The Chosen One (NARUTO FanFic)

By LyzelGamboa

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The war between Tobi (the mysterious man) and the whole Shinobi world is over. The battle between Naruto and... More

The Chosen One
Chapter 1: The first encounter
Chapter 2: Meeting with the Hokage
Chapter 3: Some Revelation
Chapter 4: Settling down and Memories
Chapter 5: First exposure
Chapter 6: Second exposure
Chapter 7: Ritual
Chapter 8: Upcoming Chounin exam
Chapter 9: Approaching enemy and Research
Chapter 10: Little conflict and new team
Chapter 11: Life and precious ones
Chapter 12: First Chounin exam
Chapter 13: Second exam: Early encountered danger
Chapter 15: New development and prelim exam
Chapter 16: Loren's Match
Chapter 17: Confusion and departure
Chapter 18: Explanation
Chapter 19: Confrontation
Chapter 20: Revelation of The Chosen One
Chapter 21: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 1
Chapter 22: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 2
Chapter 23: Reminiscence, Akatsuki Part 3
Chapter 24: Reminiscence, Akatsuki part 4
Chapter 25: Reminiscence, Akatsuki Part 5; The conclusion
Chapter 26: Bonds Part 1
Chapter 27: Bonds part 2
Chapter 28: Bonds part 3

Chapter 14: Collecting scrolls and pushing the limits

1.9K 71 2
By LyzelGamboa

I dedicate this to “Bakanani” since she’s always been commenting and boy I appreciate it! Thanks!!

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Loren’s POV

I felt my fingers twitch, which were place above my stomach, as I woke up. I kept my eyes close and recollect what happened to me before sleeping. Like I’m always doing.

‘Okay…the Chounin exam and we passed the first test. Forest of death. Rain ninja. Karin got poi-‘ I trailed off while I literally flinched.

‘That’s right! Karin!’ but instead of getting up, I analyzed first our current situation. I am in a warm cloth that seems to be sleeping bag, I can tell that it’s now dark, I also felt a fire in my right side, Karin on my left side, good. And Suigetsu’s presence is near the fire.

‘Good, we’re still safe’ I thought as I finally opened my eyes.

‘Oh wait…I forgot to remove my contact lens!! I hope its not-! Oh, great it’s not’ I mentally said.

“Uugh” I groaned as I tried to move my body a little.

“Oh great you’re awake” Suigetsu greeted.

“Mhm. So, how’s the situation?” I asked as I ignored the uneasiness of my body and tried to sit up.

“Karin’s fever had gone down from when I was carrying her and her color’s back, though she’s still not waking up” he informed as he threw a chunk of wood in the fire. I saw some roasted fish and I remember that I didn’t ate anything since this morning. And to prove that I’m right, my stomach growled.

“…heheheheh…oops” I nervously laugh. Suigetsu sweat dropped before shaking his head from side to side.

“Come here and eat this” he offered when he plucked the stick fish and gave it to me.

I sat beside him and ate the fish that he offered.

“Have you already eaten?” I asked before taking a bite.

“Uh-huh” he responds. And now that I looked closer, he looks exhausted. He needs to rest, that I am sure.

“Suigetsu” I mumbled.

“Hm?” he responded.

“You can sleep now, I already had mine and my energy is back. It’s your turn to take some rest okay?” I said as I finished my fish. He stared at me for awhile with exhausted eyes before shrugging and standing up. He occupied the sleeping bag that I was on earlier and mumbled his good night.

I got another fish and finished it immediately. I licked my fingers before examining my two teammates who are fast asleep, and then my eyes stayed at Karin’s figure.

‘Normally, Karin shouldn’t be moving for another whole week, but because of her amazing healing ability, I guess she’ll be good within three days. But if we’ll wait for her to recover, our chances of getting an earth scroll will lessen. But I have another choice. By letting Suigetsu guard Karin while I collect or get a scroll’

“…Sounds good to me” I mumbled as I leaned my back in a tree with my hands crossed behind my head.

