no-we didn't think that," Cammie then allowed Carol Anne to speak.

"Mr. Wellington you came into money pretty quickly and I don't think it was just luck," Carol Anne pulled out a chart of his net worth over the years and how quickly his income increased, "Mr. Wellington you are guilty of front running-pretty much self-dealing as a stock broker," she said to him..

Vince stuttered as Miranda looked to him, wondering if this was true, "That's not-that's a lie," he stammered.

"Oh please," Carol Anne laughed, "-if I were you I would tell the truth, starting by telling your wife that those diamond earings were purchased with illegal profits,"

Vince paused and exhaled loudly, "Okay yes-but my record is clean-" he began.

"Not for long," Carol Anne showed her phone to him and that she has been recording, "I have proof that you did it, all I have to do is make some edits and send it in. Their cracking down on stock brokers now and I don't think front running is something you would like to be on the news for,"

Miranda couldn't believe what her husband has been doing and he could no longer look her I the eye.


Cammie put her phone away after showing Victor the video. He was fuming, is lips rolled tightly together and his nostrils flared, 'What happened next?" he asked since the last part of the video was Becky cleaning a blade, pretending like she was going to hurt them but it was all to make Victor give in.

"What did you do to them?" he asked again.

"Don't worry about it. Just do me a favor and let your guys know that Donatello is no longer responsible for paying up to you,"

"We both can't operate the same territory-no matter what it'll create war," Victor said and thought of his parents, "-but if war is what you want then you got it,"

Victor's eyes flashed red, "No, you're being weak. The last thing you want to do is give up your power to this little bitch_," Dunkan seemed to be arguing with Victor.

"I made my decision!" Victor barked and Dunkan calmed down, "Donatello has a lot of connections-when he's done with you guys he'll get rid of you and not even look back,"

Meantime, Kash and the kids are at Dale Supermarket. Since they haven't been around each other in so long he found them a little hard to deal with, especially Riley who trailed behind and frowned since she was left with him. Kash decided to give her some space while making her jealous by playing around with her brothers and sister.

"Leah, give me kiss," Kash said as he pushed the cart with his forearms. Leah stopped playing with his phone and allowed Kash to kiss her on the nose.

"Dad can we get this cereal?" Rubin ran over with a box of cereal.

"Hell no, it's too sugary and 3.89 for a small ass_ box," Kash said, "Put that back,"

Rubin frowned and went back to put the cereal in it's place, "Camron pull your pants up I can see your pamper," Kash said and pulled up his pants, "-we don't sag,"

Rubin went to put the cereal back and heard someone call his name. Rubin looked around and smiled, "Dr. Reece," he smiled.

"Hey little man," Price smiled as Rubin walked over to him. He picked Rubin up and then turned him over, "-you've been brushing at night?" Price started walking as Rubin laughed.

"Yeah," Rubin said proudly.

Price was turning to go into the next aisle, "Let's take you back to Cammie,"

"I'm not here with her-I'm here with my dad," Rubin said as Price recognized Riley and then saw Kash's back. He put Rubin down and was not planning on saying anything to him until Riley waved at him and Kash turned around.

Kash looked at Price, wondering why some man was with his son. Trying not to be a hot head, he called Rubin over. Riley, knowing that the situation was going to get weird, she started tickling Camron whose laugh mad two woman in the aisle along with them laugh.

Price knows that he has to approach Kash, he tried to block his thoughts out. Here he was facing the father of Cammie's children who he slept with and he felt so guilty.

"This is Dr. Reece," Rubin said as Price finally approached Kash.

"Hi, I'm their dentist," Price said as he stood there. It finally clicked to Kash that this was the guy that Cammie was seeing and was intimate with.

Price was becoming more nervous by the second, knowing that gang members are territorial over their lovers and he interfered. Kash stuck his hand out and Price shook it, both of them keeping a firm grip and not letting one intimidate the other.

"Cammie told me a lot about you," Kash said as he let go.

"Yes I was her employer, she worked with me for a while," Price replied.

"No, I mean other things," Kash told him. Kash decided to mess with Price's mind. He already knows that he slept with Cammie but making him nervous was making Kash laugh inside, "-the emotional support. She said that you're a good listener."

Price breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh yeah," Price looked at the kids, "You should bring the kids in for a cleaning and you also," Price told him.

"Sure," Kash said and Price left and when he left the aisle Kash laughed and took his phone from Leah who started crying, "Shh, shh this is important,"

"Yeah-" Travis answered and Kash automatically started laughing uncontrollably.

"I swear-Cammie was not about to stay with some dentist. He is not her type at all," Kash tried to gather himself.

"What made you say that?" Travis asked.

"I just met him and he doesn't think that I know he fucked_ with her a couple of times so I'm acting innocent like I appreciate him being there for her. Like, no," Kash snickered.

"Oh boy, what are you about to do?" Travis asked.

"I'm about to become his best friend-I kinda just want to see him explode. I can tell he's afraid of me because of what he thinks he knows. All I have to do is scare him a bit to mess with his head but I'll tell him that I know eventually,"

"That's shit_ bitches_ do," Travis sucked his teeth.

"Who beat you ass_ in the twelfth grade?" Kash asked, 'Exactly," he hung up.

"You curse so much," Rubin said as he looked up at Kash.

Kash pushed his head, "Not at you though-or any of you,"

"Yes you do," Rubin said.

"Than stop picking up expensive cereal,"

Kash decided to take the kids for ice cream afterwards. They were seated at a table and Kash place the orders, "Camron you better eat this whole ice cream cone," Kash sat Camron up and tucked his napkin in his collar.

