149K 4.5K 1.8K

❝i'm feeling like i did too much, well lets get naughtier,❞ More

one, narrative !
two, narrative & imessage !
three, narrative !
four, imessage & instagram !
five, narrative !
six, instagram & imessage !
seven, narrative !
eight, narrative !
nine, instagram & narrative !
ten, narrative !
eleven, narrative !
twelve, instagram !
thirteen, narrative !
fourteen, tik tok live !
fifteen, instagram & narrative !
sixteen, blurb !
seventeen, narrative & imessage !
eighteen, narrative & instagram !
nineteen, imessage & narrative !
twenty, instagram & narrative !
twenty-one, multiple !
twenty-three, imessage & narrative !
twenty-four, narrarive !
twenty-five, instagram & narrative !
twenty-six, narrative !
twenty-seven, facetime & instagram !
twenty-eight, narrative !
twenty-nine, narrative !
thirty, filler !
thirty-one, narrative !
thirty-two, narrative !
rest in peace ❤️

twenty-two, instagram & narrative !

3.3K 115 11



DEJAHDAP photo creds to my baby

USERNAME i literally love you

IG.ALVARO i witnessed this

MATTIAPOLIBIO so fine and for what?



CLOSEFRIEND literally can't wait to see you 😻😭

"just move side to side," dejah gracefully skated across the ice, turning back to watch the boys look stuck in place as they gripped the edge of the wall. they had just got to the rink, paid and grabbed there skates barely ten minutes ago.

"it's easy you pussies," alejandro himself laughed. he was finally good at something and it was skating.

"shut the fuck up," mattia hissed. "grab my hand," he held his hand out towards dejah for her to grab. he wasn't really scared, he would just rather save the embarrassment of him falling in front of all these people.

dejah laughes, taking his hand and slowly pulling him away from the edge. he stumbled of course, but soon enough he had the basic pace down.

"there, now let me help roshaun," she was about to force them all into the middle of the rink so they had no choice but to move, but before she could go, mattia gripped her hand harder.

"dejah, i swear to god if you leave me right here," he wobbled a bit, placing his other hand on her waist. "i don't even know why i agreed to this,"

dejah smacked her lips, "don't be such a loser," she began to back away, him automatically following. "it does get easier," she began to pull him so they could circle the rink.

"it's a thin ass blade and plus i'm cold as fuck," she had only a long sleeve. it may be indoors, but it was still cold as hell. "i told you to grab one of my hoodies, but you didn't want to," she rolled her eyes.

"i forgot!" he exclaimed. "how do you turn?"

"i honestly don't know," she went a little slower. "i just put one foot in front of the other and basically steer with my front foot," it made no sense to either one of them.

as they went around, mattia nearly fell about a thousand times, so dejah just decided to have him hold onto her waist from behind, that way he could work on his feet and not have to worry so much about balance.

"this shit doesn't help," he compalined. "but your ass looks nice in that jumpsuit," he commented, moving so his hands were placed right on her thighs and his thumbs were on her butt.

finally, they made it around.

"you look like a newborn deer trying to walk for the first time," kairi laughed. he couldn't skate either, but he was better than mattia at keeping his balance.

"you're only better than me because you're closer to the ground," mattia fought back.

"where did es go?" dejah ignored their bickering, turning to alvaro and roshaun.

"over there," roshaun pointed across the rink. she and alejandro were holding hands, laughing at something random.

"awe!" dejah held her heart. "that's so cute," she sighed happy at their little relationship. "anyway, come on roshaun-" she held her hands out so he could grab them.

"oh hell no," he objected, shaking his head.

dejah smacked her lips, "let's go," she drifted closer so she could pull him by the sleeves of his sweater. he wobbled before gripping her arms to keep stable.

"bro!" he exclaimed, turning to mattia, "come get yo' girl," instead of relasing, he threw an arm around her neck, dragging her downwards.

"roshaun!" dejah tried to straighten out but it was not working at all. "okay let me help you!" she gave up, going towards the wall again so he could grab it. "you almost made my wig come off," she laughed, fixing her scarf.

"i'll go with you," kairi offered. "i need to talk to you anyway," he held his hand out, allowing dejah to grab it before she moved a little faster so they could get a little more privacy.

"what was that all about?" alvaro questioned, confused on why kairi needed to talk to her.

mattia shrugged, "come with me to get something to drink," he jerked his head towards the little food stand.

"bet," and all together, they scooted along the edge of the wall for support.

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