“So tomorrow I’ll move and get us some scroll. After that I’ll let Suigetsu carry Karin again and proceed to the tower”


I blinked as the sun had taken its place in the sky. And my two teammates are still sleeping. So I decided to catch and cook some fish. When the fish are ready, Suigetsu woke up and sat beside the fire, opposite to me.

“Here eat up!” I chirped as I offered a fish.

“Thanks” he mumbled and took a bite, “So what’s the plan?”

“Huh? Oh, Karin wouldn’t be moving for the next three days. I guess. So instead of us waiting for her to recover, I’ll go and collect or get some earth scroll while you guard her. When I have the scroll, you’ll carry her and we’ll proceed to the tower. That’s the plan.” I explained.

He grunted, “Why do I have the part of guarding her? Why can’t I just be the one who’ll get a scroll?” and bite his fish.

I giggled before saying, “Because it’s much more reassuring if you’re the one who’ll guard her. Given the bonds that you share. Besides, I’m much faster than you right?”

He was stunned for a moment before sighing in defeat. We grabbed another fish and ate in silence. When I’m done eating, I stood up and threw Karin a long glance to examine her condition. I smiled a little when I assured that there is nothing to worry, so I prepared myself to leave.

“Suigetsu, I’m gonna leave now. I’ll be back before the sun will set, so be careful okay?” I said as I finished preparing, with my back facing him.

“Yeah, and shouldn’t be I who should be saying that?” he retorted. I just nervously laugh.

“Okay, I’m off!” I waved as I ran towards east. I heightened my senses and after a while of running, I sensed three groups in my direction. The first group 8 km away from me, the second is 14 km, and the third group is 19 km.

I pushed my lower muscles more and I immediately found the first group. I hid behind a tree with my presence concealed. I saw three grass ninja and they’re having a morning assembly. I intently eyes them as my mind automatically worked to formulate my battle plan.

Third Person’s POV

The three grass ninja jumped back because of a woman who suddenly appeared. She has a long black hair that is tied in a high ponytail, a leaf hitai-ate tied in her forehead, her usual ninja cloths, but this time, she wore an elbow length white fingerless gloves with a metal in its knuckles.

“Good morning guys! How was your night?” the girl said.

The three grass ninja intensely eyed the mysterious yet beautiful Kunoichi in front of them.

The first grass ninja, who seems to be their leader, spoke first.

“How brave of you to ambush us when you’re all alone” he smirked.

“You’re right, I am brave” she cockily said.

The second and third ninja scowled at her, the three positioned themselves in a fighting position while the girl only crossed her arms.

“Woah, we’ve only met each other and you want to fight me so early?” she pouted.

“You’re weird and foolish. I hate to waste your looks but you dig your own grave!” the third shouted.

“Ohhhh~ I’m not so sure about that” she sickeningly smiled sweetly. By activating her Kaora, she mumbled “Imprisonment chamber jutsu”

A big lump of dirt surrounded them each. The three grass ninja’s chakras were quickly depleted so they immediately lose consciousness. Loren released the jutsu and fell face flat on the ground.

“Heh! They didn’t even lasts like Kakashi-sensei!” she scoffed.

She walked towards the unconscious ninja’s and searched for their scroll. Her eyes beamed brightly as she held an earth scroll that they needed. She tucked it inside her weapon pouch and eyed the three grass ninja in the ground. She paused for a while and had a thoughtful look.

“Now what am I gonna do with you lot? Hmm. What if I cast a jutsu that will prevent them from waking until the end of the exam? Oh! And I’ll also erase their memory about me just in case!”

