The Bright Side (Male sunflo...

By Thescout234

47.4K 634 227

"Life won't always go your way, but hey, all you need to do is look on the bright side!" -(Y/N) PvZ crossover... More

So im back i guess? (A/N)
Your clothing Looks
A strange beginning
A new world
Starting over.
Exploring Beach City
Story update
Moving stories (Not a chapter)
Decision made
A New Home
Reforming and saving
An Old Friend
Sector 347B
Hiding Something
True Nature
Better or not?
Come Back
The Plan
Final Battle
The Future!
Author Note - Story's Future and Roadmap
Your Sunlight (Story Writing Demo)

The "Date"

1.2K 24 14
By Thescout234

Y/N's pov.

Ever since Spinel went with Steven, saying she'll learn how to create marshmallows, I've been at our
home wondering how long it would take until she was finished. I was just walking back and forth, waiting for marshmallows to arrive until I heard the door open. I look and see Spinel walking in, her shoes still making squeaky noises while walking.

Spinel: I'm back! So remember when I asked if you wanted to go on a date?
Y/N: Yeah, why?
Spinel: You wanna do it now?
Y/N: Uh, sure, why not? I don't have anything else to do!
Spinel: Great!

Spinel then coiled her arm around mine and began to drag me to the warp pad outside.

Y/N: Where exactly are we going?
Spinel: Well, Steven helped me make a plan for it, so just follow me!
Y/N: Alright!

Before we could move much, I noticed that her top shirt was no longer dark red, but was more pink, her boots didn't look as pointy, and her black tear marks on her face looked smaller and much less noticeable. Her ponytails still looked heart shaped, guess she decided to keep that style for now.

Y/N: Hey, Spinel, what's with the new look?

Spinel looked at herself and just shrugged.

Spinel: I guess some changes?
Y/N: Oh! Okay then!

Spinel only smiled and began to drag me to the warp pad.

3rd pov

Once you were both on the warp pad, you two warped into Steven's house, and once again began to be dragged by Spinel until you went downstairs and through the living room where Steven and the crystal gems were. Steven took notice, and so did the gems.

Steven: Where ya going guys?
Spinel: On a date.
Amethyst: Ew, Gross.

Pearl immediately covered her mouth.

Pearl: What she meant to say is she's happy to know!
Steven: Have fun you two!
Spinel / Y/N: Bye!!

The two of you then went past the door and left. Steven then turned to them and gave off a smile.

Steven: Alright, lets see how this goes and make sure to have them get the best day they can have, alright?
Pearl: Well, wouldn't hurt to check on how they do.
Amethyst: This is gonna be a long day, but sure.

Garnet only gave a huge grin whilst giving a thumbs up.

Steven: Alright, let the mission begin!!

The four then left and began to follow you and Spinel, making sure nothing went wrong. For you, Spinel kept leading you around the city, going different paths while looking at what looks like a map.

Y/N: So, where are we headed to?
Spinel: Well, I wanted to try and show you this place Steven told me about and- Oh! Here we are!

You looked and saw a store which said "Candy Kingdom".

Spinel: Follow me, you'll love this place!!
Y/N: Uh, alright!

Spinel grabbed your hand and brought you in, once inside, you saw so much candy inside, and easily spottable, you saw an aisle full of marshmallows.

Y/N: By the Diamonds!! This place is amazing.
Spinel: Glad you like it!
Y/N: I love it!

You then went up and grabbed a bag of marshmallows, only to remember what happened last time and hesitantly put them back. Spinel saw this and came up to you, with a few dollars in her hand.

Spinel: Don't worry! Steven gave me some of this, so you can grab, from what it looks like, I think you can get at least two bags!

You smiled and grabbed two, Spinel then led you to the counter and placed the bag on it. The person behind it scanned them and gave them back to you.

Cashier: That'll be 2.99

Spinel gave them the money, and after collecting them, the cashier gave back 33 cents.

Cashier: Have a wonderful day.

Spinel looked at the cents.

Spinel: What do I do with this? Steven never told me about this.
Y/N: Probably souvenirs?
Spinel: Probably, now follow me, we have so much to do!

Spinel led you outside again, dragging you to the next destination, meanwhile, in the back of the store, some figures in coats were spying on you and Spinel.

Steven: This is agent Steven, reporting good news about the code word D-A-T-E!
Pearl: Steven, I don't think we need these clothes.
Steven: But they would've seen us!
Pearl: Steven, they've been here for a minute and a half and Y/N Was looking at marshmallows half the time, I'm pretty sure we were fine.
Steven: Look, we'll discuss these disguises later, but for now, onward!

