The Underworlds Hero

By Stillwell03

111K 2.6K 1.6K

Izuku was a kind boy until the age of 5 when he lost his mother to All Might. On that day, Izuku swore reveng... More

The Day Life Changed
When You Want Justice
Understanding Emotions
Revived Project
Community and Combat
The Symbol of Evil
Titans Clash
The League
First Job
New Plans
Raiding I Island
Troubling Minds
Race Against the Heroes
The Wild Villains
2 vs 3
Invisible Girl's Past
The Underground Frenzy
All or Nothing
Tedering Line
Triple Nightmare
Deika's Raid
Blades of Heroes
Mayhem of the League
Turning Point
Hiding Out
Dastardly Twins
Divide and Conquer
True Plans
Race Against Time
All Out War
Final Countdowns
Hand of Death
Chaos of the End
Tales That Are Told

Reunion of Friends

8.7K 162 164
By Stillwell03

Age 14 Izuku POV:

Over the years of living with the Yaoyorozu's, I've been working as a vigilante and learning quite a few things about my quirk. It seemed as if I was able to mimic quirks for a short time along with taking them. But the mimic wasn't the only weird thing with it, I was also able to understand how the quirk works immediately after doing it to know the strength and weakness of the said quirk. I was also able to add certain quirks together to mutate them into new quirks entirely. As an example, I had fused the spike and scale quirks I obtained some time ago into a quirk I now called 'Scale Shower'. Thanks to my work, many people were also saved from serious or deadly injuries like a few middle school girls when a giant monster of a villain was trying to force information on a hero agency, a pro hero duo that was about to die to a villain with a muscle augmentation quirk, I was even able to stop some monstrosity that looked human, but seemed to have multiple quirks in it for some reason. But probably the most important info I learned was about All Might. It seemed as if he had lost the ability to fight for more than three hours a day. This wasn't exactly the greatest I wanted to hear, but at least I only have to worry about him using his quirk to hurt people for a few hours daily.

Today before school, my dad wanted me to visit him in the hospital to speak with me. Ever since the incident some years back, I've only been there to see him a few times. Not because I didn't want to see him, but because of how badly he's losing his fight to live. "Dad, it's me." I open the door to see dad with a bunch of tubes and wires attached to him still. I couldn't even tell if he was looking at me because of the scar over the top half of his face covering his eyes. "Izuku. It's good to see you again." He smiled at me weakly with his choice of words angering me to no end. 'You can't even see me anymore dad.' "It's good to see you too." I lied and sat near his bed while resting my hand on his to tell where I was. "Izuku, I'd like to ask you about your vigilante work. Why are you doing such a dangerous thing my boy?" "...It started by accident, but now I don't know why I'm doing it." "If I asked you to stop it, would you?" I shook my head no. "The world is in shambles dad. Endeavor and the rest of the top pros are barely managing as is, so people that are not in the open are being targeted. If I stopped doing it, those people will pay the price."

Dad only sighed and looked at the cieling from what I believed. "Your just like your mother Izuku. Stubborn in your beliefs to the very end. I wish I came home earlier that day. Maybe we wouldn't be where we are if I had." I start to look down before he speaks again. "I didn't ask you hear just for that question, I wanted to tell you something more important that you deserve to hear from me." I look at him in his face as he says the most painful words he could speak. "I'm dying." "Wait, what?" "The doctors, they found a mass in my skull that they can't operate on. If they did, I would definitely die from the act." My face loses all color at this. before anger swells inside me. "It's his fault this happened, isn't it." Dad remained silent with me speaking a little louder. "It's All Might's fault your dying, isn't it!" "...The accident did cause the growth, but these things happen Izuku." "...How long?" "They say I have a year at most before it ruptures and kills me. But before that, I want to do two things for you."

I sit there as he says them. "The first is to offer you a recommendation to UA. Nezu is a personal friend of mine along with the pros there. I'm certain they'll turn you into a great hero one day my boy. The second is something I'd like to give you some time in the future if I can." I nod at him before answering. "If you want to do that for me, I'm not denying this wish." "Thank you, now I don't want to make you late for school." "Yeah, thanks dad. I promise I'll come visit again." As I grab the door, dad says one last thing. "It's ok to let someone in your heart to care for Izuku. If you don't, you'll be alone for a very long time. Your mother and me were an exception, but please let yourself love someone again." I begin to grip the handle before answering. "Ok, I'll try." I exit the room to stand in the hallway for a second feeling tears drip down my face. 'It's gonna happen again. I'm gonna lose the last family I have to that monster with me being as powerless as I was when I was 5. Why can't I keep what I want in my life?'