Rubin and Camron got their ice cream and Riley waited for hers. She looked at Kash who was sitting across from her and when he looked at her she looked away. Kash pulled Leah's high chair closer and later the waiter brought a bowl of chocolate ice cream with cookie dough and peanut butter, some of Kash and Riley's favorite things. Kash took two spoons and gave one to Riley and kept one for himself. He gave a little to Leah and he took a picture of her reaction.

"You can't butter me up with chocolate ice cream," Riley said.

"Alright," Kash pulled it away.

"Okay maybe I like butter," she dug in and smiled as Kash ate and fed Leah as well.

"How is my princess doing?" Kash asked her.

Riley looked up at him, "I don't want to be called princess anymore," she told him as she took another scoop.

"Why not?"

Leah started fussing for more ice cream and Kash fed it to her.

Riley put her spoon down and sighed, "Because I don't have things that princess are supposed to have,"

Kash frowned, "Riley you are very smart for your age, super funny and a whole lot of fun and that is what a princess is all about,' he tried to tell her but she didn't seem to feel any better, "What do you like?"

"I like basketball and baseball and I really like the power rangers and Dragon Ball Z and I like Tarzan," she started beating her chest.

"Then that makes you one kick ass_ princess-" Kash couldn't censor himself, "-the best princess is the princess who loves herself for who she is,"

Riley smiled, "You are a very good King," she told him and Kash couldn't hold back his bright smile.

"A good King? I thought you thought that I was bad,"

"It's just that I'm scared that because you have a gun you might hurt us," Riley confided in him.

Kash rubbed his forehead, "Riley I would never do something like that to you guys. I love you all too much, even mommy."

"Plus also-I am mad that you won't tell me the truth about stuff. I never lie and you guys get mad but when you lie, you get mad that I want to hear what the truth is-" Riley explained.

"Alright Riley, what do you want to know?"

"Why you had to go to jail,"

"For having a gun,"

"Why do you need one?" Riley turned her head to the side.

"To protect you,"

"Well, why do you need a gun to protect me?" she asked him.

"Because if someone gets mad at me, they might try to hurt you and I can't let that happen,"

"Then stop making people mad," she said simply.


When Cammie finally arrived home she relaxed on the couch. Camron was excited to see her and cam and jumped on her stomach, "Hi baby," Cammie gave him a squeeze.

"We got ice cream today," Riley came and told Cammie.

"That is so nice. You guys had fun with daddy?" Cammie asked.

"Yeah, I'm not too mad with him anymore," Riley said.

"Where is he?" Cammie asked.

"Changing Leah,"

Cammie headed up the stairs and grabbed Kash's wait, startling him. She laughed and then gave him a hug as he picked Leah up from the changing table, "You are going to get Ivan and yourself in trouble if you get caught driving his car. You can't wait 6 months?' Cammie asked him.

"We had a lot to do today," he turned around and gave her a kiss.

Cammie half smiled and rubbed her nose on Leah's. She giggled and held onto Kash as Cammie tickled her, "I was worried she wouldn't get close to you,"

"Our kids love me," Kash boasted.

Cammie sighed, "Rubin still doesn't call me anything yet. I want him to say Cammie at least,"

Kash sighed, "I'll talk to him about it but he only ever had his mother and I know he appreciates you but he may be finding hard to address you as anything,"

"I understand," I'm going to go and shower.

"Shower later when the kids head to sleep," Kash told her as they left the room.

"No, I need to now, that prison makes me feel so unclean," she shivered.

"How do you think I felt?" Kash asked her as he headed downstairs to make dinner.

Cammie was going to the bathroom and saw Rubin laying down, "Hey Rubin," she walked in.

"Hi," he said and sat up.

"Are you okay?" Cammie asked him as she sat on the bed.

"Yeah I just feel really, really sleep," he said.

"I know how you feel. I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed early," Cammie told him and smiled, rubbing his cheek and Rubin smiled.

Cammie took a long shower and by the time she got out she could smell the food that Kash was cooking. She went and changed and then settled down on the bed. Not too long after she got a call from Donatello.

"Yeah," she answered slowly.

"Thanks for helping me out. I would have been dead by now for not having that money," Donatello said.

"No problem but Carol Anne and Becky helped out more," Cammie didn't give herself all of the credit.

"I know and I thanked them already so I had to call you. Uh-" he began, "-I want to apologize,"

"Donatello- things that we have done is all behind us-"

"I know but for being so pushy and anything else that I may have done or might ever do. I betrayed an old friend's father and his wife and I feel like-like I'm just not the person that I wish to be," he began.

Cammie understood where he was coming from and sighed, "It was for the best-in a twisted way but you can't hate yourself for that. I think we all have problems with who we think we are and how we actually are,"

"Yeah but not to this extent. I feel like my whole life I just lied to myself and made myself believe that putting yourself first justified everything you do but it doesn't," Donatello answered as he chugged down a bottle of liquor.

"Don don't do anything you are going to regret-you sound pretty out of it right now," Cammie told him.

Donatello heard the door knock and knew it was the girls he was expecting, "Got to go," he told her and hung up.

Cammie hated that Donatello felt that way about himself but her body was edging her to sleep and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't close her eyes down. Soothing sounds of drums beating at a steady pace and a flute made her drift off. She felt a very harsh breeze and wondered why she felt like the bed she crawled into wasn't where she was now.

_I'm sorry you all but it is like crunch time. I have been working really hard and did really good this quarter. Last year because I focused so much on the story I went from a 3.0 to a 2.8 but now that I am focused I have a 3.3. It caused the book to suffer a little but thank you for bearing with me. What do you think. I promise you boo boo that the next chapter will be bomb so hang around. Next chapter on Wednesday._


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