who am I? (Ziall Horlik) AU

By BriannaLynnC98

73.6K 3.8K 939

Zayn Malik is a lost soul. He has been told all his life he is nothing and has forgotten all about happiness... More

Who Am I?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

2.3K 131 24
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

          We got to my house, I got his two bags from he back and went inside with him following me. I opened the door and walked into the entrance way. I heard my mums voice from the living room.

          "Niall, is that you? It's about time you got home! Come in here and tell mummy all about your date!" She yelled, I blushed.

          "Come with me. We have to tell her, alright? She has to know." I told Zayn he looked scared, but nodded. He hadn't said anything since we left his house, but I think he's just in shock of all this happening. After dropping his bags and taking his hand in mine, I walked into the living room.

          "Oh, hi Zayn. Uh you...?" My mum was obviously confused of why I brought my date home instead of leaving him at his home. Or should I say his hell.

          "We need to talk to you about something." I told her.

          "Oh god you didn't get him pregnant did you? I just read a book where that happened. Niall, I told you if you can't do it safe, don't do it at all! Remember what your dad told you before you left? Keep it in your pants! I'm too young to be a grandmother!" She yelled very worried. I was dying of embarrassment and by the red blush on Zayn's cheeks, he was in the same boat as me.

          "Mum! He's not pregnant, he's a guy for christ sake, it can't happen! I'm not going to do that on a first date either! But we need to talk to you about his living situation." I told her. She already knew he gets hurt at home, but not to this extent.

          "Oh, uh, sorry about that. Have a seat and tell me what's the problem here." She said embarrassed of her out burst. I don't know what it is with both my parents assuming I'm a slut and fuck anything that moves. Greg was like that, but my parents never knew. Me and Zayn took a seat on the couch across from my mum.

          "As you know Zayn doesn't live in a good home right now but things got worse, mum. I don't want him there anymore. I was wondering if he could stay with us." I said.

            "How much worse are we talking, Zayn?" She asked him.

          "Um, not that bad." I rolled my eyes and pulled him so he was standing up. I lifted up his shirt, ripping it off his body faster than he could stop me. Mum gasped and averted her eyes from his body. Zayn looked down trying to cover himself.

          "It's bad, he just won't say it because his dad threatened to kill him if he told." I said annoyed at the boy beside me and also wanting my mum to get her wits together and help him.

          "Zayn, oh my... come here, love." She said tears in her eyes and arms open. He looked at me and I nodded. He hesitantly walked to her. She stood up and looked over his body. I saw that his back was cut up as well. This just keeps getting worse. "I'm going to call Louis' mum, Jay. She's a nurse and can fix you up." She said running her hands over his cut up biceps.

          "No one can know! He's going to kill me if anyone knows!" Zayn pleaded.

          "I know. That's why I'm calling her. She won't tell. I'm going to keep you safe from now on. I promise." She told him pulling a crying, shirtless Zayn into a hug. They stood there both crying.

          "I want my mummy." I heard Zayn whisper and my heart broke. He can never touch her again. He can never be comforted by her. Even if he is almost an adult, he still wants his mum. But she was taken from him. It seems like almost everything has been

          "I know, baby. I'm going to try my best here to help you, alright? I'm going to call Jay. Put your shirt back on and sit down. I'll bring tea when I come back." Mum left the room but not before placing a kiss on Zayn's forehead. I gave him his shirt then cuddled him on the couch.

          "I love you." I told him. He nodded. I don't even care if he says it back. He doesn't even know what love is. But im determined to show him. My mum walked back in the room with tea.

          "She's on her way. Don't worry she's not bringing Louis." She said handing us both tea. "So why don't you both tell me about your date then."

          "Perfect." Zayn mumbled looking down at his cup. My mum elbowed me and I smiled at her.

           "That's wonderful." She told him. "My boy better treat you right. Normally it would be the other way around, but I have no doubt in my mind that you would ever hurt him." She said patting his knee. He smiled. I was glad that they liked each other, also I was relieved she let him live with us. The way things work in my house is what my mum says go's. My dad has to listen to her or he can leave.

