
By karmelitz

346 67 2

Here is a girl who just wants to be understood. Bullied because of her introversial character, not born of a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
A bit of closure please?
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVIII

Chapter XVII

5 3 0
By karmelitz

THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL'S FINALLY HERE!Which means freedom and officially I can transfer to a new school a new life and leave behind the horrific life I had. I was doing the very last exam,economics,and I don't even know how I'm writing answers to these questions. I swear I'll never pick this subject when I move.

The bell rang signifying the end of the exam,and I was really happy that it did,because I couldn't wait to leave! I gave out my script to the invigilator and skipped out of class my heart bursting due to happiness. The excitement could be felt all over the school like a wave,as everyone was chatting happily and some even singing. I pushed around people as I was heading to my locker and started packing all my books,humming a tune. As I was putting stuff in my bag,I felt a tap on my shoulder,which could only be one person.

Jason Waters.

I will miss him personally because we've made such a good friendship,and we've gone through so much together. I smiled as he looked down at my bag.

"That looks extremely heavy,"he commented,his hands in his waist.

"Well...I'm packing everything coz...yeah I'm leaving,"I heaved out a sigh. A sad one if I may add.

"You're going for the end of term party?"

"Nah...I have to go home immediately to start packing my stuff,"I replied as I put my folders in the next compartment.

"You should,guys will really miss you after all that has happened. It will be good to say goodbye to everyone."

"Maybe I should. I'll think about it."

Silence followed,which made me feel awkward. I continued packing until my locker was completely empty. Afterwards I closed my locker and heaved my bag on my shoulders.

"May I help you Tara?"

"Ummmm...yeah,if that's fine with you?"I replied uneasily.

"If I wasn't fine with helping you Tara then I wouldn't offered to help you."he smiled again,my heart fluttering faster than usual.

"Ok,go ahead Jason."

"We're going to the parking,"he asked.

"Yeah,my dad is here already."

"Think about it Tara,the party's starting at six if you're still interested. I can pick you up. Just give me the word,"he winked. We already left the building and heading to the parking where people were entering into cars to head home.

"As I said Jason,I'll think about it. Don't force issues here,"I replied as we finally reached my dad's car. Why is he insistent on me going for the party. He's just awoken my curiosity.

"I hear you Tara. I'll say no more about the party."he said as my dad came to open the boot of the car. He gave Jason a hug and a kiss on my forehead. Jason put my bag and closed the trunk.

"Thank you Jason. Have a good summer break,"he called after him.

"You too Mr Lapikinsi. And you Tara."he waved us off and gave me a small wink and a huge wave. I don't know whether it was a malicious one or a genuine one but...


Well I decided to forfeit the party,and I let Westley and Kenzie go enjoy on my behalf. It's just that I'm not a party animal or a person who enjoys booming loud music and I make a terrible dancer. So I decided to stay home and arrange my room scattered with clothes and other stuff,in addition to going back to writing poetry. Since the start of exams and all the the drama in between,I've never had time for myself.

I turned up some music and I picked up trailing clothes and threw them in the laundry basket. After a while the floor was clear and I moved to the wardrobe,separating mine and Kenzie's clothes. Soon I got a mop and bucket and dusted the floor. Gathering all rubbish to one corner with the mop,I rearranged my study table and the bedside table. I eventually finished and poured the dirty water in the outside sink. I went to the sink and did the dirty dishes and I vacuumed the living room. Feeling satisfied with the level of cleaniness,I made sandwiches and a glass of cold milk for dinner,anyway my two besties are in a 'party' full of food ,so they'll be alright. My dad,he said he'll work late so I'm sure he'll sort himself out anyway.

I relaxed on the couch stretching my strained muscles and took my poetry books,but before I could think of inspiration,my phone rang. Without checking who was calling,I pressed the green button on the phone.

"Tara hey,it's Candice...why are you not in the party?"a voice whispered.

"Candice? Ummmm..." Awkward.

"Where are you right now?"she whispered

"I'm home right now,but I'm not planning on coming for the party,why're you asking?"

"Well,it's coz...it's fine if you don't wanna come,guys here have been asking for you Tara,"she whispered excitedly.

"Me? That's really interesting - "

"Wait a minute!" Then silence over the phone. Ok...what's going on?

In the background I heard music and people talking at the same time,the it suddenly went down to volume zero.

"Guys please hear me out for a moment. We all know that Tara is leaving Neverdale and she's brought a significant change here and we need to appreciate her. Some of us...need to apologise to her also. We don't want her to carry grudges wherever she goes. So I would like the two representatives to read their letter to Tara,who's on line right now,say hi to everyone Tara!"

I freaked out for a moment. This was quite unexpected and I suddenly felt...loved. "Umm...hey everyone,nice to hear from you!"

People clapped and cheered afterwards then the two reps came to read their letter,one which was kind of an apology while the other was a thank you letter from the bullied. After hearing them reading their letters,it felt really good and encouraging that people are uniting,and also their words felt genuine.

"Thank you so so so much for the letters. They were really inspirational and honest,from the bottom of your hearts. Maintain the unity and love for each other,and let our school be an example of one that has taken steps to end bullying. #equalityforall!"

"Equality for all!"everyone chanted back.

"Ok,let's release Tara to go rest,"Candice said,"and Tara, we'll all miss you."

"I'll miss you too," I said.

I ended the call and reclined on my seat,bursting with inspiration,

Tara's entry:

"We need to pull together,
One cannot pull out something heavy,
Without using both hands,
We cannot put each other down,
Because of differences in different spectrums of life,
We need to understand each other to work together efficiently,
And we need to accept each other
And eventually we will be one in thought and in action!"

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