
By karmelitz

346 67 2

Here is a girl who just wants to be understood. Bullied because of her introversial character, not born of a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
A bit of closure please?
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII

Chapter XV

7 3 0
By karmelitz

We clapped as the guests of honour took their seats at the podium,three beautiful ladies and two handsome gentlemen. I put it that way because of their manner of walking,which reminds me of the royal family in Britain. Currently I'm wearing a royal blue A-line dress that reaches just at me knees and black flats. My hair was for the first time professionally done,and it fell on my shoulders,and also for the first time I did make-up. I just wanted to enjoy my evening at the gala so I let loose for just one night.

When Jason saw me,he was of course speechless,I knew I would impress him(guys,that wasn't my goal!)and he equally looked good. His blue bowtie matching with the colour of my dress was uniquely done,coupled with his three piece black suit. He offered his arm and I slung mine in his. People in the hotel lobby stared at us and I managed to keep a proper walking stature until where the same Ferrari was parked.

"Where's the driver?"I looked around.

"I'm the driver,"he said as he opened the front passenger seat for me and I slid into the comfy car. My dream car.

"You carried your license here?"I asked,surprised.

"Yeah I did. Any more questions about my driving? I know I'm a careful driver,"he smiled knowingly at me, remembering the day we sped home just before my dad arrives. I burst out in laughter.

So anyway we're here at a huge hall,where the gala is taking place. There were a number of writers present,the same age group looking equally resplendent and elegant. The air was filled with all kinds of perfumes and fortunately the windows were kept open to maintain circulation in the hall. The opening speech was given by the vice president of the competition who's Italian,and I fell in love with the Italian accent. Soon followed presentations from some of the winners,which were very interesting,and one unique one which was a letter to society's and  the president of their country talking about corruption and how it is affecting their schools in terms of valuing good and shunning bad.

The awards ceremony began in earnest,after a short break which allowed for people to serve dinner. I looked disapprovingly at Jason's plate,overflowing with food. He's such a pig anyway,I thought.

"What? This the only time I'll eat this kind of food so...give me a break!"he defended himself,while I shook my head and started eating.

"Attention to all. I hope the food is sumptuous and palatable,but we need to move on with the events. Next category is duets -"the host talked which signifies that we need to move towards the podium to receive the prices which were a six month free subscription to WordPress.com where you could post and read the best of poems,in addition to fancy notebooks,pens and beautiful medals. We shared a trophy and a new laptop for the each of us. This truly came in handy for myself. After the winners received the awards we took a group photo and that point I felt Jason's hand sneaking my waist. Again I swallowed the developing stone and smiled at the camera.

Soon most of the awardees were awarded and it came to the final category,the solo essay category.

I ascended up the stairs to receive my trophy which had a person writing on a book. Apart from that a cool thousand dollars,another laptop and more fancy stationery were given. The lady who came to award my trophy gave it to me and shook my hand,but it lingered more than usual. I thought that it was an Italian tradition to do so,but her eyes were on me,tears gathering in her eyes. Is she fine? Have I done anything wrong?

She whispered in my ear as I left the podium,"Please see me after the ceremony is over. I have to tell you something very important."

"Who are you?"I whispered back.

"I'm Maria Danielle. I'll be at the porch just outside the hall?"

"Ok then."

I was invited to give the closing speech,which I was psychologically prepared to do. Jason escorted me up the steps and placed my papers before me. He gave me a little thumbs up and a grin before he went to sit.

"Good evening to the guests of honour,my fellow awardees and other distinguished members present at this successful fete. My name is Tara Lapikinsi,the real deal,"people chuckled at that,"I'm privileged to deliver the closing remarks of this fete,I've never done this before I admit."I chuckled nervously.

"I want to actually give thanks for those who have brought me this far. My father,Mr Lapikinsi,for raising me singlehandedly without the care of a mother,Westley though my cousin by blood is my brother in every aspect. Kenzie,the best sister I could ever ask for. We've gone through a lot,from fights to mistrust and yet, we're still together. To the school community,I'm grateful,especially Ms Greens for honing my talent of writing,in fact all these awards should be dedicated to her. Thank you Ms Greens,"I blew a kiss to the cameras who are live streaming to thousands of people following the proceedings closely.

