The One Destined For Me || Mo...

By nana_academia1002

80K 2.6K 3K

(COMPLETE! ✔) 💚 Monoma X Fem!Izuku ( FIRST MONOMA X FEM!IZUKU FANFIC ON WATTPAD ) { Adult!AU } ___________... More

•°• Author Note •°•
•°• Prologue •°•
•°• Chapter 02 •°•
•°• Chapter 03 •°•
•°• Chapter 04 •°•
•°• Chapter 05 •°•
•°• Chapter 06 •°•
•°• Chapter 07 •°•
•°• Chapter 08 •°•
•°• Chapter 09 •°•
•°• Chapter 10 •°•
•°• Chapter 11 •°•
•°• Chapter 12 •°•
•°• Chapter 13 •°•
•°• Chapter 14 •°•
•°• Chapter 15 •°•
•°• Chapter 16 •°•
•°• Chapter 17 •°•
•°• Chapter 18 •°•
•°• Chapter 19 •°•
•°• Chapter 20 •°•
•°• Epilogue •°•

•°• Chapter 01 •°•

5.6K 187 229
By nana_academia1002

Midoriya's residence,

Third Person's POV

"Well... Care to explain your current situation, Mom, All Might?" Izuku asked in seriousness, arms crossing on her chest. Toshinori -- All Might -- hung his head low, not daring to make eye contact with his disciple. Inko was on the verge of tears. Her daughter's reaction really hurt her.

Seeing the two in such anxiousness, Izuku started to panic. "Mom, All Might, I'm not mad! I just want an explanation from the both of you!" She clarified, hoping this would ease up their worry. Inko quickly lifted her head up, tears flooding her green eyes. "Y-you are not mad, Izu?" She asked the younger woman.

Izuku smiled softly at her dearest mother and nodded her head. "I just want to know since when you both are dating, not asking you to break up with All Might." Her voice was mellow and gentle.

"And I'm just shook up to find out my mother is dating my teacher--" Izuku snorted when she recalled the moment she let out a high-pitched scream, too shocked to see All Might holding her mother dearly close to his body like a gentleman.

Toshinori built up his courage, slowly raising his head to look at the heroine who climbed in the top ten hero ranking. "Young Izuku..." He paused there, turning to Inko.

Inko nodded her head lightly and intertwined her fingers. "We have been dating since two years ago. You know... Since I met Toshi during the dinner you arranged for the three of us to celebrate your promotion." She said sweetly, locking her arm with Toshinori's. The blonde man's face brightened up with red shades. He just sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

Izuku facepalmed.

'They hid their relationship from me for two years straight?! Oh my God.. Mom is really awesome! And All Might too.. He never shows any weird sign... As expected of the most secretive hero. He IS a former Symbol of Peace with many secrets and mysteries after all.' She sweated bullets.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Izuku asked, still feeling dissastisfied since she was left behind by two people she treasured the most. She pretended to sulk, looking away from them. As expected, both of them began panicking.

"I-I-Izu, we never meant to do that! We were planning to tell you later in the future!" Inko said, trying to comfort her daughter.

"I-Inko is right, Young Izuku! We just don't want to distract you from your job, that's all! And we still can't find the right time to tell you about us!" Toshinori added, afraid he had hurt his disciple's feelings.

Izuku chuckled in amusement. She turned to the two adults, a smile spread on her face. She was shocked to find the two bawling. "Mom, All Might! It is fine, really! I'm just joking!" She assured, panicking too.

The couple sat down again, sighing in relief. "I'm happy you two are together..." Suddenly, her voice was lowered before she looked down to the floor. "While here I am, still single and pringle.. " She uttered in total devastation, a painful smile cracked on her face.


A few weeks later,
Izuku's agency,

Midoriya's POV

And that... Is the story. Mom and All Might are happily dating now. They didn't keep any secret from me too which I was happy about. All Might constantly came to our apartment and stayed over there. They were planning to get married in the end of the year... In December

It is Jun currently. Six months left!

Uwaa, I feel nervous for both my mother and mentor!

I can't imagine adressing All Might as... Father. It will take time to get used to this-

"Deku-san! Deku-san!" My sidekick called me out panickally, snapping me back into reality. I lifted my head up from the documents I was reading. There stood my one and only sidekick, panting heavily.

"Kagami, what is the matter?" I asked the new hero in confusion, patiently waiting for him to speak up again. He raised his head up, sweats trickled down the side of his face. "There is an emergency! A citizen just informed me that a S-Class villain was spotted in a local neighbourhood! Not far from here!" He reported immediately.