The four then leave to follow you and Spinel. After some walking, again, Spinel finally stopped in front the arcade, a place the two of you would play a lot in, but too long considering you didn't really have money and had to resort to finding coins on the ground to try and play.

Spinel: I thought this would be good to be here since we have so much fun here. I also saved enough coins for a few games!!

Spinel the put her hand out, revealing 7 coins. Steven, from afar noticed and frowned.

Steven: What?! They won't experience the most out of the arcade with just seven coins!
Pearl: I'm sure it's fine, a few games will feel like a lot to them.
Amethyst: Yeah, they already do have fun as well.
Steven: Well, glad I was prepared.

Steven then opened his jacket, revealing pockets full of coins. With you and Spinel, you were currently playing the game called "skee ball" as Steven called it, you and Spinel were having fun, until you accidentally threw it too hard and caused it to bounce back from the frame and hit you in the stomach again.

Y/N: Ow!!
Spinel: Y/N! Are you alright?!

Spinel helped you back up while you you tried to regain your composure.

Y/N: Yep! Just a little pain, let's continue!
Spinel: A-alright.

Spinel grabbed a coin and inserted into the slot, only to realize she had none.

Spinel: Welp, that's all of them, let's go check out the final part of this date. Shame, I really thought we could have more fun here.

You looked around to see if there were any more coins lying around. Weirdly though, there was some more coins that were on the game next to you, a lot in fact.

Y/N: What about these coins?
Spinel: What?

Spinel looked to see you grab the many coins lying together.

Spinel: Hm, strange, I don't remember seeing those there before...
Y/N: Who cares! More fun for us both, Bestie!!

You then wrapped an arm around Spinel while putting in some coins to start up the game again. Spinel felt more happy and blushed again from your little hug, but soon put on a competitive face.

Spinel: Ready to be beat?!
Y/N: You wish!!

And for the rest of the afternoon, you played in the arcade for the rest of the afternoon, from skee ball, to the racing games, you both had so much fun. Spinel throughout the time, always kept looking at you when you weren't looking. Someone who never left her, no matter what,  Spinel felt content, being loved, not being abandoned. Her thoughts were interrupted when you grabbed the last two coins and led her to the game you both tried to play long ago when her memory was still gone....Meat Beat Mania...

Y/N: Alright! This game should be fun!
Spinel: Seems neat! Let's try it!!

Before they could do anything though, something flew past you and Spinel, destroying the game. The projectile looked like a gauntlet, but it was probably something else. The machine was broken again, but the object that was thrown was gone.

Man: Again?! What is it with you two and destroying this game!?

You saw the man, angrily walking to you and Spinel again.

Y/N: I think we're done for today.
Spinel: Yeah.
Y/N: Run.

You both scrambled and ran away leaving the man with the once again, ruined game.

Man: Why is this game always getting destroyed?

You and Spinel kept running until it was almost night, where you ended up near Steven's house. You reached half way before the two of you decided to sit down on a rock on the side of the hill, you looked at each other, then began to laugh hysterically.

Y/N: Hahahahaha!! That was AWESOME!
Spinel: You said it! Hahahahaha!!

You kept on laughing, but soon, it began die down, and the two of you finally calmed down. Spinel then looked at you while you were trying to calm down from the laugh.

Spinel: I've had a great time Y/N.
Y/N: Hehe, me too, Spinel. We should do this "date" more often!

Spinel smiled from that.

Spinel: Yeah, we should... hey Y/N?
Y/N: Hm?
Spinel: I need to tell you something, why I did all of this.
Y/N: Well, uh, sure, why did you?
Spinel: You see, there was this feeling that I've had ever since I lost my memory from when I was still kinda mad at Steven and the rest of the crystal gems.
Y/N: What was it?
Spinel: Well at first, I didn't know, it's just that whenever you held my hand or something like that, I would feel hot and I would always blush around you. I never knew what they meant, even those feelings I would get when you called me "bestie" or "best friend", which hurt.

You immediately grew concerned.

Y/N: What do you mean? Do you not want to be best friends anymore?

Spinel then grew shocked.

Spinel: What?! No no no no! Well, kinda, but in a good way, let me explain. You see these feelings I didn't know what exactly they meant, but after Steven along with Pearl and Garnet, told me what they meant, it became clear I fell in love with you.
Y/N: Fell in love?
Spinel: Do you know what it means?
Y/N: I mean, it's when you like those you want to protect a lot, those you consider friends and family, right?
Spinel: But what about romantically?
Y/N: Well, this is a new concept, I'm not really sure.

Spinel then had to explain to you about what it meant, and in the end, you just nodded.