So with her Koara still activated, she raises her hand and mumbles “Heaven’s lullaby jutsu” and “memory relapse technique”

“And for the finishing touch. Human sand dome jutsu!” just as she finished, the dirt encased them with only enough hole for them to breath. This technique is to keep their unguarded body safe for any harm inside the dangerous forest

She brought her lifted hand to her hips and looked down to eye the ninja’s. “Be grateful that I didn’t leave the three of you alone in this dangerous forest. But I guess you couldn’t as you are all asleep. Kukukuku”

After that she jumped in the air to move in the next group.

“If I reduce the participating groups, then the bigger chance our group will win” She mumbled as she jumped from branch to branch.

After a couple of minutes of running, she skidded to a halt and hid behind a large tree. She examined the three stone Kunoichi, the most mature looking has black hair, the second has blonde hair, and the third has silver hair.

Loren leaped forward with a battle plan formed on her head.

“Hi! I’m gonna go straight to the point. What scroll do you have!?” was Loren’s way of greeting them.

“HUUUH!? Cocky little bitch! Do you think you can take us head on!? When you’re all alone?” the blonde retorted.

“Uuuh...yes?” and with that said, she moved very fast that the three stone ninja couldn’t see her, as their weakness is speed. It was silent for a while until the black haired girl is forcefully slammed to a nearby tree and loses consciousness. The other two only gaped at their unconscious sister for it all happened too fast. It was silent once again and the tension between them thickens. The two cautiously searched their surroundings, but no signs of their enemy. After a while the blonde was suddenly tossed in the air, she shouted in vain but only to be immediately smashed down in the ground, hard, that it made a not-so-small crater. And once again, everything happened too fast that the silver haired girl didn’t know what happen until she felt a strong kick on her side. She embrace herself for the impact that will be made when she’ll met the tree, but only to be kick once again and slammed on another tree.

Loren skidded to a stop in the middle of the knocked Kunoichi with a grin on her face.

“Hah! Told yah!” she scoffed.

She then searched for their scroll and found an earth scroll.

‘Good’ she mentally grinned.

She also performed the jutsus she had use earlier on the grass ninja. And when she finished, she move to her next target.

After a while she finally found her last target. Two boys and one girl. Mist ninjas, and they are known for their Genjutsus. She smirked, with her having a plan to defeat them with their own specialty. She removed her lens and activated her Mingobun, and then it turned into a Mangekyo Sharingan that she got from her past opponent. She did a series of hand signs while behind the tree and a sudden gush of wind blew in the mist ninja’s way, making the blink several times and step backward. Loren jumped in front of them. Of course, the ninjas were startled to see a leaf ninja, and they all automatically stare at her weird eyes, and before they could look away, it was too late. They were already trapped on her Genjutsu that enables them to witness their own death several times. The three stumbled for losing consciousness.

Loren deactivated her Kekkai Genkai and searches for their scroll, she found a heaven scroll. She cast the jutsus that she used on the others. When she finished, she noticed that it’s pass lunch already so she decided to run back at her teammates at full speed.

Loren’s POV

“Hey Suigetsu!” I greeted as I skidded to a halt. He jumps back and immediately had a fighting stance.

“What the-! Oh! It’s just you” he said as he lowered his guard and breathed a sigh.

“Uh-huh! Hey! Did you already eat lunch? ‘Cause boy I am hungry!” I chirped and eyed the newly roasted fishes. I picked one and bit it.

“Mmm! Yum” I mumbled.

“So. Did you get any scroll?” he asked when he sat in front of me.

“Uh-huh, I do” I said as I threw my pouch full of scrolls which he easily caught. He opened it and his eyes widen. He shifted his stare between me and the pouch.

“You have five!? How did you get all of this!?” he exclaimed, facing me with wide eyes.

“Quiet down will yah! Subtract the one from us and from the rain ninjas yesterday, so I got three” I scolded that eventually died down as I took a bite of my food.

He lowered his gaze then back at me again.

“You took down three groups!?” he half shouted.

“Yes. Is it truly that unbelievable?” I asked, my head tilted in the side as cutely as possible.