          We all talked for a while then the door bell rang. My mum went to answer it and came back with Jay carrying a medical bag.

          "You must be Zayn. Louis talks about you allot. If it weren't for his undying love for Harry, I would say he has a crush on you." Jay said. Fucking Louis! That boy needs to keep his eyes off my things! I don't go looking at Harry like I want to eat him for breakfast! "It's alright Niall, he knows Zayn's your boy." She laughed noticing how possessive I became.

          "He better." I said. Zayn giggled a bit.

          "Now I have to get to work here. I'm a nurse at the hospital down the road from here so don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Can you take off your shirt? I hear that's where the incedent happened." She asked. He listened and she bit her lip at the sight. "Wow, okay. I'll clean all of these and we'll be done."

          "That's not all." Zayn said quietly. I looked at him then to my mum. I reached my hand to her. She knew I needed comfort now so she came and sat by me, rubbing my back.

           "Where else?" Jay asked shock clear in her voice.

          "My legs." She nodded and told him to take off his jeans. I looked away as he did so.

          "How- how high do these go up?" I looked at the boxer clad boy and saw cuts trailing from his knees out of sight hidden by his boxers.

          He leaned foward and whispered in her ear. She nodded grimly taking a deep breath. "Well, we'll do that after we clean your top half. This might sting." He looked at me, reaching out his hand. I knew I had to be strong now and tangled my fingers with his.

          After many yelps of pain and crying fits, all the cuts were clean. She looked at his left side and pressed it. He screamed jumping back. "It's broken." She informed us. She rubbed some type of ointment that helps fight infection and makes scaring less noticeable, then wrapped bandages around his arms, shoulders, chest, and stomach which also covered his back. "Now for your legs, we'll go to the bathroom." She said standing up.

          "I don't want to go." He said tears still going down his face. I kissed his cheaks.

          "I'll go with, you if you want." I offered. He nodded. We went to the hall bathroom.

          "Niall, I don't know how comfortable you are with nakedness." Jay told me. I don't care, really. Sure normally I would have an extreme probablem in my pants if someone told me I would get to see Zayn naked, but this was about comforting him. She stripped off his boxers and went to work. I stood behind him kissing his neck whispering sweet nothings in his ear as she cleaned him up. "Now we have to do the back." He turned around. I wrapped my arms arms around him and kissed his lips. He whimpered in pain but I kept trying to detract him.

          "And we're done." Jay said after wrapping up his legs and hips. She slipped up his boxers and stood up from her place on the ground. Zayn had sweat on his forehead. He looked like he was going to pass out.

          "Uh, is this normal?" I asked kind of worried.

          "He's just in allot of pain, I'll get him medicine but you should get him to lie down."

          I scooped him up, carrying him to my room laying him down on my bed. He whimpered and grabbed my arm.

          "Are you going to stay?" He asked I told him I'd be right back. He let go of me while I left the room going down stairs to get his bags.

          "That poor boy." I heard Jay's voice. "In all my years of being a nurse I've never seen anything like it."

          "I'm surprised at how he acts. He's not even angry. He just seems very depressed, if anything." My mum's voice replied. I walked into the room and told them why.

          "He thinks it's his fault. That he deserves all of this."

          "It's not though. No one deserves that! Maybe just the man that does that to him." My mum said. I agreed with her.

          "He's probably asleep now, but I wanted to get some pain killers for him." I said. Jay gave me some and I went back upstairs to my boyfriend.

          I walked into the dark room and saw the shadow of him getting out of bed. "I thought you left me." He said. He sounded like he was crying.

          "I got pain killers for you. I'm not leaving you, ever." I said as he got back in bed. He took the tablets and lay back down. I took off my jeans and shirt, replacing them with pajamas. I got into bed with the bandaged wrapped boy and pulled him onto my chest. His head rest there, one arm around my waste.

          I kissed the top of his head. Then just before I drifted off to sleep I heard Zayn say something.

          "I love you too, Niall."

A/N: *FALLS ON THE FLOOR AND CRIES* ok I'm better now. Not really but yeah! Thank you so much for voting and reading! Over 200 views I can't be happier! Comment/vote!
                           - Bri;)

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