Y/N: Huh, well, you learn something new everyday. So this type of love, you have it for me?
Spinel: Yes, I've had it for a while.
Y/N: Well, if I'm being honest, I have had these emotions before.
Spinel: Wait, y-you did?
Y/N: Mainly just the blushing and and feeling hot, mainly on my face.
Spinel: So...
Y/N: What I'm trying to say is, I do have these feelings for you as well, I just thought of these as nothing until you talked about them now.
Spinel: Really!?
Y/N: Yeah, I guess I fell in love with you as well.
Spinel: Well, that's some good news.
Y/N: So what happens now? We're not best friends anymore?
Spinel: Well from what Steven says, we're more than that now.
Y/N: So what do I refer to you as? Bestest friend? Ultimate friend?
Spinel: We'll need to ask Steven about that later, but I'm glad you feel the same for me.
Y/N: Yeah, and I'm glad I got to fall in love with you.
Spinel: Yeah, but just before we become more than best friends, I need you to tell me something.
Y/N: What is it?
Spinel: Well, you see..... ever since Pink left me in the garden alone, I felt betrayed, heartbroken. But with you on my side, you always tried to cheer me up, even if I didn't cheer up, and I'm glad I have you, but it's just....

Spinel began to tear up.

Spinel: I feel that one day, you'll be just like Pink, and when you've had your fun, you'll just leave me alone...
Y/N: Spinel...
Spinel: I just want to know if you'll stay by my side like you always say....I don't want to love again, just to be thrown away for a second time-

You hugged her and began to try and soothe her.

Y/N: I'm not like Pink, she may have abandoned you, but I won't, we've been inseparable for thousands of years, and I'll make sure I'll stay by your side for another thousands more, maybe more than that. I promise, that I won't have let you feel heartbroken, betrayed, or be some toy.... not again.
Spinel: Y/N...

Spinel could only choke out your name before tightly holding onto you more.

Spinel: Thank you... I'm glad I can always count on ya and know that you'll be by my side.
Y/N: And I'm glad I can help cheer you up.

The two of you looked at each other and began to close the distance.

Spinel: I'm glad I met you...
Y/N: I'm glad I met you too...

Your faces got closer until on instinct, they finally connected, finally kissing, though it was short as you both immediately separated.

Spinel: That was...good...
Y/N: That's new. What was that?
Spinel: Steven can help explain that, but it's just a way of showing affection to those you fall in love with.
Y/N: Huh, well, whatever we did, it felt pretty good.
Spinel: Well, one more wouldn't hurt, right?...
Y/N: Yeah...

You both began to close in again, finally connecting and kissing again, only this time, the two of you began to glow, and began to fuse, although it was clearly thrown off from the sound of pound in the ground. You both stopped immediately, stopping the fusion and looking to see Amethyst on the ground next to a big rock, who looked at you in return.

Amethyst: Sup.
Pearl: Amethyst!

Pearl came from behind the rock and began to scold Amethyst.

Pearl: You shouldn't have done that, now they know we're here!
Steven: Uh, well this didn't go as planned.

The crystal gems came out from hiding, causing a surprised look to form on your face, with a shocked on Spinel.

Spinel: You were watching us!? How long have you been-
Amethyst: The whole day.
Pearl: Amethyst!!
Amethyst: What? It's out of the bag now.
Steven: Sorry, we just wanted to see what would happen, sorry.
Spinel: It's alright, just don't do that again.
Steven: Noted. Well, since this done now, you guys want to go back home? I'm tired and we need to be ready for tomorrow to go find more corrupted gems.
Y/N: Might as well.

The crystal gems then walked past you, walking back to Steven's house. And whilst walking, Garnet lightly kicked Amethyst, while still adding a bit of force.

Amethyst: Ow! What was that for?
Garnet: You ruined their moment, plus, I wanted to see their fusion.
Amethyst: Well sorry.

Meanwhile, You and Spinel got up and you offered your hand to Spinel.

Y/N: Shall we?
Spinel: We shall.

Spinel happily took your hand and the two of you followed Steven and the rest back, going home. While walking back, you could only think.

Y/N: 'I'm glad I met you Spinel, I promise to never abandon you, I promise.'

And from there, ended the day, life was good, lets just it keeps that way, but in the end, only time will tell...

In the distance, the same figure watched everything, following from a distance and watching you walk back home with Spinel, hand in hand.

???: You know, this really makes me boil with anger, but I guess it can't be helped, just you wait, we'll meet soon enough Y/N, and when we do, I'll convince you to go back to your true nature....

It's only a matter of time....hehehe.......


I'm still alive, yay!

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