My Villain

By fluffysugarsock

126K 7.9K 1.8K

What if the villain in the story you wrote is YOUR hero? Shen Yue, author of best selling novel "Two Wrongs M... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty

Chapter Fifty

1.7K 90 15
By fluffysugarsock

Feiyu watched as Zuer and DiDi hugged outside the coffee shop he had both followed them in.

He saw when they bumped into each other and heard his wife ask the Wang Corp. heir for coffee.

He wanted to immediately run to them, but his feet felt like lead and wouldn't allow themselves to be moved.

He was stuck, almost frozen as he found it difficult to wrap himself around the fact that after so long, his wife had seen his ultimate rival, and was now even asking him to join her for coffee.

"Sir, are you ok?" a bell boy asked him and that was when he got his bearings and followed Zuer and her former fiancé as stealthily as he could.

He really could not understand why he decided to do that but knew that he just had to.

The last time that he and Wang He Di saw one another, they almost came to blows, but he doesn't want that to happen until he can be sure what is really going on.

The café manager ushered the two others towards a cubicle facing the hotel's garden and was completely separated from the other tables.

Feiyu knew there was no way he would be able to spy on them without making himself noticeable.

And even if he requested to be seated at the cubicle beside them, he doubted whether he really would be able to hear anything because each cubicle was separated by a wall.

It was a hopeless case and the only thing he could do, if he wanted to join in on that conversation, is butt right in.

But THAT could potentially cause a scene and he kows Zuer would be angry with him.

He decided to sit as close to them as he could without attracting their attention. It wouldn't do for him to be caught spying now because his wife would surely roast him alive.

She had been angry when he told her about how he had seen Shen Yue and had words with Wang He Di, afterwards.

His wife told him that he should have just let it go and waited for Yue to talk to them because she surely would.

"We don't know the whole story and if it is indeed true that she and DiDi are in a relationship, I am sure there would be an explanation for that. She must have been bidding her time before telling us because she knows what our reaction would possibly be like and you just proved to her that we would indeed be hysterical!"

"But I really hate that guy!"

Zuer pouted at him. "And he hates you too, I am sure, based on how your conversation went – if that was even a conversation!"

"Of course, you'd take HIS side!"

She raised a brow. "And you, of course, are acting like a child! Feiyu! We hurt him, have you forgotten? We also hurt Zi Wei. We hurt their parents, who trusted us. We... we were in the wrong in what happened."

"But that guy has done his very best to make sure we suffered for it. Have you forgotten how I struggled to get a job? How he made sure with his economic power that I become a good-for-nothing?"

"I have not forgotten any of it and I am not saying that wasn't wrong of DiDi but that has been such a long time ago and we are moving on and it seems he is moving on too. You know how I have always hoped that we could eventually make peace with him and Zi Wei in the future."

He kept his mouth shut.

Feiyu also wants to eventually make things right with the Wangs, especially with Zi Wei.

But he considered that despite the number of years that have passed, he still is not prepared enough to undertake such a task, that is why he blew up the way he did when he saw Shen Yue and then, faced up with Wang He Di.


Ever since he learned that Wang He Di partnered with the company that prints out Yue's books just when their friend has started to write the "apparent" sequel to her best-selling novel, something has started to bother him deep inside.

Speculation ran rampant inside his head because ever since their falling out, he has been weary of anything related to the other man.

He initially thought that Yue might have used "their" story to get close to the entrepreneur. Despite the terror DiDi caused to him and Zuer, when he said he would back off from their lives, he really did keep his word.

They have not heard from him ever since.

Also, that theory did not sit well with everything he knows about Shen Yue but he can find no other explanation for it.

However, when he read what was partly in the second book, he considered that it might be the other way around.

It may be possible that is is DiDi who is using Yue, instead of the other way around, to lift up his reputation and change the narrative as to how he sees fit.

Afterall, DiDi was written the doting brother, misunderstood by everyone because his love gave way to an anger that led him to do evil against Feiyu.

It was a book so favorable to DiDi and Zi Wei that it could put his and Zuer's relationship under the microscope again. It isn't far-fetched that he might be told once again that he is a guy with no morals and that Zuer should not be with him.

He was wrong choice.

And he could continue to be the wrong choice even up to now.

Just thinking about it made his head hurt and coupled with trying to really have a better grasp of what was happening in the cubicle, the throbbing in his head only intensified.

Could it really be that Wang He Di is trying to repair his image and win people over to his side regardless of the cost?

Is it possible that the man really is a two-faced jerk and just when Feiyu had already relaxed and thought that his life was now finally going back on track is the time the Wang Corp. heir will strike and take everything away from him?

THAT would hurt Feiyu.

THAT would hurt him really bad.

And THAT would be the ultimate payback.

But would DiDi really go that far just to drive home a lesson?

"I doubt you see anything at all except what you want to believe. Do not be angry if the truth bites you back."

Wang He Di's words the last time they saw each other came back to him and Feiyu doesn't know whether if it really is just nothing or if he should put significant meaning in the other man's choice of works for he might really have plans of making the "supposed" truth bite Feiyu back.

It is, afterall, uncanny how Wang He Di seems to be becoming a presence in their lives again – albeit indirectly.

He knows Zuer and loves her with every fiber of his being but... Wang He Di is someone he or anyone else really, would not want as an enemy.

The guy seems to have quite a partnership with the devil and can really wreak havoc if he wants to.

What if the truth is he is planning his revenge on him and Zuer and is working on it now?

He felt his heart clench at the thought and -

"What if I did, Zuer?"

The other man's voice rose a few decibels that Feiyu heard it despite the wall.

He looked around and found that he is the only one who must have heard it because all the others were sitting farther away and no one had stirred.

"You couldn't have!"

Zuer responded and his curiosity further peeked.


"We were about to get married!"

He stood up from his seat, almost upending the table.

A server immediately walked over to him and Feiyu took a glance at the cubicle to see whether the commotion he had caused was noticed by the other two.

It would be quite a scene if they discover him.

"I'm ok. I'm ok", he assured the server in a near-whisper.

He wants to just walk up to those two and ask them what the hell is going on but he knows that since every one of the café's guest are now looking at him, he cannot risk himself being noticed by the other two as well.

He has to leave.

And it was just about thirty minutes after, as he sat in the lobby, partly hidden by an arrangement of orchids, when DiDi and Zuer emerged from the café and he saw them hug goodbye that the warning signs started to blare louder.

"Hopefully, we can meet up again", his wife told the other man.

DiDi smiled and answered, "Hopefully."

Feiyu could not stop himself from feeling the sinking sensation that wanted to swallow his stomach whole.

Something is definitely up and he has to find out what it is or...

He could be the one going down.


Author's Note:

If you have blessed me with reading most of my writing, you will notice that so much happens outside of my main leads that IS part of the story and that I reserve chapters for.

I've always thought that it takes a village to fall in love.

Everyone around you and around the person you love contributes to how you both love each other so I've always just woven stories that have that.

Thank you for still reading them. Thank you for appreciating them.

Thank you so much for just being here.

I hope that today is a good day and these new updates were worth the read.

Also, just shouting out all the new names I am seeing pop out for this story and share comments and give votes. I hope you continue to have fun until the end.

See you soon!

- Mai

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