Hearing this, I started to get serious real quick. "Who is it? Have you investigated?" I asked briefly. "Yes, he is Nightmare, the infamous serial killer." Kagami gulped down his saliva when he uttered that. I was shocked at the information he told me.

"Kagami, you stay here. Leave this matter to me." I understood his feelings very well so I decided not to let him come along with me.

Kagami was startled. "But, De-Deku-san-"

I immediately ruffled his brown lock, grinning at my sidekick widely. "You are my precious sidekick. I know you have faced that villain before. So this time, I will make sure to throw him into the prison in your stead!" I assured.

Kagami was at loss of words. He clenched his jaw and nodded his head. The 19 year-old hero looked up to me with strong-willed determination. "Please stay safe, Deku-san!" He reminded.

"I will! I won't disappoint you!" I smacked his shoulder lightly and then left my agency...


Somewhere else,
Neighbourhood area...

Third Person's POV

Izuku carefully walked around the neighbourhood, looking for the house Kagami talked about just now. She forgot to ask him and she regretted it. How careless she was!

Her gaze suddenly fell on a house with broken entrance gate. Izuku immediately suspected something bad was happening there. Preparing herself on guard, she jogged toward the house.

'Nightmare is a sly and sneaky villain. I have to use my brain to attack him!' Izuku thought, her heart beating faster from time to time.

Just right after she stepped into the lawn, a scream was heard,


Hearing the victim pleading enraged Izuku. Nightmare had done it again. She had to be quick and saved them!

Kicking open the door, Izuku used Full Cowl and rushed into one of the room where she thought the victim and their assailant were-- the bedroom.

The heroine broke the door of the bedroom, revealing a young girl -- perhaps still a middle schooler -- shivering in the corner of the room. Izuku gritted her teeth in anger. She quickly went to the girl and kneeled in front of her.

"It's alright now, young one. I'm here to save you!" She said reassuringly. The said girl rose her head up, staring into her eyes deeply. Her dead irises suddenly turned normal back. "De-Deku?" She uttered in disbelief.

"You are right!" Izuku grinned at the girl, her eyes shut close. Deep chuckles ringing in the room alerted the pro hero. She pulled the young girl close to her body, hugging her protectively.

"It is the end, villain. You can't escape from me anymore! Show yourself!" Izuku provoked, trying to get himself out of his hiding spot. His dark chuckles echoed again.

"Look at you, so confident in yourself..." He said huskily before appearing in front of Izuku out of nowhere. Slowly, she lifted her head up, her eyes met a pair of red blood eyes.

"Deku, don't look into his eyes-"

Too late, Izuku was caught in his trap. The dark -haired villain chuckled heartily when Izuku's eyes turned dark green, lifeless. She was in the world of his Quirk eventually.

Yoru Nagasaki, villain name, Nightmare. Quirk, Nightmare. His Quirk allows him to show the nightmare his victim fears the most and thus, traumatizes them. His Quirk is activated if he locks eyes with his victim. The only way to break out of his Quirk is to look into someone else's eyes.

"I got you, pro hero Deku..." He said proudly, walking closer to the heroine and his other victim. The girl backed down in fear, staring at the hero and the villain. 'I need to get out of here and ask for help!'

With that, the girl stood up panickally and ran out of the room. Yoru just glanced at her nonchalantly. Like he cared about a random middle-high schooler. Now that he got one of the infamous pro hero, he felt pleased and proud of himself. So easily fell into the enemy's trap.

Yoru placed two fingers under her chin, looking deeply into her hollow eyes. "You are so pretty... I feel bad to murder you here and now... Why don't I keep you as my pet for a while, hm?" He said to himself, his thumb brushing her smooth freckled cheek.

Izuku was lost. Her mind wandered somewhere else. "Let me show you how terrifying my Quirk can be, pro hero.. " His eyes suddenly flashed bright red, signalling he had completely activated his Quirk.

Izuku's fingers twitched, as a vision of her most terrifying nightmare flashed before her eyes.Her lips quivered, and a loud scream echoed in the room.

"No, stop! Stop please!" She begged, tears streaming down her face. Her face gradually turned pale.

"That is the finest scream I have ever heard! Come on, scream more for me! Let me hear more!" Yoru smiled crazily at the struggling heroine.

All of a sudden, the villain felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He turned to his behind, and a gasp left his mouth. A blonde-haired man wearing formal attire looked straight in his eyes deeply, baby blue pupils flashing brightly.

"Now, why don't we end this quick...?"

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