‘Wait. I do I really look like a fragile and helpless girl?’ I thought.

Suigetsu blinked when realization comes down to him. He shook his head from side to side slowly as smirked slowly found its way to his lips.

He threw the pouch to me before speaking. “It’s a good thing you’re on our side. Whew!” I giggled.

After we ate, I told him pack our things while I do the same. He piggy back rides Karin and tied her on a strip of cloths, just like from yesterday. I heightened my senses to find the tower and to my luck, it is exactly 20 km, to our Northwest. So I decided to teleport us in there instead of running, or Karin’s condition might worsen. Even though my body will take its toll on what I am about to do, but I promise to look after them and-...

‘I’m becoming soft’ I mentally snapped. I squeezed my hands to my sides as I stable my breathing to calm myself.

‘This is no time to be worrying about that matter!’

“Hey Suigetsu” I called his attention.

“The tower is in 20 km, northwest. I’m going to teleport us there as to not worsen Karin’s condition” I explained.

“Haaaa!? Wouldn’t you suffer the after effect then?” he said with concern in his eyes.

I slightly smiled at him. I think they are worth it. Me getting soft to them.

‘I wonder why are they consider as S-ranked criminals if they act like this?’ I wondered.

“Hey, are you really an ex-S-ranked criminals? ‘Cause to me you act like none” I playfully taunted with right eyebrow arched upward.

“Wha-!? What are you saying! I am an S-ranked ninja! So I don’t know what you’re saying! Hmph!” he defended with a slight blush. He didn’t look at me in the eyes so I got curious that I used my ‘Ishindenshin’. That’s my unknown Kekkai Genkai that can read minds and communicate telepathically. And yes, I personally named it.

I concentrated and immediately got access to his mind.

“Did I really lose my criminalish vibe that I always emit? Konoha is really scary! They can really change a person huh” Suigetsu thought.

I cancelled my Ishindenshin. I stare at the ground while thinking about what Suigetsu thought.

‘…Konoha is really scary. I could even feel myself changing’

I sighed before erasing my uncomfortable look that I had. I face Suigetsu and said, “Don’t worry, a little rest is all I’ll need! Then I’ll be fine! Besides, I promised to look after you guys” I grab his wrist and concentrated my untraceable chakra to prepare. He didn’t ague anymore so I prepared my right foot to step forward, bout before it landed in the ground, we teleported.

We landed in the front door of the tower. I let Suigetsu’s wrist go when I felt my knees became jelly like, my breathing heavier, my heart rate dramatically increases, my vision is blurry, and I feel like vomiting. AGAIN.

“Uugh” I grunted as I hold my footing.

Suigetsu grabs my right upper arm when ‘m about to stumble.

“…thanks…*gasp*…let’s go” I said between wheezes.

“Yah sure you’re alright?” he asked.

“Uh-huh” I reassured, even though I looks like not.

A Chounin came and greeted us, he lead us to an empty and door room. It’s quite dark so we can’t see inside clearly.

“I think we’re supposed to open the scrolls in here?” Suigetsu offered hesitantly.

“I suppose” I shrugged. I took a heaven and earth scrolls from my pouch. I held their ends between my index finger and thumb. I flapped them at the same time and let them roll open. I frowned as I immediately recognize the inscriptions, so I immediately threw them at the floor. A puff of smoke appeared and it reveals the oh-so familiar gray gravity defying haired Jounin.

“Kakashi-sensei!” I chirped.

“Hey guys! You passed! Very good!” he said with a close eye smile while waving his left hand in the air lazily.

“Yup! Sure we did!” Suigetsu cockily said.

“Hahahaha…and congratulations for being the first group that pass the second exam” he informed that made me internally squealed in joy.

“We’re the first!? Like. Seriously!?” I squealed.


“Great! Hehehehe!” I giggled.

“Hmm? What happened to Karin?” he asked.

