His Maid | Bts Jeon Jungkook...

By JJKaCoconut

43.2K 2K 68

Sana is recovering from her father's death and her mom leaving her so she tries to live her life how it is bu... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty
Part twenty-one
Part twenty-two
Part twenty-three
Part twenty-five
Part twenty-six (End)
| Part one | (Sequel)
| Part two | (Sequel)
| Part three | (Sequel)
| Part four | (Sequel)
| Part five | (Sequel)
| Part Six | (Sequal)
| Part seven | (Sequel)
| Part eight | (Sequel)
| Part nine | (Sequel)
| Part ten | (Sequel)
| Part eleven | (Sequel)
| Part twelve | (Sequel)
| Part thirteen | (Sequel)
| Part fourteen | (Sequel)
| Part fifteen | (Sequal)
| Part sixteen | (Last Sequal)

Part twenty-four

767 47 1
By JJKaCoconut

It's been four months that Jungkook and Sana had no contact with each other, Jungkook has been depressed for a month before he started continuing on, while Sana and her friends moved to LA together where Sana decided to make a cafe shop with Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon, It was going great for her, the shop became popular and everyone is loving it.

"Thank you for coming to our Cafe" Sana bows down to her costumers as they leave the store and she turns the 'open' sign off, "Whew, another busy day" Chaeyoung says as she wipes the table clean, "Looks like tomorrow will also be busy since it's a holiday" Jeongyeon checks her phone, I plop on the single couch with a loud sigh, "I am so proud of you Sana, I never thought you'd come this far" Jeongyeon smiles, "Yeah I mean there's a lot of other great stores out there but yours seems to be the best" Chaeyoung pats her shoulder.

"Thanks girls, that really means a lot" Sana nods, "You guys go ahead first, I gotta make sure this place is locked up" Sana stood up as Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon head to the back of the room "Stay safe" Chaeyoung shouts.
A loud knock on the window startled Sana, she turned around and saw Kai outside the window, "Kai?" She says as she walked towards the door and unlocked it, "Kai is that you?" Sana says, "Oh hey, this is your cafe?" Kai says looking around.

"Uh yeah, I just started a few months ago" Sana replies as she closes the door behind him when he entered, "Wh-what are you doing here?" Sana asks, "Uh my car broke down just outside your store and I saw your open sign off but I quickly ran here for help" Kai replied, "How long has your car been broken down?" Sana asks, "About 20 minutes and I didn't have anything to fix it" He says, "Well let me give you a bottle of water for you to drink" Sana says before she heads to the back of the room, She hands it to him "Thanks", "No worries, but all the stores here are closed for the holidays, do you have anyone to call?" Sana asks crossing her arms.

"Well my sisters went back to Seoul for the holidays and I stayed for a while because of work but my car hasn't been working well so I might not make it" He takes a sip, "I can drop you off at your place if you want" Sana suggests, "Oh please, I don't want to distract you, you already have your cafe stuff" Kai shakes his head. "No please, I'm fine, I have my friends to help me and if you want you could maybe help us too since my store will be open for the holidays", Kai looked up at her, "Are you sure? I won't get in your way?", Sana nodded "Yeah, I'm just helping a friend out so" She shrugs with a smile, "A-alright than" Kai nods.


"So all you have to do is take care of everyone's orders and bring it to the back, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon will be at the back to care of it" Sana says to Kai as she hands him lots of menus, "Right, that's easy" He says and starts to hand it to the costumers, "Do you think he will be alright?" Jeongyeon asks Sana, "Yeah, he can clean a big garden field and a pool, I'm sure he'll do fine" Sana shrugs.

Sana watches Kai's movements table to table, she's like a proud mom as she looks away when Kai walks towards her "This job is easy" He says smiling, "Yeah?" Sana says wiping the table "A lot of people asked for my number and wanted to buy me a coffee though" Kai shakes his head, Sana laughs "How was that?" She asks, "Awkward, I'm not really a social person" They laugh.


Jungkook's Pov.

"Here I'm gonna go get us some drink, be right back" I say to Iu as she looks at the flowers on the shelf, I look around for a cafe and see one 'Lovey dovey' I cross the street and walk towards the store, "Eh?" My face is confused as I look closely behind the glass in front of me, "Sana? Kai?" I say. They're here? Wow Sana looks more beautiful, I haven't seen her in a long time, right I lost contact with her, but kai is also here too? I didn't know he moved to LA, Should I enter and go say hi? Nah I should mind my own business, I open the door and enter as I sat down Kai quickly walked towards me and I pretend not to notice Sana, I could feel her eyes on me.