After school

I began to sit in my chair looking out the window before Momo, Kendo, and Jiro walk over to me. "Izuku, are you busy this weekend?" I glance over to them with dead eyes before answering. "If this is another attempt to get me to hook up with Kendo or hide the fact you and Jiro suck face from your parents, then I'll pass." "It's not that, I was asking if you wanted to do a group meet up with us and a few friends. I was able to get in touch with Bakugo thanks to my father and he was willing to come with his friend and girlfriend." 'So the angry Pomeranian found a girl, good for him.' "Fine, but if this is another crappy attempt to hook me up with someone I'm gone." "It's not that." "Then I'll make myself free." As I got up to walk out, Jiro and Momo started cuddling with both me and Kendo feeling out of place in this. 'Could just wait until were out of the school to do that.'

"Hey Momo, why do you and Kyoka keep your relationship a secret?" "Well, I'm not sure how my parents will react to knowing were dating and am kinda scared of how they'll react." "Their decent people Momo. Their willing to put up with me, so them having a lesbian daughter wouldn't be an issue. Even if they do care, it's their opinion against what majes you happy. Why should it matter?" "Times like these, the moody shrub makes a point Yaomomo." Momo thinks on this before nodding. "Ok, lets tell them after the entrance exams for UA then." "Deal." They both kiss on it with me and Kendo thinking they forgot that were here. "*sigh* I'll see you at home. Make sure to not leave hickeys for your parents to see like at that sleepover at Kendo's." I walk away with them both going red at this. "Yes, Kendo told me of your little night antic at her house. Next time you wanna do it with each other, do it in a love motel or in your houses." I walk away with the memory of this morning still in my head. 'Their's gotta be some way to stop this, but how?'

Time skip to the weekend Momo POV:

During the week, we all decided to meet up in a park near our destination in the morning. I let Izuku rest a little longer due to his vigilante work last night. He didn't tell me the details, but he's been hunting an underground sex slave operation for a few weeks and told me that they were not a problem anymore. When we finally got out of the house, we were met with Kyoka and Itsuka in the park waiting for us. "Your both late." "Sorry, I kinda wanted Izuku to sleep in a little longer after last night." Kyoka walked over to us and gave me a peck on the lips before smiling. "I heard a big underground ring was stopped by Thief, impressive work on that end." She glances over at Izuku with him walking over to the bench more mopey then usual. "Whatever." Izuku originally did not have a vigilante name. But, the villains he beat complained that someone stole their quirks. So as a way to name this vigilante, they decided to go with Thief on what they knew. "Now that everyone is here, we can head to the amusement park to meet up with everyone."

We all began to walk with me stirring up a conversation with Izuku. "Is everything ok, you seem more depressed than usual." "I've been wondering that too." "Yeah." He didn't even look at us before answering. "Everything's just....peachy." I grabbed the back of his shirt to look him in the eyes. "Remember the deal I told you for not telling my parents what you do every night." "I'm not hur-" "Emotional counts." He glared at me before answering. "The day you asked to do this, I went to see my father. While there, I found out the doctors found a mass in his head." All our eyes grow wide at this. "Did you just say a mass?" Izuku nods to answer. " he going to be ok?" "It's in a dangerous part of the brain that can't be operated on. Long and the short, he's gonna die within the year either by that or his body giving out to the injuries." I let go of him with knowing I touched a very sensitive topic. "I'm sorry." Izuku walked away with the rest of us following. 'Please let this brighten Izuku's day a little. He is on the verge of losing his mind.'

Once we got to the entrance, we began to hear screaming coming from the side. "YOUR FUCKING LATE!" We looked over to see a boy with ash blond hair, a girl with blond hair in messy buns, and a girl with brown chestnut hair. "Our apologies, I was running a bit late Mr. Baku-" "Just Bakugo is fine ponytail." He glanced over to me and began to smile at Izuku. "Ichan!" "Kaachan!" The two boys began to wrap their arms around each others head and smile at each other. "Dude, it's been way to fucking long." "I know man. How's your family doing?" "The hag and the old man are still the same. But I have two people I want you to meet." Bakugo looks over to the two with the messy blond going first. "It's nice to finally meet you Ichan! I'm Toga, Himiko Toga!" She begins to hug Bakugo while kissing his cheek in a loving fashion. "I'm also Katsuki's girlfriend." "So this angry Pomeranian did find himself a girlfriend, good for you man." They move to the side to show a brown haired girl smile at him. "Hi, I'm Ochako Uraraka. Nice to meet ya again Thief."

We all immediately stop to look at her before Izuku questions it. "What did you just call me?" "Sorry, I thought it was ok to call you that. But if you don't like me using that name, I can just call you Midoriya." "Your fine, but how did you know?" Bakugo pats Izuku's shoulder to get his attention. "I told them it was most likely you that was Thief man. You actually helped them both some time ago." Toga looks at him before answering. "When I was 10, two guys came at me with nobody around to help me. But before they could do anything to me, you showed up to help me and stop them. I know I told you this before, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's because of your action that I was able to meet Katsuki and Ochako here and have a happy life as who I am." Izuku began to smile before Uraraka joined in. "Mines not like hers, but thank you anyway. A few weeks ago, some thugs were trying to take me somewhere by drugging me and putting me in a van. I thought that was the last day I would see natural sunlight, but you came in and saved me and the other girls in the van. So thanks." "What those goons were, were sex slave traffickers. A group that I was able to bury last night. I was just doing what was right on both occasions, so I don't deserve a thank you." Izuku began to walk to the line with all of us following.