I gasped, “Right! Kakashi-sensei! You see. Karin got herself poison by a deadly plant. Fortunately for us I know what to do, so Suigetsu and I got the poison out of her blood and got her safe. Now she is just sleeping as the after effect of the poison and the surgery that we performed on her and…” I lowered my head as I felt my eyes slightly became red, from guilt.

“…..I’m sorry” I finally mumbled.

I felt Kakashi walked towards us but I didn’t lift up my head, until I felt a warm gloved hand pats my head.

“Why are you apologizing?” he asked.

“Because I promised to you that I’ll take care of them but I failed you” I mumbled.

“Hm? Suigetsu, did she really fail you?” he asked, facing the said boy.

“Heck no! actually, she did all the hard stuff for us and she made sure to take care of us!” he said with a wide grin on his face.

“You see? So don’t apologise to me, okay?” he said while patting my head gently.

I nodded slowly “Oh, and if you may, can you get Karin to a medic nin? She still need to be checked and recover”

“Even if you didn’t tell me, I’ll still will” he responded.

“Thanks” I mumbled before passing out.

Kakashi’s POV

“Thanks” she mumbles before her body gave out. I immediately grab her, only to discover that she passed out.

I faced Suigetsu, who also had a worried look, with a confuse look and asked, “Why did she passed out?”

“As I told you, she did all the hard work while I guard Karin” he answered and mumbled the last part.

I raised my expose eyebrow before carrying Loren. Unfortunately, her pouch is still open so the stuff inside rolled out.

“Huh? Three more scrolls? 1 burnt heaven, 1 earth, and another heaven” I mumbled as I picked them up one by one and confront Suigetsu.

“Did you get all of this?” I asked.

He scoffed, “Hah! SHE got them” he said and my eyes widen.

“What? SHE got them?” I repeated if what I heard is right.

“Uh-huh, I told you. She did the hard work” he said.

I got up and stared at her in my arms then at him.

“A little story would do me good” I mumbled at him.

He shrugged, “Okay, but first let’s get them to clinic”

We proceed to the clinic and laid them at the bed. When the medic was informed by me that Karin got poisoned he immediately assessed her, only to immediately come back to us and tell us that the poison had already gotten out and Karin only need to rest. Likewise with Loren.

“So, the first scroll is when we were attack by rain nins. They formed this ice dome that I couldn’t break, but her lightning jutsu did the trick, and we got the heaven scroll from them. When she finished, we learned that Karin was wounded by this weird plant, which Loren said is poisonous. She told us that there’s no medicine in the forest and she had none, after that she told us that there’s a river 29 km from our spot, and I thought that it will be too late by the time we’ll got there, but she reassured me and teleported us 25 km from our previous spot, so yeah, we run for a couple of minutes before we reached the river. She extracted the poison from Karin manually with this amazing Jutsu or should I say Kekkai Genkai. Then when we finished she passed out due to exhaustion. She woke up that evening and she told to have my own rest, I’m gonna skip that part. So when I woke up, there was already breakfast. While we were eating she told me her plan that I am to guard Karin while she’ll collect a scroll. At first I disagreed but agreed in the end. So she went out to collect and came back after lunch with three more scrolls from the three more groups. So yeah, she found out that the tower is still 20 km away but she still teleported us anyways and now we’re here” Suigetsu informed. I blinked my slightly widened eye.

‘She did all of that!? That’s unbelievable! That must have taken a lot of stamina, except that if you have the same stamina of Naruto. And that must have taken a lot of chakra unless you have a huge amount of chakra like the tailed beasts!’ I thought.

“Look. I know that it’s unbelievable, but if you’re in there? Hah! Then you’ll believe me!” Suigetsu finished.

I stared at Loren, wondering who she really is.

I already had a talk to Lady Tsunade about this and she reassured me that there is nothing to worry about. Now I became more curious. But I shouldn’t be sticking my nose into this or else I might get involve into something.

There! Chapter 14!! I hope you enjoyed it!!

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