The Love We Share

By MelleD

33.5K 616 84

When you are running away from something, there is only so much time until it catches up to you. I just hope... More

The Love We Share
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 14

1K 20 2
By MelleD

A/N: Thanks so much for being patient and for letting me take my time. I greatly appreciate it! I hadn't logged on in such a long time that now that I do I have new fans and quite a few comments. I'm close to 1500 reads too! Thanks so much guys! It encourages me and makes my day like you can't imagine. So here is the next chapter. You deserve it! Enjoy! Vote, Comment, Fan~

Chapter 14 (Tory's POV)

I ran inside the door trying to get away from the rain. I slammed the door shut, frustrated with myself all of a sudden. I had the certain urge to run back to him. What the hell is wrong with me lately?

I looked up to see both Paul and Don staring at me with wide eyed looks. "What?" I demanded.

"You slammed the door," Don said quietly.

"Not to mention you're drenched," Paul added.

I glared at him. "It's all your fault!"

"What?" he asked, giving me a questioning look. "What's my fault?"

"Everything!" My frustration was quickly turning into anger.


"Your car broke down," I growled.

"Huh?" he repeated, looking like a confused puppy.

"You walked home?" Don asked.

"No I got a ride."

"That's good..." Paul said uncertainly.

"No it's not! Vincent gave me a ride."

"Okay... Wait! Where's my car?"

"At the diner," I mumbled. My anger seemed to just wash away.

"Uh...Tory, honey, is it that time of the month?"

Now it was my turn to stare at him with wide eyes. "Time of the month? What time?" Don asked looking back and forth between us.

I glared at Paul and gave him no response. How dare he ask me that, even though it was not.

"Okay...scratch that. How was the ride?" he asked.

I continued to glare at him until I sneezed, reminding me that I was standing in the living room soaked. I turned around and went to my room, not sparing Paul another word. I got a hot bath running while I peeled the clothes off my body. I sighed as I got in, and as the hot water claimed my body, I felt myself drift away.

"Babe!" I heard him scream, coming down the stairs.

I looked up from the couch. "Yes?" I said smiling at him.

He jumped over the couch and landed next to me. "What are you watching?"

"Nothing. Can't find anything to watch.

"Then you should've stayed in bed," he said huskily. He kissed my cheek and proceeded to kiss me down my neck. He stopped only to inhale deeply. He always loved the way I smelled.

I smiled and leaned into him. These have been the happiest years of my life. I can no longer picture my life without him. My love, my Vincent....

I shot up in the tub. What-was-that? I slowly tried to calm my breathing. I have never felt happier than those few moments, and it wasn't even real. Why is it that everything keeps pointing or even pushing me towards him? Now even my dreams are playing tricks on me. This just makes me want to give him a chance. Damn. Me and my inner self need to get on the same page.

The next day began differently than usual. Paul and Don were both still sick, so they stayed home. And since I got drenched the night before I got the sniffles... the beginning of the end... I'm getting a cold. Not only that, but Paul's car was still at the diner. Now I had to get up earlier and make my long walk to work. Its official today was going to be horrible.

After about half an hour of walking, I finally got to the diner, to find it still closed. Tom wasn't here yet. I sat on the curb in front of the door to wait.

I sat and thought about the dream I had in the tub. I kept dreaming that little scene over and over the whole night. It was like fate and Mother Nature herself were trying to push us together. Should I give in? I let out a frustrated sigh as I heard a car approach. I watched as Tom parked his car and walked towards me.

"I went to pick you up, but you had already left," he said once he was in front of me. "I saw you left the car here, its a long walk. I didn't want you to have to walk all that," he mumbled.

"Oh thanks," I said. "I didn't know."

"It's okay. I should've called," he said. "Come on." He opened the door and led the way in as he turned on all the lights on the way.

I started setting everything up with Tom's help, and the other workers as they arrived. And soon enough it turned into the normal routine. Everything was running smoothly until I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked around but saw no one. But this feeling felt familiar. A few minutes later Vincent walked in and sat in one of the open tables.

I was having an internal fight, with what my mind was telling me logically, and what my body and what seemed like my soul was telling me. Looks like the saying 'mind over matter' didn't matter.

I found myself walking towards his table and sitting in front of him. He looked up at me startled. And that's how we stayed for a few minutes. Sitting there staring at each other. "Fine," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Fine. I give in."

"Are... seriously?" His voice sounded so shocked.

"Yes. I'll give you a chance. Doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to get rid of you any other way is there?"

"No, not really," he said chuckling. That has to be the sexiest chuckle I've ever heard.

No, concentrate! I shook my head and tried to clear my mind, which seemed impossible in his presence. "Then pick me up Friday at seven."


"Well you already know where I live don't you?" I said giving him an accusing look.

"Uh, yea," he said looking a little guilty.

"See you then," I said letting a small giggle escape. I got up and walked away as quickly as possible so that he wouldn't see my face turn as red as a tomato from embarrassment. Did I just giggle? Yup I'm going crazy.

Oh wait. I didn't take his order. I had already reached the kitchen. I turned and poked my head around the corner to look at his table, to find him walking away with the biggest grin I have ever seen.

That grin was contagious and it somehow made the rest of my day so much better. I guess today wasn't going to be that horrible after all. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the car.

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