Izuku POV:

Once we got into the park, Kaachan and Toga went one way. While Momo, Jiro, and Kendo went the other to leave me and Uraraka alone together. "Guess it's the two of us today Midoriya." 'Why am I here? I can literally be doing a hundred different things right now.' "Midoriya?" I feel a hand on my shoulder to notice Uraraka smiling at me. "Why don't we do a few rides then find some place to sit. I brought a nice lunch we could split." She holds up a small bento box with me only shrugging my shoulders. "Why not." We began our day on a few roller coasters. I didn't understand the excitement of them, but Uraraka seemed to with no issue. Afterwards, we went to see a small show in one of the areas with it being one about multiple animals or something. Uraraka pulled me near the front with my attention not really on the show. I only payed attention the moment I saw a wolf look at me in the eyes and licked me for some reason. This brought a laugh out of her along with most of the audience. Finally lunch had came with both of us sitting in an area out of the way.

"I hope you like it, I'm not exactly as good a cook as Yaoyorozu's chefs would probably be." She opens it for both of us to dig in with me only sitting there. "Are you ok?" I look over to her with a bit of rice on her cheek. "A messy eater, aren't we." She notices the rice on her cheek at this point to only smile a bit. "Sorry, I kinda was excited to eat this today. I was able to get the flavor really good in my little taste tests." I turn my head before I hear Uraraka get up and move her seat to next to me. "Why don't you wanna try it?" "*sigh* Look, it's nothing against you but-" I was cut off when turning to have Uraraka shove an egg roll in my mouth. "Thash a diry chwick." "Sorry, but how does it taste?" I take a moment to taste the confines before answering. "A little less salty than I like, but still good." "Really? Thank you."

She began to smile before reality hit me. 'Did I just taste food?' In an effort to try again, I grabbed some of the veggies that were in it to taste salt and a little butter in it to tell that this was flavor. "What's wrong Midoriya?" "I can...taste food." "Is that good?" She looked at me with confusion before I smiled a little. "Yeah." We continued eating until we were done before going back to ride rides and watch shows. Finally the day neared it's end with us on a Ferris wheel. Uraraka looked out to the window in amazement at our height. "Wow! You can see the whole park!" "It is a nice view."  I began to smile a little at the area before looking down at her. "Midoriya, why are you starring?" I come out of my daze to see her cheeks rather flushed. "Sorry, I didn't know I was." I sat across from Uraraka with us at the top. I thought it was the best time to say this.

"Ever since I was 5, I have lost a lot of happiness in my life. All Might had killed my mother and made me swear revenge on him for her death. Since then, I can't sleep soundly, taste food, I can barely crack smiles anymore knowing what he's done." Uraraka looked at me amazed before I continued. "But for the first time today, I felt at peace with myself. Everything else didn't matter today with me able to have some kind of fun. So thank you Uraraka. I don't know how, but you made that possible." "I did? Well then, your welcome. But I have a request from you." "And what might that be?" She starts fiddling with her thumbs a bit. "C-can you close your eyes for a few seconds." "Ok, but why?" "Just keep them shut and don't peek." I did as she said to feel her presence right next to my face. I began to feel her slowly come closer to put her lips on my lower lip. It was only a peck, but it felt...nice. As a heat of the moment, I began to kiss back with happiness in my heart once again. Only immediately after this feeling came did I remember the sight of my mother. In an effort to stop the memory from coming back, I pulled away from Uraraka leaving her confused. "What's wrong?" I kept my head away from her while answering. "It's complicated."

Once the day ended, we all met up at the entrance with most of the group happy of their exploits today. "We should really do this again Ichan." "...Yeah, maybe next time bring your parents along. It's been too long since I've seen aunty and uncle." "I'm sure the hag wouldn't mind." Uraraka starts looking over to me in small glances with me only sighing before commenting. "All in all, it was a nice trip that made me feel happy." I start heading out with Momo and the girls following. Once we get a little out of the distance, Momo asks me about today. "So what did you and Uraraka do today?" I stayed silent with Kendo joining in. "What made you both act weird back there?" Again I was silent with Jiro now asking. "How exactly was today for you?" "...It was nice." We continued the walk in silence until reaching the point where we went our separate ways.

And that finishes this chapter folks. Sorry for that tease, but Izuku and Ochako won't be a couple yet. Right now, Izuku has a thousand things in his mind to a point he isn't thinking of any romance. Not that he wouldn't mind it, but he's actually scared to love anyone or care deeply for after what happened to his parents. Next chapter will show the entrance exams with Izuku trying to push his emotions below the surface. Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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