Chapter Sixty-Five

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When some people sleep, they look as defenseless as little kittens.

They leave every care in the world behind and allow peace to set in to their features.

Yue, however, didn't expect that from DiDi. His presence, when awake, is imposing enough to warrant the probability that he would be just as commanding even when in dreamland.

She looked at him now and confirmed what she always thought – he has the face of an angel.

But it isn't the face of those playful little cherubs you see on church ceilings.

His is like the face of the warrior – St. Michael, the Archangel.

Each line breathed power, the slope of his nose evoked aristocracy, his brows noted strength, and the only thing that might be soft about him are those luscious lips.

"Baobei???", Kido's sleepy voice, asking Zi Wei (who is crouched behind her, facing the other bed), reminded her of her purpose.

"DiDi...", she tapped at his shoulder gently, waking him, "DiDi..."

"Hmmmmm...", he muttered and then ever so slowly opened his eyes.

Her heart completely stopped when he looked at her and smiled.


"GE! STAND UP!", Zi Wei's voice rang out right then, shaking DiDi awake as effectively as a cold bucket of water.

He then frowned, reached a hand out to touch Yue's face, and then pulled his hand back as if electrocuted and bolted right up.

"What? What's going on?" he asked in confusion, all traces of sleep gone from his face.

Was he dreaming of her?

He seems to have become a little disoriented at the thought that she's real.

Yue did her best to clamp down on the happiness she felt at the thought of being in his dreams.

"Let's go! Let's watch the sunrise!", she answered enthusiastically.

That made him look out the window to confirm that it is indeed still dark outside. "Ok."


He bit the insides of his cheek at the reminder that he had thought a few minutes ago that the Shen Yue from the side of his bed is part of a dream.

She had looked at him fondly, hovering over his bed, and he would have reached out to kiss her if his sister's voice had not crashed in like a tidal wave over the moment.

Although, of course, he definitely recognizes the fact that Shen Yue in the conscious world would always be, definitely, and absolutely better than the one he has in his dreams.

"I'll cook breakfast later", Zi Wei is now telling their whole group.

Everyone smirked (except for Yue who didn't know too).

"While we're all down here waiting for the sun to rise, Xiong-Ge is already preparing everything back at the house", Li Xi Zi told her.

"Oh no!", his sister looked crestfallen.

"Baobei, you should have told him last night that you wanted to cook breakfast instead", Kido told her, "Xiong-Ge is faster and more efficient than even the Navy. He takes care of every guest."

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