"One more person I would like to acknowledge is...Jason Waters. He's been a good friend to me and we've had a past that I won't talk about,"I smiled at him and he winked,"and that's what inspired the poem that won second place or first runners up if you like. Thank you Jason,I'm grateful."

"I would like to close my remarks by briefly talking about this year's title of the competition. For me it's been more of a practical approach to this theme. I have been bullied severally since I joined junior high,and each time that happens,my self esteem is eroded. I felt vulnerable and feared that if I raise my voice to decry worse things will happen to me. I stand boldly and encourage all young people to stand for #equality because no one was made better than the other. In conclusion,let this not just be heard,let it be done. Thank you for your time and have a good evening." I exhaled and smiled as people in the room stood and clapped. Jason came and helped me down the podium.

"I'm super proud of you Tara,"he whispered in my ears,sending goosebumps all over my body. I smiled foolishly in response.

The event ended on a high with people dancing. It was a time to network and interact with other awardees and they all congratulated me on taking a stand on issues affecting the society. Jason was flirting with some ladies (guys I'm not jealous,I'm happy he's finding someone else)and I'm personally happy for him.

An unfamiliar touch in the shoulder made me turn,and it was Maria Danielle. She smiled at me,and grasped my hand tightly. "Can we sit and talk?"

"Ummmm...I don't really know you,so what's this about?"my suspicions heightened. Once bitten twice shy you see,if you get what I mean.

"It's about our past,but I don't want to drop the bombshell here. There's  coffee shop nearby."she offered.

"Lemme tell my friend that I'm nearby then,"I said.

"Sure,I'll be at the door."

I went to Jason who was with another lady. He smiled the million dollar smile at me." Is this your girlfriend?"the lady asked in a deep Italian accent.

"I wish,"he chuckled,"but anyway,Julia meet - "

"Tara? Everyone knows her! I'm honoured to meet you Tara in person,"she delicately,"I'm Julia,first runners up for the letter that I read during entertainment."

"Pleasure to meet you too. Jason,I'll be in the coffee shop nearby,I'm talking to Maria Danielle. Actually she wants to talk to me,"I said quickly.

"That's great! You know she's the best poet around Milan!"Julia exclaimed happily.

"I didn't know that,but I'll be back later,"I said as I jogged-walked towards the door.


"So what flavour of coffee do you take?"she smiled at me as the waitress came over to our table.

"I'll just have a cappuccino,"I replied.

"Anyway Tara,I want to break something to you. Does my face look faintly familiar to you?"

I looked at her in the eye and...I remember that fateful day when I was six...

"Mommy?"I called as I woke up. I dragged my teddy bear out with me.

I reached the kitchen and I heard shouting in the living room. I was scared that a thief had broken into our home again.

"You're a good for nothing socialite! How dare you do this to me? You broke my trust!"daddy shouted.

"It doesn't look the way it is dear,hear me out!"Mommy shouted back.

"I've heard enough! The divorce is official from now and I have full time custody of Tara -"

"Mommy?"I called again as I saw suitcases,"are we travelling?"

"Your mommy is going somewhere for a long time."daddy knelt down and explained.

"Is mommy coming back soon?" I suckled my thumb.

"I don't know,but we'll see,"he replied. "Now mommy has to leave or else  shell miss the plane,tell her bye,"his eyes clouded with tears.

"Bye mommy,see you later!"I hugged her,not knowing that this will be the last time I'll see her.

"But my mother's name is Andria,Andria Meghan Lapinksey,"I confirmed.

"Well,I'm Andria,I changed identities so that I can pursue my dream in poetry. I just didn't know you'll follow my footsteps"

"So are you saying,you're my mother?"

"Yes Tara,I'm your mother!"she said emotionally,tears flowing down her eyes.

The popular Maria Danielle,is Andria Meghan,my mother,the one I hated so much for leaving my dad...if she actually left my father then she would be ashamed to meet me. But this beauty,before me...is my mother?

"Can I see your hand?"I remember I gave her a bite when I was really small. She smiled,probably also thinking the same,rolling up her sleeve. I touched it and the familiar feeling of contentment reached my heart.

This was the best moment of my life. Meeting my long lost mother,who my dad said she was selfish. That she did not care anymore about us and she will never come back. But I want to hear her point of view,why she had to leave me,what really happened?

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