burnout ((yandere x reader))

By LTMayx

107K 6.2K 1.6K

(m. yanderes x f. reader) (complete) this is a sequel to 'dancing through the fire' of the 'before' ending. (... More

0- introduction
I- photographs
II- unwell
III- without him
IV- breathe
V- smoke and mirrors
VI- dangerous games
VII- polite
VIII- meeting again
IX- headaches
X- hardened heart
XI- port coald
XII- almost holy
XIII- best friends
XIV- in the wild
XV- creep
XVII- fateful day
XVIII- precautions
XIX- read all about it
XX- opposing ideas
XXI- just like old times
XXII- hero
XXIII- run away
XXIV- interrogation
XXV- memories
XXVI- going solo
XXVII- free
XXVIII- perfection
XXIX- clashing forces
XXX- ignorance is bliss
XXXI- second time lucky
XXXII- coming to
XXXIII- purpose
XXXIV- baby
XXXV- vengeful
XXXVI- verily
XXXVII- figuring it out
XXXVIII- learning a lesson
XXXIX- a new power
XL- love love love
XLI- thanks
XLII- the gala
XLIII- revalations
XLIV- betrayal
XLV- just a game
XLVI- stained hands
XLVII- remember me
XLVIII- for protection
XLIX- kiss
L- no
LI- breakdown
LII- fair play
LIII- hellish
LIV- inability
LV- kiddo
LVI- into the air
LVII- the phase
LVIII- sex and drugs
LIX- don't look back
LX- means to an end
thank you!

XVI- recollection

1.6K 116 21
By LTMayx

Ollie rang the door bell and then clasped his hands together. He could feel the sweat building up on them in his nervous state.

(Y/n) also could feel the anxiety getting to her. She still had very little idea of what was going on with Jonah- unsure if he was in prison or not, if she'd met him once or twice. She hoped to gain some clarity from this meeting but deep down knew that it was unlikely considering her life seemed to have become anything but clear.

Riley pulled the door open with wide eyes, looking on at (Y/n). All of Danny's descriptions came to her head and he really hadn't missed a single detail. Seeing her was almost surreal- her life had revolved around the legend of this young woman for the past two years that it was like staring at a mythical being.

"Hello, dear, I'm Riley." She said softly, unsure of how jumpy (Y/n) would behave.

"Hi?" (Y/n) greeted. "What's going on with...Jonah?"

Riley cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Jonah?"

"Riley, can I have a quick word?" Ollie butted in loudly. He quickly ushered Riley aside as Cass led (Y/n) inside to the living room.

"Who's Jonah?" Riley hissed under her breath.

"Danny didn't tell you?" Ollie was under the impression that Danny had spilled every single thing he knew of (Y/n) out to his parents. He supposed it was nice that Danny kept some confidentiality. "He's this man from (Y/n)'s past. Point is: she actually remembers him so I may have told a slight lie and said that the reason she's meeting you is because of him."

Riley face palmed. "What the hell am I supposed to say??"

"I don't know! I think he's in prison anyway..." Ollie trailed off.

Meanwhile, Cass was trying to start up a conversation with (Y/n).

"How long have you been in Port Coald for?" She posed the question in order to get a better idea of (Y/n)'s circumstances.

"Not very long. I moved here with my mom but she...um... she left." (Y/n) had a sense of bitterness towards Alice- she slightly regretted how harsh she'd been with her mother at the train station but still resented her.

"That's very characteristic of her." Cass remarked, recalling what (Y/n) had told her about Alice.

(Y/n) snapped her head to face Cass. 'What the hell??'

"What?" She said instinctively.

"What?" Cass returned, realising her mistake.

"You said 'that's very characteristic of her'... do you know my mom or something?" (Y/n) shifted to look Cass in the eyes.

Cass appeared as of she'd seen a ghost. She wasn't sure of what the plan was in terms of letting (Y/n) know about her past life. If they could keep her away from Danny, Rio and the Verilys without causing her the mental strain of knowing what happened that would be ideal. But that meant that she also couldn't know of any of her time at Vivienne Verily's Performing Arts Academy.

"...no, I didn't."

"Yes! You di-" (Y/n) was in the process of gasping Cass's lie out when Ollie walked in with Riley. (Y/n)'s head immediately went back onto Jonah.

Riley shot (Y/n) a small smile, after quickly skimming through the online public record she could find the stenographer's report of Jonah's trial and discovered that he was indeed due to be released on Friday.

"We have concerns." Riley read the writing that Ollie had scrawled almost illegibly on her hand. "Concerns about...." She squinted at the black ink in absolute confusion.

"Your safety." Ollie jumped in.

Riley looked at her hand again, trying to figure out in what universe the smear of black lines would ever spell out 'your safety'.

"Yes, your safety." She repeated before continuing. "Which is why we think that you could-"

"Should." Ollie corrected.

Riley shook her head as he had most definitely written a 'c'.

"Right, you should move away from Port Coald as we have reason to believe that Jonah could be coming here after his release." Riley concluded, putting her hand down with an outward sigh.

"But... but where would I go?" (Y/n) questioned. "It's all well and good telling me to leave but it isn't like I actually have the funds or any means of doing so."


Muffled conversation made itself apparent from behind the door followed by some rattling of the door handle.


"Oh no..."

"We're dead."

Ollie, Riley and Cass began to freak out- leaving (Y/n) in the dark to just looking between them with furrowed brows.

"Should I let them in?" (Y/n) asked in reference to the door.

"No!" All three answered at the same time.

"You guys need to hide!" Riley whisper-shouted as she pushed Ollie, Cass and (Y/n) out of the living room. "Go upstairs, I'll get you out when the coast is clear." Before offering up anymore advice she shut the door purposefully.

"What is going on?" (Y/n) was being dragged up the stairs by Ollie.
Cass hushed her. "Whisper. We can't get heard or seen."

(Y/n) didn't quite have a grasp on what was going on but figured that since it seems to have all of the others in a stir it must be important.

Ollie pushed her into the first room. "(Y/n), hide in here."

"Splitting up? Isn't that basically a death wish?" Cass looked at her boyfriend in concern.

"If one of us gets caught then they can scream and the others bolt." Ollie said breathlessly. "Oh, don't look at me like that. Let's go!" He said in response to Cass's suspecting raised eyebrow.

This left (Y/n) in the unfamiliar environment on her own. It was a bedroom and quite a plain one, it was messy and careless. The bed was unmade and clothes dotted the floor disdainfully. There were dents, cracks and holes in the walls which (Y/n) couldn't decide if they were owed to bad maintenance or poor anger management.

She darted her eyes around to look for somewhere to hide. The first place she thought of was the closet, it may have been obvious but it wasn't like the people coming in knew they were in there... or did they? The severe lack of information did nothing to soothe (Y/n)'s nerves.

She climbed inside on curled herself up at the bottom, closing the doors carefully so it looked undisturbed. Her breathing was shallow and her heart rate was picking up but she managed to hold herself back from having an episode.

She thought back on when if she was about to start panicking and Rio would rush to her side, he'd hush her crying, whisper calming words of encouragement and make her feel better. She hugged her knees tightly, wishing she could just forget about Rio but her heart refused to.

Her thoughts were eventually torn away from her ex boyfriend when she heard the door to the room opening.

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