"Hi what could I get you toda-" Kai's eyes widen "M-Mr-Jeon" he stutters, "Kai, how are you" I smile, "I'm good thanks, wh-what are you doing here?" He asks "I'm just hanging around LA with my fiancée" I reply, "Ah right, congratulations" He sounded weird when he said that but I ignore it, "Well uh I'd like to have two lemonade please, to go" I say from the menu, "Alright coming right up" He bows down and leaves my table.

I watch as Sana clean the empty tables and counters silently, the way a strand of her hair falls down to her face, her eyes sparkling because of the bright light, gosh Sana I still haven't forgot you it's too hard to, you were the one who made my laugh the happiest, I get that I had to choose the right thing but my heart just couldn't be with someone else, it was yours truly, I wish I made things right in the past,
I hope I see you soon in the future.

"Here you go" Kai places the drinks down as I hand him a $10 bill, "Keep the change and could you also do me a favour?" I ask as I stood up, He nods "Hand this to Sana, thank you" I hand him a small piece of paper of my writing, He takes it "Of course" We bow down and I leave the store, looking at Sana for the last time.


It was time to close the store as Kai and Sana were finishing cleaning the tables, "Uh this is for you by the way" Kai hands a note to Sana, She takes and gave him a small smile "And are you alright?" He asks "Hhm" She nods and continues to clean the table, "Well you've been cleaning that table for the past 10 minutes" He says, Sana stops and looks away "You've noticed?" She says lowly,  "Yeah I've been keeping an eye on you and I know it seems weird but are you okay?" He replies, Sana sighs "You saw him didn't you?" Sana asks looking up at him, "Yeah I took his order" Kai crosses his arms and looked at her side, "Did uh something happen between you two? He said he has a fiancée now" Kai says lowly.

Sana looked down and Kai realized what he did "Oh uh sorry I should just mind my own business" He says and turns away before Sana says "Yeah, he has a fiancée and I heard it on the news the day after his birthday" She says, Kai looked back at her "Gosh I'm sorry I didn't know" he says "He tried everything he could do, but I decided to let it go, choose her instead of me", "It was like all the love I've given him was thrown away to trash, I wasted it for nothing" She shrugs.

Kai held her shoulder "You didn't have to go through that for nothing Sana, he loved you that's why he tried" He pats her shoulders, "I want to see him again and say sorry" Sana's tears slowly go down and Kai wrapped his arms around her for support, "I am really sorry" He says rubbing her back.

Jungkook watched them on the other side of the store, he eavesdropped on them and put on a smile on his face, "I forgive you my love" He whispers under his breath and walks away with a small tear on his eyes, He wanted to go and see her one last time before he left to go back home with his fiancée.

"You should read this note, I'll be at the back waiting for you" Kai breaks them apart and Sana nods "Okay" She says and Kai walked away to the back as she sat down, opening the note. 'Hey It's Jungkook, I've been trying to contact you for weeks but than I stopped after a few months, How are you? I wanted to say, I see that you've already moved on and that's good, I know I did such a jerk move and you couldn't do anything about it but I trusted you, I forcefully chose her and I'm not gonna lie it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I thought about you every single day while you had your own life, I smiled randomly at your smile and clumsiness, I just miss you you know, I wish I could see your beautiful face one more time and just think about the stuff we both did together, the way my fans loved you when we went to New York, Mr. Wang being the happiest man in the world when we both worked for him, and the day when we both confessed to each other. Gosh those were such good times, now please don't think those memories were all just a waste, We both felt something very special together alright, You were the greatest woman in my life Sana I loved every single part of you, you were different. I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you soon, but I don't know if that will work, only in my dreams though, don't worry I'm treating Lee Ji-eun like how I treated you, she's pretty, respectful and putting everyone first before herself. Like you.
Anyways this is the end of the note, I had so much fun with you, I miss you and I hope I see you around.
Bye Sana' The note in her hands said, She smiled reading it and wiped the tears off her cheeks "I hope I see you soon too" She says.

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